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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mtthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '^'sam, t^jsr msd ■ i^l&'SM^miKSSkVL^^^ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TIST CHART (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 2) ^ APPLIED IIVUGE 1655 East Mom 51 eet Rochester, Ne* To 14609 USA (716) «a2 - 0300 - Pho ne (''6) 288 - 59S9 - re f'^w-^r^'^ THE ACUTE ABDOMEN ].',„. i._Stniiigiiliitioii (if Intestine by Fibrous linnil (1; : 37!», St. Thomas Hospital Museum. THE ACUTE ABDOMEN WILLIAM HENRY BATTLE, Senior Surgeon li> Si. Thnma^\ Hospital- i'oiiihrly Jt'iiil Leitiiiir oi Syitiiii.itw .S'//):.v) i. ,(«,(' fi; riti.tu,il Sii>::ii\ /.) .S7, 7Vi,im.(j's Ilispltill , Siin.;;'!! /,- til, h'-' I'n; Ilvsf'iliil: Assiitjut Surgeon !•> the luist /..•/(./■•/i fl^-./' loi Chriiii't ; Hiiiiteniiii Pr.fesior, Koyal C-'lUi;, t^f Siin;eoiis : Ouili t.< tli,- MrJicit Sucnly i:f London, etc. : Joii .Intlior ^:.-ilk Mi Conhi \ of tiic Siii^ e.i! iJiseascs of the \'ennifoiiii .{/•(•eiidn lIiiJ then Coiiir:u\ilii'iii i -'»tc(l some iiKiiitli- a^io. I wa-^ rci|in -tcil hy th<* |)iil»li>^lu IS to write a s ml tili'inii. with mkIi alterations anil aililitions as nii^ht secin advisable. 'I'lu- eotitiiiiieil aiUanci- of oiir kiiowleiljic of the aente eoiiditions wliieli may arise iu the alxloim n has necessitat'd an increase in size of the volume. wliiUt it lias appeared desirable to a Id the accounts of many ea^c> an I illu-iratioiis with the view of more thoroughly elucidat iiisi the subject. So many acute ab 'ominal diseases have prosed curable by oprrat'on. w hiii it !■• performed early, that I hope my rea lers will not consider the >ubject unduly ma<;nitied consider'n^ its impoi'tance in modern practice. 'I'he treatment of ,he acute ab;!omi 'i (includini: of lesions the result of traumatism) demands an ai |uaintancc with the .^urjiical part of the subject which eainiot always be obtained in text books on sur>.ery. In addition, it may be added that in ord' '■ to l)f of uencral application the described should bi- as siiuple as po>sible. so thai no practitioner need t -ar to make an attempt * i save a threatened life l)ccause he his no^ >ome particuhir clamp. l)o))bin or brand of catgut in hi^. possession. Silk is still recommended, because it is stron<^ an I can lie 'rusted. .Moreover, ii is easily >tei'ilised by boiling, even in a cottage. Tile principal additions to the ])resent volume, wliicli is divided into sections, are t >se on the planning of ab lominal incisions and injuries to ihe abdomen, external ami internal, iiuUuling most of the subject-nii ter of the Oration given Ix'fore the Medical Society of London in !(tlu. There is a special section on the after effects of ab. lominal injuries. An endi'avour has been made to iliffercntiate clinically some \ I I'UKF.v »•: nl I lit- sariftu- ot piritiinitH (It'iMndcnt im i!if Ihrr.' arc Mctioii- .>ii |MHnratii)i»> *' tulxn iiliiii> iihi-ratioii ul tlir ml -till'' . |M iforatitms ot (livfrticulu nt tin- larKr Ituwcl ; iiitia|>!iit(iM(iil al»-ii>sc« cnmcali'il ahscissr^ : sijrmoitlitiH ; miporiaiil «liaiiu<-' cniiiiilitatiiin tiimoinN .it flu utcr'i- and tiimniir^ nt llif nvaiio : and toryion of the onu iituiii. In I'art \ II. an accnunt i- ):ivtn ot divtrticuluni ot tin- ( v>lit duct ot conjicnital origin. Since I commenced my la>k a hook lias a|i|>rar.;l hy my ••olH'a«Uf!<. Messrs. .\dam> ami ('a^sjdy. whicli cover- the •;•... le field to a jireat extt-nt. It is an excellent one. and will meet with a wide accept anec .\> this hook is written from a dilTereiit standpoint. I hop.' it will alM. prove u-et'ul and inllil a want. The -uhjeet nnitter has heen mostly jiiveii in the form ot lectures to studt nts. and the personal form of address ha- heen retained, as it seems to present advantajjcn from the teaching? point of view , With the approval of my colleague. Dr. Hector .Macken/ie. the plan of placing a mark -X" when the |»atient was admitted into St. 'rhoma>s H(»spital undc his care has heen adopted in order to economise space and prevent repetition. It is hardly possihie to speak too highly of the help which he has atTorded during tin- years that we have heen colleagues, hut the reader of the following |)ages will he ahle to appreciate some of the delit whicl; I owe him. and will understand that 1 am not ungrateful. I have much pleasure in aeknowletance which Dr. John Harold has given me m passing the Ixuik through the press. Mr. Stewart R( U(iuette has heen very lu'lpful in tlu' preparation of some of the subjeet-nuitter and statistics, whilst I am indented to him (and to Mr. W. K. Bigger) for some photograj)hs. .Most of the illustrations have heen made for this edition by Mr. Sewell, whose excellent work is in such reipicst by medical authors. William Hknry B.\ttlk. ll.^l'.I.KY StKKET, London. W. September. 1914. (ONTKNJ'S I'UI.IAri; . INTHoDUcnnX, Tilt. I'l.AN.VINi; l |n\.s |!K(i..Uhl\(i AN-r.-'IIIK.-IA V I II 1^ \'\,<: I. Is.riHIK-' ul im; AlllMiMiA'. A. Wiiitcii r i;vi!.i.\( K Ul lit film; oi- Ahim.minu, <'<'\ I i;n I » . I!. Tiioi^K i\ nifii ir iiri;i;i: i« I.vii.k.m k mi Imkuvai. Iv.M in ........ "^ri'KHIK |\| 1'kSKTI! Vll\l)Kl; ANI> HlI.KI)l ( TS I'lrK .■^PI.KF.V .... TlfK KinvKY .... TjtE UrIVART Hr.ADDEH . Thk Apter-Effects of Addomivai, In- l:i i:t I.-. . :u :j8 .-)() r>2 . .-.4 «» ^ r,H . . (ii • Til jrRiK.« 74 Vlll CONTENTS I'AKT II. I'KltlTnNllIS Willi SpKcrAI- KKFF.ItKVCE To IHK VAEtlKlIO IlKPKVDKS I (IV THE KVTKAM K OF (JkRMS nv TITK Hl.uoK Stiikam : PSKIMOCUCCXI.. StrkPTOcoccAL. Ti HKIiCl I.OIS Tin: IS'FH F,\>rn-iiiAi>ni;A(;.MATic .Vuscess Peuiskimoiiutks in < hii.dkex «' I.JO 141 147 147 PART III. PATiroLOcicAi, Peufokations of tiff I»1(;e.I.E ri.CER OF TKE .'^ToMACir. Dfo OEM.M and jKJFSrM ...... Pekfouations iirKi\(i tite Cofhse of 'J'vpiroiD Fevei: Perforations of 'rrnKR( ri,or.< I'lcers . Perforations of Divertuii.a of the Large Uowei. Perforation's of Stercorai, I'lcers lo2 179 186 188 189 PART IV. ACITE ('FlToNS HAVING THEIR ORIGIN IN THE FeM VI.E (iENERATIVE ORGANS : Salpingitis, Pyo-salpinx, Kxtra-uterine Gestation . 196 M'm cox TEN 'IS IX ' ^ '' ' I \ . continued. I'AliT V. SOMK or ,„K K.V,:. ,;,v,s,:s .„ nr.-: A. r,,: A„,„.mkv Ami: H.i;MuiiuirA.M( I'lNCitKAinis AcriK l)ii.ATATi,>N ..I iiri; Sn,MA< if Kmhomsm avi. T,r,:,.M,.,.,s .„.• Mkskn r.;,;,. . Ar.iK (•.ru,,,:,v.,,i,s AVI, Pkimuha, „,vs .,f ,„k(;vi.- Bi.Ai>i>i;i: AMI l!ii 1.-1,1 , I, TouMux „. ni. ..MKMTM AM. ,.„,.:,: Aiu.nMiSAi. Snnc. ■ 214 . L'20 . 224 rum: II..:M,.K,nrAM: n:,,M .,as,„.- am, |)ru„KVAi. T,., k,.. SoM,: X,:, KosKs w,,,. ,r may , a, si: Svm,.,,.„s ,„ |•..l:^, v . 22s 2211 2;!li I'AIiT VI. OBsriacr,.,vs ,„■ tuk I)in,:.,,vi: Tu.ur .„;,.,.«• SruA\r.|-r.Ari.,s (,i- tiii: Si,,MAI1U KiM: • • 2:!(i r 1 • 1 i: • 2:i9 26(1 Cl.'l. Wilis AM, . , 2 till TAitT \11. <^'XGKMlALr).Vi:,M„n.,M„r UIK.V.M. I.L, .'SO AI'I'KXniX. The Opkuatios ,,k (;a-ii;,,si,,m, A.A. 2SS LIST OF ILI.rSTUATIONS Klu 1. Stkanciiation hi- lMh>riNK in FiiUMi s 15am> . FkoM a |)l^^F..TIn\ Ol TIIK. Ml SI l.KS nV TIIF. Abix.MISAI, Wail by Phoi hssoi: F. (•. I'aksons . . . - :t. 4. 8. 1". 11. 12. Bavdnf.t \Vi«rM> III LivKi: ..•••• POHTION 111 INIKSTINK KX.l^Kl) BY Ml!. .I"1IN (HorT IN FIUST SI.VF.SSFl I. . A^F. OF OlM.l!ArloN FOl! TKAIM.VTIC lUi'TrHF. ...•••••• KXTF.N.^IVE LacF.ISMIUN OF LlVKK, II .1.MI >1!1!11 AGE . TkAIMATIC La( KHATIHN ANK CONTISION l)F THE SPLEEN . The Laham; Oi'Emm: in hie Mfsentfky 1M^ Tllliollill A rEHFul! ATH >N OF THE APPENDIX AND I Ai sim: Fehitonitis ...••• DlAliUAM TO 11.1.1 STUAIK HY SlIADlNO THE RELATIVE Plio- POHTIONS OF THE VAHInt S PeISFoI; ATION S OF THE llol.I.OW VlSCEKA ...-■■••• Appendix, half-size, showimi 1,o( alised (iANiiHENE with Pehfohation, seiondahy to a F kcai. ('on< HETION, fhom A (IliLD Willi CENEHAI. I'EIMTOMTIS . . . ■ Athophied Left Kidney i on i ainim; iai.i i li. wiih ii pito- m (ED SyMPIoMS liESEMlil.lNi: IHOSE OF AclTE APPEN- |'.m:E li 24 35 -)6 62 63 87 !IH DU ITIS . 116 MSI' OK IIJAS'IRA'IION.S I'm;. XI l'\(,i; 1."!. Dl \(il; AMM AIK l;i.l'l!l>KN I Al liiN (p| SkAIS .,1 MwiMIM l!i;i i.i'.x I'm\ i\ I»isi;\-^i. 1)1 Tin. AuiM.MiN \i. \isi ki!a . II7 14. I\(|s|(pn ic(|; .\|'|'|;m)1i kc I ii\n (liAiri.i.) !■">. ■■ 'I'lii; I'liwi.Ki; rcxniiiN • . li'» lt». SiMlM.K .Vl'l'AKvn •; I .>i;i> I (.1; llli; rc.\ IIM ,,| V .\i.mims 1 |;.v TION 1(1' Fi.i iiis jifi- iriiiiw ..... I',-, 17. I"[.INI(AL JlHUWAM Willi im; UkiJU'NAI. I'JII.M KNi.V(;i;< 1.1 .\|'1'i;m>in .\hsi kssks ....... |;[| IS. DiAiiKAM (II iTiK Paths (H I'kihtiinkai. Imk.hun in liKI.AlTilN Til .\n"KM)lrl US ..... I'M r.t. SAciiTTAi. Si:( HON 1,1 Tiir. Fkmam: I'ki.vis . i:t(i iM). I)ia(;i;am ki Tin; .Xnatomhai. IIkt.atioss or a 1{ii;iit. sided •" 23. AclTE I'KUrulJATlciN 111' A (iASTKIC I'LlKli l.VJ 24. SroMAdl PKIilOltATlllNS. I)|Ai;|!AM lO II.M STltATK MdST Common l'osirio\s oi' I'i;i!i oiiaiimn .... i.-):j 2o. Pkhiokation 01 (lASTiiic I'u i:i!. Inskktion oi- Si Ti hks WIlKHK TllKliK IS Ml (11 'I'llK KKMN<; or TllK Hask . l.-,(,( 2MAi.i. XII |\ri:sil\i. • • ■ :!l KM)-Tn-KN1> .\NA>rn\inM- lNrKSIINK^-A.M-I.l.AnHN nl fl.AMfS V,.,i:i: Kn. IHnN ... SMAI.l, ■ni -.'41 SMAI.l. IMI.-IIN 1. 'I'm 242 244 SI. 1:m.-i...k.m. .\SA-1..M"M- "I CuMiM >•. -^ SirntLS .•■■•■ Iv,,. lis. .'.tnli. . isi. 0|1<1.M r.l.iN :.4. SA.!...MA ny >MA.J. InU-^MM. _^^_^ IN A t'.lll.l> ■ • • ' . 1.11 \IkiiNK ...UN.. ^^^ LlFK. M .Al.Kl. Ar.iK 0„s.u.ri...N ;!7. i:i-,i.n .KIN "i an Inii i •' _^^_ urrsii>K. TiiK .VuiM.MKN . ■• ■ ■ :js. 1.1,1 r Ilia. (•..i,,MV. Tui: In. .smN ■ ' '^^ Tin: S. I'l't.nnN.- Si irni: • -' ' PO:ilTl.'N "l 4.1. 41. 42. 4:5. Lati:i:ai. .Xnask.m.isis 44. 4.J. 4(i. lLr,.i-C'.il..>^T.>MY 47. 4.. Tni: KxTKKVM '.i .jinJc^m^-"-^miR3i::y THE ACUTE xVBDOMEN INTHODl'CTIOX Tin: PJ.ANNINC OV ABDOMINAL INCISIONS 0\viN(i to tlu' t'i('(|UoiU'y witli wliicli incisional lu'iiiia follows tlu' niaUiiii!; of an alxloniiiial wound, it would he well that any one cnga<;('d. or li()j)iii<^ to he i'n<,;agi'd. in tlio ))racti(\ of abdominal surgery should have clearly in mind the anatomical structure of the parts through which ho will have to ])ass in order to treat lesions of the viscera whether acute •)r not. It must 1)0 fully recognised, however, that in some acuto abdominal conditions it is not ahvays possible, or perhaps wise, to elaborate an incision ; tl-e (piickest and most direct route must be followed at any cost. Professor F. (J. Parsons has kindly made a dissection Avhicli ho has permitted mo to show in this illustration. It gives clearly the relationship of the parts. The rectus muscle a])pears. however, as usual in tho dead subject, more narrow than it is in the living. It then covers two thirds instead of half of the distance between tho anterior superior spine and the umbilicus, as shown. This is im])ortant. as will be seen later on. There are certain lines and arrangements of muscular fd)res which must be remembered, and of the former tho most important is the linea alba, tho second in importance the linea semilunaris. It was once tho rule to do all abdominal operations through one of these lines, and most commonly the linea alba was selected. For this there were many reasons : — - 1. Such an incision gave direct access to the diseased parts, could be easily extended upwards or downwards, and permitted A.A. B sv^^ : 'X'i^'^'m^}^^ -: ?-.1--'*^-\*3?Sf;t!a^-21. 'iiii: .\( iri-; AiiDo.MKX llic (i|K'!Mt<>r to MMiiii' tlif iicdiilc (it an n* iriaii liiiii'Hir with (■(liial facility nii citlicr side. ()|icrati(iii was mostly iv(jiiiic ; therefore it took little time to !.'et thronu'li it. and a comparatively short time to it when tin sur.L'eon had linished. :!. 'I'here Avas hardly any luemorrhajie to emharrass the operator, anil in the days \\ hen Spencer Well's artery forceps wen- uid i;i the Lnnrtt on this ([Uestion I vi'iitured to protest aj^ainst the jirinciple of such an incision. 'I'he innncdiate danj/er of suppuration was consideral)!'-. and fear of peritonitis threat, in those days. K.xperience had iu)t shown the danjrer of suhseijuent yieldiii<; of tho sear. The dislike of makinj,' a lar>.;e openinj,' oidy departed Avhen our methods of wound tr<'atment rendered iiny cut i the ahdominal wall mack- l»y a suri.'eon practicalK' sa'e. The injury intlict<'d on tlu> edges of a small wound by the surtjeon's hands and retractors increased the danger of the sup))uration which it was intended to minimise, whilst it limited the area wliich it was possilile to adecpiately explore. We have for a long time reached a stage wlu^i we not oidy ])lan a ])ar1icular operation I)ut try to do it iu such a manner that tlie abdominal wall at the site selected for the necessary incision shall afterwards be as strong as it was before the operation was commenced. We want, in other words, an incision which uill dve ade(|Uate access to the dis< tiil caifilii-cs. B :.' THK ACITE ABDOMEN Jatc-Mll^ touanls ti:. ,|,,.,. spiiu-s ov.t u space gn-afer than s usually alloH..d,onH.nK for ,,u.yr.a<^ oM o antenor sup,T.ur .pi,„. of tlu- ilium ,.u ..a.h si.lo i,. fC .imiu mmal «all. Ka.h iuumI,. ,s unusual, a^ if is ;.- ly ....ntanu.! i" a slu.,,.. is ,.,, .,.,.„.,. ..a^.H '„ m' stn.nK 11m- slu.a.l,. al.l...u,r|, ..f «,vat s.r.n.fl. <..-Iy a„a..|,e.l to tlu- n.usdo wl.i,.,. it n.dosos. .x^i, ! at t u. l„u,,. ..-ansuTsa.. an.l p,.nnits of „o outran] .Lvi i n '■; tlu. hnoo Ion, as .1... two are at.a..!.o.l to '., h" y - nrnjun-cl hnea alba. The t<.n.linous intorse<.tions n^ t t . ..^'r..,l tl>at suppuration Mi,|,i„ ,1„ aJulon.en .vhieh rem,iros » "-"M'l.'y.nent of drainag.- aft.,- inHsion through h b < omnn.l wains hlu-ly to b.f..,, ..1 by w.-aknos' la " o ': I. >aroapt,o,h,l..PMnh,.irn.plK.wlK.naskc.,^xp.rien e -"-nnng nu-.s.ons whi,.h have- not l>..n'rtod bv suppuration eitlur befon- or after oner.tin,. ';'''"'' ^-^ nrliiilt ti, .( 1 • "IH'i.ition. Some do not a.lM m that herrna occurs in their practice, others perhaps confess that operation is followed by weak.iess of tl^ ^^^n -" a snndl penvntage of dean ea^-s. It is of eo r e " ! -"'•yn.^' to find that a patient for whom an expl ra ,r - •US ' '■■ '""^ •''■^•"'"P" ,..:..;....> . '" '"^ •something wliich re(|uired a h or the patient knows that life Tigmal operation was for 'iig and difficult manijHdation. isposition to gird at the operat tor (leveloj). and less surp t is met with. !t must be recognised.' 1 as saved by it. there is 1 •hould a liernia afterAvards ess iise is expressed by tli c surgeon when tl present day. with our greatlv improved owever. that even at impossil,le to g-.arantee ab.solutely tl teclui que. it is alba, whether made abov^ „. „^-,^„ , yidd during after-life. Convalescence liat an incision in the linea or below the umbilicus, will not may have been quitt THE 1»L.\\XIX(; OK AHDOMFNAL IX(I8I(»\S .-. IHTffCt. II., ...,U:;|, t,,,.ll,l,..l llu- l.atl.Mt, Mn, ,|i,| tlM- u.l;...- «l"-»'" ..u>o' or v..i..itii.y, vH tli.- ...,,,|,.,,sa..f fact rcn.a.i.s aiul t., 1..- lacc.l, a ii.av (..,.„ i„ spit., uf all <•"!• car.-. All scar fiss..,. has a fc.i.lnM.v t,, ,n.,ira,t. I,..t this may l.c mvnomr. aii.l th...',. an- s, ....Jal ivasniis whv a cicatrix .S...UI.1 stretch uh,,, it ,.Mt..,s into the tnrn.ali.m ,.f the Hl>' wall. lu every ..f this it is s..i,j,.,.l,.,l to th.- actio,, of two forces.--{„) intra ten im, which varies consi.terahly at diflerent tint's of th,. -lav a...i tends to a more increase as ue ^et uhh-r and nmre snlentary .n our hahits , an.l (/,) th.- action of th.- n.nsdes of fi.e «l„h.n.en. which again is of varying' power, and sonn.tiin.s indeed violent an.l invgular. in .■ons,.,pu-nce of diM-as.. Th.. p.vssure is fVlrly ev.-nlv .listril,..t..,l ovr tn,- vh..le of the ant.-ri..r part of the al,.h.i....n. I,„t in a.hlition over the lower part .-specially, th.-re is th.- a.l.le.l w.-ight .,f the ahdonunal c.ntents when th,- patient is either sittin- or in the erect position. " It may h. aske.l what kin.l of inei.sinii shonl.j he siil,stitiit.-.l or those through the iiin-a aiha an.l the lin.-a. semilunaris. It IS ol.vious that if the re.-tus mus.l,- can he t.-mp.,rarilv 'lisi.iace.l to si.le .luring an op,-ration. an.l i.ut hack umnjured in its normal ),e.l after the operation l,.-,.,. ini.she.!. there will Ik- no ,.o.ssil,ility of th.- d.-v.-lopment .,f a iH-rnia at the site ..f the incision. In th.- operation for th- n-moval of the whi.h I sugg,-st,-.l manv voars ag., and have practice,! r,-gularly si,u-(-. a.lvantagi- is "taken ..f the" anatomical arrangement of the rectus. An op<-ning is made to t ho inner side of the linea semihuiaris through the anterior sheath of the muscle, the muscl,- itself is .Irawn with ■■I retractor, the posterior sheath the app(-ii.l,.x ,em..v,-la- n.,.,„s ,.,',1 r'!!!!'"""" '"'^'"'^••" ^'t a '•^ '••,.,|, ' l>f.l,.c(|y ,^,,„„ ^,,,^,,^ j,,^_ ^iJ^^.^^.^ ;'•'-: »'-■ .lander is s,i I, ';V'*'*'^''V''"''''''''^''' '•'-•- im.,l,>l, v,.M,,.all,..mi!'' ' "'■"■"' '^""^'"W for a,. ""•' ."•"^^•"•■'!- fu..„u.„tlv t.;, i ' '"; ' ;"■'■ J*""*-'' "Pwards ti'e weak u.i.ion wil, i^'l . , ^l^ i;'"-"' '-'^ -'"ii-uris '^t^"td. .IS those Inu.s are really •1 THK l'L.\NMX(; OK AHDoMIX \L l.\( ISIONS i 1 iiiHcrtioii^ ul I lie liit(>r,(| miumIcs, h i> not lUMtssaiy |ur fho wrak H]uit tultcii liiin<'..iiciii tlu-liist iiistjiiirc tm- 1 he utiicittiiiii M'cms tn hiivr III.- |,<.\N,.r .>t liiiiliiiK d,,. ,,,usl ruiiiiitc ami of (liliitinu it. \\V ,,\v,. iMiii'li III tl;»' uinrntiiin fur tin- ii>c nf its (lff<-M>ivr jtuwcis ii;.'iiirist iiitiii (lisi-a^c. and ih'|Iiii|H its imsliiii;,' (liaracicr and iiisiiiuatiMy _ ..liti«'s in cases of u lin.-a seiniluiiaris, and for a similar reason the lateral pull of the muscles, which is so ditlicult to rejiiilale and control, .'n Doth these situations there are practically only threi- layers which prevent a trusion from formiiit;. and an incision through the middle hiyer places a weak lin<- l)«'t\vcen periton<-um and skin, for in the prevention of ahdominal hernia the resistance of tlie skill, and iinleed of the peritoneum, may he lej^arded as iioii- e.vistent : tlu-y an^ hotli of them too elastic ami easily strotchetl, even when uninjured, to alT rd any permanent protet t ion! 1'he aponeurotic structures constitute our main reliance, their value after divisi(»n a;;ain de[>eiidiii<^ almost entirely on tlie accuracy of apposition secured l)y the method of'suturing ad<.|)te(l. If the line of suture is not accurate hut irregular, the edges not meeting w*'ll, then we must <-.\pect to have a weak sciir— iiuleed the wonder is, not that we occasionally get one. hut that we do not get one more often. 'I ne edges'to he joined are eoininonly so narrow that tlu-y can rarelv he in l)ert>et apposition over the whole length of fiie incision." IJuth this hiyer and flic^ peritoneum must Ix; sutured with the greatest care, for although we may hold it as a fact t hat if t he ajioneurot ie layer l)eeoines ])erfectly united no hernia will ilcvelop. sliould tiiere be any depression in the jieritoneai line of suiiire you may be sure that a piece of omentum will find and iu-imiate itself into it. By this means, and also as a possible result of tlie inehision of a ])iece of omentum during tJie process of the insertion of sutures, a great pressure may be exerted on the aponeurotic union at one or more points, o. ch may THE ACUTK AhDOMKS ^ '''';nH ::^^,^ .„.,. •"••"••'(.V .hoMM. ».„• /...«.., i.ii.,. "■""'"""'• ""••■ ""• li..: "": ^••»M,sv..rHalis fasHa L '''•^'•.'" '" ' ' "«-»"l. I...t "'""" »'" "-'-.St in Uvi.L '"'■'*■ '""' *'^ '"■'••"•at.. """•'""'-'"-'• i^iH^ ;;;/:•;;;;••;!-•'• «'-'''.i....K.a-: """•'•'""■^« Kvr. a„.| as a ,,. "" ''^"'••""•"iii as tl.u ''''''''''-•'-'■-lit! ;;':;:vr^'' •''•■'' '^^ ;-J«'-nalex,K.nenc.e.i.aveC X:;';;';? "'^ 7'"- "^ "-y »'anii,.i\., vmpl.nvd catgut, ! I TICK I'LAXMNG OF AHDUMINAL [Nrl,s|o\s .. ""' ^'";. "» I'- ^"..M«.|, ,h;u. .1,.,, ... N., I. ivrhap, I H.n |.r..j„, ,...., . U, I ,.,„ „.,t ul.m,. M. M.s ,.,......,■........ fur .ilk. tor Mr Altn..l I',.,,,.. (;.,ul.l. uIh.m- <.N,M.,i,.,„... j, 1,,,^,,. „,„, a.Un.;,t.., .„ „,.. ,„, ,„.. .1,.,,, „„,„•,.,. A. -.„„.. of vnu ,nav kn.m. I |,av,.| ,lk !..,• tl... runt.,..- M.liitr. n. ll,". >.• .a.,.; »"••■ immy y.-ars i„ ,|„. Ir.-.urv ton,,,. a„.l „>..,| ,, i,. ,|„. o,,,-,...- irm th.atn.. Ko,!,,.,-,- : • Mou- ,a„ p.-o,.!,. .o o„ „.,„„ '•a..,M,l to,. M,t,„„,. tl.r wall of ,!„. al„|o„„.„. ,,Uvn M,,U-\u,Z M^ n.,.on|..,| ov..,- a h,„Hln..| .aM-s ul.nv .he «o,„ul l,as liii,sf o|K'ii lifcaiisc <.f if ; ' If tl... s.„p.o„ has ,o o,,,.,af ..ui.klv iHvans,. of ,!„. „,i;,.,„.v "f tl,.- .a.,.. fh,.„ I,,. „,„., ,„,,,,, ,,,,,„^, ^,,,„,.^,^ ^^,^^^,^ ^^/|l '"•■'"•I" '• I llM-lay..,so„ Loth si.l.. of ,h. uo„>,.l. tUvu- ar.. „o,„. |„.,t,r fo,- this |M.,poM. ,ha„ th.- larj^.-rsiz.-.l li>hmit »l",.h IS n.a.lily s|,.,ilis..,l, ,„ak..s a p.o.l k„ot. a.,.1 n,ll ivsist <"'y ^fail, ThlH ,|y for ,Mpi,| .,,,ti.,;; is |o„,„l i„ '■as<-s ot tlu- -a.M.t.- al. wo„n.l an.ut l.y u s,.co,.,l ojH ,atio„. I,, th.- ,jnli„arv ..FHK.tio,, wh, . tho su,g,.o„ ,s ,iot hiirriod. tho alKlominul wall sho,,!,! !„> ,.|os..,l '" layers : f.,,-ly.four out of th.- fifty.five ikruum ar„l Austrian s.n^j:c-uns ,,„otc.,| |,y |)r. SwaHi.-l.l wm- in favour of fhi, pn,- «•'•<''"■<■• -",,1 It agn-cs with th,- ..xjH-rionce of ,„ost H,itisl, ^"r..,.ous. fh.. „„po,.tanc,. of oju-ratinjr .-arlv uh,-, a wou,„l shows s,.Ms of yi,.!,li„fr Ja,,.r on. iM-caus,- of the- j:,vat,.r lu-ucfit " '><• ana-sthol„-^„cocl not be prolo„g«|. or ono „,av l.o o.nplovod 'ooally In harl .-asc-s wo oan u.s,- fho i„tra-v,"„o„s iufus'i,.,, of a sohit,oii of h,-,lo„al. It n.ust „ot be- forgotton that „,us-I,-s that hav,- )„■,■„ co,,- "aotnl un(U.,.go ohungo, so that aff.-r a !o„g Interval of (i,„c 10 THE ACTTE ABDOMEN it may ho iiiipossiblc to stii'icli tliciii to their foniicf Iciigtli suiricioiitly to cover tiie weal; iilr.ce in tiie alMloiniiiiil wall. [ tliiiik tliis statement paitieulaily applies to llie lateral muscles on the spinal side of a hernia t'ollowini; an incision through t' upper right rectus in an operation for treatment of some hepatic disease. The hernia' which occupy tl e middle Mne hclow the und)ilicus sometimes assume rather staitling propoitinns. falling down between the thiglisand causing distress hotli from 1 1 ('dragging of tlieir contents and their occasional disturhance or inllamma- tioii. Their formation is therefore a. real dangci' to he guarde(l against. luthehcrniiv which follow incisions foi' tiie relief of appi'iidix abscesses, although nuich may be done to ])i('vent tiiem by the gridiron method. tl:e skin and ]ieritoncum lu'c^ine joined togetlu'r in a thin cicatricial layer to which the omentum is often adherent. This covering may be dangerously thin, tor sometimes it does m)t much exceed the thickness of |)aper. Hernia is rare after operations on tlie kidney by the lumbar route, if the incision is made oblicpiely from above downwards aiul the fascial planes an- sutiu'ed after the o))eration. Never cut across muscular fibres unless it is absolutely necessary from th.e jiarticular lU'cds of the case : muscular fibres must always l)e se])arated. not cut. and as the aponeiM'osis of the external obli(pie f(.rms the strongest layer in the lateral wall, incisions shoid(i follow the direction of that muscle. Tliere are nerves likewise to be considered, and often a little care in the arrangenu-nt of a wound will restilt in the avoidance of any injury to them. In sonu> instance s when the hbres of the rectus have been sjilit in the ])erformance of eholecystotomy or gastroenterostomy, without refereiu'i- to the position of the lU'rves. tiiat i)art of the muscle to the inner side of the incision has undergone atrophy and a hernia has consecjuently developed. At Czerny's instance Assmy investigated the after fcsults of cases in wiiich a ^ide vertical splitting of tlie rectus fibres had been ])erf..iined. and he showed that an atrophy of that ])art of the nuiscU- dissociated from its nerve supply always followed.' ' .Moyuihaii, •■ Abiloininal Uliuialioiis," l'. 'Jl. TTTK T'L.\XXTX(; OF AMDOMIN.M. IX( fSIOXS II Till-; AiiMiMsTKvnoN oi .\s.i:>tiii;m \ in .\( i ti: <'()NI)|i IONS ()!•■ THi: Al!I)().Mi;\. Dr.Z. .Mriuicll. who has ahly a.liiii!ii>l..iv(l aiKc.-t hctics tor IMC for some years, advises as follows : ^- •• For the successful pciforMiaMcc of an operation for acute Hb:l..mnml .iisease, fh.- uwthod of anaMhcsia an.l choice of one ti) l)c used iiiu>t he carefully coiisidcrcil. •■ In Ihe first place the pati.r.ts are ;icncrallv .Miifcrin^ from more or less severe toxa'mia due to absorption from the '^'"'•""'"■■'' «on.lition. an.l secondly, it is rarely possihl,. f,, prepare them for o|)cration on account of uriicney. ■•(;cnerally .peakini:. ether should he selected" an.l eh mask : there aiv. how..vcr. many cases in whi.'h a preliminarv narcotic (m..rphine. scopolamine) is ina.lmissibl.-. •• In cas..s wh.^re there is already s..vere th.. iv>p.,nM- bihty ot the ana.sthetist is j.nvat : the .-omliti-m mav app,.ar to l)e d.-sp,.rate. but usually the ana'sthetJe is taken better than w.mhl appear t.. I,,, likely. Merc the minimum of the aiues- thetie must be used whi.di is compatible with the n..c<...arv surgical manipulations, an.l th.. less aiuesthefic us,.,| tlu- l.^ss additi.m there is t.) the jm.-e.xistinjr shock. ().xvf.'en must I,.' us(..l tre..|y to counteract any ..yanosis. and sahii.. infusion subcutaueously. or if n..c(.s>ary intravenously, should b,. resorted to at th.. eomuK.iuemcnt of th.. ..p.'rati.m. 'i'he use of strychnine an.l ..thcr car.iiae stimulants is t.. be Tlu.})ody warmth must !><■ maintained : th.. room sl.oul.l b.. at a temperature of 7n F. : the body must n.)t !).• unn..,.<.ssaril\ <'xp.,.,..l. an.l th.. leus an.l arms uiay b,. ban.lauc.l an.l eov.r,.;i with cotton W.M.I : any saline or loti.)ns us...! niu^^t b.. sliuhtlv above tlu. ))ody tf.mperaturc. "Children take ,.(lu.r well, but ar.' spt.cially lial)l.. t.) the 12 THE ACUTK ABT)0^rKN V coiiditidn known as iu-idosis ; wIkmi this is |ircs(iit the daniicrs of a i^ciicral ana'stlictit- arc greatly increased when tiie hreath of a patient smells of acetoni' or wiieii there is the acetone reaction in the urine. etliiM', and esjjccialiy cidorofornu are contra-indicated, and it is in such cases that intras|)inal ana>stlu'sia is specially useful. ■■ For some years in America, and more recently in this country, a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxy(>st's of cliviriu'ss it will bo hfst lo divide tlicso injuries into two gi'oiips : — A. CoulnxiiDit iriffionf Jttipfiirc of l/ir Ahdominttl Contcnl.^. B. Conlnsi s- i)i irhirli tlicrr i.< Evideticr of I)ifenitil hijiin/. A. Tlieso contusions are of varying degrees of gravitv. • "ording to the severity of tiie injury, tlie region of tlie donien stiuek. the ])hysical condition of the individual, his ])rej)aredness for the hlow. the time M/iich lias ela])sed since the last meal. etc. .\ny contu>ion of the abdomen niav l)e serious, and it muNt be remembered that a patient without sym])toms of im])ortance, when schmi Houn after an injury, may be sulTeriiig from a rui)ture of the intestine or other internal organ. whicOi will prove fatal if not recognised in time. Such oases liave 1)een only too frequent in the historv of sui'gery. and whenever the cause of the injury has been ■■possibly'" stdJicient to jmnhice internal damage, liowc • ; slight, the case should be taken under observation and carefully watched. There may be no bruising of the skin and yet there may be a rupture of the intestine. In th e days, when football is so ])opular. it is hardly necessary to sav that a contusion of the abdomen is frequently followed by severe |)ain. shock and vomiting, yet tlu' etfects pass off in a short time. There are not many cases recordeil in which the shock (■'' a contusion without internal injury has proved fatal, but at least one is kntnni about Avhich there can be no doul)t. On the other hand, the absence of an lumsual amount of initial shock has been fre(|ueiitly observed when an injury has been inllicted which lias caused death in a few hours The amount of extravasation of blood following a contusion of this part of the body varies much., according to the nature of i 1 ■■' 14 tl THE MVTK ABDOMEN t .M^,ury, but ...ynn.l sftTM-ss arnl ,..!„ on .novnncMf . Mvdlin. .he usual .I,sc...lorat,on of ski.,. ,lo.-s nof as a n.l. phkIuco c'on.ruuMl .noonvernem-o unless tlu-.v is assoHal.-.l w„h i, a ;rrv"r" '"""'•';''■ !""'*'• '"—"-i-tiH. ....... of place n. the suh,H.r,ton,.al tissn... th.-,. was a lar,.- ar.-a o .h.noss ovc. ti.o fn,nt of ,1... aL.ionH.n nof att..^.!,..! Mi.l *^f7'^'"M'''*' •''■'''■' tin- If ,l„. bloo.i is not absorbed, a flui.l sw..|linjr n,ay be lonn.l lon-^ afterw.nls • >n one ea.s,. [ oi„.ne.l su.-l, a svvellinj,Ml„. <.ontentsof ul,i,.h we.v serous. Mine, persisted ,iv<. years after an injnrv. Sunpura- fou may follow but is not eonunon. vet in ti:e ;,...! il n.-.v <• anxiety, and an early ineisi s indieated should tl,«'r'e be evidence tliat it lias eoinnieiieed. Hui.ture ot part of an ab.lon.inal nius.l,. is not miusiial as a H'snl ot a direet injury, espeeially if tin- ..on.lition of the ...US., e has def ..riorate.l from some illness. The patient will •■ou.pla.n of loeal pain oii niovenu-nf. and ten.h.ness of the l>-. whilst a.lefeet may be felt one.xamination wlu-n themu.sele ..sput intoaet.on. >Sueh au injury, if involviim a , plete "Pture of the reetus mus,.le. .ill .iv,. rise to n.ueli diseointort but not to a hernia, in rupture of the museles. on the laterd aspeel of the abdominal wall, a protrusion mav be f id as !' ff.nporary .-ondition forming' at the .site of the hurralion or as a p<.rma.ient one from yielding of tin- s,.ar tissue forme.l m tile jiroeess of healing. An operation for tlfe closure of such a weak spot is indi.Mted J-' altlumgh the .laiiger of strangulation mav appear ro.note. a truss is inconvenient, is not always easik \Jui in position, and does not ,)revent an increase i,, si/e ' Muptuiv of tlH. recti muscl..s is soiiietinu.s seen as a result of stram. during parturition, vomitiim. t,.tai,ic spasms ami gymnastic feats. J'.'ofessorAI,.xis Thomson savs t ha it has H-ou chielly observed in cavalry recruits, thn-ugli a, mm ^•"-•-" a horse without placing th<. foot in the st irrup ' ° I lu'se ruptures always occur in the lower part of .he rectus musce. because of the absence of the posterior laver ,;;'" sheath ,n , ha, situation. There is violent pain at the site of - rupture, with inability to straighten the bodv. uhicl. is k(pt flexed to prevent traction on the part. There is found a *Sf-,i'.'V;*^fr INJURIES OF THK ABDOMEX I.-) very toml,-,- swdlinc; in ono si.I,. of ,1,.. ,„i.I.IIe lin. : , his suHlin. i.. c-luely i,n..l»,..d |,y .xtravasaf o,. In-Uvovn fho rupturod ends wliich are coiioeak'd hv it. '["""'i In oases where operutionVa.i be ,.orf„rMied the sheath „f the muscle should be op,.ne,| and theends sutured : i„ this w v ' pat,e.U will obtain a stronger u, and reeov.r nl.t : .d^.fdv Should h,s eondit.on not p,.rnnt of ti,e operation, lu- si ouid }h' pmjedonnsbaelinl..d.insuehapositiontlnu A all sfuilj rela.ved. On a...ount of thestr.M.crth <.f the anterior slK-a !. o the nn.p..Ht i:nnnKH.ssary to n.d<;the pati^^.^^^^ .1 tiuss afterwards. The rupmres of the ,liaphra,Mn whi,.), o,.nn' ind-.pend.ntlv o^^ gunshot stabs, ote.. are usnally f...n,d on , le loft sule and are prod„,.<.| by a sud.len and great in<-re e of ndra.abdonnnal pressun.. Severe nu.seular Efforts J , ..,.n,ng ,uHl pamu-it^ion. havo eaused this lesion, but the" • , ,'' '":^ ^'";:''.""* •""^^'- ^'^ i'^ "'<• !>Htic-nt who.s. ease is recorded m the />'////./, Mcfiml Journal of iI.M-c. a „,aa of 2n uas a.ln.iti..,! (., S,. yu>vx\ H,,.,.!. ,1 - mr ■ from piKMimot horav an.l .liii)Iu-i,.n, ,t i,. I, '■"•W"""'"'-'' Mincnii- s;i;:t::!,:',:;-;;,r' -• — ";-:-'.."':::;m'1;:;;^ B. When c,nnph.ate.l wit), injury to the viscera, tliere h.s hv^ son,e s<.v,.re vioic-nce inllicte.l. such as a crush h JZ buffers ni shuntn.g. or tin- subject has bn-n run owr. who ha.l falluu frca a sea.loM is mv." li, ,.".';"'"' ''-'"' "^ A wcnnul of the diaphragm may be very readilv produced - stab fnun a kn.te n, . ,vil brawls or a lunge fron'. a bavonct m warfare may produc-e it. e.ther fr-.n the front or th<. si • I .s then hkely to u- seriously con.plicated with u.jurv to !! : of the viscera and dangerous ha-morrhage. If th<>" patient recovers fron. the in.mcdiate dangers ineidomal to such wu n f^'^'^mr^ 16 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN ho uill very probably dovi-loj) a licniia into llir pleural cavity at a latter date. A good (>.\anij)Io of tlic course of such cases will ))o found oti p. 2:w. A rase in which a r-.ii)ture of the diaphra'.'m w as associated witli escape of viscera into the chest wn- operatcil 0,1 l)y Mr. Jicrry in the Royal Free Hospital. Male. iiKain. On Xovemher 1,") the heart was evi(h;ntly displaeed to the ri;:ht and a tympanic resonance extended over the front of the left ehesi almost to the clavicle, and hlended Ix^low with the ahdominal resonance. A "hniil iVti'ndin" was heard over the tympanitic area. 'I'he lireath soinids were normal over the riu'ht Iniiir. 'I'he diaj^niosis lay helween pneiimothorav and j;aslric Iieinia. Operation, midnight plceii. and the upjier lialf of the l<-ft kidney had jiassed into the thorax. The hole was as larj;e as a inin's list, situated hetween the diaiilinium and the last ril). 'J'wo stil cs secured the liver over tli<' oiieiiinu' after rxluclion of tlie protrusion. The patient died at the close of the opeialiyema in a cliild to ])ass througl; the (lia})hragin when making the incision, if the lower part of tli«> pleural cavity is obliterated by adhesions. Such an opening siioidd b(> carefiilly sutured anil the ])leura drained at a higher point. In gunsiiot injuries the diajdiragin is fceijuently traversed by a ball, but the injtny to this muscle need tiol be s])ecially considered, as it is ])rol)ably unimi)ortaiit compared with that ifillicted on the other structures. J'Vom the great dang(>r of dia])liragmatic hernia which almost invariably follows rui)ture or wound of the (lia))iH'agin. such injuries slioidd be repaired as much as jxissible by means of direct interru])ted sutures when the condition of the patient ])ermils. The transjjieural route will be the better one to use. 1 cannot to- strongly ini))ress uj)on those responsible for any patient sulfering from an a1)dumijud injury the iinportaiu'c of watchuig tho pulse. Jt is necessary to insist tipon a careful I } '^~: '- i\. . I- %, • -At «"<•».-nz^J■■.fcX^-■■-'■■;. -z.,. Aj:. ■ . INJURIES OF THE ABDOMEN 17 oxaminati.m fro,,, hour to J.our ; it is „ow „,anv veurs since I tn«.,l to M„i, tlu. in,po,-ta„.v of this carHul Jhs^-rvutio,, up.m ,„y jmMo,.s. a.Ml I still strongly „,•«. i,. Tl,.- s,.,all pulso ot the patUM.t With shork shoul.l „o, i„,,,,,M. i,i {n.nuJvv i,i cases ot siMiplo r.mtusio,!. wl„>,. tlio shocU is passin.r uwav ' Jf "t .I.H.S so. u.,.1 tho tcM„pn-atu,v is falling, you Jia^^. a .lauger signal wh,,.. ,nay n.oan ,nu.h. Othor signs of i.nporlanco to n^t.-ren,.,- will Jk^ ,„a,l. later, a.v severe local pain ngidity (.f the al„lo,ninal wall, ahe.-ation in the pen^u'sio,; note, eontmued v..,niting, and an an.xious and distressed appearance. A rise ni temperature niay indicate the need for i-xp onition. but less in,portan<-e ,nav he attached to the onset 0 distension unless other synipto,ns show it to be the result ot an mllanunation of the peritoneum. •Mctc.ism without any le.sion that can be found ,m ab.h.minal <",on may .•e.sult from a simple contusion of the y.-ars a-., a Imy of 12 was a.lmi.t.Ml ,„ .st. Th„.uass llosnitU u.ul,.r ,ay ..arc. aa.l a so.n.wha, rapul .lis„.nsi,.u .„ ,],.. h.i;,. 7^; u „t fcuperature ws.umI. TI.t,. was. how-vr. n„ ri^i-litv s ," ' ■ ..up lamr o, pam. or Tla- .vsuh.ut,;....,;V.xp iorcd tliy''..l<.,no.i at ,uy r...,ucst. l,„t .oul.l lin.l n„>lun^. abaonaal The 1 stenHu.u .ui,sH ...l at,..r oporatu... a.ul ,l.o l.oy n.a.l!: a ,.,o,l e „vcry ., s sc, alt.T sur, .ntcrl«ve.u-e with the pcritoacu.n. tor h.stanco HI the pfrlonuauco ot a radical cuiv ol hernia. '■^t''"'";"'t'iiiip«.itanrc.mditi()n as in.licative of interna! injury IS a r,g!d abdo,m.n without any distension. Absence o.' liver dulness wdl be r<.t,.rred to later ; it is not a sign ,o whi.h any nnportance should be attached. In no case should a su.-reon wait for Its development, or ,-efusc to operate because It is not demonstrable. When the shock has i)assed oh". tli.M-e is usuallv no diHicultv 111 coming to a condusi.m. but in many cases, 'espe.'iallv th^ more severe injuries, it is the wisest plan to interfere before the patient is fu,-ther exhausted by loss of blood. The daina-ro inust be treated in the same way as a wounded artery Is attacked m moie accessible part.s of the body. Statistical tables show how very important it is to operate early both m these cases of ha.morrhage a.ul in those in whi,.h an infection of the peritoneum may follow. There a,v i.ow- ever. many instances in which it ,nay be necessary to consider A.A O 18 THE ACLTK ABDoMKN ihv .lucMiuii .,f ..pcrafi.,,, iu appan-nflv I.u,k.!,.>. , ,„..r|,,.„.,| cases : .m, tho vt-nlict in favour ..f „,M-n,tin,. sho„l,| T.ot l«. put asuU. lo„ .vadily. Tlu- „.a„y ways mow availaM. of pro- iH.nn« ; ,a.stl>c..s,a a,..l^r ,„||„,,s,.. wi,h tlu- rvidcmrs ^^l ml. pu Mrslu.! rases aflonl. justify of,.,, .onm..! an Htt(>iii|.t. lumover l.a/ it may app<-ar. WOUNDS OF Till-: AUDO.MKX. I renK., very Aveii «v were tau.W,, that it was a wrong pra..,K.e to interfere with of th,- ahdoinen • ai.l.n.prmte dressings ^n■^v to l,e apphed and we w.-re to wait' ... symptoms !,. in.portant tlnng in all these injuries is oaseerta.n whether there is pen.nation of ti,e pc.riioneu.n. ' > 1 .yaMul exannnation of the part shoul.l he n.a.le under < na.sthesia. L,.t the region bo painted with iodi.u- as soon as the wound ean be expos.-d. and do not ...mplieato nuitters bv doii.g an nnperfeet exa.nination either with probe or fin..,.," Cover ,t w>th a steriliscnl or antiseptie .Iressing. and ban.bge MS nuo posifon. In eases where th.-ro is from u- paru.tes tins must be arrested in the usual n.anner. ' Wh.-n the bieedmg pomt is not easily fountM.,H.netrated.,heblee pulse H'u s.gns of local intlannnation. It n.ay still be .uressan to explore If there are „o symptoms it woul.l be best to keen tu- patient under observation-for serious svn,ptom« have cleveloi,ed alter some days in of stab Mounds I '•^k^: iiU-HAt'&iSt.*- iuiis llin.iiyli llic tliat tlic iiiiaioniical irin III si 1(1 corisKli'nitioii.aM aln-ads adv aiTaiij;('iiiciif of the imixl I a ilirt'cf ion abdominal after (li'voloj, incut of iiiun m '•■s i.< taken into >'eil in the |ilaniiiiij;and .'nakiM" of ineisiouH. Avoid the iMi.MI,. lin,. if possible, Tl KTiiia may iiiak<- I lie lif,. of a '.ciitial I isurabic and lii>4 ,su|>|iort a Imid still the fiiNt consideration is i opening' f()r the cxaminaf ion en to tl ma! kiiii le loiiimunity, an adc(|nate If the wound the protrusion of jnt !■< of considerable si /e ml permits < .f truded must be estiiie. oi'ienliim. etc.. the parts i saline .solution, boraeii carefully washed witi II o- before tl •••ill soluti(»n warm sterilised cy are returned to tl il)ilomcn. Wounds inflicted on tl ieneral piinci|)k>s must iMiid treatment of tli sidered later. ( place. The herniated ( wounded parts aiul enlar^'eiiieiit of tl.. should then be no nu)re .lillicult than it 'r even boiled water he (|U('stioii of ■sc parts will be con- e you in the first ontents will be reduced after repair of ipeiiiii).' deduct ion (lurijig an operation, where it hash IS after examination bowel outsid If the ))owel I le in e.vplorinir f,„. ti. las iU)t been compressed bv tl ■II necessary to bring much eause of an oiistriiction. for any great length of time, there should 1 small • peiiiiig The protruded parts must I »e no distension of it. repeated, for if there \> •e most carefully ck-aiised. let it | )L' later it will be most comnioiiK my contamination of the peritoneum caii.s«>(| by sept ie material 111 when the lurniated part is reduced. | carriec n'(|uired.and sluuild 1 )rai bi> carefully sutured in la vet >e avoided if possible. Tl iiage is s<'ld om wounds l)y the surgeon. If the st IS after the niakinu of le wound should in-ei'iilai IM'rmit of careful suturii lir 111 sutures of .salmon When the wound 'iiver: riit. ;ite of the j)atient does not use strong interrupted is adh passing through all the lay s are of longer standiiiL'. and tli ■ers. creiit to the lips of the Mound, it returned if its structure tl IS iu)t injured beyond rcj Jirotnision must be cleansed and lere is a .se|»tiu wound with jjossibh laii-, W len in some install ices little can ])e done bevond gangrenous protrusion, and making jirovision for relief of cleansing the part question of excision of the whol any constriction. Tl le considered ; in snmo this would be the- best e lu'otrusion will have to be Ircatmeiit, if tlio c 2 20 THE ACLTK ABDOMEN "f |.n.,n>MoM „f ,„.. o„...n„.„.. vvIm, . „ L .'r^''''," """"".•UMe th.- i.'ti-,.atii,K (.„■<•,.. ui.l rl„. «.n.,„l « ■ i "' '■""'">■ *-'^ ^"'PiiHf •' W.V. ,...M,p..„...l. Al,..,. ,-..„ ,vu ' , "" '""■""""• ""■'■•""^" -•-trie,.,! ^u, ,,:,'; ''v;i'"''''' '"'" ''*'^ '••••■"- become -n-'t ;,,:," ,.V'"' /""' •""'^'^ "-"^ '-- n'; fn.n. ,, for,,,.,- oju-raticn "■'"■ *"^^'"' -!"■;:;■ ;r.^;;.r:t'::--;--;-~ HU .. ,.on.r...l .n.„v or l.s. .v„l Vow " ," """ "'",""""' '" ''^' -" r.-du,-,.o,, a,.d suturin,. of „,. ,„rN ,':':'r''' ''''''•■ *'''''*''''"'«• strangulation JwU JHt u Jar-v f,.,„o,..l - . ""''' "I> ,. i i LVU'KIKS OF TI£K AHDUMKN 21 "•*•'"•'•""'••""">'"■ ".l..„MM-l.,nll.....Minju,v.l, TlM.r..„,avl,o ."Hny wo„,„ s ,n .h.- houH. ,1... .,...,.„„. ,/u,l! I... ... . , v '. I.Hs n.on, .vasnn f..,- ur^in. o,...,..t,oM than in ..... ,, .„','; suh.:u,a,M.,.us n.,,tun. ..f ,1,,. ,..,. „ j, „„.. „,„ ,h,r. .^v J. t ra.k n th.. I.„|,., .low,. |„ ,1,, i„>nto,u.,u„. anv f„roi«n '•••"..;,'l. to a.l,n„ o, „.orou,|. ins,.....,!..,, of „. . ,,1, ^ <-'U-nt.s n,..|,.,.|y„,,, sh.a.l.l 1... ...a.l,. ,|.,o„«i. ,1... ,,..,, ,7 ::;;:::v';t ;'''""•'''''??'•''•' ••••""^-y-'h ;!:•;• a g.iu/..-aii\ l,l„„,| or,.M.a|„.,| flui.l sli.aiM 1... wii,,..| u.-.v ■„ I fi trader „.,.,,u,,„ ,,,,„.„, ,.,,,..,. w...:; '; ■^- ,t unt.l.u.,..a ,,.sp,...tio,.|..s,,..v...itl.a, ,. ..,,..,. av..L;^^^:^^ <'X,u„„.at,.„. w,tl, .,..n|,s...| sali,.... Do „..t ],..M,at^ ,. .4^ H-g,i.n„.g at ,1... ..a.....,,. a„.l wo,!.,.,, f,,,,,. ,-,,, ,, , ,.^^.,, , > ' I .o.,,..,,|.asl.....,.,|.,,,,,|,,,,,,,,^ of t u-,,.,., a„.l u.a.Mpniatio,. of tl,.. pa,-ts .ill 1.. ,.„„',, Alt,o„.h ,t unl 1... a.lvisal.l.. to foHovv tl,.. tra.-k of tl,,- -•"'."' «'-- to ti... p..,-ito,u.,„„ i„ ,„ ,,,,,. ,,,i^ i,„,.i,,;„ ' . n>qu.n. to 1.SUPP1..,....,,.,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,^^^^^^^ <• o„ahl.. yo„ to a.l..,p,atdy nitl. ,J.,. i„l„,,., ,„,,,.,., a nu>st ..ascs. ,„nv..v..,-. tl... li,...a ail.a .-a,. a„!| l^nl u-.„.lc..l. o„ a..,.o,.,.t of tl,.. ,la,.,..r of lal..,- .l..v..lop,„.„ 'f , 1-nua; but rapi.lity of op,„.ati,.g is i„,p.>,-ta,.t. uulij C surgep .vI.o has .,, .ha.| a «,\.fp,.a,.ne,. .;;:!::: t-uinphcatc.! iiicsiuii may be bi-st. 22 TIFK ACITE ABDOMKX •'"-i.i.f. I.av,r n m t. In^h'" "'!" """"''' '' "- '"^-• -"..r...i ..,,.,., w..„.'l^ :;,;;;;;'''■ .^- ."-"iiton ....t o.wy HHK-k n.UHf l-|.rop.,rti,.HtlIv«r.J', .r h. • • ' ?'""""' "^ <''^"'"'o""t .,1 .larnat.. u- i ' "'.":;'."•«•'•"' »<"""■« quickly -v.-ral ,.|os,.|v s ,uat ! :, r^" ' '"" "' '"""* "'"'» ^''^••- "'' «•'"•. is vai,mi;i,.. Ko writ,' 1 '"""■' '" *'''' '^•"•"' -^f^''''^" ;;:f7-'nt:^ri:;:;:;— ^ ,,..,._ rio advises tliaf ill .,j>,i .- """'""f "> Hie roftuni.' ■■>..l.nlly,.,„„,,|a„g,.r ' "''"''""•ly <>""■> umil ,l,..y are zt'""r'" "" '>■ i'"i'2u: """"'!■' """< »i»i..i.- I\.fI'RIF;s OF THK ATJDOMKX 23 ii.ftjorilv «.. nu- ii.rl will, tl M„.„„. .lifflniltv that in a v.rv laix- proportioi! ... th „Mo,.s on nhi.-h tlw... ^i.uu.U ..r.< r....,..v... u, un.lor whuh .1 woul.l huv.- t„ h.. jMrformml," >"<•«' 1..,,* It is m-c.-.Hsury t.. tli.- fart that l,ull,.t h,„„„Is „f thrintrstn uro ..ft... «i.lHy ..paraf...!, a,„| a MNinh lin.if,.,| to «l.. imrfs uii.h rIyii.K tl... siirfac,. woun.l tnav hv i..a.l.-.,uato to nvfal their iiiitiihcr. ( wouikIh „f thr stomach varv very « aconlitiK to tlir nafur.' (,f the weapon, the .si/e of the h.illet Its shape, the ( fn.i„ whieh it was fir...!, ete. The stato of the ...gaiis as to .listei.M.m or eniptii.ess i.mst \,v taken into i-ons.deration. The bullet may co.ituse the a..teri.,r wall pass into the eav.ty „f the sf.m.a.h a.ul remain there. „r m„re prohal.iy peiu-trate the posterior wall als„. 'J'he an^r|e at whi.h It entered must also ho taken consideration, as the prol>. ability of .lamaK,. to other parts will much depend up,m this Karly operat.on in thes«. as in other injuries penetratii.L' or possibly p..netrafinK. the intestinal tract is very important iM.rgu.. and Jeanbrau ' give a series of 112 cases, 'in which tho stomach was wounded by bullets, and the results of operation arc shown as follows : — When tho stomucli only was wounded-— Operations within six hours uftt'r this j)eriod Wou.ids of stomach and other purt.s — Operations within six hours >' M six to twelve hours ,. after twelve hours ,, time not statwl In these cases the opening should be a median one. quickly and freely, so that the stomach maybe easily si-en and manipulated. If escajjo of tho contents of the stomach has taken jjlace, the peritojieuni underlying the wound must be cleansed, the .stomach wound located and sutured, a double row of Hufurcs being used. The gastro-colic omentum should then bo freely opened below the greater curvature of tho stomach and its n.aiti ve.s.sel and search made for a posterior opening. This will probably afford evidence of its existence ' Bfvue de Chirurgie, 1903. Rei'Dveicil Iliec )) 4 2 4 13 1(5 2 It o 11 .'} 5 lii sim^»'^m^^:Lii^:m.ti&^ ■^w-)& tL'.':;:,';!;::;',,:';;;; -' .™.» ,.,■,.,.,„ ,. , ; """•"■;■■ "■ a,. ";' '" « '"""'"■ ' .• o ti •■'"""".u, ,,,io,,. ,„,j, . '■■ ' ""T are ov,.,-l.,„k,.,l r -r"s:s5SS?- ^ "Hide. (l(..|,if,. H, , J"'^ 'o the Jiv,.,., 'rji.. ., ;, V ''"■' ' '•ucet ami „,, K'at.oi, i.siioi will,,,,,, J'"' tivat„u.„t of fl '^••^'^.•">-'i conditions d ..s Z''' V"'"'"'^ ""^' "'" «<'.H.r,I '^"^'•;1'"« to tlH. position of .; ^'"''?' "''■"'•• ^""l uill V ' ;:,;;. r«" ";-'»■'■■ ■■ -,;;,,';;:;,'„.,';-:',;- iMx.' iMvn. (Inunag,. miH ;,., uvrv^-nry " III <,'iiii>li(.t Mounds aii.i . ,ilw ,.» tlw I,, .. ■. • I ■;!;„;::;;' ;'»» •- ii:' /;:::,.".;;■ ;;;:' :;::;; <»..>.. n.lood or iHl..-..,anH..I Ih.i.l .(nVI. I.,.,.omh. lo,.ali..d "■';";<''".i..iyli.>l..,ninlli,.„.,ll.,.|outh,. ril... i, uil ::'::.;::;;r::;;;;,';r::;:;i:;;:;t;;;;- '■ -i:'l;:f :-:;;::•;;;':;;;;:;,, 7,.,,:,;::;:;::-;;;: ;'"■ "'"'^'1 ""'""l i" '-n;aou,.o,.,.o..aJo !:::;::;,;'•'''" -•-- "■, •"""""' of hWWin. ',.'": ''''''••'^'^-••'•' --.nut of ["■, •"""""' of i.i..<.win.\;;;;,;Tr/''"'"'i^''''''''-''"''t<.f ••n 111,1 \ |„. sUCCCsvflil -.,1 '^ ('l,l( < s,, . p .. , , ''''•'••^<-<'f|.rotrusio,.of,lH. ? ^'''•''■•''■'•'J''''v. :;77'Hss^o„M J,,Jjf''^---ands„H.a.^^ r'f'r;t- ;;;,:;::--;';:■ I-:',-. IS near. J'uai.d l,\ ,|;n„a,L'c to otii,. organ Ii<'li,.n;,ti,. fi^ '" "" ■^'nall ..,11 .,„a ., ." ;"''inMl |M.,f,„ai,:,i,s ,v..iv f I.^il.Mr.,(„Miy w;is ,,.,ri....l. il '"'""' '"kI sutiiicd iiiKl then K i ;r:;:;;.:i: ::::r::t;:i:;r El' :■.:';;: -""••: v-"'""- t lu),s(.n to giv<- acc,.>,s to tl.c wound ' :;:d;;: F-^ '-..:''i:;:::;.:";;r;;r' '"" "•"it <\IV tllC IllO , . Toils In ; ffiisoii f,, t'iiii|< tliat a \ Ml '•""^- In iUiy case, if there i- f Mils organ is i>lee,|i„,r. it ujll ;:: ;:;',:r;;;:' '' , :""' .»: H..„,i„ ,,f ,1„. n ,„„, ,|,,,„„,,, „ „,„ _ „,_, o tJ.o hody ot the organ and does no, involve the vessel ' Hiiiituii I'tmv nf I'anureu-.," ]i. .-,:.>. 2S Tin-: ACITE ABDOMEN i! 111 i I ^"-:;;:.:t:::i:;i'':l':,:-^r;;r;'f'v "■'; > '" ■■■I.- ^"v;,v „ ,„i,.„i„ , , „ , - - ""i"'-'"iy l'""-'M,. "■«■'« "" '- ...■.• .1,: .':,;:, ";;■;;";" ::!'™:::'';r;;;:;:;;"',';""'''''T'''"" •'■"-'"''■'» "■"■■"■I i» lin.H r:':^^^^ >4i;:;i':;,:^::':;;;:r;;;;;:::":;,'r-'^-" ^--r. liU" ..11,1 „f tJ|(. loucr is li.ratnicl nwl ., |.,f 1 ■ • :''■"■'' "■''■-'-■"'''"•■■-i".-^ll,;,T;;:;r ;""■ r-:;ir;::;;::;:::i:l;-t;;;:!;::;::i: :-"H^^ ;■"'■'""' '■.'■ i-'K •■. "lit i„ ,1,.. ,,„ , . ,„,,■„,,"""■ "' IXJrHIES OF THK .\BDO>rEX 20 of the upjMT end in the hiaddcr ; (2) impluiitatioii in the wall i)f tlic liiri^f Ijowcl, cu'cuiH or siijMioid ; (.'!) iicplircctoiiiy. Ill (1) and (2) the opcrat ioii-^ ai'c similar in tcclini(|ii('. 'I'lic lowci end must l)f closed wit h a li;iat uif. 'I'lie iip|)cf end is slit so that it may not contract too much aftciwards. The po-'tion of the opening' nnist he such that ii> tension will l)e left after the sutures have heeii put in. In the howel the letroperitoneal surface nearest to the meter will he ^elected, 'j'woi-ous (4 tine siitui'i's will he necosaiy. the inner mw takim; the suhmucous tissues and the outer row the musculai' and celliiiar co\<'rint:s. It has heen recommended tliat the hiadder wail -lionid l)e lifted u]> and fixed to the ])elvic jieritoneum w ith a catgut suture, so as to prevent anything' like dragifinj: on the line of incision. K.xcision of the kidney can he easily ])erfoTin( d. and ma\' he the oidy possihie metiiod to employ on some occa>ion^. Wounds of the i)iad.ult of gunshot injuiies. punctured wounds inllicted liy pointed in>trumi'n{^. or wounds inflicted l)y a surgeon dm-ing >ome ahdominal o|)eration. (iunshot wounds inflicted in warfare are most sei'iou>, liecause of the difficulty in obtaining adcipiate treatment soon after the wound has heen received. The\ reseml)le in this res|)ect the intestinal injm'ies. AFr. .Makins, in liii, "" K.\))eriences," p. 457. found that "an uncompiicated jxTt'oration in the intri])eri- toneal ])ortion of tlie viscus was frecpiently reco\cred from. Wlien tJie ])erforation was at the l)ase of the hiadder. lio\\e\ti-. the prognosis was very liad. and. as far as I know, not a >inLrle patient escaped death. The increase of risk in oi extra- ])^'ritoneal wound of this vistiis is indeed \ery gi'cat. while an intraperitoneal ))erforation may In- considt'red an injury of lesser severity. ])rovided the mine he of normal character."' " Drainage l>y a catlu'ter tied in ])rovetl svorse than useless.' fie considers that a supraj)uf)ic o])i'ning might he hetter. l)Ut is not liopofiil under the conditions which olitain in wai' time. There can he no doubt that in ordinary life exploration with the provision of drainagt' will ])rove the most successful. The accidental womids are most vonunonly the result of falls on some })ointed iiistrinnent. such as a spike in a railing. the broken leg of a chair, a stake, etc.. when the injury i.s inliicted below the puhes. through the rectum, vagina, or perineum. A htab may reach the bladiler abt)vc the pubes. :io THE ACUTE AI3DO.MEX " ll"» i» ii.,i i. ,„,,,| .,,„ , .1"" "' ""■ M,„M,.,. ,.s,,„„„| " ""-.-;.■«■,■,.':;:;■;"■ "''-' ..„: ■ I, J" '''■'■tioii of til.. ,1,. ■ |>i „...,.,,, „lll •^-"■gi-W wounds of tie M,,^''''''^^^^^ "- P'"-'t day tJKu. L-v ;: "r '■^: '"""""""y -- at "."''^■•'"•'"^ <'|HT.tio„. T . In! '" '"l>"'ofoMn- Mas • ; ;;;;''7-'^ op.nin, a ll!£:;;;;^ ;-'7<' - .>'^- a,.: *""" <'t a, tumour or uvWi ■ ,„( . ' '""''" •''■'^^^" "P in '"" "^'-"Pt to op,.„ , , , ;, ; ''''".^•''••^' '""- t''at iK. do ^^'ioro operation, and .iu. r^o 'i '1'''''';''' '''''- •^'" '"""•.sion ''•''•'!- '^ - i'H'ludcl vit ;;■""> '■^'"'■'"">- - ^'-"o ;7;'-- muc-h pain, and ,, ■;\'^''''^'^'^ "- acid.n car..fulsc.ard>. In douhtful (.., . ^^""'"' •'^"^' '^'"-'''1 lead to ;;^y ^'- biadd... wii, bJ : ;:;;;; ""J'-'-" '>^ -iin<.so,utio, i-be passed into a ''-btfu:;;:;!':;;:;;;';?^.^';;- -i;'o ■ ^,-^ I .-.->■,--■•;• ...^ •.■•1,. ■ :i'i-b^;4t'" ilr'fc^ ■'A -'ual n.a.m.T. 1 havr mH with lln> ...Muplicatin., i,. Umv out' <>t ..m- tl,„„san.l .a-cs ..f ra.lical .uiv nf inguiMal licniiM It IIh' un.uHl :s ;.n iiivj^'iilir en,., it sli.ail.l l„. trii.unc.l „,, :""! 'I'«' »''lj:«'s l.n.u.uht to-.-tluT with a n.w „f sui.uv^ „.'t^ti,<„s„ As thrx- hmiia. a,v ,.tt..,umt .•^ncm by,u.,.n.. they aiv .lillin.h t.. .hllcn-utiat,. In,,.. th<' ci.lh.lar t.vsar i„ whiH. th..y lir. aii.l ..nthin^ hkr a .!,.|i,„.,| niaigin ...ay !„■ trit to ,..ial)lt. you to iv,-oj;„is,. it Th.-v uv also at ti.„rs, vm thin. a.,.l ...ust I..- . aivfuliv sutu.v,!. '\t„.r Ih,. h,i> h,.,.ii sutun.,1. it shouM l,.> mi,„.,.,| ui,|, ,|,,. uvvk ot til,. ,sar aM.I the ojuTatio., roniplrtnl l.v the ..ailicnia.' method tavourc-d. ' TJ.c ut..n.s is raivly n.pturwl l,y ai.v fo.„, of <.xt...„.,| violciuH.. I'vni whc... i„i.gnan,y i.^ far,!. hut when it is a vi-ry srrious j.robl...,! is iHoscntcd. The ch.r.jrtT is ..n,,f fr,.,„ "MtiTual]iago, Mhi.'h cait oulv )h- Hurk.Mrijv cailv oiuTatio... This is truo also of a ^unmd. and iu hot), th,.,; must h.. „o driay. Whoa a prrgnant wo.uau has r.r.-ivcd a k.Hv ov(T the ab(„. the amount of dauiage to th.- uterine wai will vary ; sometimes it is vrv ••xt.-nsiv,. un..>,.,.„,, „, ' "-"•"<..• n;.ll ,h,. u,.„n.i r'^- , ''"'■ .•.■'"::!;;;;- T'"- r" --•':".:.:■"""-" --• due to mien-..,! i Wfuneiir,. ^f , .,„ "^ ■^w^. 'N.liniKs (,F Till.; M-.rxvMKx .^3 ^>ll«'ll llic iiricnifoi- li 1^ I. ,,l •">• ''.-^mI! ::,;;;:::''7;;'''''-^^^ "^"> ■". I m:'*;:;:, ;:■•';::;,;;;-';;'••!';'■''• ••' '•'■-■vix and ,L „ n^ "^^^^^ '''•'^..■.•i.onc.u;;;;: ; ''^^ ''''•V''-r''''''''"^^ ''''•''-v.'s.suturH,..i„.;,,:.'V7 '■"''' "■'"""' ••'-'I- '-"' - 'ou- as ,..ssil.|,. : -(IMW 1 ■■'■''" '^''''''''^ "*"''' '•■*> '-•..a. li.a.M,.nt M i "'''"''' '"■""'"''^ (:-') Search tor tlu.ut,; ' > ■ ''''"'"" "'- ''■".'I-. --•"<<■'•..^,:,,\:::■'^"'''''^'-^-•'-'u. ami .livid, 't-''-^- wit,; u;::,;rz:'^, ■;•;;''- ^ ^.«lc' attaclimcnt ■,,„l ..„ ' ' '"'" '"-'"" '"i ''ft [""''•"■'■'-•^-'^''-'-adli, ,!^- ;^/ -i.aM.l.livi,lo '^'»-<'".« vessels tha, „,av have- .t, ' •,]. '" ^""' ""•^' A.A. ■"■•p. .V.J; lUr„K,a, -Uilii.-ult Ul„nn. D ■' -.J'li. W.«Jp:-llK«3i'-'» "5t«.*!- .11 ''■'"•: \<'l T|.; \|il)(,.\|,.;x o''-:4r..:':;;;::;;,,:'-;i;V'';, ■' ■■" ^''* '". ••iitiixlal,. ' III iiltiiiiir .. '"•""■"-» "• M... loiiiii. .■..„(i,„.M ... I . .; "''"'r ""• '"'"""■ "'"'•'' (lllllJ..||l„.|„..,., ... ,.- . ■ -'^'" •"-" I'l'' ilV.T;,m. ,|„„,;.|,n ,,. ,,-. ""•"■"•"• "• 'I... i,.iii,i, .•,.„(i,„.,u..Mi II. ' r '■ '"'"""■ "'"'•'' - ->':' >.i.N> III.. |„„,.,, nioiialiiv I, ol.i ,M,...l ,.1 '"""'"•'■• I"' ''111 . .tn. I "•'■' '••'" '»• |..rfo, „....,. „- Vli ;■'','''''•''''' ^''"'""Hn.l „,M.|.. ""■'""•"' '" ""■ '"H^'niM uil ■„, . " ••';"''''•■"• """ II.- sal,.,, "•■' "■""- '•■■'•--f:^-i:.;::;::::';:;:',!;:::.r 'Hi \l M \II, i..\m:ii.\.\i. u(iiM) vi'i:'.i':,::;r::.:'"''-;;' -^ ..i".^...«.i,..„.„ , i,,,, ' ".t.»..u.»l..f ,l„ ,„„i,,,|„ .,^, -'"'■"■'■I .'i.:,;ir,i ;'■,"'''''',■''•> "■'""■■■'-■ "- l..«;.al ,,,L Tl,„. ., , „, , '""" '" I'"""'" I'livsi,,. v.M.„»„,„.i,i,ii; I ;';,;"■" r '•■■'"■■ -1.1--.1 ■""'■-■. ...1.1 .1 ., ; , '"""■'•'■""■;" "'■•"l>"''l "- .' ...ail.-f ,.f :,:; -"■M;;:;;;:;:::s;;:;3::.;:r ;:-","";' tile ojHTalioM a,ul not f,. T ■ ' """''' '^^' •'-'•'•i»>ed to »" *a< . tlu. n.s, ' . '"^"'•■^■■.""^<'^' ^"''M-'Ms unwilling TI!\IM\TI( IM I'TI UK nK TIIK \|s,'|.:i'\ :,.-, u.. I ill a iMticnl uiiliniit ( «,,iiii.| (I'Vj. I). All iimis \\.ls,.,|,,|,||s||,.,|.,Hl.| III,- |,;nl,||l ,1,|M\,.,| (Mr ,. IMc.hlll . ill til .irlilii'iiil iiiiiis itiMJ ciiil to • mil t llt('roini|>liy \\il> ilniic. lint t llr M'Cnliil ii|i(|at inn Viis nut snr\ i\fi|. It \\a> mil iiinj^. Iiiiwfvcr. Iictuic a -iinilai' imm' canir intaillr MlfJ^rnll \\a> tlic lil-.t tn c iiijmv ill a sfcdiid case. Sir \\ . vii'a.' i.pnatrd tor intiaprrituncal rnptinv ,,t tlir nrinarv l)la..,.rr, ami ivpoatcd his .siinr^s in aiinilirr .ax' lu.. luniitli's later. TlirM, ucn- the lirst i.t kind i,, u|ii,li M.r.rss Mas ..htanifd. and naturally niadc a deep iinpri->siun on tlic pio(i's>ion. .\ tahic ot al.doniinal injuries admitted to all the London In.spitals uhieli pnl.lish statistieal reports is perhaps of some interest and is as follows : - St. Bartholomews (I.ST:! liMMi). St. Thomass ( KSfMi jiMiT) Middiesex (l)S7:{ I'.MU). rniversily ( 'olk-ge (Ifs7!l l!M»t). \V,.st • minster (Issti |!M»:!) .- — Situ j, If r:i()ll iif !/,!■ iilidnniill With iiijiuy to kiihi. y . aliniciilaiy iMiial llMI' s|i|c(U . liiescMliTV • • iiliii'lll iiiii ii" i"iitii.ti .,| inl.-t ■VIM,! )>v .I..1;m I r..|i ill ih,. |i|.,t Hi.(, -liil I 1-1"' '■l"l^ltl.iii li)rtl;iuili;itir lli|.tmr ^>t.,,;,,', II „j,jt;|] .Mil., .11111). I'.-lrr ■4 7 4 .-. M <».-. '» :! I) 1' •j^ 1' .',} I r*^ :i *f^ 3i( ''■'"•- \' « TK AMDnMKX K <-"H//« ,,/•//„ ,il„l„„l,,l l'r..|«.|fl..Ms: \..|, ,„.M,."|,,,l,„i, l''lli li.illhi; liiil.iinitf • ""(.'Ml.. ..I li,|.,,ii,' iitt.rv. ImiII..| 'I'llis ^rucs solll IVr ,,. Ht I II .III Til '<•••. ;:n(.s sonic II (M of (lie ii.liii, . .■.■'::r:;:::::;-'-:,;^;;;:r::;;;:, --....-.».. ,, ; ' '• "--„ ■,.,;,::;;,,;';',;:;■■'; ;-; ''■" -V.V n,|,i,„vs .., ,i„. , c,;.,,,; , ' ■ 7""^ "' "' "■tli""l ..|...,„li.„, : ,|,is i, ,villHi , '"»■"■' '"■■ ;;■•""';' -'-- ■■- :■■:•.;:"! :.:z',T::r '- II"- IIM.-II,,,., „„. „„„| II ., """-I "IJ.lii,,., „ ' l«T ■■,1,1 i,,„v,.i,,l. I,„l „„|v ,,,,,.,. 'I'",'"" 'I'.'lar,.! »-.-i"l..l »ili, a l„,..| ,i, ,1- ■ „■ ;""'■'" ' "''"'■■■" "-"^ -•^'>™^v;;.:;;:;;::;:!,:;;:;":,::"t''^'''"' ♦'■<"" a nipturcl l,ow,.I or other iiitcni-.l . • '""'''"'« ^-^t^voornu.n.oftlu.s.i,•rr;f;:^ ^'^■••^■nK,s also, or frac/un. of ,,;.':' X:;/:r'' '>;;/."-vi.i..,.r.a,,h.,,,:L':,: •■"■'''''''" J-;>'-;wl..tlii..U.ur....s,,,,ar..,H.,.. .1 ,, •-'nu,i,.„.l a ,™al of this section of ,1.. ,:;' r' "•'"' '"■'"'■'• ^'"' •■••">') of tlw n.-rio I " '"'^ "* " ''"^F>'tai /;-''W. .,n the'- Recollections, i^:;:;;•^'''''-''''^H^ about IS,s<». ' " ' piial .Sui^eon. vvritti.u This ' l"n.cT was writt<.n hy a of enunence. an.l rcc ouiit.- k% /Mim" THAC.MATK IMITini.: (iK t||k \|s, |.;|!a ;j7 l.iH.x,H.n..n.....i„,hi0.r U „i .nr.rn . I. ,,„„., uMnn.u.. rni.lii.j;. I., ,|„. .H.uunt „» niur.. il,.,,. .„„■ ,,„( m I,,. I'l ,.;,„. ;;'•;'•;'' ;7'"'''' '-''•'•■ Mit..>.M... im. .W.N r.MM,i. ,n ,1... ..()•...., '•" '';"' '"• ••l'<'-";l '< -.•..,...1 ,H.„M,. ,|M. ,|H. M.jurv ,u .\nn,h..r..l,l...h,mstl„.v.riuu,way>,n whirl,, ,,at„nt, M.n. M„i.n..l l...t.,n. ih-.y .u.-I.t oI.vtv ..,,..„. ',,.1 ,|„. '''"•":;''•" l''"l .... «l..rl, ,1... .,,■,..> „| ,1... i„,„rv f.ll I, ,. <''...|..l.'.l l,.,,M r,.,.,.r,U nt , ,,s... ,., 1... InU.Ml in I,.,:,,,.:,! ,V|,,,r,> t .<■ hnu-y. tUr linlrsl, M. ,!,,„, j,„„.„„, „„, „,,, ; . ; Messrs. Wvrry and ( ;uis,.,,,,j.' ' ' (',n,s,s „H,I S,ln.,liu„s nj .stlllilv l>y liiiiviliy oliji'i'l Tall on liaid iilijcrt Tal! of wrijihl on mIiiIoiiu'ii I'all 1 1 Mill lifJMlii '"'"•.' <'alls.-;, |,lo>||y Mil llllOUIl 2 1 •1- - t l.i II s t; ~> - 4 1 1 l.i 1 ; -'I I't I ) II ti -" •"*" r-\ \i\ I.;.-, ' . I..>sil.. oaMv,.,a,,ulu..vH.,,,a,.,..Mli..|..dvM,u..i< ••> >li.-tnnr wImH. ,.ai,s..,| ,i... injury, ti...,, m,,. .an niak,- ■„. iH:|.n.xunat,.,u.ssas,o,l:,.o,.,ann,p,„n.d.r.,,, i.: :.,;',isan.a«,v<.sn.o.s,.|,,v..,a,.,....s,,o,lu.,|a„.a^...|s,n,.,ur,. .... .nnst not ..p.-t to ,i„., ,i,ns ot h ,..,, .j ! ^l^..l. tor then' niav he none 'I'l.i i ♦• • II, • ""..*. tills iv ,,t iiniioriancc tiom i •-•''-0-1..P.I asp,.H, fo,. no, ,on, a,o a jury. ,,.; J;;::^^^^ !>.»-.=,: ;;..H. ,,{.[:, i;.,y„l S„.„.iy .,1 M,.,I„.„K' f.,,' Ijlll!.. ,,(,.. 38 ''''"' A' TTK AMDOMKX "■''''■'' "PP-'arst.. 1... almost 1 1 •••■fused tr> ||(.| "flicvc thiif he Kilt I '" illl ill)(|()|lli|l;,| '<■ prerogative of eoroiiciv JIIIIL'," '•'M'''nv ..f.iu. .,.,,,,,,,.,, ;;;;:|;,*;;:;';'/' "-"-i i.n.,i,;,.e.i a '"• "'■■i''l< of the ku-U "J-nes ,t is a.lvisal.l,. to follon- 'l-n; - "' -"' ''™^^.'w ir:;:,.;:;;:;;;"-'' , ■" i:, :,.:;;:;;:;;;: ;":'V:;^ '-'. :i.™:^ r;;;: ""K'lK' "''"'"• '""' ""■" ''^aini,,,. flu. ■'"''-'■'■'nhisis(ixe,|ors|,iftin.. ^--■'.1 or lo,.a|. an.) tC u ,o ' /r",''''"' ^""'' -''<'<''<"■ i< is '«'m|''''''i(inv. '* "' ""■ I'"'^'' aiid (!,(. , '•'"'•"'<■.•. tlu> ,,,,,i,.„, ,|,„„,,, , „,.,,^.,,,,. , (.perat... ' " ' ""''^^^ '^ '"'^ '••'■'i .leeidrd to HAI-MATIC Hri TIKI-; (,|.- T,,,,- IxTKsTrM;. n.l,.,,, ,„,l„. ' i V V r ,"""■""' "■•"""'■ ■''"■■■"■•I ,. '<' 'leute al»(|o:ii(.|i ''''''''-y"M..^^ ;;'^-oniu;eseap..,?i„,.Jr,^- --^ f'^ IV..I,nl,lvi ',1, , ■'I'l''"" I" !"■ I"'>1<- nipi.llv is u,.pr,.pa„v,l to,.,,,,,, will, tl . 'i' / "'"'''■•' l"''"""«'-»n i-<-...L,.d that', • «::'''-''^*''--:'-"- Wl-it •■'' III ilhout od is a, •• period of rcjK IH'reent. of these , -as,.; ti,o,,- '-•--■Hsnes,n.p;::;:,s/;r\;:;:'ir^''''''''-'''''^^ "--■l-'-'"sw,tl, tl.esan.e "s t Tu "l''^''"'" '"" "•■'" M'vesal.storyofehroniein : ;:; ;'^,' ''''T III li.e slomaeh. '^ '"' '' "■'■''"' ••>'•"«• pain WillMViranlfo the symptoms uliiel, "I'll li <»i, Jiu- suhjeil i(\- rr..iBrp^!^-. TKAr.MATiC lUITlHK OF THH VrscKIJA 3 'J variDiis iuitliors. uiul it is (•()m])iirativ«-ly easy to laly Mr. ,|o|,„ Croft and Mr. ;\Iakins. though founded on a recent and therefore more extended review of the subject. From the ])ractical l)oint of view, we lU'cd not consider those cases which are admitted Avith intense shock, from which thi^y never rallv. The others can he arranged iu fairly tyjjical grouj)s. as they l)re.sent themselves in actual ])ractice : — A. In the of tlu-se there is shock, vomiting, acute abdominal i)ain. with great tenderness over the i)art struck, and board-like rigidity of the abdominal wall. All these symi)toms are present. l)ut they vary somewhat in their uitensity: at one time shock is the main symptom, at another it is the pain, and so on. WitJi these there should !)<■ found a certain amount of localised dulness on jjcrcussion 'Phis group forms about oO ])er cent, of all cases. MiLTri'i.K l!i en i!F.s ni- vnv. .><\i\i.i, iNri.sriNi: : Itrrri nr. m- Mi:si-.MK.iiv : li'KSF.rrioN : .\n A-niMusis. (Dcjuli six .lavs l;ii.-r.) - \ stal.lfiuaii iiK.'d 24 iMJmiltcd on .Viiirust lu. isiti'. siillViiili: tn.iii ili.' ctT.'cts of a kick in (li<' alidoincn l.y a lioiv,.. al.ont liall an hour .■arli.T. lie was rc.civp.l in a, very collaiKscd state, l.nt lia.l not voinilc.l. 'Iho patient was a man (.f sli-lit l>niM. sntTcihi}.' inii.'h i)aiii in tli.. alMlonicn. His tare was wliitc and anxious looking, and liis |)ulsc small anil fcchlc Hclow and to liic I,. It ol tlie iiiuliili.'iis was a l.niisc. not i-lcarly d.^liiicd wlicio the hoot of the hoise had straek him. The utMJon.en Wiw extremely liar.l to the toiieli. somewhat distend...! ;iiHli!n,linh!,ss. Thero was ('iihu^ss on ix^iriLssion over llie front of the < lear tirino -^'r^^w^s^^^-z^fmm ili 4n «as wiili(l);m„ i THE MVTK A HT)()M[-:.\ Vdlllll. .\( ••{ '.V •'ulliitcr. P.iii. 1, 111. flfv.d. t<'n(lu iiUvr ,1(1 ^lill siiir, 'lissidli lie • •Miiy )l J^vvi,hanvionsla..,..,„a,as|yi,;:,. ■'l'"- '-'Klit si.l.- ui.i, |i,„|„ -''-■i,Mn.n,..rn:^;;:i:::;;j:;'^.'^^^^^^ ""' •■piiiasliiiiiii or iiiKic'vlciisiv,. «' « p.m.. u|,..„ op..n,,i„vV ;;''"' '''"'"' ""^'ii.'..Mos..l a„l : ;;l ""^ -"'-v-n-Nv. I ;;:::;■'■ z ^"""■'"■"' '■'•-•-■> '.:;;! •""' '^"■•■n.t<.,|. ,„.l l,,,.,uon|,a,.,. J' ""■-""-■.v uas l.,,n.s,.,l ""■ «•" J'-in« n .livHl...! "^"j ^'•:; " '• "" '' -'-'- '.I N in..h..s. :"""'"" '," "'"-'iNal .■o,„..,„s I,.. ' ; .;;, ""'• " '^""••- <'"ly a s,u,,l| »•'. pia.vs „... ,„.,,..,n,„i s,,.";:r" ':";''''-■''•-'■'■•' '•".■-..• I llliili 11...- ..IV . 1 . ' " '" l< MIC liiiu,. .,,,,, I , ol til.. M-iit „as 111,.,, ,li. , . " ■" IlinsI (|„. ,. „(,,,. ,. -r. a'liinsi (I "■" v<.ic(l. al)oiil Il> Pl=^>.'s was ,1,„... ,vi.l,o„, ,vs,.,,i„ ."'"'. 7"^""'.'-i^ "iti, s,.n,.s ;" ' '". '^"-. "I,... v..,ni,i„. ,• v;;; : ;;:''^' '""" 'm^ "" ".«• .■-nin. '"'■•" ■■<-«..s ol P-, it„„i,is. -n,.. „,,;"' "■''■'■", '■''"'".......■.I pain an,] J..S <-on,li,i„n n,„ p,.,niilti,i..- „ I, '""•,■'" '.."'.•■-al an„s was nia.l,. »l'.; n«l.t lunjr was .li.srov,.n.,l '-^fLMV,. ha.nn.nha... into ,, . '"•"•• (l\,'<'l)V,.lV)^-\ «;,,,., II I ■' 1.1. Ill nil. .\f|:s|. v;. >"'•.■'.. HT :u. luUK liavin. Ln ^i^UaZ' "'"' '■ "'" ^"''"*"-l "." "<• "■••^^ V.., y sick aft,.nvanls ui.l . 7 """' "" "'"' ''"^- '"• .i". varils. If, was then U>oku^l v' V u i . . , i'V'^"'^ "'■•■•• '"•"- -l'.'.- ;'''.a-.<'.'witl.(ai,itl.n,i.s,.,s,,,-,l, s i,, "''"'"'"'■'. ".'■'■<■ "as ..,.,.„ „7 '"•-'-'ii<... Ti... p,i.s;wal ■ ,' '!:, ';;;; ;'"; ""v;'-^ -.<■ .i.i.i ..u, ;! , Jl" a.nv,.,l whilst I was .„ ;, i^- .' "" '""'•'•■• T..,n,„.,„ „,,.,,; ''''''''•.v'..Hn«,ak..n,li...,.,,;',;.\'r''''^''- -;'.'.' .." .iiii.. was |„ , ' ; '■ '""^ "•■ "'•' '."'Ml.' i d I ;::;;; ""■ "'— -- .'.->-.; /" ;"""."^' si/c ol aii ..nlinavy<..-..|.. tro.-lnir w;.s i„„M.l iii 1 1„. i,iitiin.vs, ..I llM- j;ul. ;„ tl... >ain.. I..v..|. This wm. rlos...! I.v ;, I...|nl...,t sMlinv ,.t silk (N„. I). Th,. l.„r in 1 1... ....•s..,il',.,v was ,.|„„..l illl.T li;,.i,tmv ..I \v>s,.|s iili.l III.. al>.l.,iniMal wall .■|..s,.,| inlav.'!-, II.. .l..v..|..|H.,l s.,.,i.. i.r..ii..|,ial luil ii uia.liiallv smIkI,!..,! (.„ .laiiiiaiy :, a laii;.. ., ..I .•|,.ai- Ihii.l, awav' Iron. III.. I.iw.r l.arl ..t III.. w.Miii.l. ..vil<. I,.,.al j.ain. an.l thc.r.. is rigidity of nuisck-. sometimes e..nfine(l to th.. side .,f the ahdonu-n whieh was struek. Th(.re is t..n.l< ., ])ressur<.. and ])erhai)s lo..alised dnhiess. hut tiie man tVels that h.. will 8oon get over it. and prohahly remains un.ler tr..almehl with reluetance. or iiegieets to call in medical a.lvi(.e ..n his n.ti.rn home. This gr(.u]) f.Mins ahout :!.-, per eent. ..f tiie total nmnh..r of easi's. In a,, wlii..]. 1 t.. ili.. l'at}i,.|.,Ki<.al s,„.i..|v in Iss', ni 111,.!-., ha.l I....M1 ..M..i,siv.. la....|ali..n „\ tli.. small iMl.'.siin,. il„" a man ..f 2.-,. an .,sil..r. lia.l l,..,.n ki..|<...l l.v a l..,is.. a! .-, ,. „, th.. .lay I,..!.,,-.. a.inussi„i, i., hospital. II.. s....„„.,l „,ial.l.. t.i ,u.,v,. I„r hull an h.,iir. I.iil tli,.n w..!it on with his work nnlil t;.;!(i p ,,, |i,. j,.,,! to.Kl on n.a..hinj; h.nn... I.ut v..niil...l il innn...liat..iv, an.l was .Inn.iu th.. nijrhl. llowyf. I,,, tvlnn,,.,! I,, work in th.. m.-niinj; at t. .. ..|....k : was nnal.l.. t.. ivsun... his w.iik afl.r a slij.rht l„..aklasi IxM.aus.. ol th.. ..n.s,.t .,)• pain an.l voniilin- II,. pass...l into a stat.. o|' .■Mi-.'m.. ,.,.lla,K,.. an.l .li..,l tw,.nty.s,.v,.n an, I a half hours all..r th.. ki..k. Ili.iv was an ..Nt..nsiv,. rii,,tii,v ol th,. small iiit..Miii,. an.l mloiiso ])..iii.)nitis. hi tiie foll.)wing ease we were mu..h hylh.. aleoholieeomliti..n(.fth(.].atient. In th.. (irst plae.-. the vomit - iiig was mistak<.n for the results of think : in tJie se,..,Md plaet.. lie was very intolerant of : and in the tliird. his <;<-neral eondition was very unsatisfactory from chroni.. alcoholism. On II,.. nijrlit .,f .April 4. IS-IS. a man a.n..d 27. who was ,i.,ssi,„. Wiiilohall wli..n ui an iuio.\ ...^1(11.^, was nm ov..r hv a ! i'J^tfKT'M^iJf M I ! ! TJIK Acr TK AHDO.MKX tno-wlit'clcd vi iilliuissjoii. Ik Wils t;i -" Wils lin ken to il IH>S|)1|;|,| li.'iU-. Illll Wils icImsimI "iJl" I" St. TluMriiis-s :il,„„( tl,r,...-.,,iinl,.,s ot ,,1 ...wnpii ,J';:j;:;;',;;:::;,;1''; -;"-;-„.., „„.'i.....i.,:„;;',:: I'-.l- fiiirlv .„. . ,;.;,''■''• "'"■?■ ""•■'■ ""•"• '"'*"<^ '" "lH...|s. tu" ..i«hf till V • ;,?i r ■ '■' '• "'"' ""^ '•"•" ■■' ^'1' 'i""'>«i' :i i...".. win.., his ..o,Mi,„o„ ;i.s ,y,rt L . , "V ': ""■ '"'" ^" )>.'lloinMMl.:,| Whi.'ll ■ll„,.,.nn.,.,, ''■'■''■ "I"l-"l"ll Wils was ro,,..:u.i:;.::;":^ ;,::;:■;.:-■,;:;'■<■;:;:- h wnv .s„ili,.i,.„t to ,.|os,. i,. Tl...,-.. w ,1 I ;",'"" '"""'",,. ..oils. Th.. iilHl, , , ";' .. -"""'''":' •" '>"'l''' "" 'J- ;i:.^":cr;:;i:v-;;r;-;:;7'^-''r-^ thm> is M'T' ^'T''; ?'" .^>"'J>'"- -•<• -atl...,. i,..|<.,i..i,.; tlcri ,,s .t l„sf„ry ot uIkI..,,,,,,;.! i„j„,,, p,ol,i,1,lv of the kin, :::'"•""";■ ?"" ^ "•• ^■""''♦"'«- '<-' p-- i^^ « / mn^i ;■ " ''^^'^»-"'— - "<' n^'i'lity of ,>n.s..I,.. ^l il Huusston sl.o.s ,.0 cJ.a,.,... After a ,i,„. ,1,,,,. m av '""— ^»';'>'- ft "my t.ot In. oasy to si,,y i,t wit., uZ^Z^ tU r ,„ attack ot i.s ,„ titc- .as. „,„|,t tl... , .ro of tl.. ate Mr. \alsl,a,n. Tlt.s sur.,-,,,.. mI.o .as pa,i,-,.tiv wato , 1 for sym,,to,„s. ,„ a .'its,, of kitt.l. fo,.,,,] '^'^'^i^^^^L --" —....I s....,...s. .ny..ta,.otiinpatu.„t,.:o,:;:;:;; ■ J ji» 'j^-*" 'ri!.\r.M.\'i'i(' liiiTrHK of tiii, \is( i;i;.\ t:{ sfiioiis Nym)i1(.ins iiiay lie Midden jiiid niic.\|)c(tc(|. ciiiiscd hv the jiiviiij; Wily ot ,i portiDii of the ((iiilnscd houcl. Ill sniiic iiistiiiiccs. especially wliere lliere is ji deliiiite liistory t>t the kick of a Ikiisc or mule, it will Iw judicious to operate at once, as recoinniended hy Mr. Ueriiard I'itts. without waiting tor syinptonis. Should the escajie of intestinal contents he very restricted, jiossihiy ill cMnse(|Ueiice of the snialliiess of the perforation, the syiii]it()nis may he limited to occasional sickness, with un- «'asiness in t he alxlomeii. gradual distension am' •;eiieral tender- ness, caused hy a slowly extending iiitlammation of the peri- toneum, which may hecome localised, and result in the forma- tion of an altscess. It must he remeinhered that ineteorism may follow an injury to the abdomen witliout iiny rupture of the intesM;!' or internal organ. A rigid condition of the al)doininal muscles is a verv imjxirtant sign : it jiiactically always means seriou.s underlying damage. Cases in which it is ])resent may. in rare instances, recover. i)ut it is a sign which should lie regarch-d as of great value, and in most as an urgent indication for ojx'ration. .Mr. Croft comjiared it to the ])rotective contraction of muscles round an inllamed Jiip-joint. Hartmanii has shown its value. No deduction rega.ling the value of localised dulness on percussion can be drawn from i)ul)lislied cases. In the large majority the condition of the abdomen (»n )K'rcussion is not mentioned, and a])|)reciation of the slighterdegrees of abdominal dulness is not universal. .Mr. Uernai-d I'itts thinks that dulness at the site of contusion may be due to colla]ise(l intestine, as a result of a tem|)orary ])aralysis following the injury. It has l)een ascribed to escape of intestinal contents : this may })e so. l)ut it is rare to find much feculent lluid ])resent when the abdomen is ojiened soon after an injury, although blood may be found which has come from a ru](ture of the mesentery or a tear of tli(> omentum. .\n extensive extTavasation of ))loo(l under the jM-ritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall will also cause dulness which does not move Mitli alteration of position, liut this is a verv rare com- jilication. If tiiere is a history of localised contusion, such as that ])idduced by a kick, and in addition to dulness un(U'r the ])art struck there is also lluid in one or both Hanks, the meseiiterv t i!! 1 BUmmmi 44 TlfK ACITK AHDOMKX : I IS lorn. an.l. wl.alcvcr )l pjni,,,, ;,s to th,. vtai.. of the j;iif tlic iiidicalions for ,.|M.)alioii arc cvid.'rit tiist. to j)rc\"ciit furth.T l,l,.,..lin«, an.i. M.<,M,(lly. to ivpair til., in jnrv. winch niav i.iivc placed the jiut in daMficr of f;at.j;rene l,v deprivation of it's blood supply. When the injury has 1,,.,.,, less localisc.l. such as that resultinji from a fall or from heinu run .,v.r. it is possible thai then, may 1... a complicati.m in th.. shape of rnptur.. of one of the soh.l Msc..ra in ad.lition t(. .lama^'.- ,,f th.. |„,w..| an.l its iu«.s..nt(.ry. It has been obs..rve.l that lo.-al (.•nd, is usual. I)ul tlwre may also be a sharj) super(i<.ial t<.n. he uas walk,,,. .1..,, ' 1 row ..1 mm posts, au.l wh<-u st.-i,,,!,,. in.n. „nv post to aiioll,,-.- Jus l.^ot ' See p. 'Aj. 'M. »"il«i "W'T.'NIMUll THM'.MATIC l^lPTrHK OK I'lIK VIS( KItA ».". HiipiK'il iiiid Iir Icll. slrikiiin his ali(liiiiicii on llu- pu^l in fioiil. lie luiiitnl. Wiis liikcli Iiniiii'. ulicii- hi' Wiis >i('k M-vclikl liriics, aliil roiii- ]tliiirn'(l ol yrciil IciuliTiic^s in tin- alxiomi'ii. lie cdhIiI iiol pass his Wilier. WlifiL linmu'hl 1<> lli<' liideral>le i|iiantiiy of elear iiriiH- was drawn olT. I'uUe |(m», of small volume ; temperaliire '.I'.t . It was .■•lated thai for two or three days liefore the aeiideiit tlie Imy had had a eou;;li and >wealin;i al ni^dit, and had talked of ^'oiii^' to the hospital for medieine. Oiliiliir '.). lie was sii'k at !t.:!o last evetiiiiir. Init sinee I lien ha-; not vomited. iMiriiii;- the niujil the teinperatnte went up to lO.'J . and the jinlse rose lo IlMi. '|]ii> moininj;- 1 he teiiiperat lire wa< lol . puUe I In. and the patient seemed very comfoilalile. Irini^ normal. There wa-iio diminution of liver dnlne^s. and no iiiereasc of vif,'idily of the alidonieii. lie said that he hail no pain unless the ahdomeii was touehed. .\t .'! |<.m. lie had ipiite recovered from tire shock , and pveseiited the iisjiect of one siilleriiiH from reaction. He was Hushed, with red lips, hrii^lit eyes. and dilated pupils ; the pulse wa-s Hit, utid he was dozinj; comfortalily, lyini; on his back. The thiyhs were' not Hexed on the alidomen, tint, were placed strai^'ht. His temperature, which had lieeii lit:! duriiii; the niuht. had fallen to KK) . The pulse was not wiry, he wa- iml rest- less, and tlie vomitinj: had ceased. On examination of the alidomen there was no ahrasioii or mark to he .seen. It was normally di>tendeil without any visililt; jieristalsis. He could draw a deeji lireath without jiain. On palpation tlieie was no rij;idity of the muscles, lint he cnni- ])lained of a yeneial tenderness, init excessive. 'I'lie ])ei'cus>iiin note was normal throufihout. the liver diilness lieiiiu' satisfactory: it was thought thai the note was less clear in the Hanks, Iml this was |>nt do\Mi to th> greater thicknes., of the muscli! there, for it did not alter witli jiosition. The (ijiinion jiiven then was that we had no eviihiice of compU'te rupture of tlie ^ut. lint that it was ipiite jiossilile it was severely <'()iitused, and that it mi^ht ejve. when immediate operation would lie re(|uired. This oiiinion was founded on the account of the case u]i to ;} p.m.. not on the local condition. .Mioiif ."i p.m. lie ajiaiii complained of .sharp pain in the ahdnnicn. and the pulse rate increased to lliti. .\t 7 li.m. the ahdnmeii was rather more riuid. and there was some, diminution of liver dulness. \\ it.IiK p.m. he viimiled a consideiahle (luantity of j^rcenish lluid. and the ahdomen was slii;hlly more ri^'id, especially alioul tlie up[)er liarl of the left rectus. The pulse wa> 12I>; the liver dulness was less <'vident, liut there was no dulness in the Hanks. Median section was iierformed at 12 midnii,'lit liy the resident assistant- .surjreon. wlio found evidence of recent pi'ritonitis. with some free lluid in the pelvis, which had run down the desceiidini; colon. In several :l 4 a '''"''' •^•'ITK AJJDo.MKx y-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '■'■>- r-vi;j;!:r;;;;;;;:r,;;;;;';;;;;;;-;;^ ;;"-'^tion tor ,i,,t Jesi.,, ' ''•""'^' ^'"- -""- "» '- > ''^' -''^..inal ,..,.„,. and lis ,,^;""^"-'- '*>^ -ay tl.n.„, ;- /•<:-' 'uptun.;, iH.i.rtt*' ;;;;;"' ""•" "■'" '-•«•■ ''>- .^^''';'\'^ *-'t by fi... fingers i,;,,;"^.""''"'"- '''''<' -aH.ling '» »''Hocalisati.,n of iU^ru^ur^Zr^'"''- ''''''' '"">• ^-^ '•P-HHl Tiu. only ..ase.s fZ;^2 I '"■'•'^""-"" '-^ ''.■<.. [^>""cl ui the vomit m,.,,. tl.o .^'"^ '" ^^■'"■*'' '''"•"I was ^f'^. '"'^v,.!. ^^ 'I- t'HTc" any blood passed by '"^oiiiotlnnij iiiiisf l„. ..; I , ;^>,..b:;::l.:-;,^--';n.a,n.ntineas..s.. ^^- ".ust bo gui.le,! bv gen ; . ; , ' "'" '"' '^^''' ''"^vn. "'-i. better ,,.,sino.. tinu ^^J^^^"'^ -"' -.' in a ve,.- -;»^' - an ai.l sh, !"" "^^ ,, ;r;i'"7 ^•^♦''<' 'Cognised subcutaneous tissue. ,,a.sse,i in. . '' '"•''••■'^'•' '"*« tlie '•-turn eontinuouslv. We /V'""' '"■ ""--<' <" -Uer tl.^ '''J"nosofthes,.li,i;i,J, ,.," '^^ "" ^*"«<-^- '.onev,.,.. j.^ ^'■.itl.atlne„u,rrl.ageistl,eehi,.f,lange ! I TI{\C.M\T|r ini'Ti |?|.: «"■' TMK VIS( Ki'A to lite. I li'licr ixniiil III) 1 anvs) It is canicil .mh (| ii"iv "iii'-siir^',.„iisf|,af ulicM II KTC """'••'"♦'"• part. s,,f|,at if f| "■I'lM applications sli.,iil,| |, tlxl '""'iial wal! alnii,. it !<• MjrKllty is (111,, f I'd' and til liarill <• patient lie V iiccc •"".v liavc a ,1 ivcd a „s,.|,. " "ijury of the »i>iitinii((l for aiy to say that this t ly^ival Icniith off laiicc of passing I'piiation. It ■•'■■'tMicnt sln.iild not l„. ••triipfiiivofth,- intestine. I iiK'. if then will I "II SIX hi Mils ii I inaiiv of th •ecaiise peritonitis is |<| IS any possihility lo in iiy refer a;;ain to M • ■se ease: wii to hej^ia IK >t "Illy that th •' niortalitv fssis. IJerrv and ( FKTtoriiH'd. |„it that the I,, is le: ••iisep|,i. „|„, ^1 done JK'twcei is prat'tieallv th seven and twelve I wlien early ,,p,.r » lesiilis are ohtained \\\ lour.. low ition is K'li it i.s and Is _-^.iiiieeonelusionastliat to whiel dter the accident. Tl lis IMTitonit explained hy the fact that tl ts is By •'till localised, if it h >hoc|. 1 Sie^rcl ,.;,„„ < IS passiiicr ,,(J\ opefatioii ill c stood abdoniinal sect repair by suturint iiiptiired intest ion. a search for th iiK- is here imder- Tli easy aceess to the intest placed at the level of t| e incision shoul,| he a I "Jiired jruf. iiini j,. "e. and it oiif,' one to ■s central give necc ssary to excise tl iinihiliciis li pertonn an anast sutun tl (h oin ic contused and lacerated osis. hut in tl l>plied as already advised K' niajoritv a d, on of an artificial Wll ■e much le surgeon had better satisfv I gins to apply suture: may lead t iini.sdf on thi more than one o serious trouble. point before he Jt appears to me that cases of iccovery in this brand advance ill the after-treat some of the 1 of guide us 111 nient. founded on tl more recently f)ublislied Gingery have shown an }>laced in the '• Fowl perforative peritonitis. Tl tluid administered i^'tlington. W. SI er position. ■■ dr; continuously by the rect K' priiiciples which patient has 1 lec U'US. whilst Dr. Kadcl n. and \V. (;. )een ine urn. Afessrs. (J. H. linage emj)l„ycd. and .sal i(fe introduct Set' [1. III. 1 recorded sue ;al cesses ill ine into the ea- cum hJ^ y^' 4m I'HK \( riK .\i{i)<>.\ii:.\ atf.T ;i|.|....Hl„..Ktn.ny at ll.r nn,. ..I („,, >.m!I„ms i„ iwmtv lour l...m>. TI.,,tottl,isisins|n„,iv,,h..|Mli,.,.ln..u; |.h..\vs Ihcn.Milt a. iv^'ar.N a.lual nT,,v,.ri..s hut (h...s nut show how many wn^ i.h.v.l h\ op.raMon li, •Mr. (Volt s lir.t .as,, th,. pati,.,,! ,|i,..l a month late, all.r ivs,..Hon ot the artificial anus whi.i, ha.l Urru torm.Ml in tin- hrNt n.stan.c. Another |,ali..nt. also i . ,h,. .,.,1,.^ fn.m St llioniass. hu'd Inra m.mth. an.l still another some mv ,lavs .iym« ultimately from peritonitis ,lue to th.. j;ivim' «av ..i a stitch. !:§ Hri'Tiui; Of DroDKM'M. Huptur.. of th.. .luo«l..num is one of th.. more rare ivsuits of injury to the The hist..rv is nearlv alwavs that ..f ••run ov..r in tl... str....t. " caujiht i...|ween a moving aiul a statiomiry ..l,j,...t as in a l.utfer or struck l.v an opponents knee .lurinj; a toothall match, an.l it is evident that the .lamag.. was intli..te(l ahove th.. umhilicus. Occasion- ally the p..ritoneum is torn an.l int..stinal ontents «.scape into t lie jK-ritoneal cavity : more fre.,uent ly the tear is in the pos Un- r..tro-] part of tl... bowel, an.l extravasation lake a.'o m and arouiul th.. ru|)lun. t.) a ra|)i.lly in.-reasinjf e.ste As this (..xlravasation contains a ..(.rlain amount of pan^'reatie there is a swift change in the state .)f the cellular tissue ot th.. ].art. It may i.e suHici,.nt t.. a fi.xe.l dulness continuous with that of the liver if the patient survives tor a .lay or two. Th.. signs of ■peritonism ■■ are .severe, th.. shock lu.ii,.' especially great, so much so that occasionallv it has heeu necessary to ahan-lon an opeiati.>n for th.- reliet'of this injurv the state the ].atient has ma.U' it that any cont inuatK.ii ..f t he e.xplorat ion would prove fatal l),.fore he could leav». th.. operating tiieatr... In addition, there mav he hoard- like rigidity of the ujiju.r aixlomen with great on pivssure, emi.hyseina of the abilominal wall. ijl.).)d in the ^li«t= Tl{.\r.\f \T|( Hri'TrMK of Tin: viscku \ id Vninif . aii.l nil ..priiilij; flu- ;<. ..| tins iv«i.,ii. The ivr..n|e,| ea>es ut leenvei afl.r o|MTafioii are very U■^v iii.lee.l. Tiinse of M,.,,,.. «;,„|wm an.l M..yMiliaii Nv.-re at .,r near the .lii,»leii,, iejimal jiii,eii,,n It it IS ,...ssll.le t.. tin.l th.- ..(...niliK in the ,u.,itnne,.ii,. the l-uuel mi.lernealh must he examined aii.l treat. d l,v >iituiv it this "IH'Miii^' is small an.l a.-e.-ssihl... Mr. [,avvt..r.'l Kna-us. u|„, • •IK'neil a .liseussi.a, on this siihjeet at th.' |{.,\al Sn.i,.tv nf MciieiiH-.' .h-se,il,es a .as,, in whieli he sutuiv.l th.. ..p.n'in.r whiehwas I in.'h fr.mith.. ..yhiius. with a ,.„ntin.i.„is Mitiin- through the mucous and muscular cats, an.l appii..,| inl,.r- nipted Lemhert sutures outside that. At (he necn.psv t w.nt v- lour h.uirs later these lia.l hel.l. Th.. .Iraina-.. ^as''.l term this case l,y three .,ne in th.. rijrht Hank t.. tl,.. kidney p.uich. one int.. the jM-lvis. whilst tli,- ivtr.., , .s|.iice was drained thi(>uj,'h the al..h.iiiiiial hi thi^ tile second of two eases n-lat...! I.y .Mr. KnaKus. th.. patient was a man of I'O. un.l opc.ration was perf.)riii..d than twenty four hours after th,. iiip,, i.a.l I.,.,.n inlli.|,.,|. If there is ,.onipl,.t,. riiptur,.' ah..v.. the entran..- .,f th,- l)ileduct int.. the sec.,iid part ..f th(. (Iu...l,.num. th,. I.est m,.tho.l of treatment is t.. close both , an.l p,.rform a p.stro,.ntero. .stomy after the meth,.d .,f May,., or l.v lh,. ..r.liiiarv ant,.rior ni .tho,! which tak.'s less time for its p.-rtorinan,.,.. rhoh.cvst- cnter,.stomy must also 1„. p,.rfornie,l wli,.ii th,- lesu.n is l),.|,)w tli<. l)il,. paj.illa. When a eomplet," ruptuiv has tak,.n pla,,. I.,.|,,w th,. ,lu,.,h.iio- .jcjunal juncti..n. a m...lilicati,.ii of th,. ..p,.ralioii of .rasim.,.my -en V.- of Hou.x mav !„. possihl,. hut the l.n.ximal liml. may he v.-ry short an,l iv.piire soni,. skill to adapt it t,) the eiferent loop. Those are suggtsti. ns of po.ssihilities. hut in a.tua! pra.tico there is rarely a chan.-e of doing m(.re than p; an.l .Irain. on acount of the ,..\c(.ssive A.A. Sif \"iii. \ .. .\ci. !l, II. i>4;j, I laii.s.iitmn^. I r>o V'lK \(l iK MUKiMKN I{| I'll i:i; III I mi: I.ncci: Itnw ii.. I?ll|lllirf ol till 1,1 liuwrl li\ l.ilir, linlii \M||iill. lii'cll tM < ilsi.i||.tll\ -Mil I) \||i||(«-' lijs iliauil ;ilti'llthill \i< tilt' ''•^''"'l "I ■• |iirs^.il 11 fiiusin^ tills aciiilciii. Mill piiMi-^litil il IIIUSI ill^lnilllV II wllit'il III' ll.lll |l. CM Kc ;| |llllllnl| III tin- >.ij.'IIHM(l . 'Ill ,..,.,., till illl.l-ll.||ll«-,K, II*' I iiIIitIi c| lilli'i'll otiirr cjivi-. ||. \.iiiii ,1 >uiiiii-.. 'I'lir .III' linsr wIikIi ji'inls 111 Ihr i'.i||i|in's ,1 II |,l\ I lii.l 111' ii|i|i|iril liirciliv 11. the itillls, lull |iHm|i,c, , !,.,'| lliii'll^ll l!if I'lnlliilii;. nil|it||M' is ll-lliiliy III till i.h, ml III; \ III' Mll|lli|i|i'. All Ihi- I'ilM'N nut Miltiiiittiil I . iHiii , . flirt' • n ul Iiit cmm's. ii|ii'i'iitiiiii tlUI^I I.I' CMlly I' I,.. . illllssl|M'(.|.t|.i|| \\;|s ll'citl'.l In iiU'.iiiN III ,i> ■ ,.'■ I ( l.iiwi'l, iii|iiiii)' ..I' til)' fiiil was II, I iiiikii,,ui II 1 ,,, , I ,11 jijsii l,\ .III .itti'iii|it III IhlltKllIll' III," M;..', ,|,|i,v , ,, ,,;|ss ;| l.llliC llOlluil' tllliumll il hiuli ll.lll lli:ili' 'l.,iit .,1 . uliiii III,. |,:itii'iil I-, iiliili'i' jiiKothi'-i.i. hot riiiiii jii'i l,.r.,i :,,ii liy till' liiiiij/ii'. Iiiit III, III imsllillU lllf IM hl-l;,- sIlH'tlll, lipWiirils. Ill I'iisi'S ulll'I'c I';! Iia\i hii'ii |,ii,i'il mil) III,' |ii'i'iti>iii';il I'.ivitv it is 'siialiy ililliciill tn s;i\ « hrt lirr tl.c iliiiii.ip' Ii;is lici'ii cjnix'ii liy till' lln/./lr 111' fliiin Inn Inliiliji' (lijivciy nf tlir IJniil jntn .iji nhstrilctrd ITrtllMl. I!l I'll 1,1. nl im. I»l>i I ShlMi r,.|iiS. Willi 1. M V:i! MlilSS III IIIK lUii.'i^lM. ri,i;i l.iM.i M. A XMiliiiiii :mi'il :i:f «:i^ Im,,iii;IiI :iI IlM :■ iim. oil .liilv I », l!MI7. Iiiiviliu liii II Mill'i liv ;i hiiiHi'ii oMiliiliiis. 111.' \vl I ol wliii'h )ii»s>|.il i.vci' III)' iiliiliiiiii'ii iiliiiiit till' Ji'MJ III till' jiiwir nlm. W'Ikii ;ii1 III III I'll sill' \>;h |i;i1i' nml rii||;i|i>i'i| u iili a lii'Mi' piiUi' Il'ii. anil a li'iii|H'ia' nil' nl HT . Piniiii; III,' iiiulii -111' \\a^ >i. I, ,in>i'. -iiltinil imii'li |iaiii. ami was I'Vlili'lill.V wiii'si' III I hi' iiKiiiiiHi;. I >,'iu lii'i al hi a in. Mni'li nl ih,. slini'k liail |iasst'il nl). anil li,' «a^ Mim -min'wlial |nn|i|ii'il n|> m |>,.|| with i|iiii'ki' ii'-inialinn ami piiU, Slii' « a- I'lnniilaimiii; nl jiaiii in lllr li'fl -iiln nf i ln' alnliiini'ii ,.m r llii' Inwii rilis. ami llii' aliilnini'ii ua-* mil linivmi.' wi'll Willi i','.,|nraliiiii. I'ln'r,' u as lijiiilil y ,'s|ii'i'iall,v inail»i'il on till' li'li sill,'. Willi cxi'i'-MV,' li'iiil<'i'ii,'s> ,'\l,'iiiliiitr in a lini' ti ihi' >ili' lit llii' iniiirv i.-wanl-- ijii' iirlvi- sh,. h.iil |i.ism'iI iirjiii' nf iiininal aii|ii'arain'i'. Inil tin' ImwcU hail mil atli'il. Tliii,' was no I'viih'iil liniisiiiy; III t hi' sivin. Ti'ii htiin-. alli'i' I he injiiiy ,i|ii'ralinii wa- ranii'il mil llirniii;li llii- left ncliis >lii'aili with iliN|ihii','iiii'iil nl I lir iniisi'li' inwanls. .M iji,. Iiis.1 : ^pii'tinii lliiii' ua- lillli' vi-ihli' iii'Voiiil a ^iialrlnil a|i|ii'ar,iiir,' nf ' •■ >i!iL' :.v. t, Iri,'-." .laiiiiMiv Wl \ . S. \ .. /.,i nr,'t. \i,\ I ll'll. p. .■.:'i, ■■v'm^^.jimm. TKAI MATI. Kli'll !{(• Ml' T||,: V|s( |.;i: \ .-., ;ii"TT"r"'."" ". ■ "'• "™ ^ ' "' "•'• ;-"•'•''••■•'"... .,.,,., ,K ,..„ ,, ,„., ' '"'■'^ ' ' "'"' '•■'••►I -..1..,,.. ,,, ,..„ ,., ,i„. . I...,,, ,,,„„, ' ;•■;'■;■ '^•■'••"•'••".n.i. „i„i-, ,i,.., m.....,,.,,„",i..,h ""'""7*^'' -'...ii-.M-nMi,..,.,. ,„„„.. ,. , „ ;'' "■'"■"",""■"7 '■;•'";"' ""■-;'^-' -i- i .....,,':, Ciivilv )'\t.'ti.|r,| ii|(w,nils into III. lM|i.|i.Mli,fM;il 11, -II.' Im'IiiimI Id. -■l,l| ,l|k ,11(11,,.,. ,|„, ,„,„„|,|^ I ■'ii:lii loij.ili.'i null .... ,.|....„ , , - '■" '•*■'"- II'*' ""I III-' |„,.' ,;*;""-'■'• • Z" "" ""'-V- I.I I ,,;.|.i,..| ,1,1.1 M ,., K.M^ ... sh,„ ..,r ,1,.. „,.,,.. ,,,, ,„,,„.,, ,,„, ,,,;^^_,, "I- •-! ""■ •' • "l-ii'iU'.." II... I.rti, .luv .1,..,,. „a,.:, ,1,. ,„.„, IMTHlUI... an.l UH ll„s .|„| „..( s,.l,M.|.. -. .... .,, „„,,„|, , , .l.i.v -'...•..•. ..I tl,.. |,..|,v.val,.„. „.,•„„. „,.. ,,,,...,.,1 ,.„„..,,..,„. " r '"' '"'- "";;"•<'•" •■'•""• ''"-V t,., ,,.,.,1, i,v.. , K,. ,1,.. ..„;. ;\, ,; ..•-on.....,- In.n. .lav ... .l.,v, .,„, , „.. ^v,.,.,..l ,„.| ,.. , , I..-I...V .N.].!..,,,!,,.,- 7. n||..|, si,.. I..t. ,|„. ||,„,,„;,|. ' ' ''.'''•' """■'••'li<.V'ilt.'.Ml,„« n.ptur.. .,1 ,|,.. ,„(,..,„„• ul,-n ,|,.. I»al..'nts,,n. ,.I.M....l un.l.Tth.. I,...,, ..,.„.|mu„ , ,-; -.|,.,u„ „. ,„. fal.l,. ,M. ,.. .-,L'. TI...M. an. ,,|| |,..,,,„,,i ,,,„., ,„,„,^. S.-V.... o,H.ra.,nnsum, t«..,.,y...n.. n.,.,.v..n... 1., ,|,„ ,',,.„ un. ■n..„,l,..| ,.,|| tl,, ,,,.., .„,,„„„,,| ,„ „|,„,,^ ^^,^^^,^^^ s..r.T,.stul or .ml, 1,„| , ,,„,■,■ ,.Mi„.;,„. is „l„.,,„...| j, ,„.,,. ,,„. ciisrs t.>r tlic last fen y<.iirs ,irc taken. I have „..( ,„a,l,. a s..,,ara.,. |,..a,|i„j, „( /{„,,»„, of //,, l.e^ans,. i, is Usnally a,,,. .,t ,|„. ,„„„. sever,. l..s„.M, rnptun. nf ||,e iiifstine. Tl,.. sVM,,,tn,n, a. ,,' ■• snmhiv. an.l altlH,„«h a su..;, n.av l.e e.'.rtain I),,.,.. ,s ■', lueerati.,,, ni the ,MeM.„t,..y. I„. .annnt |„. ,...,.,a,„ ,|„.,.,. ,. „;, ;"•'■ •'■"'■^"'« '••^i"" "• "h- .Mt,.s.i,„.. TI...V are -eri.a.s l.eea...s,- .,» the danp.r of in.erteren,.e with tl,.'. I,|,.,„| .unnK- "f the mte.stine. They ...ay als., he th,- ..a...,. „i ..vte,.-,v'.. h.x>inorrhage.ntothe,„. Should the se,..rHtion f,oM. i; L' ;i r>2 THK .\( TTH AHDOMKN tlicbowd he oxtfiisivc or tluTc is accompiiiiyiii",' nipf urc of tlic intcstiiio. the })art iiiiisl hv excised and the cmls uiiilcd with sutures. Tiihic Shoiri,,,, /,',.y,(.'/x <,/ l>i„i,ilio,i for T,H,i,n,ilir l!i,,,hnY of till' lllllsll)n\ SI. Tli.iiiiiis's lli.^i.ilal, ISs -1:1 10. I'ril V :iii(l ( liiiM|.|ii ( l.ollllllll 1111(1 niluT lldspilal^. IH'.t:*— l!Hi7 ilH'lll^ivi'). CiirLvl. l>io.l. I 111-.. I. Hied. Sinall iiitcstiiu' — No (ipcialioii <»l)i'l;iti(>ii Laijif iiitcst iiK' - — 5 0 20 N 37 49 No operation Operation ij 1 1 3 5 6 10 28 11 1 97 St. Tlionias's IIosi»ifal Other liofipitals . • ;!! (iiieratioiiK, It. «« ., 1 1 rccov^'rios. Rtptirk of tiik Paxcrk.vs. The pancreas is another organ which oecu})ies a ])roteete(l position in tlie U))per alxloinen. so it is very rarely injured hv anytiiing slinrt of a stab or gunshot wound ; still there are a few cases on record wliere such has occurred, and the possibility of it must be recognised in cases of contusion in the epigastric region. A laceration of this organ gives ris(> to no special symptoms beyond tliose of siiock and effusion of blood into the jxTitoneal cavity. When peritonitis supervenes it is apt to bo ascribed to other causes. Should exploration be decided upon in consequeiue of the urgency of tlu- sym])tonis. Avhicb are n-ferred to tlio region of the stomach, a median incision should l)e vised, and after examination of the stomach, liver, and spleen, the gastro- hepatic omentum should be torn through and the lesner sac of THAIMATIC HriTlHH OF THK VISCKHA ")3 the iH'ritoiuMini fXiiinincd. H.,m)(1 iiiny lie seen (•(.miiiy the applicatioji of lij;atures of ratgut to the hieedino; points. Should this method fail to arrest the bleeding, dvrp sutures to l)ring the parts together should be tried, care being taken to a\oi(l the ducts if they have been eut. If the laceration is in the tail of the |)ancreiis. it will be well t<- cut this off beyond a ligature, at the surgeon's discretion. Should it be possible to close the rent, additional sutures of catgut should be also employed to draw together the peritoneum covering the gland .so that the damaged organ may l)e quite sliut off" from the ju'ritoneum. The ])eiitoneum must be thoroughly cleansed. In every case provision siiould be made for drainage; the best plan is to close the ojK'ning in the gastrohepatic omentum and make one ir, !ie gastrocolic omentum, through which a strip of gauze the reciuired size can be ])assed. In in,,iv than one recorded case a i»lugging f the wound combined with drainage has sufficed. A complete rupture of the pancreas was sue . ssfullv treated by Professor (Jrave.' 'J lie patient, a man of 24. Iiatl been cnisLcil betvccu the buffers of a train. There was .some liftle puia alter tJio accident, no voniilin^' or iiansea no shock, whilst the temperature and ]) were normal. 'Ihe wa-s tense, jiiid there was some tenderness in the epifjastriiiin. Three hours later %()niitinfr of cottee-Kroinid.s material, later of some blood, set in, with Revere pain. A comiilete tear ot the pancreas was found, the edf;es of which were about an mch apart, and sli,(ri)ly cut as if with a kmle. The torn edges of the orjran were brought togc-ther with exact apposi- tion. and with three posterior and three anterior tine silk sutures through • apsule and parenchyma tiie t TMK ACITK ABDOMEN opfiatioii : oicvcii w.-iv operated on and seven recovered- thiH o,,eration merely consisted in exposure of the wound ami draniajie. any l.lood whieh had been efVused Ijeinir cleared away. Dr. Han.lail lias obtained success after suture of a laceration of some 1' niches in lenf,'th. Me employed drainage. HriTIHK OK TIIK LiVKU. Rupture of the liver is an extremely fatal accident, and tJie symptoms which ensue are usually marked and serious. Shock IS present, frecpiently ])assiiij.' into and ch-ath. Short of this there are vomiting, rapid pulse and respiration, pallor, I'tc. Jn this accident rigidity of the al)dominal wall is very (■vident. so that it may ajipc-ar l)()ar(l-like. Tenderness l)ecomes localised to the hej>atic region, and there is shifting dulness in the flanks with the ordinary symptoms of loss of blood, accord- ing to tile amount of it Mhicli is effused— the man becoming restless with a ra])id weak jmlse. sighing respiration, and what IS called " air hunger.- Jaundice may be a late svmptom. and IS therefore of no use in the earh/ diagnosis, which is so very inijiortant. There is. as might be exi)ected. much variation in the size of the rupture, wliicli is usually on the convex surface of the right lobe : the combined statistics of Mayer and Ogston give three right lobe to one l<-ft lobe as the proportions. Shock in this injury may not l)e evident when the i)atient first comes under ob.servation. F.vr.u. Cask in win, m .s„,„ k w.xs Dki.avki..— Wlion leaving the Ifo.val tice Hospital .some jtuis a^-o. 1 saw a woman of r.!( l.n.uulit in, wlio liad IxHn run over in tlio stivei a few miimtos earlier. Mie was exeit.. liver was extensively torn jmsteriorly and the kidn..y showed a leeent laceration ; tlieie were other injuries also present. I niu>t repeat that all cases of abdominal injurv should be cur. fully examined during their stay in the hospital, for secondary symptoms give very few signs which enable them to be detected. ^m^^^M TKArMATlC RTPTrHH OV TUE VISCKIJA .-)5 Fatal Cask in wiiirii nii; Svmi'Thms wkki: Si.Kiur. In l".)ll u mail wild liiul liccii iiijmcd in a motor car accidi'iii was in the iios|(ii;il for about ten (hiys ainl then went to ji, coiiviilcsi'cul lioiric .•tiniiirciitiy well. Soon alter his arrival tht'rc lin was iran>linrcil to a iio-pital, whoro it was notoil liiat in addition to jaundice tlicrc was a consid-'iaMti cHusion in the i)critoncuin. A lar;;c (piantity ol' tliis was wiiliilrawn l)y iispiratioii, Iml tlio piiticnt died from j»critonitis. It was foiiiid that there had been a rupture of the hver. Hkcovkkv ai ri:i{ (Iai zr. I'a. kfm;. in .Inly. l'.)V2. a Ix.y wa-* admitted wlio liad hcen iini over and received Irai-tures of i he riuht rihs over tlic hepatic, reu'ion. i'or two days t liere were no symptoms of importance, lie vomited on the third day. the ahdomen became some- what distended and lender, whilst the temperature rose ami the pulr-e increased in frequency. No deiinite diilriess could he found on iercu>sion. hut inci.-.ion on the riulit side jrave e.vii to atxiut a jiint of iluilished in the literature of this country, though these are few in luimber. Ho suggests thiit when the peritoneum is opened, the hc])atic and ])ortal vessels should be immcdiati'ly grasped with finger and thumb, and lield by an assistant whilst the elTiised blood is cleared from the peritoneal cavity and the necessary manii)ida- tions are carried out on the liver. He has jiractiscd this in two cases, and says that jierfect control of (he bleeding areas of the liver was obtained and a clear lield for operating. There can be no doidjt that at the operation the first thing is to arrest the haemorrhage, which appears to increase directly m Till H '■ A' r TK \I!|)(>.M|.;\ '"■ |»irii;ii.,. Iinrn tli,. •"■'■■' "llr.t,.,! ,,,..,,,11 |„. ■"■'■<•>• I ''"i. (I.r., ill ,|„, ,„,, .i'"''V nf ,,,s,.s a l„u : ••"•lint |>ni|t,)rti,..i(.,| '" "i<- size ,,| ih,, ,,,,.j,^, ''■'"" "''*'•'' llir l.l..,.,li,.;r '■;■""- MMSS..S .,,■ .„„:: ■^'"'"''I '"•< !.<• .•..,,,|„v,.,| ;"'"■'■" '■^'' .•..ll..'si....s ton,, ''••'"•'••'I infest i„al ,,,j|, "li"-l, ...aycMUs,. „|,s),„,.,i,,„ '•"'•'■ ' l""v.-l.,„| ,„,,,„,,,„,. '"'■^"••Ii ;• l;.lc (■....., ,|j,,„j,,„ "• "• tiv;.ll.„.,|( wl,i,i, ^vas ^"•••vsstnl ji, savi.iir ij,,, j„ •'k' first place. ''"'"■'■'■ •"'■ ^"""f wonr.ds i., „l,i,.|, it i 1 "T; . ''"•^■'■at i,.„. a..,| 1 1„. ,.,„„|j, „,,,,.'"". '^ "•■"'> ■•'<'c, t,. t|„. -n.i-i. A. va.,a,..;'i;;;:,i:;i':^r''''r-"^ «'-<■'•"<• ^^ffT? :^^ '^sit''?^?^as!Sir.s^ rnMMvvu iivnruK (»k tiik vis. K|;\ ,7 ;;::■:;' "-"■^- - •■ '-. ......... .. .... Sin...- w,.iti„. ,|„. ,,|,„„. ,,„, ,„„„^^j ^ -----'. ':::..:::v.::;';,;::!;''i:;:;;;^^ ^l"n":::^;r.l';,;;'.:v'7:;'••'"••;■■v- .i-> , ,,., II. Th.. ;,i,.i„„.,„,i „„„ : ' "' '' ' •'""" '" i-'"'^" )>■>'« ^Mi.i ...,v ..• I wi," ,;,:,'■".;" ";• - "> > ■■' •"'■• -"' 1. , . ' '" •llll\->,"","'«iM(i.i;ii„i„„„„;,i ,,.,„,„ '"Il\ .lis....sM..I. \Iv ;,..„;.. '^'-I'"-'...,,,.;.! hM...i..,.|i,.,. „us l'>i;i..i..|i „r Wi.isl.iw .,,,,1 v.lil • '■"■'^' ' "'.^ ''-I' '""'fiiiK... ..II., 11,,. ";■ "''■■- <-'«::^'":^.:::::^:z:^:t:\;r:^:z ; l«'a... anil <.,iii..|,t h,,. |,„,, . , - ''"' '""" ••'"'' -"''• "' iIk' -'-aii..,. ,., I,,.. i...i.i'.„. ,!;,';,;;; ;;';;•"• —■- -■<• '-^ a„y "^•-"-"- '"-•■' -•'^':-t>i;i::nr;";..:;n,;'::;:;;; j'//-'7/.»/, MnliralJoiinml. Vol. I., i,. «. ]! M). ^£j1 r»H TIIK ACITK ABDOMEN n wiiH wa^iiril '■! "'.ill. lilt i:iv('ii< was I, nil, ,|iy. Th,. |M'iit..M,-iii iiilusioii oil lalilc. A ilrainai:.. liilir wa. IHI in 1 1,., hrpal i.- p.„.,.|, loi 1 1„. ti,s, ini .lavs "" N"ll,„m,.-.rai.r.| lioii. ,1, an. I I Im- «„iiii,1 hralr.l l.v lir..! iiilnilioii l.x<;<'|'l tnr a .iiiioiis lis,, ill l,.,n,„.|atiin. ..vri v .■v.imio' nip h. In-' ) ll„. I'""<'il a j.,h,.1 i,...„v.t.v. aii.l «.nl Immim' «,li fo,iii...i, ,lav. aft.-r ilH' iipcralHiii. Moihilih/ lift,',- Hiiithiir i>( llif l.iiri: May.T . Killer ( ISMT) I'larlikcl '1 illoii ( Kill,-,) . Olll 111 L'llT IMS,-.. Hfiti per rclil , lalal. •"i47 .. Hrill .•II .. 4.-. 11 ThoU-lhnihiij ijiirs the mortal, 1;/ nfhr „i,f,oliuH~ If .lining III,, liisl (w,.|v.. Ii.iiiis. .-..-, p,.r ri.nt. If piTliPiiiMil iliiiiiij; t|„. s..,- 1 uvclv,. horns, (i7 p,.r,.,.|ii. Iityi»ii,l. 7H per (.(.lit. RrpTUREs OF TiiK Gall-Bladder AXD Biliary Passauks. Traiiinatio rupture of tlu- jiiill-l)la.l.lor is a very raro aeoidcnt, but IS occasionally seen. If the bile is diffu.sed "throuKliout the peritoneum there will 1h> evidence of free fluid slowly increasing witfiout symptoms of luvmorrhage. There may be an injury of the hver when the symptoms of liver "laceration will mask those of injury to the gall-bladder. Of t)ie few cases which Jiave been published the followijig is a good example III which the effusions became localised.' 'I'll., was ailniiil,-.! into Casli,-! rnion Hospital uimI.t Hi.. ..are tit I>r. 1. Lathiu. .-.ill,, a inaiiif.l \v..iiiaii. aj:.>.l .".li v.^ais, wli,. had Ix't'u ti-o,l,le.i on by a .'..w whi!,' in th,- art of niilkinj. it .s|„. IVlt .sonu-thiiij: «iv.. way insi.l,.. an.l alt.-r sutlViiii;: for so,iii. tini.. from all tlu..synii.t,.iiiso| a.Mit,. iiillaiiiinatioii wass..nt to hospital on S,.pi,.nil>..r On a.lniission ih.. i.aii.-iit was in an alarming' stai.\ Im.|ih' almost nionl.nn.l. .sh,. was i|,.,.ply iauiMli.M..l an.l all tli,. svmi.t..ins of p,.ri- toiiitis w.'iv pic.s..nt. 'Ih.. ..(riision was. how,.v..r. .•ir..u.iis,.ril...,l pivscntiiifr lh(. appcaran.-c .if a (•onsi,l, tumour in th,- ..iiifraslric an.l ri.jri„ns. Th.. pali.n..|l. Dr. <;. Cook, an.l o!i„.,s laparotomv Wiis p,.rlorm,.,l. A lai;..- .|uanlily of pns, an.l s.,ni.. Iii,uiil fa'.'al iiiall..r W..1.. .■vai'iiatcl. '11,,. ..avily was wasli,..! out with aiilis,.ptic ' Lumrt. i;iuo. \'ul. II,, ),. H1I7. TRAIMATIC Rll'TrHK OF TIIK VIS( KItA .ill "'''"' ' " mii iik .1. wit I, tiK' ..xr..|.ii<.n nl 111,. .,|„.|,ini; lor t|„. 11,1,,.. Th.. |.ali,.|,t was s„ w.-ak iiml III,, pans iM-iiiK s,. iiiatl,.,l as l„ „.,,uii,. a ivmilar ,ti>.,.,.| i,>ii i,. Miiiav,.| 111,. |.,„„i „| ni|.liii,.. it \vas,l,.,.,i„.,l Ml,,,,. |„,i,l,.Mi i,, mali,. il an ..|.,.|ati..ii ,/,■ ,/,.,o- hn>i,. it ii,.,.....a,v. 'rii.. i„.,.,.»ii v !.,i a m,„>„1 <.|>.'iali..ii. Ii,.w,.v,r. lj>.|.llv Inm, .|,..,k ••""■PlauM„K n s,,as„..Mli.. pains in ,1... a...lo,„..,.. ' -,1. .Iv „...,k mj..ry uas^h^l.. K,« of ,1... ,kin ,.u ,1... Ih. .uU- .., ,1„...| • ni, ^ ' '•='"« -I' any .loo, . T..n,,.,..a.u.v i.T-.i . Ti... alMlo„„., «a not. MKMl ali.l no sprnal lrn.l.'ii„.ss roul.l l.r .-liril...! On il„. i(iil, lu.s,.,.nu..l taiily W..II, hi.t still j.a.l spasms of pain in Ih,. .• -.. . MHly on ,lu. n«h, snl.. Unuu, ,1... ni,h, 1... I.a.l I. '. | ' t:::j::i;:i::t::r' '"^ • ' ••'^""" -,..a an.. „... H..m"i on Jli' '';;;', ""■ """h ' '"■ ''"" '^■'"*^ "" •'" '""•'^ " '"' ''i^ "'*«!- o I ..'/""■" ' ""■'■'■ ''"' "" "«'''■'>•• '•■■'"'•■"'.■ss. .lis„.nsi:,n. ,n !„■ p..,russ,on not... II,. v„,nit,..l twi..,. a.t.l t,.,„ p -ra ..,.. ..... to Un-> . r,in... sp. ,r. ,,oo„, v,.,.y ...i i,. ,.olo,., „ . blo,),l ,(!• albiuniii pn'scnl. IHlh- .siill r,.stl,.ss. witi, fr,.,,,u.nt vomiting: l.,.w,.|s hav,. a,-l,.,l ^.-rj III: vom..,.,l lo„,. ,,„H.s. J.,.s.s ,.,.„.plainl of ..aii. IMdnst ...nponm.,-,. l.Mfo . Th..,v was n.,.„. in« on tl... 2.,, . a o.; J "Z. ot uf.n,. w,.,.. pass...l. Slight .luln,.ss n..l„....l „„ ,i«h, si Ic ..f al..l,.M...n. Tl... t..n.p,.,at...-,. ,li,l n,.t ..v,.,.,.,l ..)«.4 " <»n th.. 21st tl,..,,. was ,.vi.l,.nt .-hanK,.. II,. look,..l v,.,v ill «i,|, M.nk..,, ,.y,.s. was ,l,.,.p|y ja„.„li,.,.,i, v.„.,it,.,I f,v.,„,.„tlv i,, tl,;. ,.„.m,|,.s. •nann.r ..1 a pat.ent p,.,itoni,is. Jli,s p,.!., was',api,l a, , .- k u".i .'" was „.ark...l. Tl... al..l.,n...l,. l,ow..v..,. was . .'.at- (list, ns,on ,t «as la.,;..,, than „o,,.,al. n..,v,.,l will, „.spi,ali,.n l,„i W y ,n the upp,... pa,., .as ,.,„ sightly ,..,.....,• an.l w.H,: ' I K.. .ty (.,. ,„.,-,.„ss,o„ ,1,,.,.,. was an a...a ..f ,l„l„,.ss ,.xt,.n,li„„ ,,„,; '1" J'.'pat.c. ,•,.«„.„ „.,o „.,. ,iKl.t ilia., fossa ; tl„.„. app,.a,-..,l als.?, .X .,!...! lorwanls to th,. ,igl„ li,.,a s,.„.ilu„ar,s. an.l .ha,,....! I,ut « " nnjr th.. ..xan„.,at,o,., was .■,.sfl,.ss. an,l ^rav.. an ......a,;i.„,al .1..., siKhinjr insp„ati..n. Th.. t.-ntpt-ratu,-,- was <»7-> Th.. Hni.l in ,h.. ,„.,i,o,„.„„. was s,.ppos,..l ,o' 1,0 ..xi,avasat..,l bile «.lh so,n.. ,nfla,n,„a..„v ,.t,„sio,., an.l ,t was s„ppos,.,l that t„. . .a -. 1 .' Kal| WV ..ould ....t obtai., p.T.niss.on to ,.va..„at.. 1 »nt.l U p.n.. of the 26th. On .neisio,, through the pe„„.ne,.n. ^vhi.'h ' Tiansuctiuiis of fliuical Society, l»'Ji. p. m. TKAlMATrr lUTTl'HK OF TFIK VISCKKA i'A Wils Miui.r.l n .1,.,.|, yrllnuish ml. a latKc -|iialililv ot |Miir. ,M|.n,,l...s 'III. ran away. Tlir iiil..siiii,.s wn.. roiii;.>l...l. I.ut I !.,•,.• wa> ih. ...1 ih.-iM. A .liain wa- plaml int,, i|„. ,,,,;„•,. Ii.>ni 1 1,,.,. la.l roMH'. Ixit no altcni|,( ar IuII.t ..v, ati..n was iMTUiillcd l.v Ins l>aHtli. a|.|.ar..nlly In.m ..vliaiisiion, liil.- was i ni li«>in III., in.ilioiis only on Ih,. hi.t I wo .lays of ih,. illn..,s. .\| 1 1„. .„„,. moiln,, ..vaniinaiion lii.. wliol.. of Ih,. Miiall ni..> w.r.. fonn.l ni.i...'l...l. an.l I.. Iiav.. on tli..n, lay..|.s of Ivn.pli : Uiis was ..s|„riallv mark...! ..n lli.. li-lil si,!,.. 'n„. |jv,.|- an.l « w..... inla.-l l.iit alH.ul halt an iii.'h l...yon.l Ih.' jiin..|i..M of th.. ..vsli.. an.l li..|.ali<. .lu..ts "' """"" '"l.'.ln.'t was f.Hin.l (on. .•<..n|.l..| a.ross. hm tj,,. ap..| I 111., was .liili.iill lo lih.l. \o oi hrr I ia..<.s of injiny wviv .liseovor<.U. Eriianlfs cxiMTiiiu-iits ur.. of iiiti.n.sf as sliowiiij,' the (.(Tcct of tli(. l)iicilliis ...)li (wliirli is prcsi-nt in the {omm.m l)il(.(liicl) on tli(. iHTitoiu'uni. wlicn nii.\»..l with the i)il(. .ttc.r its (.scapi. from till' hiliar\ jja.Hsagcs. both in the j)ro(luction of a plastic peritonitis and the ])rt'Vt'nti.)n of clioliuniia. RrPTL-RK Ol THE SPLKKN. Hiipturc of the spleen is mostly met with in malarious districts, where it is so commonly diseased ; it may also occur during the course of an attack of typhoid fever. In this country it is nearly always the result of a severe injury, and none of our n.conh'd (.ases of operation have been for rujiture of a spleen, so far as could be ascertain(. and l!M»(i). Som.. of the accounts given tiy m(.di(.al tneii in charge of hospitals in tro})ical countries, or by those attending where patients are admitteil from malarial districts, are quite startling. A i)atient with a large sjjleen " turns in bed."" is ])layfully "dug in the ribs "" by a jocular fri(.nd. .somcotic throws a. grain of muslard seed at him or fii(.ks him with a cane, and death ensues in a period of time measured ill. If fil> TfFK MVTK AMDOMKX l>y .M.M„t..s. Pl.tyfuir «iv<.s, to ,.iKht ,ni.,„t,.H as tl.o av..n.«.. .luratioM of lit,. hIKt n.pturr .,» a r.mlari.l s,,|<.,.„. a.ul tl... lal,- Mn«..nn(;,.M,.r,il ( 'null Ma.k.'n/.ir sai.l that (in !. ,„.r '•<•">■"• Ins rasrs ,li,.,| ...hI.t halt an i,.,ur. It tlu- alMJ,,,,.,.,' in .■xan.m.Ml aft.T ,l..atl. it is fnun.l t.. hav I,,..,. ||no,|,.,| with '•'•'"'I-'. ,t 11... sac ,.t a., atinirysn. „f the aorta l.a.l l,„rst """ ""• I"->»...i.Mnu. TluTv is ,a.vlyti,n.. for n.or.. tl.a„ a guossas to tlu. .auso of ti... symptoms ,m..„. fur Irratm.-nt. Hardy is the rupture of a malarial spleen survivt'dcvfii for a few days. I>i-. White Hopkins, who spent some years in Sarawak, has l)rouj;ht to my notice a weapon whieh I have callecl tlu' " lethal eross." huf in Malay the real name of which is " larang "" (meaning forhidden). He says it is used only in soufherii Chijia, and generally in the .Malayan countries and islands. Malay .States. Java. Sumatra. > ^he southern or tropical portion. It i.s K,.,. ir : I 1 lioavy and made of an iron bar f, niches long, a -.oss-piece. the en.l. of whic the point. The blunt end t-wninates i . a ,t ^^l .1. gues ,t a knol.h,.,l app,.arance. It is ..arri^d ;;"•' "H- shaft up the arn, of a long sleeve. clut,.he bet" >' t K. second ami .Innl fingc-rs at the cross, leaving the k.mb cxtcndn.g. It cannot be seen in consequence of tt.e S.HU- of the sleeve. The ( 'hinaman waits for his vi n ^^ l>lo« in the abdomen, not bemg particular as to the exact part wh,ch he strikes. The victun wuhout a groan falls Zd I'Ki. (i._Truiiiii:itir I.iKviiitiiiM iiii.lCon tllMoM ,,f the Spllv,,. l.'Hiiiovc, fliain MllSOUIIl. TRAIMATFC RirTlRK or THK VISIKK a »;:{ N '"' tiN. spot. Hi. pockHsan- rill.Ml. an.l nmluMK »'..,,• i Known ttt Ills iissiiilaiif. I)r Whit.. HopkiMM, '• fr„n. ...y ,.xp,.,irn.r i.. Sannvak un ..nlarK,..l spl...., an.on^st .1,.. Chin... ,s f.a.n.l in al.uut ■•<'l'«'r <.-Mf. I wn„l,| p, »„rth,.r, an.l sav thai ..v..rv China. ""'", /'"^ '"' '■"';">"'•■•' N'l'-n. Hu. th.. ratin ..f ,.„|ar,..nH.nt wnul.l h,.as.„ll..w.: Th.. whoh- -f ,h,. ah,h.,n..n invnK,.! ^MI 1 a hur.l ikmIuLmis .nlarpnn.nt wonl.l h,. tin p,.,. ,, „! IHThaps „..„•(.; a partial ..nlarp.nn.n.. ....npvinu thn. „f th- alul,Mn..n. woul.l h- h],.,,,, ^ p..,. ,..,„ '""n...|. l„.,.a„s(. it is kn.nvn what Vi,:. 7._Tlie \ jiriiii;:. int.nti.m ho has. It is ,ar..|y foun,U.x,...p, ., ,h, ,,,,. .,f mt..x„.at,.,n. or tlu> tin.ling ..f a Chinaman in clos,. pr„xin,.,v to a (load man. ' • 1 do not know of any other ijistan... in th.. hi>torv of tho JK-opies of ,h.. worl.l in whi.h sin.ilar a,lvanta«.. has I.,.;.,, tak.-n by t ... .>f the pathobgical opp.,rt..niti..s of th, district ni whieh h.. iiv«.s. Rupture of a normal spleen is foun.l as th,. result of ,.onsi.i..r. able violence, and is met with „„,l,r two ...n.litions J^rom Its position und.r the sh.It.-r .,f tlu- rihs, wher.. it ' well guanled. esp,...ially in the a,,lult. it is a eompara,iv..|v rare "ijxry it IS not sur,,rising to find that amongst tl... puhlish,.,! .•as..s ,s a„ un.luly iarg.. ,,r..portion of voung p..opI.. whose rih.. are more elastie an.l yi..|,ling. no h.^s than fift .e,; out of twenty-thn... being un.l..r 2n y.-ars of ag... ....arlv all whom were " run over - i,. ,h.. snv,.ts. It was fornH.Hv lu-l.l that there must be adhesions between the spleen and diapiira^m ^'^ I. ■i I Ilii 111 IIIK \< I IK \|;|MiMi;\ '"'"" "'l""iv ..Ml i.ik,. |.l.„.-. I, ,11 .In, ,1 , I,.,,, „ .1,^ '"•'V' '" "■""' > •• '«"i""„.s l.v Vm.s N.mII,. .I„.Ks..„, |» \,..x !•.,„, . .,,1.1 nilMM Tl,..,;. •■'"' ^"""" ''""'^ '" " '' '"'• •'- -"• <-• I'M.- I.,... I, ,„..l..„,,...| ■'"'•' ""■ '"''"> '"" ""•"•' <.l.v. II..' hi...,. ..I 11,,. •''"'"'"" ^'^ ^:'*''" '" '•"• f,,..,! .1,.... „..| .,!„., V . . ,,,y ...„x,.. "'"; """ '•'-'•-^'t'....^l.«,.s .„„,.,, Sl;,.,.|,... ,„, ,lM.|v|.,n. "I linl'' v^.ln.. I..II K.ll.., ..,„„,„„.,. I ,1... iii.„(alilv M sj:i ,,..,• .■••Ill I.I ill.' ...1. .iliiph, Mir.l .MsiH I'll.' -M.ipl.Mlls |.|.m||,....| „,,ix |„. i,„„„..|,,,,,,, .,,,,1 ,,|,,,.,„„ , "•■ ll..',^ 111,1V l„. .i..|,,\,,| ,„ ,|„.,r .l,.v,.|..,,m,.,„ |Ju,.,,,||„,,: M..........! tli..|., „,, ,„ ,1,,,,,, „..,,|, ■■ ,.,r„.„u.0H • r/n„„„ ''"'"" " V/"'"/"' l".l I....I K ,..|..,„,| ,., ,1,., ,.„,,,,„,, .,,• ■■' ""•'^•"■'' S " l{..|.l....- ..I tl„. I,l;,|;,n;ll s,,|,.,.„ ,„,,v |„. ''"'"''•"■••'' '" ""• "'I'lu..' ..I ,111 aii..|.,\ M... ;,„.! ||,;„ ,,| a ,„,r.,„i| ^|>l.',ll I.I III,- W.I, 1. 1. 1 .i| i.;,; ,,||,.|\ I'Ik' am. .1.1.1 ..I sh.i.'k v,ii-.,-H x,.,'\ .'\ «|„.„ h lirallliy s|.|,.,'.i has h.M-,i rii|.i „r,..l. a. ..I .|.„.s i„,| |,V|,, ,„ ,|,], .ha^MKisis. I a... i.i.'j I ,,, ||„„K „ ^,,,,,|,,,. ;,, ,, ,.„|,, „,„,„ Ih.'s,,!,.,... .allu-.' I hill. wli,.,i 1 ... hv,.,' has l„,..i ..,,,1 ,.,,■,! ,i„|,..h "'"■ I'l'vial...., ..I iln- lall.T .s .h'.'p ,.,■ .-m.-iimv... TIi..,-,. ,„,,v h.' .... I.Hal .'\i.l,-,uv,,| ,'..„i„si,.„. |„,i ,1 ,|„' i.ijmv u.,s t,, d,",. spl.Mli.' n.m.M.. ..l..,',.,-p,.,.,;,||y ,1 ih,. .,v,.,l\.„i; nhs'a.',. h,-.,k,.„ ih.'Mlh,. ureal is th.n tli.' spj,.,.., has I „ i,,,.,,' aii.l tl.,> s_\mpi.„„s «.!! 1„. .ho.k ■ ,,„■ h,,,,^,,.,..' ;,,„| ,,„. • ,J «i| lri'(> IliiitI III the p.'.'iton.'iii.i P.iiii iua> li,< s,.v,'.v. I.iil ..II tli.'.,||i,.|'li.ui.l it 1... ahs,.„| i.M.lth.'ivmay.-x,',, 1..- .,.. t.'.i.h'i'i„-ss, Tl.,' .•hi.-l ,','.|i,„„.,. ,„,„,' h<' pia.',.,| .„, th,. p,',.M'n,v .,( |,io.Ml i,, ih,. p,.rii,,n,,,i ,.„,j,v S...M1 atl.T a., iiij.ny. .i.kI ih,. p.,„.ral ,.|r.','i „| H,,. ,.s,,.,.„. ,;,■ tins hi.„Ml ..I, Ih,- pati.'iil. h is strans:,- i„ „,a„v .•,.,..,r,|,.,| .'xampl.-s ,.t n.plu.'.' ..) ||„' sp|,-,-„ ,1,,.,.,- is „., siat,'.n,'.,| as i,, th.- p.-,-s,.n.v ,„• ahs,-ii,.- .,)■ ,|„iM,-ss in ||„- alMl,Mii.-ii Auy\u^ ,|„. pr.vuMVss ..t th,- .as,-. ..r. in lad. ai.y ....i,- i., show that tli..s,- i„ i'l.ari:,- wore awaro ot the voiy larm- a,ciim.ilali..ns „f h|,„„| vvhi.h w,'voal,-.l al th,- po^l-morU ,>t ,-xamii,.ni„„s. |„ „iu- «r uso ,as,'s. in wlii.-li ,.p.-rali..ii was p,-rf,,n.u-,| ahn.a,!. il is stat,-.l th.-n- was m„ .iulii.'ss. aii.l, a para>;i-apli .ir so later .». that a-n-at .l-a! nf hLnnl osoap..! uhcu th.- peril,..,,-...,, was ft P I I I t.,»./i>..;-'T7/*LTy ••':M M\T|. |;| Til |{|.; mF I,,,; M.,,.:,M .. , !'m!T;l II '^'''7::' ?''■'■•' ''''••■"'''•■^^ ^ '••■ '•■ '"' '"^"v V'"^" ' ''" '"-'-•".-■I I.,,, ,. •"••■'"; '" '"•■•' -I- - — ,1 .,, „,: HVIII|.(ulll, ..t I,, , ul 1,1 1 ; '•;'"; "•"•-•i.-- n... ,i,.,., ,.,„.,.'.' ;:,; 7';'' •'''"'■"•" ""•*''"""^'"" ''"•-',„, hv.M.n.l,,..! ^lill.' ul III. |.,|(MHI |,l,r,in..lH ''''"■"'"•""«""'"— I""' i I. I.M.„n..M|... I.,,,.,... lll.-ar,...|..M|. ' '^"'^ ■''•'■•• IMI...,MIM.M, .„n. v.... n.l, „...!,., . ,„„ ,,,,,, ,,,. '"^' ''^'> '"■ '"" •" 'I'" ..iImt ;,),.! „. „.,l ,, , „.,, :, .lHl.-n.,,„,.,„^.,,.M„, ,,„„..„....., „n.l„,l„,,,, ..T '•■"•«•• '•""^'-"-"» 1,1 itilull... ,„.,„..„..„,„ I< '-H.lvis.l.l.. to r,.n,..v...lM.s,.|...... ,.,,.! ..,M,.,v .!,.■ ,.,.,i. *;:•"•' •'""•'• ' -1....I. I.M ,nv,..|...M. Tl... '...„,„ I, ..II N.s..„|,.tr or«.„ „...;., ,.n.s,„n. , ,.,„,„,,. ^^,^ i" '7 ;;r <•''';•'••••■-•' -iM..i. ...... ,,,,,\.,,,.,,,,.,,-^^^^^^^ H|lM,... s.ssris ...n.l so .m...,.,| ,1... I,,,.,,,-,,, I,.,.-,. Sal,,,.. I IH. smMvsstu ,.,s,. ol .vvnsioM tor ,1ns iMjurv. .Inn., l.v |'.n.,.|, s..r«,..„H. an.l .. k n,.,.n.s,i„. ,,. ,in.l .ha. .Mr C \ •,.,,,. '^V"; ':'''''''''••"'■■''>■•'''■'••■'•••'•-••■'•'•--''''■'• f'..v I- .ul.hslH..I ,n , .s n,„ -.•>>< .h.T,. uas MMrk.-l ..,.ian..,„..n •' " 's of the- iMl.MM ,u..| v,.ss,.|s ..Mt.Ti, . In- tl .' C=;;:-;'p;lr;t;:;;:;;t';::t'— ^ .111(1 (h,>ii a second iiic sioii tl„. ..I I "i< ""««•• 'n nia.iy of .iHM.nlinary trainnali,. n.,.,„n s this is .Inno a,ul lias advised a, loni: iiic sion i,, ti,,. |,.^ ..;,i. fi -MniaA r-:': --•,-■:::■» < »''"--n:™:;;>::;::^ '•'•"'..ved I.cvo„dllu.,lam„s nid in.. ll I 7 '"""'" •"■^ It IH-, ,. iM.yond ,s ina.i,..,nah-. lar-.T v^.s^ls ' ''^' ♦'''•'•''''''•'>»''".,. sh.udd I,,. s..n„,.ds..,,arafX. Hincin-: of thi; '•-"O'^ioMs of ,lu. kidney ,o laceration of ,|,,< gan are a,non,s, the most ..on.nion of a,.,don,iun i, i„ '"' "■' 7'"""f "f "^ l>'-.tee.ed position ,he extent ,. «'->.a,e d.n.s „o, of.en ,e,„i,. „,,,,.,, in,erfVren,.e I Ln """"""""" '^'''''' ''■■■■'-'♦■■-• •'-.■lop ill a mL; •--n„...ver,n,hestree,andeo„.p,ain.ofLnhar, • TRAUMATIC HLTTriJK OF Tm,' VIS( KHA '-i-n.pi.n..,..,,,:,,,,/;\ ; '^ ;j';;'''Mn.t.a„H.. -t..M.lsi„,otlK.p,.|visnfnJlddn.v .,",'■ '"•'"''■'''^ "♦ s„pp„r.1i.,„ p,,.|,al>k, S„pp,„.,H,' ''" "••'■"'•'■<■"<- '•""'I'"'-""" »■'•<-" the ' t T . "" '"""""^ ti-sanH>,J,.:: V ;';-:;;.;■"'<- '''"«licT' f„u,„l tl...M. cun.usions nf il,,. I i.ln '""'-•"-^-'- H. also found, IM, .,,'■' '""'^ "'''••''''■• cases wen. »:! ,..,.,'.'" •'<''"'s.n un, on>pliea,e,| plualed "inplieaicd eases death there were iorly ease -otun.o, '" cases M-ere t;i per eeiit.. wl.ilsf in the , followed in s inclusive tf- kidney adnn.ted to S,:TI,onn:-:,ro!rr'l •'';'''""'''" '•' Nvilhout operation. """""'^ -^ ""^1"'"' "luel, reeover-.l |"'ivco.l,e,s it was thou^di, advisal.le ,o ,,,, • ,,„! ,. kulney was ren.oved in four : of ,i,ese one di | ,: "'" inn. > was ,nade and ,IH. patient r,.eol;,'''" ''"'•''''■•"•■''''''''''•''''■''•■■■'-•s. tw,.|veinnundH ,1, r was also ruptured in six (of ti„.se two h,d d "'' I'n'K). The spleen was dso rup • ' ''"'""'■" ''' "'"■ ■•--•rcdaf,erexeisiono,,,o, :•;/;:;;;■■ , "^ -'-'' ^•'— salsofrae,ureof,h..i: ': /;" '^^ '';-""'<■'• '-—'-^'•i- ... the ahdonunal e ' ' 7' l'^'""-" "eniov.-d and w ...n , ■ ' "" '-"I'lcy was '"""""•••l">^'c into the ahdon.inal eavilv "cMioved anil recovery folloMcl. " '■•''l"''''~'ral.le fone lo produee ,• •Aali, (: M. Isss ' iiiptMi,. ,,i til,, F :.' 'tMmiL\'mvEaK^- If I If- TUE MVTK AMDOMKX n.':i::;;;;w•;;;'"™"';;^l;:;;;;:::;;7,:;•;-,»]".^ :■•-.■...,„„„„. full ol I I ;„„1 l,l„o,l ,.1„K ■ II „ M!;.l ,|h. |M.,ll,.,„.,i,n was the jiiiioiiiil iM'iiijr jncutci- Wui'A iiliiloiiiiiial visrciii. rsTi! '■'"" ""■'•'!'''l""-l<'\c...sin. 1„.s.,M.I.,.m| "'■■li ^<'>-n a';,T injury I„ il,,. „,|i..r u.ln,ilto.l<,n .Maivh -'4 I<)|l I, .vi.„ i '"^'■'- ^ «"' •'^"■'l « was ;;,.:ir;."^'- ^^ -^'^^^^'^^^^^^^^^ ..;rs"x;:.:;:i;r::i;:;;!;;:i;;;i-t;r:,:-^ on..„, Vnm was ,...|..rn..l ,., ,| ,. „ ,. ^^^r, "" ••'■"""" of tlH. alMlonn.n w.-r.. sii.l,,!' nS ' "'"^ "" ""■ ''-'" ^"''■ •"""' ^'""iii'''l ■■< 1 alter>i.,n. al wliicl, ,i„„. , i, "~' = '''7 ^'"'- '-•■•■ ■' .-.ann.a a , J::^:s '■•■'•■■■-I ... ..! it..,. ;J!:::,nt ":■':::::;:" ■ ';,;":;7 '■ '•;"-">• was l.ut slijrl.tlv n.ri.1 Tills ,li„,iMi 1? 1 , •''"'""""••' "••'II •>"t;ho .i..i„..; in n,., „a!.l:: i.:l:; ; ,;"':;;^,; ;: ;7' '-• -• tcii,l..rn,.ss ..v.T tin. knlii-v n-ioii. " ^' '•""^'■•'•ia''f.> MU. an iiinsion was mail., o v..,- , I,., n.iu ,...,•;„. ,n.l tin. ninx.I.. I'I'lll'il.V "t fivsli I.Io.mI !* "'t tlu. n.a„.,.ulat.,u,s. F.„. .vas,,,, .shmk- m-.-Mmu.,;! ■. tn ' ; "f "• "'^' """-"•■ -IHTi.w spin... Kx,,,- >' '»'-SM|,|,. .,v,,I,j o,„.,|niir f „. t'"' t..s,.,a ,.an l„. tlu.n ,,„i..kly n„ anl.lyada„,p,.oJnnTic.dlyt..,l,..p.,,i,:i...asth, vn' a -«y'-njuml. If it isp,.ssi,.,.'t.. applvfo,.. s . ; -i.nM> .M,l -'n. „ np to ,1,,. s„.,„... as ),Ho,v mnsion in ^ W^^^^^ ;"-'"^'""-"Mnpa.s„,„tin,..,.tin.o...l M- ii.-k <.ats,an,.<. of ,1.. kif'itn,u.,-.l ,.f tlu. I,l,ul,l,.r is still a vnv f.tU ^ K H s. . tlu. I,.s on IS .i,a...os,.,|. or llu-n. is n-as..,. ,., ,,. , „,,, ^>t:7;r • '";'^''^''-^^'^'"^^--'-t--^ui,.d,.i.i, :; • " u o„l. Jn ,|„, ,,,„„. ,, j.„^^^^^^^ ,.„i|,.,.t,.,i 14-J rws 0 .nat(,l , ucrosstullyu, tuouistuu.-.s. al„ln,„i,.al s,.,.,ion boin.. l'"*'.""'^''' ;'"•• ^l- ••<■'" M.fnr,.,l i„ ead. .as. Tl s w t H.u-lyon..hun.ln..|,.a.saf,c.J.n.jaminl^^^^ TiK- pa.i.nt ,>,rs.n1s l.i.ns.lf at tl,. l.nspital uitl. v >n U. MaHonna,. operatcl s„ s,„.(.,.ssf„|lv. thr " pi(„uvr --- ulu.n lu. first ..anu. to .St. TI...,Mas-s linspital - '';-^/-' THAr.MATic itriTini-: or thk visckma 7, Nvliilsi 'i'".ln.,M., ,.l (1„. w,.,.k wa.nuiMny ;,„;u »,ih ,,,„. , ;i;':;";f"'""""""— i™..., r. n,;.: ;.,.:' '''^, ',;:;:: MM ,n ,,.aM,„y l,„. , ,„,,. „,,,,,„„ ,,„ „,.,, ,., „„.„,..„'; ^' ^ - M/. .1 th.. ..ailM.,.., M,u,..,„..l ,1,.. al...,,-,. ni,. .„ ,,,.. ,.,,,,' . u .n.,.nn..s w..,. „,:..l... an.l w. l..,,,.-! „.„ ,|,.. paU..,,, 1..; ' K i.; '>»}. Im- liii.l linn hitMsrll iiuuiiiM .1 |„,.i in i|„. .,||,.,. ii,,, ,7 , •'.«I.I , h.,1 .,....„ ',.v...... . i Uu. 1" , ".''lv:;;:t::;:;::nr;;;.;:!.^^^ llir mil mil...,! 4 iinhr ' 111 li'ii^iili. T l.avr .hvcK on ,..,a.,^r,, ,„ ,„," .lull f.,,,,..! in tl... ab,l„„u.,i att.T lu. inst.un...„t |,a> I,.,.,, pass...!, an.l ||„i,l Mitl,- < niwn by It. l„.,.a„s.. il has n..t mviv,.,! att.nti.,,, a,l,.n„at.. t.> ■ts value, as au ai.l i,, .lia,.„,sis. An..!!,.,- UM.ful si.,, w..„|.| >;• " '•;;"♦;■''*•<';:' rt-f.. m u... i.hui.i,.,.. ,,.,„i,.,i,.K ,.,..v..nH.„,. „f '*' <'at u-t.r d. l„.ulf, wl.ils, ,„.,.|,a,,s ..„iy an, or ,wo ..f l)lo.Hislaiiu..l (iuid ,s witli.lrawii. Of .njituiv „f tl,.. |,la.i.l..r it must als„ 1,,. ri-mM that sh.u.k .s „,„st u.uvliai.i,. as a sv.„,,t„„, : in S.r W. .M.,( „nnu..s sc..-.„hI whi..|, was als., „„.|,.,. ...v <>»>sman,,,^. ,h,. ,,ati,.„t. a hravy „,an, uh., ha.l tali..,, tnm, a,>t2..h...,i,.asittiM.p,,si,i..,.,,,..s..,,,..,|,,,,,,,,,,,,^^ of sl„.,.k a„.l s., lew sigus ..f i„j,„.y ,),„ ,,„, ,,„„,,, ^,,,,,,^„,_^ ^^ •H'-t al.l. a.ul .an-tul ,„a,.. .ii.l ,..„ (i,„| justili.ati.Mi I,.,, his,, uutil h. aj.pli,..| again ,.„ tl„. |.,||,,ui„.r ,htv W-t the ivut m tl,.. blad.lrr Mas i> ini^hcs I,,,,.. Th?s is" -,11 tl.. mn,v„„n-,.sti..g as this i,Mus,. surg....,, ha.l l,....„ „„ ,|u,vwi,l, th.. lust case au.l tvciguis,..! tl... iH,ssil,iIif v ..f this |,.si,;„ ihv n.sult .,1 i„j..,.|i.,„ „i st,.,.ilis,.,| sali,,,. i„ nicasurnl ^^"""'"' '"«" ""' l'l'"i.l.'.-. Mhi.h is all„u..,l t„ ||,.u- .,„t a.M,u •nay b. tri,..l. but th.. t.wriug „f ..i,. j,,,,, t),.. ,„-ritou,.„„, ^...v gi v.. a a.l.liti.,,, t., any sh.K.U alr..a,ly pn.s,.„t . ami n.,t hi,,;, isgaiu...! by,t. Inth.. majority ih,.„. Hill ,„„, 1... ,i.,i,|i, v .ii^ i "h- l.m..r alMlo.niMHl n,us,.|...s. f„||ow,.,| |,v th,- of on ll.c (.huMl), ,Ih.v, is a., oxtn-nu. ,,n,„f of this )),■ n,, ,., ' ;;: ';:'• '••''■•'77' '"-vow. as a laLnn. an ,.M,i,.: ;,a?:^^^^ ' ■ >njurv .vln.-l. was in..„rml ,l„rin« iaf,.xi..a,i„n, a, ul wl I '<• sympton.s of in.ritoMitis n.ay lu- v.rv insi,lin„s iu ,1, -r ->p.-..lnM!Ms<.lassofn.s..n.,.,.than,Manvotl, I'" -. ;MHl laf..,.. v..„,iling. ,„ay l,.- ,|., o„!v sv.npt,., J -..■ns,v,. ,n,M.].i..f. Aslnnst a.non.s, ij „ ',lu.tinu...f,,u.a.d,l..nttlu.n: ; ^.p....^4.M.n.......wims,anH.gsttiu.sol,.^ TlH. slmok n,ay pass auay .luring tlu- uuvonsnnusu... c.f noxH-a,,..,, ami tlu> pati.nt know nothing of anv iniu r d.s <'ns,on of as there .shoul.l have when it ., ■>nd..e..asi™ d.on. yn.pan.tes an.l th<. pre.senee of urine in the JH-. tonc.nn, do n... prove the exist<.nee of peritonitis -\ l)ulien. with this injury n.ay live for five davs. apparently ""l> an.l then d.e quite suddenly. " '''"'"*'> Jlcialin, afUr Ope>atio>, for Inlraperilone„l liuptur, of the I riiiriri/ Jilnddrr. ]«S(;. I'llman l-i:i eases with two re-overies 1!H»]. .Alexand..r and Jones. 54. (Before ISf..'}. a mortality "t 7 -- optTJllidlls.) AslM.rst. I in. iMtu..,.,, lNi.:!a.Ml |!iu;j. „ ,. urtalil v ..f 4:.*-, J per rrnt . Quick, iM.. l,,.lw,.rM IN!.:! a.Ml |«M.:!, a n.orlality nf ' '" • l""l-''\»'"y t<. >lu- ..p..,.a,inM ut .■:,.p,.apul.i,. ..Vs.oto.Mv. «'•';■ "'«■-■'■ -s ,lu- s,.nsatio„ of soMuMlm,. i^ivin. wav as the. u>.l pass,.., ■nt,. tl„. ,...||„lar tis>„<. an.„,.,l tl,..'l.lcT ■ it t a. .Mj,.,.t.on is ,.n„liMu...l a„ al.Mnnnal suHliM^ n.av appear ''iM.vr th,. pul,.s. wiiid, ura.inailv .linnnish.s i„ si.,. " " -\M .• of tlu-,|,|<.r is of,,.,, asso..ia„.,l a f,a,.,ur..,| p,.K ,s. 1,,., is „o, ,...s„i,.„.,| ,o su.l. Jl.cT,- ,s ,1... ins„„..v of a lik,.|y injury a.Ml a, .....Mplain, of ""il''l'ly fn pass urin... .\ ,.atlH....r if pass..,| .o.s i,.,o ■. '•""f-H'«-a,ion an.l s,,,,- jmrafon as th,. ...xtravasa,...! urin,. ,i..,.o,„pos,.s. An irn-uilar sMvln.K a,.p..ars al.ov.. th,. pul„.s. wi,i,.|, is so„„.,i,n,.s Un.- pauif... an,l ,s „o, ,|i,„i„i.)„,,| ^i,,.,, th..|,l,.r is ,.n.p,i,.;i OlKTation is tin. only tr,.atn,..n, p,.rnnssil>l,. ; iuL consist of ..o.|,o,o„,y. ,vi,h ,.k.ansinM "f ti,.. iM.ri,,.,,..,.,,,. an.i of th.. of sutun.s t.. th.- r.-n, i,, ,h,. l,|a,|,|,.r Mhi,!, jnuM not ,...n..trat.. th.. nu...„us nu.n.hran... I, has ,•...,,„],. "-n,i that a ph.. shouki 1„. pk,,,..! ..v.r th. ku...ra- t'on n. th.. 1, a.kk.r Mith,.ut sufurinjr of ti,.. n.p,,,,.... an,! th,. pclviH ,lranu..l through a suprapuhi.. op,.„i„.. Th...... n,av I..- M.s,anc..H wh..n this wo„l,i 1,,. ,|,, „„,,- ,,vailal,].. p,.,„...,lur;. on '"■<-ount of th,. .k-sporat.. stat.. ..f th.- patu.nt, an.l it has l...,.„ Ml,;,.(.ssfully i.nii)Ioy».,i. Jt is n.-oossivry to .lescrih.. n.on- fully th.. op..,.ation in th.. mtrapmtoneal ruptur..s. A n,..,lian ....lioto.uv is ,p.i,.klv p,.,.- tonn..,l an.l th.. poritont-un. opnu-.l f,...,.|y. Extravasnt,..! urin,.,)n..ali.xu.k.tion is r<.n...v..,l as n.u.h as i.ossil.k. an.l th,- nU,.stnK- puslu.,| out ,.f th.. way with stmlis.-.l gau/o ' TIk- 74 TIIK ACITK AIJDO.MKX I J IS: ll! Tit'Hsiti<)niHiiy he of assistance at (his stag... .\t't»T tlic rent has Ih-cii localisc.l it may Im> ditticiilt to n-acli : tlu- iiMisioti must I).- .ani.Ml well (.v.r Ih.- pulx-s. and slionlil tli.iv !••■ iiisumcirnt room tin- ivcti miis.l.s may Ik- di-taclu-d on each SI.U-. Silk suturi's (X„. I) should ho j.assod hv means of a small nMuid-hodicd n.vdle in a holder alter Lemheit s m«-th.)d. ahout { inch apart, taking up the juTitoneum and muscular coats only. Tlit^ end ones should he placed hevond the rent in the hiadder. which is usually vertical ami" ah<.ut 2 inches ill length ; all should he passed before anv an- tied. Their introduction Js facilitated if the .me near.'st tl... ahd.)mirud incisi.m is pa^-,e.l first. After they have h.-en ti.'.l an injecti.m iiilo the hladd.T will sh.,\v if the line is watertight. S.mie surgeons recommend a double row. .)n<' !;> bring the torn edges t..gether. the other t.) bury the first .)n.' in a broad fold. 'I'he sutures are cut sh.)rt. and the hiad.ler resumes its n..rmal position. Th.' peritoneum is cleanse.1, especially in the Hanks. wlure fluid may have escape.l notice : and the woun.l closed! with.)ut .Irainage. If the patiint suffeis from retenti.m .luring the after-treatment a sterilis.-d catheter should bo passed. and it is well t.) hav.' a supi)ly. pr.'pare.l by Heriings most .'tlicieut method of sterilisation, for use. In cases of .-xtraperitoneal rujiture the space of Hetzius should be fr.-ely incised and drained for sloughing of the cellular tissue will follow wherever the urine has gone. This cellulitis re.,uires free incisions. It is sometimes ])ossible to l)ass a .Irainagetube .lir.-ctly to the opening in the bladder and so prevent any further .litTusion of urine. This opening must be left to clos.- by gr;,nuliiti.)n ; it is seldom possible to emi)loy sutun s. J'eritonitis is the common caus.- of death, and early operation is the best prevenfalive ; but even in early cases i't may occur from e.vtravasation ot infected urine; infection at the time of operation ; infection from a .lirty catheter : or from an imperfect suturing of tlu' rent. THK AKTKH-KITECTS OF ABDOMINAL IX.irHIKS. Jt usually liai)p.'ns that when a patient has survived the immediate effects of an abdominal injury his rapi.lly returns to the normal, since he is in exoelient health at the time ,*~■*i^.• AITKIJKKKKCrs (>K .\l!l)( ..\l|\ \L |\.|||{| KS 7.-, «'f tlu-HmH..,,t . an.l his vilali.y has nnl I,..,.,, s,.,.,,,.,| |,v imviuns «I.M-as,. or |„ul...,.:,.,| illlM.allh h.-i.c.- n.MvaIrs,-,,.".. is rapi.l ""•I ••'■.•nv..,y .o,,,,,!,.,,, N,.v..rfh..|,.s;. iMJuri.s to .hr ahi-eet rui)ture of one of the al..lominal muscles is verv rarelv rosponsihh.. The muscle which is most lial.h- to rupt.nv is the rectus ahdominis I.elow the uml.ilicus. and the fact of its rupture may he taken as iialici.tin- that the hlow was not idtoj/ether unexpected, tin- muscle in fact hv its viol.'i.t con- traction havinjr hroken the fore- of the impact and thcrehy sliiel(h-d suiijaeent viscera from injury. In opcraii.a.s upon ventral herniie which arise in this manner, it is often found that only the deeju'r l.-v.-s of the ah.h.minal wall have ['■""" «- f«n„„. I,,,,,,,,-. ™,r,.,.,.,i , ,, ,.,,. ,i ';,!;'" , •^':"""' .;™-.,,,,,... . :-:-■^,-;::;-■-;»l,.™;_- -":::::;;:;::v;:;;t:r;;;;;;;;r::'r-;■:,:;:;■"f"' may .xt,.,,.! till it ,|„. s„,.fa. | . it i ,"" % W ""Ax.- .'^^liMVWI^ nK?^T«SEnB!L>4 Arri.:it.h:Fn.,VTs „^■ .u„>nMixu. in.i,i„i,n „ ip';;;:?;;::-,;!:;;:;;::-;--;:^-;-; yums ,„:„ ,, n,.ii;|,|,u„.ini; viMi., -':'''K:;:;:^,;!;:;:;::r;-;;:;^ '>in Mi(_\ iiiiv\ n-.|iiiiv ,,|„.,iil V intirtrivi.,.,. ,.. ,i ;-;.;;;•. '^''- •-••'-' -^ pa..:;::;,;;;;,:::-:::;-; •-•^■^'-.l''.M:uV■.;.^l;:!^^'';•''•'''^'•■•'''^^ ""•"' '. -n. ..V..; .:,:',:;:,: ::,; ;::'.;;::::"i""""*T""r • 7" ' ' ■•'-'■-■-v;:.:; :;;::r;':i!:: "r :;•''• '^ skill u;.s ,.N.„,ial.-.l rn,.!,,! ,, \ ^ I '"• -Hi„ir ;•'-, .- '-:::V''^:7:;'..:r ;•;;':''•■'"'''. • '"<■■'>'• lili'M,„i.„ Hupmv.Mlil,,, "''■"•'"' il"^ l"i 11... •'I U.s .....nM , V , ' ' "''"•';'""" » '^ ■ -I..., |..,,,,.|. •'''•'ili''"s'....I.I....V..m T ". '" ""• ""'''"'• '"'■• "'"'v II... ;"-^ ;" ''."">;':^^:;~:"s^^^ - ;-^t:;^:^;I•I;:i;:;;:•;;:';;:-rv'■'^'■•■- .i..ys I..,,..,. ,1,.. i,..w..iu ".,',, '''■'' "::'' r""*"' '"««•""•••• .--v.... .•..,.•.1. "^>u,.,..„Hl,|,.., „, ".■..M..,|. I,,,,,,.., '" "'•• liv'lit .,f .unn. n...,.„t ,.x,.m..,„.... It scciii>< pn.l.altl. :i:;-.r;;:.;':;:;,:;;^!;;,:":;:,;r-*'f''-— li..)i'n..s to tl,.. s|,„„,.i,.|, ;„v ,.,,,.,., J. ,, „ ,■, .1-™.!,. ..,,.,., n,„.M,,,,,,,,:;:.t:;:'t;;::;:,!:-:::rr ,,,;;,;■" •;'""""" ''""■" • ""■ ' ■•. > s,,.i::,;::;t ,:;::::::;■'' '■'■■■'■•■:"''v;"'-''"'"-'".-..'- .■..i.T.»i y „ir,.„i. ',,,.,i„ ,,-ii,.f ■"■■ '""'"'"■ '-'"'"■>• >'"-i ->';'-n..':,i:;:;;:;;;:;r;r;;::;: ■.fr 'lis*. ^E^^^Jr^ MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 ■ 45 1^ Vl^ 150 1^ 117 l£ tii Li. 1^ L. ti^ 1^ U , kbt III 1.8 1.25 ^ /APPLIED irVMGE Inc EST. 1653 Eost Mo.n Streffl r^ls Rochester, New York 14609 USA ;,aS (716} 482 - 0300 - Phone BB (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax Ifii- 78 THE .\( ITE Aimo.MlOX fxistiug gastric ulcers or for the forruiUioii of new ones. I)ut it seems more than ])r()I)ah!e that if injury plays any part at all it can l)e only an exceedingly small one. Intraperitoneal adhesions arc not likely to Ite formed nierelv as the result of ha'morrhage. sijice extravasated Idood is ai)s(>rl)e(l. anr in stab wounds. < )ne result of its rupture is the escape of bile and jiancreatic juice into the retroperitoneal tissues Avith consequent abscess formation, and here again fistula> may ensue, or duodenal stenosis and gastric dilatation follow. If the peritoneal surface of the duodenum be damaged and the case does not immediately prove fatal, the formatLn of a subphrenic abscess is e.vceedinglv likelv. The M( St iitenj.— The sequehe of mesenteric injuries are f : '^sm AFTKH-KFFKCTS OF AHDdMIX.M. INJIMIKs tew and rare. Laccrati..!) „f tlu" iiuscUcrv inav Ix- f..ll„w,.'.-i Uosjiitii i ■3 at any moment they may snare and incarcerate a wanderin.' cod of bowel and initiate acute intestinal obstruction Thf Lirer. Pancrea,. and -Sy.r». - I'erhaps the most cliaracteristic sequ(>la of an abdominal injurv affect in cysts are far more common. .\s in tlu- case ,,f the lu.llow viscera, adhesions are more often ot alMl.„„,n;.l .ra.una : al ..,M.,alio„ a ni,,lu>v of iU, livrr „ i. I" <..M- ^ as l.H. tar a.lvann,! to aa>,nl ot aiiv lio,,.. a.,.l ih.. „ati..„t :l:;i;„.;i,;'i;;';:;r ^^•-•'•'■■'-'-''■'■-va..i,..ov..nJ....,on.i,L.',;::z IVrtoratit.g „f tl,,. liv.r may h.u\ f. Itcpatic al.scc.. will ,> sul,,,|„v„ic abscess ...•casi.mally toll„Hs ,„,.tu.vs. thou-'lt' ran-ly iii ..iico„,,,|i,.at(.,l k.siott.s. Wuutt.l. of the ^'UI-hlmhUT s...,H-tt.m.s result it. biliary fishila and w.u.uls „f the .lucts „i stnctun. with obstructive jaun.lic... ()u ,h,. wh,.lc. the sc'iudu ot mjiirics to the liver are excci-dirifrly rare. The pancn-as suffers fre.,u,:,;tly a.i.l ,,resei,ts a greater yaru.ty o iesiot.s ; the se.,u,.la. tt.ay be f..u..,l lesions m t u. glatt.l ttself as well as lesions in the t.eighbouring tissues Although ,t may seem incre.lible. prolaps,- of the patu-reas through an abdominal wom.d has b,.,.n observed.,., tory sequela, have been tvconle.l by variou. writers ; thus tiVA an.i Ha.isematui describe cases of necrosis of the pan.Teas ollowtng u.jury. wl.ile Kollestoti reports a case of abso<.ss of tlie Jiead of the oraaii ■ — A Nvoman ot .V. r,.,.,.ivc.l a l.low on ,|,.. alMlo,,.,.,. which was 1 wcl at once by, he next .lay by severe vo„Mtm..n,nsti,,al ion , .apse,. intestinal obstruction. The vT^nitin J.! i u ' ;H.l c.,„st,pal,ou «ave phuM. to .lianluea. though this was,,,,, se -,, U.. months alter ti... injnry an abs.vss ,:ev..h.p...l i,, ,],, ri^l t bv,o' .l."ndrnnn a,..! a tortni,.!,, h,,... ,b.. p,„,.„t lli...!. M t e ,.e n J ^rX:":uZf:-::zr • ^-"'--':'^:"" ^^ Cysts of the pancreas due to i.tjury bave l,een classifi(>,l a. true and "false." the latt<.r arising by ch.s.tre of the oramen ot Ujnslow at.d cystic .lilatation .,f the lesser sac a.ul the former by .lilatation of the lesser ducts behind an obstruc- tion of the ma.n duct or of one of its large l,ranc.hes a.ul brought about ,.,ther by direct injury to the ,luct or its ste.iosis bv mvo vement in scar ti.ssue. Pancreatic fistula is caused by the incston of a true cyst or of a pancreatic abscess an.l rarely by retroperitoneal rupture of the duodenum False cysts Of pseudo-cysts of the pancreas are due to the effusion ;;:;!::' trr;;, ; '—-"■■ '.^.i •"■™'"» of rtu'hHl, ,:,;,;;:'": ""^ '"■■"■■ ' -i- <*ii .fiiiic |;( ic)(u I ^.,,, 'w-n.y y..a,s [,.,o,v h' ha.l lu,U , ,, . T""'' '^'"■" ""^ "'^" '■"'-'"■■-- '"■f"- n.^ *^'';;'-" '7--- iM.a;i,;!:::;r;:;';;;;,:''''" '">--•- wiH-n. u::,.;\;';;\;';:;,^/;;:;';^^ -r 1..,,, „. ,1 „i,,,„,„„. fn'oly. l.u< p„|sa,i.,n ,...aM..l , ^ ;:. ''IH^' ^ J": '"-'• " Pnlsa,..! w.'ll-„,ark,.,l (l.i.M„a,io„ , , ^ "" "'" """''■ ■'''•■"■ was «a. ,.un,.„.n.,l wh. ;,:'', ^J:'''''' ^^ ->- •'"'i.".... Ti... ..vl, "ff- Tlu. I.un..,u,-,.su,.„„,, , ; ; n; '!' '"""" """^ '''-->' 1<-I><>it stal.Ml : •■ T'. Ih.i.l , , I • """* ""^ <-^atiuM...l. an.l ||„. .•..^^«uia...s .,„ ,, „„.""; .';;'•"',';;:-' - ••■■• ^'..' aikah.... J,.; de,H,si, with I.!, ..l...llsan;u;aM;.i;;„,uu""'" '"■ ''■'■""•""^= '^''^''^ seen.,., ,„„;•..„„.,., ,1 ' ' " 'V"'" ' '"' '"" '"'" «as ii,st 'i'ho .-.vs, was now „,,.,„ ' - ; "■;' " J-" .'"' '•''^'"«-l '"> P-siUon. thoroujrh ini^ation , .. •:.'"'• " .""'■-'v- dui.l ..,..,„.,, ^ aft..,- :ati(.ii ii was iliaiii.M' AIum n.s," tWK,., whil,. ih,. ,lis,-),an.,. I, ,, ' "l";'"""i Hm- t.nip.Talnn "■''" 'l- Th.. ,a ,i,l... ; „' "•■';■-'•"■■'' "'""I'—Mn. ^^•••■■ml n.Kli.Mi.Ml 1,> .lis,.!,;,,.-. , ' "r '• ""'■'• "<'"-'liv... TIh -11.* I * ■•■"■•iiimiiii'M ;> '".. w..ak ,.. work. ,„ j,.„ ,„. „.,.^ -'.■".lin« .ransvnsHv 'ou:''';;;' """-'"•' Z'" '"■" " 'in,, ""'''i'i''"l .VKion.was a I ^ .v n""""-, ::'"'" '"■'""• "' '1'" l"' Th.,..„.p,,.,, ;\;.;; ,;";'''''^' 'l""-". an.l ''■'"■ "I'l w..un.l was ,..o,„. .1 :. ""'\ ""• '"'""'^ "••'•■<' ■•.■^..larU. I'nrk „.o„. .In. s„,,a,. ";.;". ;\',^r' '"-"';7'-l a> a .1,,.,,, ;., <-"-^<' -s .^.un.u:;,* ^^;:; :;:';::• -'■'■•7-''''<^-'y^ •>.-- •••'P<-l-an.lwlu.n,ln.,,uU..,,Ue .!;.;„. ;:r"''"^^^^^^^ "^ """"<■=- A.A. iLH.iu "<-iH-a]lLc.smu»i,,.l,;s(.il. m H2 TlIK MVTK .\BDO.MKX iiif Wiu'ii first s( . ill tonsuitiitioii the n'M-iiiblancc of tlic cyst t(t an aneurysm of the alxloininal aorta was very closi'. flu- stoiiiacli appeared to lie disjilaeed downwards' and 'lie cyst came forward to tlie abdominal wall, to which it appeaieil • iosely applied. injuries to the spleen are more comuKm in those countries v.'here malaria is prevalent. Small lacerations heal, and },Mve rise to no sym])toms other than such as may lie accounted for by the jiresence of adhesions. )iut if infection occurs, as is more likely to happen in stab wounds, then an ab.seess may result. Trauma has long been held responsible for certain cysts of the spleen, and not without cause, since tlu-re is abuiulaiit evidence tu sup|)ort the contention. It. I'dwIciV series I iliere weic no less than five ea^^es id splenic evst 111 whicli a (leiiiiite injury liae in wliicli a woinaii was seized witli severe |iaiii in the epigastrium, witli diarih.ea and vomit iiiK. ihive years alter an accident in wliicii she was injined ; a cyst was toiiiid in tlie siilenic region coiitaininu \\ lilies ot liiiid ; tlie wallof tile cyst was roiij;li and (il.iinous and suj;j:ested a ha-matoma ot loiijr standing. Ileinlanx also records the case ot a woman, a;;ed 27, who developed a splenic cyst ei>;lil years alti'r an iiijniy, anil here ajiai'n the cyst liad evidently arisen l.y projf.vssive enlaiKfinent of a hieiiiatonia. While the majority of these cysts thus belong to the category of blood-cysts, tlio view is hekl by some that certain of the serous cys' may also lie of trcumatic origin by inclusion of j)critoneum during the healing of splenic lacerations. The Kidncy.o, Ureters, and Bl.idder. —Though the onset of symptoms of nejjhropto.sis is sometinu's attributed to injury, this tactor cannot be held responsible for tlie condition. It is more tlian probable that in all sucli citses the condition lias been latent, and Jias only been brought into prominence by the general functional disturbance and the possible medical c.\amination following the injury. Injury is also said to play some part in the production of chronic nephritis, but here again sufficient evidence is lacking to prove the assertion. Stab wounds of the loin, if penetrating the kidney, often lead to urinary fistuhv, partly owing to the introduction of septic organisms from without and partly to the decomposition of cxtrava-;ated urine. Urinary fistula' may also result from stab ' "Annals of Surgery," l'Jl,'J. i iiii AFTI:R-KF Fi;( Ts OF AliDO.MIXAL IN.IIHIKS s:! ..t ll,,. luvt.Ts „r .,.■ frnm fMiajHTitniuMl ru|.tuiv..t th«. «itli iiriiiarv ..xtnivas;iti..ii ; or. aiiain. they may tollow ..imthI iniis t,.r ihr «x|.omiiv ..f Mipnir,..! IvKln.-ys. In all cases in wliidi iviial liMiila^ tail f,, |„.a| ,„„|,.r treatment, nephrectomy is the only .ivailal.le cour..' to pursue. Stal) wounds of the ureters are rare, hut ((.ntiisions are less ran- ; liei.ce numherless e.vamplcs of their se.picla' are on r.voni ami m these, in nearly all cases, the uret<.r has un.l.'rirone cicalrisa- tion at the point ot injury and hydronephrosis has resu ted. While true hydn.nephrosis nay l.c formed in this manner, the so-called •• traumatic hy(lronei) ■ is forme.l (,uite •Idlerently ; this variety of cyst indeed is not a hydronephn.sis at all. but a cyst of extravasation, an enca|)sida"ted collection of e.xtravasated urine arising months, or even years, after an injury in which the kidiu'y underwent i)artiai rupture. In tiK'se cy.sts the kidney may sometiiiU's he felt, of normal si/.e iind not apparently di, leased. Kxami)les may he .pioted from the St. Thomas's Hosjtital Hej)orts : — A iiiaii wiis iulmitt.Ml liuvinj; Itccn mil ov.i mi .liih 2s ISMC. II.' siisiaiMcl liariuiv.l .il,s im.l alHli.niinal iiiiuiics, ij,,. ■,.x;.,."i „„tiii.-nl \%lnch was iioi ..vid.iil. l.ul iic, si;;„s ..t iriial injinv wciv ,.l,s,., v.l II,. was rcailniiltcil ,,M :i will, ail .•iH.nii..u> tiiiiil ^^^,.||irl.^,„•,•M|,y- iiii; the \'.-U ol 111,. alHl,„ii,.|i aii,l ,.M,.|i,li,ij.- Im^vuimI i h.. imhI.II.. line ill.' ..veilyiiii. .km was iv,l, sm 1,. sliii,i„ir ,„„l ,,.„„.. \, „,„.,.,i,j„„ «, l.inls „| iirineiis !lui,l weiv williiliaw ii ; i li,. lo,lii,.v aii,l iiieli.r aiMieaicl iiormal. -ll,,. i,ati..|ii ma,!,, a -(...,1 iv,,,v,.i\ . Aii„ili.Tiiii,.,-,.siiiin;,.;,s,.wa.llia; olaiiia.i.a-,..l:.>4.wli,.wasa,liiiiil..,l a^auii...,'iil.-a„.|iiid,.rlh,.,.an...l l»i-. II. !'. llawkinsoi, \„v,.n.l„T •'! lN!»!t. II,. slau.,l Ihat he tiisl l,.li ill ..„ ,1„. Lsih. l„.l ,,aii. in 1 1,., lelt si.l,., aii.l was to o„ „ii ,luly. .\,..m n,..iiiiiij: |„. was wois,. 1, „l an attack ,.l v,.i„ii iiiu. ami tli.. i.aiu was i,,,,,-,. s,.v,.ie. Tli,. alMl.iii,,-!! was much ,.iilaij;e(l. ..spc-ially across the uml.ili,.al i,-ioii ■ il'i,. w-.s 11,1 iiioveiiieiit oil rcs|,iiation in th,. !ow,t and v,.|v little in Ih upp,.r pail. (In peirus>i,.n an aiva of .InliU'ss was tonn,i all over. ,.x,...piin.' tor II spare in tli,. upp,.,- pari nn.ler the ii«ht costal maiM;in (lv,.r I he wh,..e ot this area 1 h,.ie was a tlni,l ihnll. but the ,li,l n„t change with alteration in t h.. i.osiiion of the i.ati,.nt. 'rii,.ie was much tenderness on th,. light si,le. Th,. g,.|i,.,al ctlVct was that ,.r a lar.M- |latt,.ne,l ,.ncyst,.,l ..ollectioii of Hni.i, and it was not possil.le with this history to give an ,.piiii,.n as to iis nature. Alter ihe operation, when he ha,l r,.cov,.iv,l trom I he levil l(.:{(i , ail,l upset of t he acut,. ,.on,lil i,.., lie r<.m.'ml.,.ied tiiat he had l.e,.n ki.'k,.,! in tli,. ahdoiiM-n soin,. iw,.|v,. years heloie ; the injury was sever,., tnil he coul.l not sav aiivthin.' »l>out the ••.mdilion of the urim- a* that liac. On op,.ning the i.,.ri" tomnun in this cuse, the .same evening, a hiniiiu siutae.. haviicj the u 2 5 I f i k ¥ 84 TIIH ACITK AHDOMKX ' '*''^ '"'""' "'•" ""■ I'''I><'M Ol Mill.) «as ,..ll0IMTJI..Mr.l ...... I U.liH.v. wliiUl 11... s|,!..,.n .-..iil.l II. . I 1... |,.|| Til., snr.ll i,,.,. , -r'""' ;•• ""■ ■*«'"■ -"i ' ■.•^-.■....u,« „ ..;.i:.: ■;■ ! ::;,:;;: •— • ,...,„■ ,1... M.Hl.ll.. |„... ,., ,„.. Iv 1.., ,|J1 • ;;'-'-"-. 1..S , .,...,..„« was su.ur...l an.l ,1...,,, inns.,., ." m.l. ..V..,. H p„„s w..,.. ,..,„.. V...1. Tl... wall ..I ,i,:. ..av . , 1. an. ..v..,,vwl,..„. a.lh..,...,,. s,. ,l.a, .... a.,...,.„t wa- ,..a.l.. ... .v . ■ . • a,«.. .l,an, ,... ,,.!,.. wa. ,um.,L.,1. Tl... Ih.i.l ... ,.,ai,.,..l .....a .- ,.,l ; "11.. |.„s. ..,„ ,„. .,,vs,als. Tl... ki.l,...y was ,..„ „.|,. Th- si,.,.s I . , , .- I...' s....... w....ks a...... ho I..I. ,1... l.„.,,i,a|. I„„ i,„ ,,„i,.. ,,„... aiKl ivs„„„.,i duly as a |<.,.„iai.. i"'<>\n.(i l.j,., .-as.. II ,„s.. „t ,.v..,.ts was „.,...l, „„„,. lapi.i. V ,.l,.,.L- aK...l U. was,l .,i. Ma.rl. 8 a,..l I..., .,„ -i l<,„i ' I'iV.. w,...ks l„.|.„v a.l.i.issi.,,, |„. ,|j,,,„,, ,,„,i ,,.|| , , ^t..k.,.. I..S „«|., S..I... Tl.,s i,.,j,„.v was,l ..V S..V,.,-.. a, 1,. ' I. as ...1 ,,„. a I,.,,,,,.,.,. ,„.,„,^ „.j, ,.„„, ,,,. ,,^,,j ; ' ; J ffl W..1I ai.,1 r..s„„u..l w..rk attain. On .1,,. .hir.l ,lav aft.-, ...i 1 ..... <1... ,,a„.s ,v..,.,.....,l au.l w..,v „.,.,.h „..„... s..v..,v to:- UaLcZ tl...|.|.p..a>,..l. Tl...,v ha.l I„.,.„ „., |,,.,„a...,ia an.l h.l -h . , h, wa^.,,,„, asw..|||,..ha.lapp..a„..lh.,h..sul ' •a.) was .l,.|| ,.,. p..,...,.,ss...... ,1... .l,.l, l.,.i,.. ....,„ !,.,..„.'s w h '"• -v..; a... ..x,..,„l„„ as fa,- as ,1,.. ,.,...,i,i..,.s „.,vunls ,h,. .i . . !,"■• " -l"l "'" .l.a,,... w,lh a!..Mati„.. ..I ,1... p.,siii.„. .., ,i., „, ', il...,v was w..|,k,..l .l,„.tua.i...i i.i this ur..a. Th.. l.-l, s. - ' "">"';'.'•,'"" "V"'- tl- 1..W..,- part, n..a.- th.. «,„i„. tl...... wa • |. ut . s. sw„l .... au.l v,.,y pa...f..l „n p,,„,.. Th. u.i,,.. was st^ , , y alkahi.... l.,.t ,„ „th..,- .•..sp....,s th..,-.. was ,.„.hi,.jr abn.Mmal lu u . o,. ."xa....„a.,.„.. .)„ Ma,-..h !. a h.n.l.a,- i,M.isi„„ was ma.l.. -m I t o rv .■miH....l ... alu„.t 4 pu.ts .,f ,.,.i,..„„ „,„., on the ^^ ^.C s- u. '^ 'K .. It. ll„s was ,vj:anl,.,l as th.> sit., of a i-......,,. nipt,.,,. ?),■..;„.,„.. was ...„ployo,l a.i.l the i„a„ refoveiod. "'l>t>'» . J)iai.ias.. If the- l.i.tory of a renal injury i.s sup,,rossc.(l by tho as It was 1,1 another case, tlic collection of tiuij niaV be mistake.^ tor an ovarian cyst. \n tiumanied a.-.l :U. was a.bnitted on October If. I'M,!, hhe hud boeu treated m another liospital lor the re.ult. oi a .'^S!: AKTKH-KFFKCTS OF ntDominm. ixjccks h.t M-i.lrni in ,\|Mil. .huinu whirl, >|,.. h,,.l i , I Mill OV.I l,\ ,1 \.||, 1,1 ''"'^ '••'"• "-I -ay ..iivlliiiij; Hi ,, <| , , „ '""^ " I- '^""!*>. '•■••- "M--'' ". A,.ni. .... ,ii., ,...::'';,:'>■''. ■'•■ <• I'lll.llllxir.l Ihal {ilioill it u.Tk allrnvani. sh.. h,,,l .■, (v iri,.,..,, , "" "lai „ ., „ ;;'* ':;■'•■■ ' -•i'-n::::;::;/;,::!';:::;;,:;:^:';,;:;;:: <"..■. llMsryst «.,n,M.„,..l,„H|.ln,i,i..,l,|„„„„|,,|,..|., , , 7 :r':t..,r - "•■- •• •-^;-';;i:^.'::;;:::.:;:;..:;^';r Th.-sc. rases show flu- ..o.-rssity for o,.,.„sio,i;il ,.x„ni,K,t -•'tt''rronl,.s,ons,,t fl,Hut a la,.,- |„. was a,l,ni„...| ,o anotlM... I.osj.ifal for a .yst which r*-(iuire.l .mcratioi, till i i 111 TAUT II PKKITOXITIS, :HR)K ATlONs Axf) oTHKH I.KSS ru.MMOX CAISKS OK THK \( (TK AI5|)(>.MK\ IXMITOXITFS. 'I'ln^: ariilc ii.(lan.inafi<.n ..f ll... iH.fitnMcu.n wlii.h ... |V,.. qiirnlly fon„s a j.arf „f Uw- acuf.. alMlu,,,,.,, var; .s «n-aflv "•■'•-n I..U fo th,. .•■•ns,. „„ wind, i, .Irpcnls. the- v..f iN s|m.a,l. an.l thv ,,ar. wImt,- it has its ori^nn. It also" varirs mc.nln.K' <-> tlu" miml,..,- a,„l vi,„|,.,„.,. of tl„. p.uti.ular ..r«ar.,sms uhicl, hav fnuM.I thHr way i„t.. it, tia- now,.,. „f Hl.sori.tion „f tlic in-nUmrnm. and 1).- ivsista.w,- ,.f fl,,. individual. r-i this s,.,.ti..u it is not n.Tcssary to dn,.|| v.-rv much upon the symptoms of an inlianunation wiii.l, has to 1„. (HMisidm-d in ain.ost vsny part of our s,,I.j,.H. wlu-tlar It follows an injury, inti-sti- d p.Tforation. app,.nt<.ms which are ni, t with in i>eritonitis and rrte. to those varieties i„ which no ^moss cause can he foun.l. 1,ut Ml which then- is an act., bacterial invasion l.v some organism winch has probably obtained ...itrance through the blood-stream. The- patient complains of pain in th,- ,d.don.,.M. mostiv in tlie umbilical ivuion, becomes feverish, complains of ..hiiliness and probably v.miits. The temperatur,> rises and the .nils," ...oreases „i frequency. The j.osition soon assumed bv the l)atient who has gone to bed. feeling verv ill. is a verv charac tenstic one. for he li.-s on his back with arms thrown above- the head and the thighs fk-xed on the abdomen. When exammed a few hours afterwards there is m.icJi tonderness Wi I'KHITOXITIS a.n„unti,.K t<, l..v,M.n,.Hflu.,i„. ,,,„., i ,|K. „)„,, ,,„,,,. .s an ...flammafion whi-li i> Th. ,■ ,,|,Lm nf P'UM may 1... I,.ss i„M.,out. ul,i|., it, ,.,.,, ..v.,i,v i< .,f,..„ ."«luat...| hy tl... a.m.unt of ....In..,.. ,.„,| ,.„.„,..,, nf Ik .km win.. h ha. -"'h-l fmm ,|,.. ,,,,.,i,,.,,..„, ,,,,;,,, ,,^^^... ;''''>'''l/'>-;'lm.Manv>,<.H,a,,.hlH.nM>Mill,.....a.i.nalv,.,n,.m.. Il.m. .s His., v^n.h.y of ,1...,m when the |>ain ■■ !».~l'ill |)ri>tnillili- tllliitl;;li ;l Jlfl Inl:, tioii '■!' thi' .\|ii)cM,iix ,111(1 (•.iiisii,:,' l',.|i tomtis: ,s«t. 'lliMiiuis's H,,-,.it,il .Musciiin N'C iiisd Sui-',';tMl llisiM-,- ,,f ih.> .\iip(.i, «ll\. •-'11(1 ,m1. " j)aroxysms become severe. Later the expression of his face cha.iges. he is listless, dark lines appear belo.v the eyes, which appear to have sunken, whilst the cheeks are hollow. The lips lu-conu- drv. and the ton-rue dr\- brown and c<, tt-d. The breatii is ofTensive. ElVortlcss vomitmg continues and is now copious, whilst the ejected fluid becomes brown-col ured. bad smelling, and even feculct Kxamuiation of the abdomen .shows an amount of dis- tension which is apparently increasing, and the wall of the abdomen is moving k-ss than ever. Tliei •re however, no H8 Till-; .\« I IK AHDo.MKX llm » n>f. >K to ... ...,.,. ami fl,.. „„.f.,... |o.,k, Mnnoll, : palnati.,,. Hpmn.nlan.l.nn.l. , •....,..., I,, V, I,,., ,a,i,.„,. |. i. .',,1 .i.i.l """">■ '•'-""""• •"'< i" tl... (Ia„ks ,Im,v ,„av I ,ln..>. whi,.,,' .■an >...MHmM.s I... ,,,.,....1 a.,..,, ,!„. ...i.l.ll.. Ii,.,. al.uv.. ,|.,. P"l»«-; 'MI.K,>.,.al!,n.|,hnllmayl.....|,M.,.,| TI... f,.,,.,,..,,,. ••nv .> ruH.]. nn, .......ssarily very l,i«h. I.„- it ,nav 1... nonnai or M.lmon.Ml. ..v.„ „Im„ ,1,,. in(i,n„,n;,tin„ is i,, ,|,, .....s," H.-v,.n. ty,,.. w,tl, a u.-mial .JiUusiuu ,.f pus. Svvh a low <«;".I>.Ta.ur.. .i,h a .api.l ,...U.. j. „f ,,,,, ,,.,,„„, ,.„^ ^,^^; "..; n.n^f,pat,..,. >.s r..!i..v...| |,y an ami ,1,. I'|'>'|-"f pa>M.. llatns wifhon. any .lifli.nily „„.il ,1,,. .Ii>(,.,„i,„. ;•» t ... .nf,..t.m. .s .].... to patalvM. of ,1... l,o„,.| wall .a,,...! I'.v 111.- -...Mial poivmin^. w|,i,.|, |,a, Mip.-fv..tu..| IMS alu,,ys of ha.l im,.o,, i„ a,, of p..,itonitis fo (i„,| ,|,at H pa.i..„t has lo., all p.i... ami has ..o,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,! ,o hi<...o„«h fh.-s.. symptoms .luT.. may I,, a ..|..aMu.>s of iMt..||,.,.t h .h .hs,„.s..s ,1... slat., of ,h.. ,„a„ fnm, his tH.-mls. MlN,st lh,.tn..p,..Mt p,,!sHH.,.,,,„i„.al,,,ostor,,„i,,.i,,,,,,,,, ,i,,,,. warns tl,.. m..,|,.al,1 iha, ,h.. ,.|a,„mv. ...oist ha,„l uh...|, 1:,. took on .■nt...inK tlu- room was in,h.,.,ra tru.- « <> ay i-alicat,. a lo,.alis,.,l c'ollorfon of ,>„s or an ...xtravasation „f ,.,.,.. into th.. ,nnl,.r- yM..e atva of pc-nton..,,,,, : hut th....- is anoth... torn, of n.,l..n,a <.t th.. ahdonnnal ,,ari..l,.s to whi.l, I .hvw attention so.n.. ^•ar. aK.. |J,rs may h.. s...-,, wh.-n th.. p-mtal peritonitis s ^( r\ a.-nt... It a.coM.i)aiii..s an intlammation <.f the .dlular tissu... an.l ,s ..ansccl l.y an .■.xu.lati..n whi.h has pass..,] intoth.. .sul, ....|lular tiss,,,- an.l ,.on,.. out along th., inguil.'u «anals : ,t may spr.-a.l into tl... Mrotum. an.l lat..rally ^.war.h, t ... ant..nor superior spin.^s. I,..t n..f into th,. thighs h.-vo,,,! the att; of th,- .l..,.,„.r lay..r of tl... s.,p..rfiei, | faseia It m..y be ^tate i„ „hi,,| „,^,,,„„„ j, ,|,.,„„.;,.,| „„ ™,Ma,,o.. ,y,I...W,n^^^ "..... .''''?''' ''"' ''*••■" '"•••♦"">■ -"nli".l. Mr,., tin. I th,-,., ;,iii,,!,r j|,;,f ,,|M.ra»io„ It i»il,ilik..|yflial a tliii.l ii,||a,i,,„a. syitiptntiis „iay h,. so scv,,-. i>'|K.rt..ri„f.|, a, III rightly so forv 111 .rv ,.xu.lah. wonl.l .vinai,, s„.ri|,. f,, ,„a,.v I ,s. (......aiio,, avsav,.f|„. I,,.. „(.;„.,, ati..„t.a,Mlshoui.l„ot I,.- oHav.-.l. • iiiaii ai; Jj. ^h,- st„i,.,l ,1,,. ha.I ,1.., I.,.,.n l....|„,^ ,u\\ I.. Imtii vomili,in ill i,it..,vals. will, a slin) laciiilh ; III,.,,. |,,„| I'imit: pain .11 III), ill.,!. .III.. II. :.i'::'";-:Hr'; ;;:;; I::;' V" ;'■■■ ''"- •■"" ■"■■ ''■■ '■"'"".>-'■ r... ..a.. *; . " '•'"'> '■""^""" lor twlv.. Ii..,i,s. "II ailiiiisNioi t<.|i(ii.|,ii -U<- lia.l a M.,ia.,v],al .lisl,.,i.l...l. ,i«„l al..l..iii,.|i „,,,, « i„....iiy I.. ,]... ,i„ht of 11... iMi.i.iii,,,,, ...,;,,..||.. ,,,;„' =r;'.j';;:;;:;:.;.r:;:-;:;.i-:.;...;;:^ ='ri:::;::i-r''';;:::;;;-;:.r --■'--:: ::i;:^.;::i:::::;ir::.i:-:.:- :: : t^^r^ -.•...■.1 ill... ,1... ,...,vis aiai I..,....;'.;; :.',:';,. i:^Tz::'':T In anotl„.r .as,- thnv wa. no ...xn.Iaiioi. of M.u,| i„ ,|„. '"•"•"»'•""• '."',»''^'"'«'<'"'^-" "as o,H.,K.,| an.! ,1... op,.,.a,io,. uavf <.M.,.at rcli(.f. |"iaiioii .1. »;.. a <.(.a..|,inaii aj;..! ,V,, was a.hiiiii,..! ^ <>m ,||,|v i-. ,,,„i ,. r, Tl,..,-.. was ,i„ l,i.,„,v „| .,„,. p,,.vi„„, alMl.MMiiial Tw..ntv- II..- lace wax flushed, feutuus pindied. .ah au ..xpn-sMo... 90 THE ACTTE ABDOMEN r J lit I. : H. I ^ ■ luls,. KM.: n.s,„nUion. IH; tniiiMMatiuv. !.!. . TI,.. alulom,.,, wiis kM.iI.v andsym.,u..n,.;,ll.vcration. The advantaR.. of early o,„.rarion was ..videnced l.v t]i,. unsurt'essful n-sultot a sniular lino of treatment earried out tor a patient M aK'Ml ;..,. on l)ee, .-{1. I'Mlt.^ T]ie a'.domen was distended, witli tenderness ov.'r tlie sijrmoid. Temperature llS-8 (pulse !»(i). Tliere was no fluid or .•aus,. found. The illness had eomnieneed on •>; the day alter takinsr three pints of eider. Abdominal i.ain. e.mstipation" and vom,fnij.r The man. who was very ill. ,li,.,l next dav. \t tJi,: neeropsy. iM.yond th<- i.eritonitis. uliieh was purulent in the pelvis nothmjT al.normal was found, .ludjriu^r |V„m ,he other eases an earli.T o|)eiatioii inij;lit have saved hini. Of the varieties .,f ixTitcuit is whicli n'stiit from an acute bacterial uuasi„u through th.> l)l,.o, I -stream the following muM be lueiit lolled. " A. P>,e>n,>ocarral. ~Th\s form of peritonitis is not frequent nhen compared with the peritonitis which follows gross lesions of the alimentary canal. As a vulv it is not difficult to differen- tiate the two unless by any cha.uv the signs ot the infection are most marked in the right iliac fossa wh.-n the i)atient oomes under observation for the first lime. The jiatient in- most frequently a child (Barling gives 7:! per cent, girls), whose parents tell a. history of some iccent chest tnmble The child was apparently well when a c.mplaint of pain in the stomach was made ; vomiting followed, with fcv(>r and diarrha^a There are found some of (he usual signs of peritonitis ahead v mentioned, and the child looks Hushed and ill. Distension oi the abdomen is often present with g(-neral stiffness and resist- ance of the muscles, and this may be associated M'ith dulmws m the flanks. Ol)erative interference is indicated, and the appcndi.x examined in the first place. A perforation should also be sought for in the adult, in the stomach or duodenum The best incisicm will be one through the right n-ctus slu-ath with outward displacement of the lower ])art of the muscle The exudation, which is abundant, shoukl be removed with gauze ;-.-T>"Tzr». PKKITOXITI.S j,j Ktri,,s and soft spong... ami a ...,..|.,.z.,| draina... t„l... pla..,.d s.iMiU' lluid <<;ivcn prr nrtnw. In this, as in all f..nns ,.f pmt,>„iti.. it is w,-ll f. ohfnn i culture fro,,, tl,.. .|„i,l (odou,.|,.ss i.. p,.,.un,o..o....i,. . ...^ • .J ^^ 1^-nt. so that a va..n,.. .,,ay h;p,vpa,vd fo,. funuv :': the I, '";?' r" ^Tl'^ P'><''n"o„ia pn.>..„t. a,.d hcTp,. of K hp... Ba,.|,„g ,i,v,dc-s this typ. of i„lla„„.,ation ,f ,h, pcntojioum into thm> dinical t vpcs •--( i ) \,.„f,> ,., ,. ,.,. in«n,ar,<,.,,,,,i,,alf.atu.;^f..o,,,*;i.'li:;;;^ ™^ "^''^•'; l"HU,noc.o, k-sioxs ..Is.wh.n.. (..),v,s.s in , j ' sn..ulta,,..o..sly.o,.al,,,ostso,.vi,hth..o,^ofp,.H , :'': l).™n,„a d.vdops. (:!)Ch,-o„ic. s..pti,.a.,ni.. ,.al. •*' It 's c.„ly , to that I),-. lU-.iov (•a,„..,„n is a<.d„st afK.n,t,o„ oxc..,,ti,.. i.i ,.as.s of n-sidual ahs^.-ss. 1 .an , '"•.''^- '"r'--''- ♦'-• - ♦'- '-.i-.nty it wonid b. wis t . •I.--.. a,ul so ,., rid of one sounv of tl,.- toxa.nia whi.h is tl great danger to life. A ..asc- whi,.h was under the <.„.'. f , ; ^■olk.ague >rr Hetha.n Kol,in.,n- gives an exeelient clinie d m.ure of prnnary pneu.noeoeeie peritonitis and sho J H ' v.viue of vaeeine t,-eatn,ent. eo,nl,in,d with operation. J..I'shI;k;^'" '• "'"' '"'■""""' "" -'»"■• "• •""^- '-'cl-- '1- <'an. of sli.' hml always Won a .umvous .-hihl. sul>i...., ,o l.ilious .„aH<. -'f ' "> ■■'J' <■!:.:> ™:;:;h. r :;,;■;;-: ;^;;';;,;"".;- l..,l,,. „,,. ,:„,. „...„N„. ;„,.! ,„ „„„|| v„|„„„. : „., ,.,,,.' . ',' i;l:;r:-i;;::;:\;::-;-::lt;,:;:::;r::,:;:: !:;--;»:; I : !)2 THK ACITK ABDOMEN ! I i II' il lump could 1).. f.-li. /V,- ,rrl„m lli.'iv was ii l.oj;f;y U'i'Un dci».nd<'nt l)rohal)ly on a jransreuous appendix. (>l>e,ntion.^^T\w risht n'ctus was displac.d inwards. On openin.' the p<"rnoueuni a greenish-yellow fluid escajied. of Kuniniv consistency" with a few Hakes of dirty-white lyin|.li in it. .Mtho'.iKh this was K<'nerally dirtn^ed thiouyh the cavity, and th<- int.'stiiicM and omentum were smeared ov.m- with it. yet they did not otherwise app< ar to he in any way altc'red from the normal : the appendix was ahsolutelv healtliy. .\ jrood .Umj „f (I„i,l i,;,,! ,.„|!,.cted in the i,,.|vis and in tlie rijrlit kidney jioucli. 'IJiere Wiis no sisn anvwhere of jrluein.. KM^cther of the intestinal coils l>y early a.lhcsions. Th.. rij;ht l-allopian t uho was very definitely injected. (.•;iil)se.|iient imiuiry elicit..! no .■vi.l,.nc.. Jiast or iiiv.sent, .,f any vulval or vafinial dis.-Jiar;:...) 'jJie j; alonj; the ilia<> vessels ami at the hifurcation . Drains witJi wi.'ks weiv i)la I in the pelvis ami in the ki.lney jiouch. ami th.' main part of th.. woiin.l was .'Ios.mI in layers. She Hi,. op..rati.m verv well, and was jnit back t.. I)<..l in the Fowl..r position aii.l uiven ' ..rain of mo!i»hine. Saline was or.h.r..d /ice m/ioH. " ' " "" ' Att..r th.. .>perati.m was a j;,.nfle droj) in the (..niperature to !tO- at 8 o'clock the next nmriiiiiir. with a covr<.sp.)n.linjr marked ri.due- tiou m th.. pulse-rate. Sli.. was f.....linj; much more comfortable, and there had been very little pain and im vomitim:. she was giv.-n milk and water frery, Imt both jmlse ami t<.mperature had airain ri.s<>n a httle. As lier bow.-ls had not acte.l. .she was put on niamu.siinu snlpliate 111 etriisi.yn wa.s a pure cultuie of th.. ]) it was decided to use piieiimoco<.cic vaccine. On Mav .-> b.ith diaina"e fub«.s were remove.l and jraiize drains substilut(.d. TJi.. .Iis..liar.'e'".liil i„.t .•ease alto-rether. On .May 27 a count..r-op..iiinn was niad.. Tn th,- loin and a pi..ce ot jraiue pull..d through fr.)m front to back. Tliis s.,oii ha.l a marke.l ettVct both .)n th.. .lischar;,'.. ami th.. t.inp..ratur... On .hiiie (i th.. front wonmls w<.re heale.l, an.l on th.. loth the drain was l.'tt out b..liin.l. Hy this date her t.'mperatuie ha.l b..,.n normal loi'a w.'.'k. .-.^he was abl.. f.) I..ave th.' hospital on ,Imie 1,-). B. Stri'i^tococcic. —Thh i^ a very fatal Narit'ty of iH.ritoneal I'KIUToNiris o;? imlimimali'ii. and is inn.) ((.niriKnily m'cii in .iiM's of |)Ufi|(ciMl iiitVction. 'riiciv is little to he tomul in our litnatiiic wliicli enables nie to >/i\r an authoritative account of it : most of the refinances are to eases uhich were treated Mith vaccine l)Ut in wliicli the exact bacillus at work had not been proved i)\- the Usual tests. In a case of streptococcic ])eritonitis imblished In- Dr. Horldidge. of I'inner. the entrance of the <;erni was by way of the appendi.x. and vaccine was most useful wlien (■()mi)lications arose during the progress of the case after operation. This bears out the e.xperieiu-e of others 111 a))pendi.v oases, but the Stn plorornis jiijotji „(•< ouiriis in the tiuid surrounding an acute a]»])endicitis alwavs makes the j)rogiu)sis grave. Whether a delay of a few "hours in tlie examination of peritoneal fluid may give this germ a chance of killing off the active bacteria, and so appearing of greater importance than it really is entitled to. I cannot sav. The following is an e.xam])le of recovery, treated on the lines advocated, and 1 do not think that there can be any doubt as to the e.xact Jiature of the germ which caused the peritonitis. A nuiiriod woniiui, ajicd «(•. was adiiiittcil ^ on .\i.iil 21 ami left on JuiR" an. Kill. On tli<. luoniini;- ot .Vpiil ir, sli,. wok., uj) at 4 orlo.-k tcclia^; v'al pain an.l icil lliat a ••onl wa^ iM^iiii; diawu in amnii.i livr ImkIv. Slu; Iiail .lianli.ia all (lav. Iiut was not sick. The two lollowiiiK days sli,. was l.ctt.T and was aM.- to do a liltic woik in Ilie Jioiw... laa on the liltli she was not so well and went to sec a do ahdonu'ii inov.'d very hadly all (^ver and was not iecahl v distended with general ri-idity ot innseles. Teinh'tness was invscnt all over! especially at a spot under the ri^dit rectus, just ahove th<. level of tlie uinl.ilicus. The note was tympanitic in the iiinhilical region, hut tlieiv wa.sshitti!i^r,ltilness in the Hanks. Javerdiiliiess normal. I'elvie oiv'ans a]»i>eaieil i|uiti' normal. The same afternoon operation was perloiined. an incision heiie' made Ihioiijjh tlie rigiil nM'tiis. the ii])per part reacliinu I lie area ol fricatest teiKhMiiess. On openiiif; tlie peritoneum a ipiantitv of dear tliiid eseaiied. and a >.'reat deal more was found in th.- jielvis esteiidinj; also into the left Hank. Seatteied ahoiit on the suifa.'c of llie p.-riioneiim Were Hakes of yellow iympli. ihe appendix was lemovcd. although I'S! ii 94 THH AcrTK ABDOMKX,nu.M,M slM.w,.,! ,t to i„. .|., normal. Notlnni; u.i,s loui.a ,n any im,. .,1 ,h.. al,.lom..n l„.y,m.l this tlui.l. ..t,.. Two «.MMl.s,z..,l ,l,u,na.«,. ,„|,„s ,,,.„. ,,lar,..l i„ th. alMlon.,.,,. on. . -,.. npjvunls nn.l,., ,;.. Iiv..,, ll... oil,.., into ll... pHvis. Tin- wo,,,,,! ll.«- llui.l R.tnov.Ml a-„i ..xiiminnl in tl... clini.Ml lal.orato.y was ■ S,„.,,to. Sotn.. .lis,.ha,K,. ,.ontin„...l Iron. .Ju- .l,ain:.;r. t n.M.s. and lal.-r tron. h uonn, ut.t, ahont .May 11. ,l...,v l.-in, „.a.lnal ...u-ral .n.p.ov..: w . ; ; , ''""■ '"' ^''"'"^^ "'^^ '"""■' '" '!"■ 'i'-'"" '•"tto...k wl,i..h «■.:',','■ V '*''";•''*"" '"■'"^' "•l"'^"'' '"<"<• 'I""' .'M..,. ; nlti.natHv ir «as mr,,s,., , l,,,- a Ion. lim.. this ,lis,ha,-.Ml. th,. acliv. in. I., in'- .■.•l.o,1,.,l as th,. Sir,;, lorn,;;,. ,,!„„,,.,„■.. \ va-xirn. was tna.i.^ an.l nsvA: May 1« : ll.,-,7.-,.(MMi ,„,.,i. 1!) : lU.diMi.diMi 2.'] : I,'),4, .siH'u witi, Dr. A. K. C;o(lfn y on May 7. 1!M:{. ri^' hioilf '*'■• ;'"'^"">"" ^''^^- •^- -mplai.m.g of pain ahout the njlht sho nlder and .vnetal leeling ot illness. Mxe thot.ght she had canght ..old. He sen, her t. I. and on his visit .n.vt ,Uv to, d e temperature nused. and a uplain, o. sotne pai , in tlte lett . aMomen. I„ the alte„n.o,t she had a ri.or. Te.npera.n.e, 1,1.' ihe.c was no vonutinjr. and examination ,„;■ ,e,-t,n„ showed notJiin.r a mormaK On May .i she ha.l in..,eased and gencal al,,!:,,", n dst ended rr "ll"' '" '^" '*'" "^^■^ '^''"' '"^'l"'"'"" ^^ -""-vhat ine liver didness normal. At 2p.m there was some friction in tlie left chest. J)r. Z Aleiinell utwaids. A qnantity o. o,lo, pus. .encally ,litr,is,.d. I.M.kin.^ ko utieopus. escaped. Nothing was found to aecount for it. tli^ nteal organs hemg J>r. Dudgeon reported that tlic .a 1 1 p.esent was the S,,e,„ororrns i>!,o,,ene.. ami anU-«tr..ptococcic was gM.-n next day. but prod.ueJ no infiueme on tlie pr.MTes.s Of the disease. At G p.m. of the 8t]i she was gencallv. with evidence of spivading inliammatiou in the left lung. The face was pm,.hed pulse very rapid ; temperature .still high. b,it no abdo n itl pan. a„.i no return of .shivering. »hc died four hours later TKHITOXTTrs 95 In a third chm- which hiui Wvn sriu 1.. a fivcr h<..i)ital as a case of ty].h..i. S,,r,,,„r.,rr„s ,,„.„,,■„,,. was l..u ml "' I""" '•"I"""- "" '!'<• app:.,ulix a,Hl p., ilon,.,,,,. n<.ar i,. U., wall „; tli.' =.p|"'',v was a.-ut..!y inllanH-l, an.l n,. „n., „,. . ...a. ,..,nai,u.,l sj,.. .l..'.l i..,n ..xhausti.m n..vr .lay. T],..,,. w..,.. sh...,.s „| ■.■.•.•nt on x\n- pi..„,a lik.. ,h„s.. in ,h,. alMlo.un,; !,„i«s ...i,..,..,,.,l Kvidflicc ot a KCIIci.iI illfrctioii. ^ -oi. It is well thcrt't'oiv to rcmov.- the a.{)p(.n(lix in thcs,. cas,.^ as tlic s.HUVf of intVcti.m may he in it. l.iit give no proof i'xcei)t on niUTosc'opical cxaniinatioii. V. Ti,/>en;,lo>: rnifo,iili.s.—Ti,v onlinarv forms of tuber- culous p.Titonitis ,h. not (Icnian.l a consideration fron. us in (hscussmg the acute alxhmie.i iii the .same manner as ,1,, the terms of ,.;.r.tonitis which are due to other organisms The manifestations for which the surgeon is called in are with the exception of local .supjmration, iiiehided und.-r other ' (.\) There may be obstruction of the bowels, followim^ adhesion of a coil of the bowel to another coil, to theonientun" or to the abdominal wall. (B) iVrforation of a tuberculous ulcer (see j). ISO). ((■) The formation of strictures of the bowel. In a case under care m ll.l.T in which the carum was exci.sed for hyperplastic tuberculosis, there M-ere no fewiT than eight strictures found ai parts of the small intestine which i.roduc-d no syu>ptoms. The peritoneum when tub.-rcle is present may, in cases associated with abdominal j)ain and irregularitv of the bowels give to a suspicion of chronic intussusceptioji from the presence of «laiid a localised ])eritoneal abscess fonns. and a fatal peri- tonitis may ensue if the jnis is not satisfaetorilv limited l)y adiiesions. These glands in the iliac fossa niav'be niistake'n for an enlarged and inliamed appendix, and the ])ossibilitv of an attack (.f acute appendicitis must be remembered where tuberculosis of the peritoneum is present alrcadv. An example of the complicated abscess o'f tuberculous peritonitis is furnished by the ease of A. l'.. ajred l(i. wh(. was under care from February 12 to Mardi 2. l!t!(" 'rii.M.- wii-< a tulMMriilnus fiiinily hislorv and k1„. had l.e.-n tind.T tivatmont lor ■sornHhiiif; wn.nj; witli lli,. iHt luiiii.- .luring which tin,,. n1..- Lad had a (..vrish I. .lays UvUnv sh,. •■aia,. in tlu-.v had ix'.Mi a sudden j>ain in thi" lower ahdoincn. and sli,. was ill on admission wiih a jiuls.. of i;!2 and teniiH-iatiir.! I(t2 . Thorc was su.,. Iiiiiatiou in till' h)w..r ahdonicn not distinctly dr(in,.d. and a fuhii'ss on the riKht s.d.- ..1 tl... rc'tuin. At th.- operation tlu- intestines were iound irrefiiearly n.att.d to^eth.-r. and there were intermittent spurts ot ^'as uid ..rtVnsiv.. purulent flui.l from the d.-.-jier i)art,s of the wound sJiowiii- und(>ul.t<.d p.Mforation of the bowel wall. Whether this result.-d tioni ulceration or jiivinj; way of the bowel duriiiK examination it is not possibl.. to sa.v. .More seaivliinj; exploration was not considered advisable. A t iibe was inserted, and for some da.vs there was a f.'culen^ discharge, but it gradually diminished and the wound .'losed satis- taetoriy. When she was discharged we could find no evid.'iiec of tubercle anywhere. THE IXFLrENCE OF DISEASES OF THE \PPENDIX VERMIFORMIS ON THE PRODUCTION OF THE ACUTE ABDOMEN. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this part of our subject, the cases which come under this heading presenting the largest of all the groups whieli are met with in practice. It is of the greatest importance, therefore, that you shoukl iiave a good working knowledge of it from a clin'ical stand- point (Fig. lu). In the year 1881 we find few records in tlie St. Thomas's Hospital Reports of diseases of the appendix ; five cases of peri-typhlitis were under care and one case of general peritonitis. What are the recent records, not of all diseases of the appendix, but of the acute inflammations of that small part of the alimentary tract ? Mr. R„U4Uelle, the Surgical Registrar, f* iM-Ln.:.vr,.:„K.u.fKx„,xox,,,r,.:M,„o,„,N ,„ ilU'sc arc its follows : — 'lit III dill' l\ I'MI-.i -i'lilT . lilON -I'M* 'r<>t;il (liMi;{ -l!)lo^ I 'u-f . 472 I0"i2 i;-c,,v,ini. M. IMr,!. 1.-.1'4 2" IS .>4■,;, t>.esccon.ii.a.fofl:: "„x;'r-:s.^^ -« ;l-^ttl.swnsahvayslii.|.c,.i,|„,,,„,,,,,^ but in tl.c seco.ul half of .he jHrioil Hkc-n It was less than half, hat .lurin. ['; • 'Tst five years, having fallen froin •5-!'lKTccnt.toJ5-'pcrccnt. This '"^y.c rightly aseribcl to the fad l"^t the importance of early operation "IS become more gc.iu.rallv recognis,.,! both within and without the hospital "-esc few figures fioin one hospital «'u ; ^^ many will con^incev<.u of the m-e. for s,H>cial study of branch "t the subject, and no excuse is nm-ssary lor treating it sonu'what t»'.v- ^ou ca.uiot give too much attention to the in^estigation of the nan.festations of acute appendicitis, or It wdl meet you at c'vc-rv turn of your professional careeV more than that von en.,.,./ • "'"^" '""^ '" tl.e wards ; ^^ • '"" ''""'"^ c'xanniie too many of these acute II thn "■ 1". Iiiii-nmi to tnif.. l,y MiMiliii;, „,., rcliiti\c l'r.i]),,i-ti.iiis cf v:inous I'cif.iiations .,f thr llcIldW \-is(Cl-„ : .\. ■\li|i("n(lix. Ij. (j^istri,.. ''• llll'MJi'ti:.!. |(. lijlj, I'lr- i;. Jc'iinial. 1' Tv|,l„,i,|, (;. 'lulal. II. St,.ic..nil. •.)H 11 IK A( ITK AHDOMKX i i - ^il laso. Do iiiit |)c >iili>li<'(l tliat \\Ui\\ vim an- tnid hy tin- ])liysi(iaii "V >nr^((iii in cliarjjc is all that can he U-arnt of tho casi'. Kxaniinc for yoiiix-hcs. and try to draw a conciusictn, hcfort- tiic alnlonun is to tlit- nature of llif Itsioii present. You must endeavour to decide, firstly, wliether the case is one of acute apjx'ndicitis ; and secondly, if it is, what is the condition of the peritoneum, ^'ou must i;Is(» endeavour to estiinati- its effect in tlu- individual, for the>e east's do not die sim))ly as a re.ndt of the inllani- mation— they die from the to.Memia. .Some of the apparently mild ones are very insidious in their ))r(.gresH, and the toxins develojH'd ]»roduce their fatal etfects ratiier sud'lenly and ujie.x- pe;tedly. in spite of oj)eration. if defened too long. You should all be able to recognise a case of acute iidlammation of the a])])endi.x. although you cajuiot always .say what is the exact lesion of the ap])endix on which the syniptom.s ilepend. In the early stages of a serious injury, acute invasion, or marked lesion involving tlie peritoneum, there will be a com- bination of symptoms to which the term 'peritonism ' has been applied. The patient will .■-utfer from local pain, vomiting and shock. There is then • ost usually an interval of varying duration, when the resources of the individual are \)eing drawn upon to enable him to rally from the shock, repair the lesion, and fight the invading bacterial horde. Probably a peritonitis will immediately commence, and other symptoms be .superadt attutk (frnlii " Surj;i"al ] lisca^i's of the Aiipi'iidix Venuiforuiis,'' 'Jnd ed.). IXn-UK.NVK .,K A....KX1,IX ox a, , •, >; v„|h:x ,., r!;;::;.''^ •''•■''" ■■« •■■■' .-.. .,..„ To till- state wl.i(liji(<..Mii)a(iics swell sviiiiil,, in tL i • i^'H- 11). II may !.,■ u,|,|,.,l t|,a. tiu- n.tur,. i f . ;:::t:;i-r;,.;;;:;!:;v-;,;;':;£^;H --al.orlym,,.aJ,,. •"'-■"«"- tnuXrx:!;^ «"„.jt,;a:a';;:.:;r:;::r pukc-rate. Tlu-rc ,nay In- littl. t.n.l.T u.s „,,,;;'"; duratmn. yet at r,-n,„val of tl.,- apn-iulv ,1 ' * ''";'' coated witl. recent lymp!.. ^^ ' ''" "'"^''''^ ""^^ '"' At other times the patient mav call out w fh ,.,1., I • been .uvakened from sleep, and " b.eon..,:, !',';:„ l;;^'"^ .at the administration of stimulants is .s •"' o« ;r tal!:;;-'-"- -- ^-.r a •;;>.;:;;;- and passes from that n-.i..,, to th,. ri^ht i • /, "" »'l"'"s. becomes loealise.l to the- Toot in M? i " • ' '''"'''"' '^ inlying. wi-itisintL.:;.-' .::;;;;;:' ;''''r''t '•^■"'-^ imt is said to b. loJ down, a, 1 is . , ,;:;;';n'^' pressure on the right hnver rectus. V,n!^ ^^^ '^^.^ present, coimng on soon after the onset nf the pain iU contmucs, tJie attack isprobablv of sev.-re chna er ' atUcks of appendicitis there is ^.o vonuting ! I., ! :;:;;^ but there .s ain.ost always a feeling of siH<,H,ss • ' . ' ^ these cases operation is best. ^' i < \( n ni To these symptoms there are added those of fex,, ,, quickened pulse anMr.N ' ! ji I' III: i 1' citiiiiiioii. It I Ik- alxloiiicti i> t'XJiiiiincd. \<)ii liiwl iliiiiiiiislicil r«'^piiiit((iv muv(iiitiit>. chiilly in tlic luwir purl. It tri'ls >tilV, tvcii ri;,'i(l. <>p(< iiliy nlxiut tlir itiwcr piiit of the riylil icctii^. which is lining its duty, that ut ^{uariliiig thr iiillanu'd l»iirt frnni all iiijurioiis imtvcnitnts or prcs^un-. 'rciidirnc-s may he widi-ly >|»rca(l, Imt i> most rasily c-licitt-d on pn'»uic oviT till iliac fossa, or. if tin- appci\ili.\ is in the pelvis, on rectal or vaginal e.xaniinution, Freipiency of micturition anil dysiuia are jiroent with the pelvic appendix. It is verv seldom that one can lind itny tumour in the iliac fo.ssii within twiiity four hours of 'he onset of the acute ultack ; the rectus muscle pre't-nts e en a distended ajipendix of (ousiderahle si/c from being felt , there is often a sensation of fulness liiyond the muscle, and from tlie rectum u tender lump may often he demonstrated. When under an ana'sthetic an I'ldarged ap|" ndix may lie felt in the iliac fossa at an early staif" Some intlammations due to the ajipendix quickly suhsMic although they begin very alarmingly, whilst others continiu', and if untreated cause a spreading inflammation with suppuration, which may extend throughout the whole })eri- toneum. Often the su])liunition liecomes localised. The larger nund)er. luckily, undergo resolution, the pain subsides, tlu- tci. M-rature falls, and convalescence begins at the end of two or tiiree days. As the rigidity of the musdes is diminished a • <'l!ing is felt about the ajipendix. w hich ii\ilicates a localisa- tion of the whole j)rocess. and the illness is for the time jiracli- ci'llyover. In a fewdays this swelling has cjuite disajijieared. I'nlos the medical nniu draws attention to this swelling it is verv jirobably not noticed l)y the j)afi«'nt. anil ^vh^•n asked in a later altack if there had ever jueviously been any swelling the answer is givi n in the negative. Although the t«'mj»erature and |)ulse may be nori<< d, the j»atient is not well until this swelling has quite gone. When the symj)toms and hxal signs do not subside but jjicrease because the intlammation is sjireading. the ]>atient often shows signs of ijicreased suiTering. He liecomes anxious lookiug. the ])ulse increases in rajiidity, the respirations are siJ! 'itiv more frequent than normal and more shallow, the vesj.iriitory movements being chiefly costal. The tendency in voung j)eoj)le is to throw ihe arms al)ove the head a. ' keej) INTMKNd.: (IF AIM-KN-DIX (>.\ .\< I TK AHDo.MKX KM thorn tiM'iv. Tlir hImIuiihh i, niorv .,r l.>, iiinii.,i,|,.,s. t.ii.l.r nil |mli.ati..ii ,,v.r u hrp.,. aira. ihuiiKl, mn,flv ... ii, ||,.. iipiM-iHlix nriori: slinni |Hnii.>i,,ri i, ;il,u n-M-nii.! KMi.hi- t.on i.rnnn.l nfWu nlws n ,. Tli.iv i. , .vi.l.iMr <•> fire lltii.l. >l,ittinn.luliH>. ... tl.r Ihuiks. uhi.l, l.ii,,- <■%(. n.l> iUT..ssal)..v.-(h.-puh(.>. V..MiitinMisalm.M i.ivM.,.! a.i.l atf.T Ihal of || „>,•♦ |,„. pasM.I uir a liiil,; |„...„„m-s • iisfrosmjr. The t..iignc is „Mially fiim-d. aii.l ll... I.nath tnul; til.- I.owcls arc .lifli.uil t,. in<.v... hut M.n...|ini. . ,,n ..ITrnsiv .l,arrl...-a is pirsiMit. Wh..,, i, j, ,, lat.- .vinptun, ,t is«ail.-.|-'s,.ptic,liHrrl..,M.- TImiv is ahvav- sun... .ii>tui I, .n.-,. oi til." alini.'iitary .anal. Tli.' mil... i> n-nallv M-anl v an.l Iim'Ii «<'l".iml. at first n.,niial : lat.r it ,nav .nniain alhuinin. I.ul raifly hid... I. Tlui- nrv. In.wcv.r. I.anlly any two .a^ > that aiv alik,- in t he .'xa.t .-ans,. „t th.- illn.-ss ;„„| j,, ,|„. p.,„,.r „i iVM^tan..- n| tlu .u.hvi.lnal. S.. that in ,.,„■ pati.nt th,- «..n,Tal svn, .t..n.s an-,,; tiM- jrivat<>t iinpnrtan..-. an.l nni>t !,.■ r..|i...r np"„,. as an iiuli(ati..n t..r tr.atin.nt , wh.r.a^ in tlu- leal .j.rns indi.'at.' th.- .lan^'.Tous nature ..f the illii.-ss " v.... will naturall , ask. " What arc th.- si^n.s an.l sv ton.s t.)l)csp..c.allyn..t.-,l.aft.Tthc..n.s,-t ..f ■• i.,,n •'t,. wl,i,.|, Mni.ortan.f sh.,u!.l l.c atta.-h.-.l '. .Mak.- all v..ur .-xainina- ti.)iis HI r,.utinc niann.-r ; in tlu- first pia<-.- |,,uk Mitl. attciiti.,,, at the iMticnfs fa.-.-. f,.r y..u niav l,..nn inu.h fn.n. It. I he .•.,l.,ur. in a .ase .,t aeut.- al.t „ne whose respiration is .-niharrasMMl •, th.- .■xpr.-.^ioi", from a plaei.l to that of a man in m.,rtal a-onv' Sunken ey.-s. with .lark circles roun.l th.-m. a pin.-h.-.rta.e an.l Hn.\i.>us exjm-ssion, an- v.-ry ..iniiious. If th.- nostrJK .,,v w..rkiiig rapidly you may !.,- sun- that th.- h.-art is al-o .r„i„., t..o fast, an.l there is v.-ry x-rious an.l ;M|vanc.d .li'^ea-e prescnt. The ].ulsc-rate is a v.-ry im]...rtant a^ to \vli.||,.-r t le case may he safely l.-ft. it is imi,.-rativ.- to op..rat,- ..r there is m. if >om.- hours j,ave .lap-,,! .i,,,.,. ,|„. much to., high, there is m,thing to be gain.-.l ]n nun ioi ..j.,..-aiion 102 THK A( rTK AFUXiMKX !';• it imi-t l»c (Itiiir. Kviiv liiMir liii(r>< of it Ic^., |>rlf. Any acute alMlniniiial cane with .1 piilM- rair dI ovtr lli tlic piiliciit 11 ()uin ■. -uijiical aid. altlnaij.di other >vni|)ttiiii>i may he ini|»in\iiijj. The terii)',raiiieiit niu>t lie c'.nMdercd ill t-tiiiiatinu the sijfniti. niice of n quick jHiUe. fur occa-idiiaily a ]iaticnt may )te imdiily excited l»y the inedicul vi^it nr he MilVeriiiH from a neurosis. The fem|M'rature is often most misleailiiin ; there may he the most uidely dilTiiscd scj.iic peritonitis, uith a normal or suh. normal teiiiiMraturc. I'sually. as | have said, there is a rise at first. l»iit it should hejjin to fall within forty ci^jht hours. A low or suldiormal tem|)eratiire uith a rajtid ]> Ue is a very had ('(iinhination. ResfleHHiicss is an unfavoiiraMe syniptom ; so. in constipation or diarrlHca. and endcavimr to avoid worrying the ])atient with those questions which tlie friends or jiuise are (juite capable |li«iH IM-I.l KNCK n|.' AI'I'KNDIX nX Ari iK ahImiMKN im.i of aii-.\vrriii«. Ill iii..,t niM., ...iir .liilv i^ nut .'.,iii|.|,.t,..| until \„H havr I. Mii.t iIm- .tat.- of tli.' |ir|y !,■ .nnl.nt., a> |.iov.<| l»y r.< till ..!• vaiiiniil .•xiituiiiation. in M.nw install..., v,,ii uil| liiMl mll.imm .tory Mvliiny uii tli.' rinlit -i.l.. „n.l in utli.-r. an al.noinial airioiint of t.ii.l.rn.-,,. 'ri„. ,. stent ,,f ||„,„. „||| vary niu.j, w,tli fin- naliiiv of tli.- . a^- an.l tli.- .Inratiun ,,f il... illn)'» 'I'lif niiinhir .it aciitf aiMl.iiniital (nnilitinn. wiiii' ,••• ^.'.•..nilary (.. .li,fii„- ..f tli<- a|i|i'iiili\ nalnrillv iiiak.', n-, in th.' tii>( instan.f, .■on^i.lcr •• tli.' ac iit.' ali.iuMi<'i, • the point of vi.'w of that |.ait ,.f li,,. alinimtary .anal. Tl,.- r.-latis.' |i|-..|)nrti..n ..f tli.. \aii..ii, factoo in tlif .•aii-ali..n of acnt.- alxloininal .li>.'asc, i, -Itoww in iIm- >tati-ii,> uf the . a-.s un.l.r .an- in St. Tlioina,', Hospital ilnrii..,' il,r tliiv,- yiar, I'.MMi :; in,|ii,iv.'. In all tli.r.' w.i.- »,-,(l ,.,-.■,, ,,f Mhi.h' Itis. or :{■ ii.T:t 12 in.liisiv.-. we lin.l this iinirli .■ii|.,!iasis,".,l ; - .\p|Minli(iii^ ami iirt if|)i i.,ii) i".(ii liiliH.siis.'i'|itiiiii . . . , .... I't'lliMiltiiili-i lit the slotiiiich. . . j|,j iliiixli'iiMni Otli.r iMTlidalioiH III aliiiiiiiliuy raii.i .\rUl(i IMTJIllllllis (olllfi I'UllsfH) .\ciit.! .'JioliM yslilis ..... ,, i»ifiri.'atitis .... tl4 ."..I .■.:( 'I'll. If Hi'titc iiillamiiiatioiis of ii„. appnidix aiv tlimtoiv lu-arly ♦.wic- as niaiiy as all the otlicis put lo^'cilai'. The yrcat iinportaiirc ,,f the nilr tl,,- ap|Hni.| ai-. but unless v.n -•V I.Xv'i"^ <-vfuIIy tl.e cry will be unh..;! V , Hn" pa.M W.I. a history of in.liseretion in cliet nn;rn W I n'tiiciiiIxT th(. fas.. ,,f ji ,ri,.i ,i„,.,i -, , , |-..,]...,. aiUu-U. whi..h was appanMUh- .n S ,^:^;:i:;'''''r'r'' "^ the piiiciits <'(iiil(l t,.|| I!,,, ill . in. ni,u^;:;,;::;:i;., :; S';:;.::;;^ ?.. 'nr,,:: an!; ;';r ::;:,;:: ,;;j::;i.-.;;';;;L::;;::;:-:r,- ;;r ■" sn„.oo,,InM.onsofin,.s,,h,.ilia..rossa;an.l ,,;ivr""S. ' ' ;'^ was ,a,.„.. „s walls w.... .,..,.n.a.ons. Un-.e wL ::!:::;^..ZI!:r^!:: .:'^f!'■r"*i^.. I IXFU-KXCK OF APPKXDIX OX AdTK AHDOMKX ]u:, I t:v<-n,- ...Mninj: ro,.,,,! i. a) t J i„,.l, f,„,u i,. .iis,a| ...ul ui.l in tl,.. ....^...U,.,... l.„n ,.,. o, „us par, ^1...... wa. a .:,<., , a,,p..„,l,x ,]...,.. was a .•..nnHi.,,. v.- an.l an,.,l,.., I„.|, w .^ ^'UM. ,.Mo„s,,a,,. ■Il„.,s„l,s,.,,„..„, his,.., y was l.nHlv a. ,„ll.,w " • •..w..|s a.;,.., „„ ,],.. :„., a.,..r a, „„,.,.,„in.. ..„..„...■ arnl ,.,;..,„,, . mn^'of ;; "■" ""T '"• '"""^ "••^'' '""^ ^' ""«"'• "i'l' '"- " - u r; '""7-""""' """'•-i'''- 'lis puis,, ha.l ,.o„H. dowi, ,o I. tl"' -Hi fJns l.n.w,,. otV...,siv.. ,.,.as,.,l a, :! a..,.. i„ ,1, -'•!";•" '•'''"■"'•' «■"'■•• ^"V" Willi irno.l n.sul,. a.Hl 1„. I„..a,. ,.. loufior c„ntuuu;l to I,.- a s..u,v.. .,f anxi.My ,., „s. It is ll,(. casos in M-l„Vh th.T.. is lit)!,. ,,ai„ that ..ft.„ .Jv,. tlu' anxiety, a slow al...,,„^,n of tl.o poison jzo.s^.n ">" tl... ,,afn-nt appoa.s to b. now l„.tt..r. now not ..nit- mI w.'ll an.l so tlu> ,,..n.lulun, swin^zs. nntii p,.,!.,,,, tl„- of vomiting w-ifl, a rapid .ulsr show, that thr illness is , vcv gravc one. •> S„„,,. y,a,.s ajjn I saw a pa,i..,„ i„ „„.. „r ■ 1,,.... p„,.,i, ,,,,„„|^ „.,„, . s ..V l„. iM.ns,. k....,,..,. w„h vano„s ,lo„„.s,i.. ,,.„...,li,.s wln.h s .. o„s„l,.v.l,.,... |, was only towanls , .,,.1 .., ,|„. w. .k ,h -■,„.v,. w.s ,oM ..,,1,.. ..oy's illness. wh..„ I,., was ,". .1 t ■'"•«■" '1- sa-,a.,.,„,„u. II,. l.a.l a ,li,V,.s..,l p,.n,.,ni,is wi,l, nn • ' " •"'- l'-n>.; lN.nnis,i..„ ,., ,,„.„.,.. ,'.,,,.1 „.., ,. n ;'"'<; I''"'-"' 'l' temperature wiw KMif, . This 7)a»:.-nt was lestless. and i)rotested vijroronsly apiinst operation. Wlien tlie alidonien was opened pus in consideral.le (piantitieK was found free in tlie i)eritoneuni. 'I'liere was nmeh dejxisit of lyniidi on the peritoneum eoverini; the small jiut. which was generally reddened : in some plac.'s h:enionliai,'ic i)atclie's eould he seen under this lym]di. Tlie puruU^nt fluid lilled the pelvis and evfended into tin- rijrht (lank. Tlie a|>pen. who had Kinhlenly impidved ahoiit twelve lioiiis after the commence- ment of symptoms. J)r. Yeld asked iik- to see him hecanse lie was not satisfied with (he iteneral condition. We found him (t went v-four hours) without iiaiii. I.ut with a pulse of 12u. lie protested very strongly against operation, and struck his aldoineii virdeiitly with his'chised h>t to show how well he was and how free from jiain. After much persuasion we convinced him of the need for o].<'iat ion. and found a perforated appendix v Mi coniniencin<; sii])purative peritonitis (s])readini'ii)r to admisNion. wliich wjis unatttMiilt'd l>y Kicknoss ami localised itself in the iij;lit lowrr alxlonii'ii. (Mi ailiniK- (iicin I.c wasatliin. aini'mic lioy. witli a si\ liours" liistoiy of al»loiiiinal pain. His piilsf was 12(i. rt'^nlar. of K""<1 volume and tension, Itespiia- tion. 2() ; temperature, !(•! . The atidouien was jiooriy rovered. and did not move well on respiration. On pereiission the liver dulness was normal; dulness wife> i)resent in tjie ri;;lit Hank, whieli disapjieaied with chanjie of ])osition. Tenderness was j;eneral. Imt most marked in the rijiht iliac fossa. .\t lo..'{(i a.m. wlien 1 saw him the i)uise-rate was I:i2 ; temperature. H>2 ; alidominal pain more acute. There was more dulness on tlie ri^Iit side of the alxlomen with sono' over the piilies. tin* amount of free fluid havinir inereasi'd. .\t this time the hoy was p;ile, looked anxious and piniii:a.uze stri)) was i)laced in tlie ))elvis and another in the h'ft tlalik throu<;h the alidominal woinnl. so as 'o ahsorh pus whilst the appi'ndi\ was removed. Three rows of sutures were a))plie(l over tin- ca'cal ojienini;. The peritoneum in the re^iion affected was diied l>y means of i;au/.e St ri]>s, and the wound closed, with a iiihher drainage tuhe |)assed through the low<'r anjile into the jielvis. 'i'he jficater quantity of pus was foiiiul in the rii:ht Hank above tlie position of the appendix, .\nli- liacillus coli seiiim |2.') c.c.) was injectetl siibcutaneoiisly into the chest wall befoic the i)atient left the tlieatre. He was ]ilaced in a sittiiii; ])osition. and c(nitinuous instillation of waiin saline fluid into the led urn commenced. The tutie was taken out on the third niorniin; anil shortened, liut its use was <'ontiniied for ten days. TIk' a])pendix was unusually laf;;e. and ]n<'.sei,. ■ a pctfoialiou towards the tip. When o])encd a strict me was fo\ind about the juncl ion of tlie jnoximal twothiniplel<'ly closed the lumen of the tube at tliat ]m it. finininu; in this w:iy a cnvily of the distal tliiid. with which the perloiation communii'ated. and from which pus was exudiii}; when the appendix was found. The jiatieiit had had an eni]>yenia of the a|)pendix. which liad ruptuicd without warninir into the n-eiieral ])eritoneal cavity. TIk' diagnosis of tlii' exact condition dci'endcd njioii tlic (wti'cnic suddenness of tlu' onset, the severity of tlie synijitonis, and tlie large amount of lluid wliicli was noted Itefoic the o])eratioii, although such a short time had eiajised >inee the eommeiieenu';it of the trouble. The history of a former attack of ])aiii. as pointing to pre-existing disease of the a])])endix. was reg.irded as important. You must not. however. ))e misled liy a ea-e in which a few liours after the onset of ' peritonism " the patient appears to be lOH THK MVTK ABDOAFKN ! I ; 'I if ' ..■tt.T. \lways s„s,„.<.t flu- ,K-„t,. utfa.k ^vUH■h appears f., iwvc. «r,l wHl quukly; a raj.i.l i.nprovnn.nt in fjcuTal c.,,.- 'I'tum Mil. c.nfn- loss „f ,,ain oft.-n „„.a..s fho giving way of .n ovc.r.l,s...n,h.. aj.pc-n.lix. A h.Ii is ,al.,l tl.e next stage is l.ut a sl,o,-, p,,.|u,le to ca latal ending. .4>^S,r^ ',""" "' '' '" <■"'-""-'-" -'- i'-l a „„|S0 „f H..; i.i. fossa. I.,.t „o .lis„>.,M. II,. |,a.l. I,„w,.v,.r. a „,a,kc.l iwuluvui .. attack ot ,,H,n ot H .nil.l ••,-. loll.,w«ate,l to the neeX AClTK AllDoMKN lo;» ■3 uiidcislaiul Avliy tlic ixlni iiiovciiiciif would hi- bad tor a distended Imt still imrui)tiired apjjeiidix. the wall of wliieii is xmieTimes like moist tissue jjaper. As a rule you eaii ditlereutiate an acute a]i|)endi.\ attack from other urgent atTectious of tlie abdominal contents. I will return t(. this subject later ; but this is the essential to make up your mind whether the patient is suiferini; from a static which necessitates interference or not. If you arc not certain and tlicre is a icasonable ])robabilitv that vou arc dealin" with an apiHiidix tioublc. the wisest plan is to operate. Sur- geons who see much of this disea-e can often tell vou the exact state of the apjiendix on which the attack (lc|)<>nds. This may be of great temporary importance, for the surroundings of the cas- may not lend themselves to the i)rol)ability of a successful operation of any kind. es])ccially one involving the peritoneum. Or igain. there may be urgent private affairs to be settled before the risk of an o))eration is tmdergone. Indefinite or subacute appendix .symptoms coming on in patients ot advanced years slioidd excite the apprehension of any one under whose charge the ])atients may be. The signs of disease may be few. whilst the age and weakness of the patient make it ina(lvisa))le to do any ojx-ration excepting out- of a))solute necessity. Yet the most .serious disea>e of the a]i])endix may l)e ])resent. and a fatal re-ult inevitable, unless it is removed. X'ague afulominal ])ains. with >omc rise iiiit. 'I'lio pain wa.s luit severe. Imt lie took some ra.>tor oil. NevI dav. I lie Ktli, lie sent tor his medical man. who found him with a tem|)eratiire of 10(1 and -viiiiitoms of a mild attack ot aii|»iidicitis. On the nth he was miieli she same. Imt his lemiieiiitiiie was slif;litlv raised ; he had vomited on the jirevioiis eveiiini;. and his tongue was l)e(omiMir dry. yotiiilif; almormal could 1 • felt //«<• ,f<-t)n,i. His eoiidition at l.'..'!!! on the Kith, when Wf saw him tojrether. was a> follows : lie was a health v- lookiiif.' man. with a iiomial temperaliire. ^'ood apiietile. and a jiulse of 88 ; his chief complaint was want of food, and lie did not like lieing kept ili 'i' Tl"' ilily symptoms of aiiythiiiu Wlolii; Uen- a \eiy diy lol|t;ilij f IK) TIIK ACITK AUDOMKX l\ li I ;:m';;:; ;::::ri;;: ::;:;-';:;;r;;:'l-t;:;v:v'»:"" "■^™' ;:!:ri ';:;;, |:;;-:::r;;r;;;;:':;;-;rf^"™'v™^ |MlH ,xh.,l. 1,H.I ii.Tm,Hllat,.. ^ 4. Inti'stiiia! obstructions. 5. Acute iutlannnations of the peritoneun, from infection tlirough the blood-stream. "ncuon |i. (iastro-intestiual _ Ejiteritis and gastro- ^■ntc-ntis ; nmcous colitis ; intestinal perforations ^ . (.™l diseases.. Typhoid fever; - in- '•U'"/a ;; lead colic ; malaria: the cm., of tabes dorsa ,s : angeio-ueurotic (jedcma ; Fiem.chs purpnra -Mahunant disease of the ca-cum and asoeiuling colon ne^"";;. ; t ■" ''•■^'r^'-^':»^''y ^^'^^ -mdltions. an,l it is only -uccssa.x to remember their occasional oeeurreiice Oth.Ts tf INn.lKNcK OK AI'I'KNDI.N (»N .\(TTK AUlM ►MKN III only siiimliilc appciKlicilis wlicu tl a localised swi'lliiij^ wliicli can he felt M le itillaiiwiialioii lia^ |iro(liice(| the (liaj'i oreover. Ill (Ii>cii>>im;; lo>ls ot acute a|i|)eii(iiciti~. i| imi>t I.e leculleded iver. ill til Hi ■ o Illy oassiiij,' Ik the iliiic fossa that the ai)|)cM(li\ may he jilaccd a> liiuh as the I iliac fossa. ..r in the jiclvis, \vhil>t the pain is nflen n'fencd t( the iiiiihilieiis ill (he early st; later. e to enter into a loiij; diNcu^>i()n of which siiniilate acute a|ipeiidicitis, 'oni a dered It would not he advisahl this larye >.'roiip of disc i^e I say somethin-,' ahoiit the most important fi lint wf mil- practical point of view, although tl when we reach the special sections devoted t., them. icv are a^ain co Ac It It' Piii'itiiiintin. — Thei e are few surgeons who have not lieen rcipiested to ])erform laparotomy for ahtlominal svmpt in this disease which I The ditiicultv has nio^tlv ari ptoms lave simulated the acute ahdomcii. risen on account of sudden i)ain in the upper alxlomen with rigidity of tlie musch vomitinj.'. and fever, symptoms found nl >ome a gastric or duodenal ulcer has en a perforation of ucurred. In young peo])le before the age when gastric and intestinal perforations mostly occur, the resi'inblanee to acute a|)|)enf icIVmciI to till' i.itc ot til" ;;ir;Uc>t Iclidcrncss was over .\Ic Km ncys pant. A careful examination of the chest should therefore he niadi; in all eases when there is any likelihood of such condition lieing ])re.sent. as indicated hy the ra))idity of the respiration in c()m|iarison with that of the ]) which more than Ion. The late .Mr. Harnard'-' in his com I Is seldom inuniciition on this subject ])ointed out that direct tlioraci<: signs are often almost entirely lacking for (wentyfour liours or more. lie incniions oii« case in wliicli there were such dclinit.' alidominal nIkiis tluit the alidoiiien was oiicned, whi'ii the iileiirisy was associated with fracture of the rilts duo to a known injury. wliicli must be considered here as (hey The medical disease will not lie referred to hiter are as f ollow- ' "Acuti- .\lMl.piiiiiKil I >iMi_';i~i«.' I'litj Simulatiuiis of .Acute IVriluniti> liv I'Icur.i-l Vol. 11.. I'JU-' neiirnoiiio I)isn„l r,nr. Tlu- s|ali>ti.> .nll.rlr.! l.V Krlly .Uu\ lliii'loM show, tn.iM vjiiiuus ^niir.o. ||ial iimnii->l :!:io' | was silual...! i.illicai.,«.n.lixin:{o. Tli.v |...ii.( that (l)a|.,MU. "Ixilis may I..- |mivly a.ri.l.i.lal. that is In sa v. aim.inli.ilis ;""' 'M'' ' ♦''■^'•'- '""•' "f vvhi.l, a.v .on.MM,,, M.ala.lio. inav l»y ar.i.lriil !„■ Inund cniicuiiVMlly ill ih,. >ain,- iii.lividuai. or a lahul and clironic iiitlatiimaf imi ,,f ih,. a|.|Mii.liv niav h<- n.UM.I m,o a.tivily l.y ty,,!,,,!,! l,.,,,.. (-) .\i. a,.,,.„,li.ilis "' •■"""' <■'• <'t a M'v.iv ly,... M.ay ariM' irn,n a tv|.l.ui,| atlrrtin,, ••I 111.' lymph glands ,„• ,n. uIct Mtuatcd in tli.. apiu'iidix ■"•„..,.,, ,., ,,,us,d ivlalinn.hi,,. It i> ii Well (■s»al)iishcd fact thai a true Ivphoid atVccticii „f the -lands „f the ai.pcn.iix ..ccuts which n.av t.) "■••'■'•'tinn an.l >ympt.Mns in the riuht iliac fossa n.av in.lucc the sut-rron t.i perform an opcriition fur the removal of the appendix in flu- .Mrly stafie of ty,.hoid lufore then- an- anv dchmte of that disease, or in.hc.l any possibihtv of diai;nosini; it corii-ctiy. If there are. in aihlition to f.-vcr. the iisn-: signs of ai.jx.ndi- c.l.s. diac ,,ain. tenderness and ri-i.iitv of muscles, it would be best to operate, for it is far bett.-r to remov,- tl„- apj.endiv l>y an oiHTatiou. which should not in anv wav distress the patient at this stage, than it is to h-t him run unnecessary Curschmann has (h'seri bed a eondit ion occurring duriiHr t vphoid winch he has caM.'.! •■ peri-, orpara-typhlitis tvi)hosa. "in" which a minute ]u'iforation is f.mnd in the carum. or between the eacuni and colon. In perforations swllings are found which cl..sely resend.le (hose produced ))v ai.pendix iniiamma- tion going on to the formation of al)scess. Occasionally a patient with a concealed abscess or a suinmn- tive peritonitis due to a diseased a].p..n.lix comes under observati.m with the diagnosis of tvi.hoid. Th.-se are usually those cases ,n win,']., the fever has been .slight an.l the local ^vmptoms somewhat imlelinite ; i)robablv the ai)i)endix has oecui)ie.l the pelvic jiosition. whilst the iliac f..ssa has been free from tvuk'nt change. The result of absorption of septic ])roducts may jiroduee a ■' tyi.hoid state.- Widal's test must mmsmi^ W^MM^^^i^K^^lMMML^ i iNmKX(K(„.'A,.,.,.;M,ix..x \,,Ti: \Mi„,M,.:x in !"• »rH..I a„.| a ..arvful ,hMly ..X., „i a-l. „, .loul.,f,.l ;:'-• ''^■"'""•■"'-" "♦•l'<-l"l...n..,. uniu>u.llv.l..l ,1,.. '••-..,■.. oMrn.||„,.lnMl,.. ,...,.,, .,.„,. a.-l ;, .I..' „.,..,„,„,. a r.ijiid. fcclilc |)|||m.. »l.ln.y «,v..M ut a..a,k, „f ,|„|.,„j,,,, j,,,,,,,,,,^^, , "'••"Hf...|,,.,o„> of .li^rax. iVuC.M.r (),|,.r wri... ; - i.Hnaui.^:::'Z':t:;^::';:':; -"7'""'-^-"^ .w,,,.,!,.. .-no., .Mnalnuli..!!;:. " """■ ' ' ^'^^ '^'" ' '"• •11 .1 It llllt. 1 -n,,. ,lu. ,,r,.val..,„.,. of iMll„..,..a a, pati.,,, with a .li.. ;,:, ' ""^^; ;;""Pla.M ..f a, s,.v..,v ,,ai„ i,. tin. aJMl.-MMn. an.l vn,n„ ';:r^^'''''';'''''"'7'''- '''•*'"• -"-•n,i,litvo,.|,...a , ♦:■••'■.•.,..» of ap,„.n.|M.itis. (M|.,.,s „. „.,. ho,.;., n.av la -.».,. attacks. Th..y arv so,,.,.., s ah.,-, ,. ,, , . p,oh.„„..l. a„cl a,... a..,.o„,pa„i..,l ..i,h%. ,.. :i. ////.v/o/a.-This ,lis,.;,s,. ,„ay si,„„h,t,. app,.,„h.iti. -is •";»t ..t us kuo^y. hut it sh.M.I.I „.„ U., .. „ lo ,,iaK(' a '!'• 'lail iHit hail mistake A imi-M. ,„„;■ .am-, lo lia\.. Iin app-n-lix ivPiovrd :;;-"<« s,.,.,,v.. p..,ilo,„l,s. ami si,.. J. H-n, n .^ I' '''V'"'" tli.-,.!,. |„, ;i ,.|,ai «... \\1,..„ ,1,,.,.,. sl„. wa. >..,/,.,l „ •a^.Miisi,,.- ,,ai„ in ,!.,. ,i«l„ |„„,.,. al..lo,„.. . „ ., '" ""'" :rl:::: 'i'':.r>"- -•' -'-■v.>-a,,..;,,;:i,J!:::::;';'\;:-.;;:, "'""''"'.' ot ,1,.. aciil.. at, ii-li- II. .a.,, .lix- ,.0, 1,....,, ,..,„ov,..l I think it woal.l hav ,, .v..i ,'"'*'"" ' -f «he attacks ol, mil. which she ha.l ha'; ' '^"'''"" """ \.A. '^ [ill Ifii l! 5 I 111 TliK .\( I TK AJJDo.MKX rniff^or (»>lri ' >iiy> : '■ 'I liiir in a v\)'ll'kliii\Mi ' a|i|M'iiilii'iil,ii li.V|H>(lmiiHli ia-1-.' 'I'lir uoixl ^•a^<•■^ III lhi« riaht whirli I liaM' m-cii lia\r Im'cii in iiii'IiiImtm iiI our piiili'ssiiiii, anil I know ol al Irait one iiiotant'c ni wlmli a |M'il<'<'lly iioinial apprnilix was irniovtil.' I. Ill Li ml ('ill ir llic pain i- nciii'iiil paiow -ma! ami iclicvcd hy piosuic. 'riicic riiav lie vomifiiij/ willioul any ii>f ol' (cnipciatiiii'. 'riic i)t'('ii|iali(in of the |ialiciil. Ilir piorncc of a 111 lie linr on tin- j:iim-, with ot lice >\ nipt oiii> of Icail jioixmiii'i. >lionl(l jiicsciit imy ini^lakc ■"». in llic j;a^(iic iii>t> of Tnln s hnisnlis lliirr may Ik- Mvcic pain in tin- (■]ii^a>tiiiini and vomiliii;;. ami the attack may hot for >onic days. The attacks aic variahic and may l»c cxticmciy sc\cic. The loss of eye and knee idlcxcs witli the history iiiid ])rcs])endici,is. and without ojieration and e.xaminatioii of the a])])endi.\ it will ]ierliaps he dillicwlt to say with eiTtainty at the first visit. If the sym])toms mentioned ahove (local pain. t<'nderness. rigidity of muscie and fever) are kejtt in mind, there should not be very much dilliculty. 'I'lii: 1{i:si:mhi,an( I', ok Diskasks ari.sinc ix othi:k Okcans. 1. Of the jielvic causes of the acute abdomen which ])roduce a icsemblancf to acute appendicitis, the majority are easilv dcmoustrate.l on vatiinal or rectal examination, the ])resence of a lunioiiv beini; readil\ found. Sometimes a tumour I'ises out of the pelvis. Should a cyst of small size ru))ture. then the e.xact condition mav be ditlicidt to name, but va■ .>.!H.,M.,f,...,„..., .,„..,., •' <-t .la..... v..r, I,.. .,,,.,,,.,. h. ,l.i, ,,„„,,„,..,.... I.,.. ';' ''',7' '''*.'•''•■'^i-'•''H•>-i.l.^..„.m,.^ ..,!., ,,.,„;,' w;;i;'ii::;:;:;;."i';;;;'- ••••••• >^"-- --".,. ...,..„,,:;, •f. •^♦■7:Y"'''l>m,.yl,,..,.t,|,..air....,,.,n...,,|,.. p-^^ ...,.,,.. ,n,.....| ^. n,,. ri.h, |.Mn..y. an.l ,h..n i, in..,.. .;^ tiv.,..cM.y at nH.f,iriti..M w,il, lK,.,„aC:,i , \ ..,|,„|,. , ., , • ■ '-' ""'•II it >f<>iic liii> ((■.■11 ,irr.-i,.,| i.>-.Tiir..s,s. .,ii,.„ „i.y .„„,,,. ;,,., ,,,,,.,,.,;'':.:• . S...M... ....,„...■„„„ ,1, „,, ,i,,„ „,,,„, ,.,^^.„,. ^ : Ku<- «.oaf alarm l.„t ,v,>,.,.,„..,„ ,„.■ HiMin.l pi, v nt lI.I\Vlll}f iiisti.iv. \l.(,iil t,,-.r V ■ , '" "^ ■"I'l Hitvc the -n...k w.,h pain in u,..;:;,.,:;,.;;:::.^;';;,^; •■'-'•' --i- '"— • ..,.>•....,;;:':;!:;,. ;:;;:':; r /";;;;; "':-'-••- > a^-ain with ,,ain in tl„. , l-.w..,- , ll -'Mn.. .|„. l.,.,,,,,,. ,|| '••-"•-•■••'I. -i,i ,w,. .,ays ;;;;.,::.;;,;:: ^;;';";"":, •'■"•' 1';'- on.un. 10. Oiitlu. l-'tli sl... «•. "" '"•'-■"I' Hi •■""llnvsawli.r "ft ""t •'•-<;!;:■.:;;:,::;'::'• ;';::;;;;''::;i'';:;- .;:•- '•■•"IH'-atur,. was 102 . an.l tl... ,.„Im. ,a, i. ' tl' I ' i;"""" ' '"' ;::«r:;r,s;:i,-;;d;,;:;,[i,:,i''r'"S ;;;:::-l::^=-;rl:;:=:':;;;:;:d;r^^ ^''"""■"'"''^■'^ "■"""""•- -''-''• '"■>'''''i''ns,a,Min:i:;ai;..anM;;:;;i::;; I 2 :3'"i;' ■ir»^'fMi'Jl*&V^■^■ -^ i no Till-; .\( ITK AHOO.MKX \Mf llt'lIJllivi' Till- IiiiWI'Im well' icill-ll|lilti-viii|itiiiiix >iili«ii|i- si'ii* into liiitliitiil on tilt' llttli. TIm- iilMJiitiii'ii \\ii« tlii'ii vi-iv triiili'i all iivi'i, lull not liulil. Nnlliin^ mIiiiim iinii I'oiiiii iii< r<>iiiiii. 'ri'tii|ii'i,iiiiii', iiMi li I'liUi' I'jii riMit.'iiii "till liiiiiil ami lirrath Iniil. S|», ui ..f nilni'. Iiilj. Aiiil, lie. ivy ili'|)ii->it III iiratrH, nil alliiiinjii Tlir a|>|ti'iir-< xhnwiil tln-iii III lie lirahll>, tlir lllrills \va» li-t invri Iril Altil tin- ci|iriatliiM -lir viiiiiilnl a uiiiiil ilral. alimi^l I'liiitiiimiilolv Un \\\-, liiit tlir ti-iii- |M'iatiiii' caiiH' (liiwii In iiiiniiai. 'I In- W'ltlal ti'->t Ini' t |iliiiiil wan lifijalivr. till till- Jlilli »lif wa* rxaiiiiiii'il very rairliillv l>y tin- lr>tilrllt a«>l'>taiil |i|iv«irlaii, wllii liilimt mi t'viili'liri' III ili'-ra'X' nl I III' iln-t. Till" MHiiitiiiK wliirli iiiii- tinilril il|i|i<'airil III III-, wliiUl till' t<'iii|i<'riitiiii'. wliirli was nIIII iri'i'iiulaily liit;l>. iiii;;lit have liri'll ilim to a sort« tliioiit of wliicli sli<> wa« I'ompiaiiiiin:. Slii' wan ii'iiiovcil to a small waul in cliuiiro of M|i<'rial nurses. .Inly .1, tli« jiatii'iir liail t'i'ascd to vomit, licni'ial I'omiitiiin ini|ii'ovim.'. Hail lii'i'ii roiii|ilainin;; of pain in her rinht jiii'i fc V " , -v i|a' s, ;inil ihtTi- was a trari' oi ailiiimin in liio urine, with somi' pun cflls. Slio I'liiitiiiui'il to roniplain of pain in till' riirlit loin, so on .Inly 17 slii' was sent to i|i(> X-iay ili'pait- int'lit to liavt' till' riylit kiiliii>y <'\aiiiiiH'(l. 'I'hr M'piirt ic tiirnt'il : " TIu'ic arc six ^liailow.s in tilt' Ifft kitlni'v ri'jiion. 'I'lif ri};lit kiilnt'y is normal." This I'xamination was conliriniMl six ilays latt-r. Sh«> was still complain- inj: of pain in thr ri>;lit siilf of tlif aliilomi'ii. Thf s]>. jr|.. ,,f nriiii', Hil.'i, pus lifiiifi lirt'si'iit with lilooil fiii-]iiisi'lis in larcf i|uantitii's, ami also t'pitlit'lial fasts. On .Inly 24 thf Ifft kiiliii'y was fXfjsfil. It was full of stoiifs, ami tlifrt' was vfiy littli' sfiiftiiij; lissiif Ifft. its appt'ar aiiff when fiit opt'n is wt'll shown in thf illustration (I'ii;. I'J). It only nifasurt'tl ahoiit 2i iiiflifs in If iijith. thf surfai'f was somewhat irit'irular. hut smooth, ami the oapsulf iionailhf if nt. Thf larjifst stoiif was lyiii}: in the roniil pelvis aiitl praetieally tiilt>tl it. The smaller sfonfs wt're seatlerfil throufrhout the siihstatiff of the orjian .\t thf uppi'r inil there was a small eystie space containiiij;- a roiimlcil slmic. After the operation she improved iiuiekly. hut even on .ViilmisI ;{ she ~till com- ]ilailied of occasional ]iain in tlie ri^'lit side. .She left on August ITi. I'"llh|iliiill<'., n| pain .il.Miu III!' ■■.,iii-r ol ll,. I. II lllil.i. iiimI \uul M.iiiir I.V.I iiiMl Hi.khf" Tliitv v\M.^ .>\.i rlu" iiift.i. N.ilhint ;il,ii,.iiii,il H.i- -lii.wii ..ii .v.iiiiiii.ii 1,^ i|„. \ ,.,^,_ lltlll III!' s\ ||||)|il|ll'< 'tllxllil'll III lli> illtclr^till^.iiiiliv^, (oil ri'liix |)iiiii> ill (jimax- lit' the aliilniiiiiial \i»(t ra), Mr. A. Iv .Maylanl nf.t^ to till' f<| tiir ytaiN (l-'ig. l:i). In tliis'cax' tilt re wa> nut dulya tiaii-.- tcrcncf (it pain, but a >t;itc of pyrtxia. pitihahly due ti» a f'-iiipdiary hlnckiiii.' iif till' rtiial pelvis, wliicli till- a time prevented the e>cape (if pus into the urine. Tlie diseased kidney '"•• '■'• l'i.ii:i:iiiiiii:itir n in.-.. ntntiMii (,f was tn.i Miiall tn he tVli n''*^ "' ,-'^'^:V';""" V".""" '•"" '" I'lMM- ■ ,; .MmIuIMIIiiiI \ IV. 111. .\. •^tllllliull llllll |«ini ICil-.. It. ."^Illiill iiili'-tiiic unit viiiiiifuriii ii|ip.iiili\, ' '. I.lll>.'r' illto^tillf, ICitlllll. llti'Ml«. I'. N'ciiMifiina ii|)].(iiilix, rij;lit ..\iii V Mini tllllC. i;. \(.lT|,llnIlll !l|i|Mllcli\, li'ith iiviirics niiii till..-. I'. (i,i|| l.hi.lcl.r. .ysfic mid t'lmimnii .Imts, mill ilu.Ml.'ipuin. H. KmIih'Vs mmi| uict.Ts. I. (niMri.- nicer f,.\v:iiil> iMiiliu,' (Mil. 2. tric uli.i iiii.l- \v:iy lictwi'i'ii (iiiiliuc mill |.\|..iic <'iiil>. :>. (iii~fiii> ulcer lit |>\l.iric (■'111- I. J.iir^'e i'lt.'Stille iluNVli til ^pl.'llic liexille. ,".. I.iir;:.. iiit.-tllH' ti.iiii >|ileMic ilcxure te miu.s. .\fiir .Miuliiril.l I When seen at our tirst con- sultation, had the ease been one of appeiidi- eitis. there shduld have been evidence of swelliiijf either in the iliac fox'^a or ill the pelvis. In the aliseiice of this we did not ieel jiistilied in recom- niendiiit,' o|)eration. Quite recently a female ])atieiit Avas sent in'o the hospital for acute aj.pem'ieitis. in whom we found a very movable and painful rif^ht kidney. She had complained of >cv'." })ain in the right lower abdomen a short time before adiiiis^n,,!. 'i'hero had also bevii a of temperature with .•^iekJK•ss. ilic presence of the swelling, which was very tender, had appean d -y^^mM^^^:Mrj ll„. .Ii.tun„>is. uhi.l, u;,s n„t n..,.i,.>vd va.U-v l.v )!.(. n.Tv.M.s a|.,,n.|M.„>in„ of tlu. patient. II,.,-,. tl„. ...Mn'mrlv ■Moval.],. .iKua.l.T. posiliuM. a.ulsl.a,,,. of thr swdlini; sJH.uid I'avc jriv.'M tl... ,•!„,. as to its nature, as wd| as its ,,rm.„ci. so soon atl.T tl... I„.ginnit,g of symptoms. It is of r.mnnon i)<'( iirrciicc. t. /n/r./ln',l OWo,r//o,i.-Ti,.. su,1,1,.m onset of pain in cases of aeute obsfnietion .lue to l>an.l>. tui>ts. internal h.Tnia- with yonntu.jr. loealis<.,i ,|i-iension a.ul visible iKTistalsis. ^vitliout t.'vcr or sittns of loeaiix.,! inlianunation. usuallv make a elinieal I'lHnn. ulnel, ,loe, not yvvy eio>ely resenij.le appen.lieit is ■N^ain. 1 ,.. pan. is relieved l,y ].r..>sure. the nuiseles are not •""sla.itlyn, a. state ot; rigidity, and .listeusio-, les(inie. A raM. winrli ill,,s,n,...s this was ll,., .,1 a l.ov .IM.I I- pn.yioMsIy M,,,,M.s,.,l ,„ l„v,. I,..,.,, ,,,„„. U,.Mn_ who l,a,i """''•■'''"■'' "'.'''"" '■' ""■ ^''-'"""■" '"'■ '".- day., an.l ha.l l„...„ ve n -I.I.. I ins pan, w.s „, ,1... l, wu.s ,M,.,va.s..,l l.v p„.ssM,.. ■ I... ';"' " "•'"■"•la'an. ..I -M. , an,! a pais, of i;!n. .V shil,„ . anUus'. ou I-.-ns.,..„ wa. ,„■..-..,„ ia ,1.<. ,i,h, ,1.,,!.. Tlaae was. howev.' .-•.>H.Mal p,.r.,als,s. ,.,.,npl..„. ,.,..■„, pa, i,.„. aa.l an aLsen.... ...,; ' ' 'T :\ ^V '""'""' " ' ' ^"'^'" '"•-'""• '-".npr-ss...! i.v : . i ;»-;;'"P-l '--l wln..|, pas..,! Inuu ,1... „„,..,...,.. ,, ,h.. as.- „l „. n, ,. ' ' '<■,,,,.,,. o, ,!„. s.nall i,,,..,,,,.. I, was a,.,a.lM.,r ,o a """■■•■•' ■•"-"I"--- ^-'l -•— w- an al.undan.'. ... ..N.; . n '""X-eal ,.av,.y win.!, I.a.l ...a.l..,l ,,,.rn ,iu s„n,.t,..l loop ,. ln.s^,n,wn n.,n a l-ahhy n>an and had n„ lather alHlI.nnnal Wli.;.. n patient is a.lvanee.l in years, the t.-mperat-re is little, .f at all. elevated : there is early .listens.on and nuu.h w,tlM,ut a..ythi„g that is .lefinite on examination of the alKl.Hnen: a state is j.resent vvhieh re.p.ires siu-ieal ■Mte.terenee. unless it is evident tiiat the patient - in a e.mdi- tion of eollapse and eannot from the nature of the pulse hear the netvs.ary manipulation. In tin'se eases in the early sta^'es tlH- yreat ihae teiuhTnos with some rigidity, and th'e rapid in. se. sho.dd supply the necessary Avarning. An e.xtension of t h(. area of tenderness (sharp superfieial tenderness) is always a sc.nous sympton.. especially if there is no great complaint of pain. '■ Tw, I INFI.IKNCK OF .\I'I'I:NI)[\- ON \( ITK AUDOMKN I I') '"" l'^'l''<'iv.,.Mtlv|>|„.,|' I lMvr,l,.MnlM.,l,aM-. «l,i,.|, ITov.- it is |,n»,|,l,. ,.„• a >„r^..„„ „. .ivr an a.vnrat,. "'"'""•" ''^ *" *'"■ """"•<• «'t til., pat I -ui.-al pnKos .,„ u l„.h tl"' >y.M,.t..,„s ..'■ ;.., „,:,,. ,,t,a..k .l,.p,.,„|. It i> M( t pnssii,!.. in 'vry ras... i (irthcn, ..,.■, ' |,„M v.rv >tr.„.L'K that th,- ''l'-''atorsho. i,|..Hiravu.,r n ,.>ti,„at,. tl,.. Mai:., ti, u hi.h thr «liM.a>.. hasal : mv aH . an,.. Jan.i it. nial i,M,>hip t.. sinr...... I- Hi- parts. This kM.mi..,!;... .a.i 1„.,.,m.i.. ,,t vali... .mlv att.M-a ,.,M.s„U.nil,l,.,-xp,.,.i..M,.,..,t .,p,.,.ativ.. w.„.k in l.ran.i; with a ..arctui cxaniiriati.m nt th..,.,.. ,.,.„,„v..,i It i. ""t .■n.M...'li t.. >ay that th.. app,.n iix uas ^'anurnu.Mis. u.. nin>t try t.. ..,„i„. to a ..,..,..|„>i„n in ,yvry .'as., as t,, „|,v it l,:.,.ai„.. ^'antrn.n.a... aii.l uh,.,h,.,. (|„. .aii^'..,,.. uas a u.n.'ral .,r pr.i..(.ss. TlIK TUKATMKNT ..K A.TTi: I M l.A M M All. .N ,., TNI.: AlTKNDIX. Th.. a.lvnMta>r..s ,,f ri.ttinu .|„„.( an ilin..^s p,...M.Mi ui.. Mi..h < an-.i-. as p..,.,ain t.. an a.^ut.. alla.k ,,f mak,. tlif iiiip..rtan,.i- ,,t iimMcliat.. i...|iioval TUv atta.k is .li-,..slr.l „f its .hum..r>, a p.,.>ihlv tatal .vsult av..rt...l. and ,i„ w..akn(.ss ,,f ,h,. al.l„„.l.i t.)li.)\v. .M..i.(..,M.,.. no furtlu.r atta.k n....! 1,,. tVar,..! If wr '••Mil.l st.,p an atla.'k ..t typlmi.! f,.v..r l,v ..x.i.i.m ,,f part oi till. il..uin I hav.. n.. ,i.,uht th.. ..pciati..!. \v..iil,l h.. , a....ilv wd..<.nu..|. y..t a n(.gk..t...l atta.k .,f appculi.-iti, j, ni.-rr (huigi.roiis and (listii.ssiiig tliaii on., of typhoi.i. The .)p,.i.ati<)ii Avhii.Ji yields th,. nio.t" >at isfa,.t,.i.v H'siilt is that in u-hirh a ti.inimrary dispJa.TMu.nt ,.f th,. i.,.,tus i. ,|,,n,. I'lic Avouii.l fail In- saf.'ly cxt..!,,!,.,! to ai.v r...iuir,.,l distaiuc penults of fh rough isolati,>u ,.f the parts alV,.,.t...l, ..xamina- tioii of th,. parts an.un,! Avhi,li s|„„ild hr f.-lt . aii,l is „..! f<.llow,',l hy any uvakiu-ss of th,' al),l,.iuinal wall. Thi-, w.amd uiay hi' ch^s,.,! iu th,. usual May \vith,)ut ,lraina-... unl,.ss th,.|.,. is pus in th,. p.'lvis. till- op,.i.atiou a l...!at,.d .)iic. It isp,.i.f,.nn,.,lasf..||.,u-sinth,.a,lult, Au in,.isioii is nia.l,- in loiijitli (Fig. U). 'I'lic iiiiuT lip of tills incision is diawn (ed for the full ienjith of the wound. The outer i-df,'e of the slienth is drawn towards the anterior superioi iliac s])ine. hy means of two ])airs of artery force])s which are left on for the ojieration. With the knife the fascial attach- ments of the muscle to the sheath are divided, and the muscle diawn in- wards. If tiiere is one of the linea' transversa' in the part of the muscle to he displaced, it must be cut where it joins the sheath, and a small artery will usually re(|uire to l)e caught at this))oint. 'i'he deep epigastrii- artery is not Usually seen, beinn tiiawn inwards whh the muscle. Some branches of tlie twelfth intercostal may be seen, but division Fig. 1 1.-I,h i>ion f„r l,v 2,*' ^'"''" ''''". ''" "" ''^""'- tli<' iHctliod iid\isril l)v Anther. To J-bo j)osti'ri()r layer of iUu^trute the position- of the skin the sheath, fascia' trans- iiicisioii With lo-iinl to the rectus ,. , iiHisclc: .\. J,in(otiiici.sioii. 1!. Linva '^''''"'«T'«- and subperi- sciuihiMaris. toneal tissue, and jicii- toneum are lifted ui) as <.no layer an.l ,liyi,led vertically f,,,. the whol.. lencrth of the wound. Nothing is much than an attempt to excise a sloughing ai)i)endi.x through a wound which is of n.a(le(,uate size. Forceps should be placed on the ed-,.. of the i)erit.)neum so that manipulation shall not dis])lace it unnecessarily. Four-inch plugs should now be introduced and It there is any free llni.l the first should be pas.sed into the pelvis and the second towai'ds the kidney p„uch As this method opens the area to be dealt with to the inner side you can fully ,,rotect the of the jK-ritoneum by gau/e mm J 1 3 s I 4 i INKI.IKNCK OK .\I'I'KNT)I.\ (>.\ A( ITK AlUX »MI-:N I JI liackiii^ ' turi' .iiiy -ciircli i- inailc im the apiitiidix. mili» tlif iiiixliict is aliiady (litTuscd. This is i I iiri|)(>rtaiH('. for frc(|iiciitly ]iiis is I'mmd under tlic cajmt ca'ci when lifted, or (■sca])cs tVniii an appendix a^ it^ M'paratii)n is l)eiii^' etVeeted. altliougli every jireeaution may he taken ))y \vra])]iin<; it in <^auze as s(»in as possible. In e\cry ea^e eaie inu>t ))e taken to secure the arteries in the iiieso appendix, ahlmujih in some instances of uangrenc the vessels may he thromhosed. It is seldom ])ossihle in the acute cases to j)ut a ligature on the meso a])pendi.\ to include the whole of it : the thickening Avhieli liar; taken ])lace a- a result of the inllammat ion does not permit of this : you must |)lace force})s on the lu •s()-a])i)en(li.\. beginning at its distal ])art and ap])ly ligatures after the a])pendix has been cut away Itcyond. 'I'lie se))aration of the a})}H'ndi.x from the ea'cum can be done with the clamp in the usual way. hut not in every instance : the coat-sk'eve method is then em])loyed. a ligature |iut on close to the ea'cal origin, and the appendix divided between it and the thumb and fore- finger of the o])erator. which ])revent the cscajie of any -c])tic material as the division is made. This ligature is then buried in the wall of the (lecum. and in eases where su])])urat ion is ])rescnt it is advisable to use three tiers itiiiuous l,eiid)ert sutures; a single line of enclosing su y give, and a fa'cal fistula form. Where there .'las ))een no .ape of pus from the ai)pendix. the area from which the ap])endix has 1)een removed should l»e cleansed with saline and any excess of tiuid removed l)v the introduction of a ))lug into the bottom of the ])elvis. Where there has evidently ))een a localised su])puration aljout the ajtju'ndix. and it is tlioiigiit ))ossibie to close the Avoimd without drainage I have thought the a])])lieation of jteroxide of hydrogen (I.") vols,) useful as a means of destroying se))tic material which may still remain. The womid is sutured in hiyers from behind forwards, in the Usual manner. If a drainage tul)e is ])laccd in tTie woinid it should lie biought out at the lower end and be of adecpiate size. If the (hsease has been ])rogressing for more than forty-eight I'ours and there are no signs of localisation of tlie septic inflammation, an incision through tlie rectus muscle is preferred by many. Jn this the muscle is divided about tlie middle of 122 TMK ACITK AI'.DOMKN 1-.^ its l(i\M r M'Miiiciit and llic tun lialvo Mparalcd. I iliink iiiv- sflf tlial it is hi'ttcr to (lit di aiily t liidimli the miiimIc parallel to its liltrcs latlur than roll t' ni away troni the si'lcctcd lini'. so often it is found that tluy refuse to unite when thev eonie to^^ntlier again aftetwai'ds. in tlii> method the oiniator must tie several vessels in the muxle >ul)-tanee and .-eeufe the deeji e|)iga>trie ves>els in the lower pait of Die wound, dividim: them In'tween lij:atures where tliey cross the line of the incision, in the-e late eases it is well to pa-- a huLie |>lug into the ]»elvis so that it may soak up the liuid MJiicli ha> gra\itati'd there : you will llnis j.ret lid of excess of lluid without wa>ting any tinu'. 'I'tiis plug should \)v changed during the course of the o|)eratiou ; luit it is a. mistake to wash out the ]ielvis with lluid of any kind. a.s the mariipulation jxrformed will prol»a!>ly tend to ililTusc the septic mati'rial. I)reaking down defensive ))arriers which are already doing good work. 'I"l,e opeiation should ]>v IH'Hormed (piickly on delinite lines and with a light touch. Jn tlu'.se cases of moie extended mischief drainage should he ])rovi(led. hut it is not often tiiat a tube is iciniired el>e\vliere than in the ])elvis. If the renal pouch is involved, then a tube pasx'd into ii may make for greater secuiity. and this may he ])assed in some instances through a separate inci>ion in the loin ; hut the insertion of multiple tubes is not advised. It is good that you should have a standard of what is tin- l)est to l)e done in cases of this kind where the septie intlanima- tion is becoming generalised. Hemember tliat the danger to the patient is due to absorption of toxins by the lymi)liatics of the affected part of the peritoneum, and if you can diminish tile amount of poison whieh is there or oidy check its iiu'reaso you will give the forces on whieh you must ultimately rely to save the ])atient a. chanee of coping with the situation. -Many ])atients liave died as a result of too much surgerv — the operation has been prolonged beyond endurance because it lias been felt necessary to take away the apj)endix. and that ajipcnibx has jxissibly l)een very adherent, awkwardly ]»laccd. and the bleeding difficult to arrest, or the patient stout and intolerant of the aiui'sthetie. and perhaps tiie operator short - lianded. 'i'lie bruising and distur})anee of parts lias caused an increased local absor])tion wliicli has been more than the already exhausted individual could withstand, and the heart ^J*k iNrr.ri:N( i: ok aim'kndix on \( itk aijdo.mkn il';$ has failed. 'I'licic air many ot' llic late caMv- wiiich will rc-]iiiii(i to -mi^iical t rcatiiiciil it' the intra aixloniinal tt ii>inii is relaxed l)y the int niduet ion of a drainage tiilie thniiijih an in(i>i(>n (if moderate >i/.e and no attempt i> made to lemoxc the a))|)endi\. or jiive a ;.'eneral ana'-thet ie. The u>e of rectal infn-ion of sterili-ed saline and tiie Kou ler \. sition (l-'i^'- IJ) slioiild he comlt neil With this treatment. In later eases the iieritoneiim may he eotucrted nito an ah-cfs- cavity eontainin;.' many |)ints of )ius. and sometimes recovery is enecled when the aid of the sur<;eon has heen refused, for the ])iis is di.sehargcd hy the howel. I have known mo-t unfortunate results to follow inteiference wIr'Ii the (Use is settlinji down, hut iias not hecome (^uiet ; therefore I am strongly against operation under' >uch circiim- .stance-. If the case is first seen after four or live days have ela])sed. the inllammation is localised, and the general condition satisfactory, do not interfere unless ohiiged. It is the spreading su])pur'ation tl;at cause^ an.xiety. Occasionally the colla])se resulting fiom tiie attack is so extreme that o|)eration is oidy ]tossihle after intr-iiv«'n(>\is infusion of stciijixd >aline. .Mr. ('. i'. Childe iias written an interesting ])a|ier ' on the (|Ue.^t:on of tiie ])o-ition of the incision in o])er'a.tions for' ai \ite conditions of the alxloiiien. and it is well Mdrth ])eiusal l>y all sirrgeoiis. Ill this he ])oints out that nearly all the diseases for which the surgeon is leipiired to operate, which cau^e the acute al)domeii. have their origin hetween two imaginary liri('>. the one on the K f t drawn fr'om tlu' seventh cartilage, an inch to the left of the sternum, to I'oujjarts kgament ; the one on the right dr-awri from the antei-ior- su])er'ior s])ine ])i'i])en(li(ularly ui)\\ arils to the lower' l)or'dei' of the tiiorax. The incision which he reeommeiitls in cases wlier'e the ahdominal condition is ol)>eur'e is one which is ])laced midway l)ctween these lines. This would, however, come directly over the r'ectus mu-cle, the outer margin of which (the linca semilunaris) is fomid at the junction of tlie imier three-fifths with the o\iter two lifths of a line fr'oni tlie anterior supei'ior s])ine to the umh licus. The incision through the rectus is not a had one in acute ' Tin' .Vii'ii nf •• .\ruii' .Mhliiiiiiiml ( .ii]|lii.\ l.iUicet. VMU. v., I. I.. i>. VM\. :i\U\ tll( lliri- 111! nf IlKl.lltU'i 124 'INK .\( ri'K AIJDO.MKN n\' ill alMldiiiiiial ciiM's. anil I have ofJni hmmI it : but tlicrc iiiu>l Ik- a clear uiulcistandiiij^ of tlif liix' wliiili comcsjjoikIs to tlu' «'(lj^r of tlif imiM-lc. if the ojKTator wislics to taki' tlia'.. Tlu' eoiulitions wliicli iiio-itions and the fre(|uency of their occurrence by means of sliadinitiHii :i(l\is('il in Acutf Aljdmiiinul coiuiitioiis, known :is "'I'ln' l-'i^wlcr l'o-iti(,n." In Fitz's ta))le of acute intestinal obstructions no less than sing to the iv :.. 'i i INFLrKXCH OK AIM'KXDIX OX MVTV: ARDOMEX \2r, ^ licad of tlic 1)1(1 on fiuli >i(le. In any cum- in wliicli the ]iaficiit"> cDiKlition is not ^ood at tiic coinjjiction of tlic opera- tion, a pint of warm saline, eontaininj.; an ounce of l)ian(ly. >lio\iltl be administei-ft! by tlio rectum before lie leaves the table. .\s a routine, after tlie patient is arianj^ed in bed. the continuous in>tillation of saline is con\meneed. .\ p( liorated ])eAvter tube or .lacfpK's" catheter is introduced into the icctiitn ; the end of this is attiU'hed bv means of rublxT tubinj^ to tratiijii ui FhiiiU I'll- ikIiiiii. a reservoir containing the lluid. kept at a, temperature f)f 105 . Till- ilow is controlled by a screw-clamp on the tube. Tiu- vessel should l)e a])out J foot above the level of the rectum (Fig. l'>). Other more elaborate a])paratus can bi- obtained- Sometimes the saline is not retained. This may be due to a too rapid inflow of the lluiil. or to its being at the wrong tem])erature. In other eases the lower i)owel must be eU-ared out with a sim))le enema before toleration to the inflow is etstabtisiieii. if this melliod proM> iiapradiculWe. >abou- I2U THK ACITK AHDO.MKX "•<■'<« ''..w:';; l;r"h!":::l..;;; Tt' """ -"•"" --- «•- •••• '■'!•>••'•■ -ilia u.n.u,i. tiu. ann.!o. axnJv ;:;':!:: ;;;: ; .li<■|.n,J.„y■•p..,,oMisM^•'s..„,.. .,,HioMfn,n,i, .nav xp-h;,l afUT ana,, of a f,.w hours. I,,., if , ,.oll,,ps,. is .l,. o It must not iK.-forgotf.a that th. ulti.Mat. .-ours, of th. -. .s g,vatly .nMucncod by attention to .K,ails in tl... treat- nu'iit alter ()))i'ration. In stout patients M-I,er<. the al„h.„,ina! wall is verv fhiek ;'s, ,t rapul operation is ealle.l for (au.l it us.^.l!^ ' >t the surgeon ,s sh.^rt-han.led. the incMsion is betfr p aee i l-ugh the hnea semilunaris. It „,ay bo more liable t -:•'- I'^ter but this eoMsidc.ration nu.s, „ot be allowe t" ; e is'";::' ^'•' ^'^^'^'^^'^"7 ^--f™- <'f tlu. operatiL ;P'.to. M,| gam a sueeess mIkm. th,. slower one will fail h lo,^ o^anynK.>sionsh,>ul.lbeonewhiehMiiia,hnit ii.uKi or flic operator. Tbe pelvie organs in the female shoul.l ahvavs b.- exan.ine.l J)ra.nage tubes n,ay be ren.ove.l in two or tiu.e ,lavs un ■': IH' .bschargeat tins tim,. continues profuse or the tempera re not eonu. down. At any time it is better to X^ ongmal tubes rather than put smaller ones i„ It .sm. usually a no (I.Milit ( \Ui- >Ic,Mly uC lliiiil into ,lic system by one iiicaiis ,,|- iuiolli.T i> i,t ^^na) value alter Dpenitidii in eases of pi lildiiilis. .\t tliis sta<,'e the (|iiesli()ti of u\^ jn^ aii " aiiti tn\ic vriiiiii "" ari-es : the infective jnoeess in hki^i ,•■,.,> nl' a)i| i> 'iiietull,el,aeillnse(,li : an. I an "aiiti • Miiirn 1.. tl.i^ or<.'aniMn lias heel, |.re|)an .1. I have employed it in a nnmliei .,t ea^'^. hut eamict - y '.ha, it appeared to mate (it the (lipase v.lien cdmiiariMMi is made uitii iiiMaiieo not -o tivated. The serum should be injected into a j.eetoral or gluteal muscle; a dose of lM» e.,.. i> ,/n n innncdiatelv after the operation, and this may he rejuated at intervals ,,f twenty- four hours for 1\v(. or three days, ])ains and llc.tini,' rashes not infrcipiently f.)llow this administration. It i. well to have a vaccine i)repared from tli<- fluid removed at the operation, for it is often of value when the pro^M(-s of the case is not as satisfactory as could he Mi>hed. Kspecially when (he temi.eratiire keeps a!)ove normal, althouizh there is'm, p„s pent u]. anywhere, and discharf:;e from the wound yoe> ,„, without evident cause. For the relief of the pain and discomfort still pn sent after the operation an injection of morphine may he f;iven. if a jrood night's rest is not otherwise to he (•])tained : hut on account of its action ..n the howel the dose should not he rejxated. After every operation .some vomit in<.; is to he expected, and for the first tw. ty-four to thirty-six hours no definite treat- ment is called for to c w I. I I us THK .\( ITK .\I5|)().MK\ An iillrinpf to ol)tiiiii an iiction :,( !|„. UnwvU -lioiiM !..• tniidc on the sicuikI <|,iy ful|.,«iii^ tli.' ..|,.rii(iuii. I u^iully yivc a '.i to .-. nv. (\nM- of caloni.l, f,,||ow,.,| afl.T four lioins l,v '-,i^.l..M•^ of inaKnoiiim >iil|.lialc <.r ..(Ikt salii„> |MirL'ali\r at huiii' intervals till an action is oi)taiii( arc present hy the third or fourth day. Muall amounts of ehieken ereain ami li-h may he ^-iven. and" it the end of a week the jjatient wdl he ,,n practically a full diet, if it is fancied. Meteorism. sometimes very intense, associated with a feeling of ureat abdominal sage ..f a long rubber ...a! tube ji-oves e(|ually inelfectivc. tlnve or four subcutaneous injections of escrine salicylate (,,'„, gr.) mav be given, though in my exjxrience it is of small value in tho^c obstinate eases which are due to more or less comjilctc intes. tnial stasi>. when the necessity of a secon|ll'll(ii.\, -Jud I'll.. 1>. :.'SJ. iiJUg:«M«;iafaBaBar>.%jiMB3Mi^ :^ l'UH.iUBRPi?»Hfvy:3i-l."n.a,u..M. I,..a|„„,npnu.,„.allyall..a-,.; ,,....1,.', . ,e '■ ^•M>. V,ol..M, ,.U..„„« sh.,ul..M,.. aVO.,l..,l ; .lu.cI.V.,- •i;;^ HUM 1... ,n.,|„..,„ly ..|.aMu,.|. and an ..utM,!. pa.l of <•'» '-'V ...I.Mir ai:.| provr an ..■onomy. a';r:n:'- .''''^'■''''■'"'•^••- ^-'^'-- -«- -f toxemia ..>,ou ,.f ,1... abdon...... \Va.|,i,.« ..,., ..f tl,.- -.o„,a,l, witi, u . S,,.,uld .,.,,.,.„„„.. fa,,. „,.. Hdm,ni>„at,on of a i.,.;t ot iuola.M> or ,.,.„„non tnarl... ...ya,,, will not infivm... ,tlv m.n . It ,. a,lv,>al,l,. to prot.Ht thr ..kin l.v „wans of „int ;n.nt, ..f.f .... ,,,,.. .o:ntn..n,,va;...n..o.:i:':^ A MMiou> amount of ,.aul>a.. w.ak.u.s loading, to rani.l P»lso. lMvathl,.>Mn.>s. and dro,,>y of tl.. n.^v d,- .1 uad> >pok..n ; ,t ,■,..,„„■.., nuT^Hi.. trratMH.ut w,th di-Mtali. >t.yeiMnn.., an.l otl...,- .anlia,. stimulant, .li..,, .,,.. an. n re ul cTI \;.;,1 '■■ ""■" '^■'"•" ""• ^^•'"""^ '•'--">■ - -' -l"'t) l.a.s thf 'n/'^ ?;;"■ '" ''''''^''^^'"" "^ ^'"^ ^"""■^"^' - - '•'""plication iH- state of tl... patu.nt n>ay j^iv.,.d ..aus. f.r alarm mproyonu-nt follows .astn. lavag.. pos„ion, ..u. ^a e "' 1 .as^UH, out .s not toL.^uod. it is .on^tinu-s possiblc^^; be gum a a.^.- .p.ant.ty ot Avarm wat.-r and in.'.uc-d to roject Ici^uion "iVr "''"'' ' ''''' '-''' ''' ""^y--'^' ^^'-thC uie patient did this most successfully.' ^ A..\. ' •''^••^ l.'t'ir/'f. V ,1. I., lOM, March L'l. K if^i 130 rilK .\( ITK AlJl)(».Mi;.\ 'ill !.()(. \MSKI) sri'l'l i: \l ION. Al'TKNIlK I l.AI! Allsi K>s. LociiliM'il Nii|i|Miiiiti(iii i-, iitiii'li iiioif luiiimun t iiiiii i- uincr.illv hclii'vnl ; iiilliiiiiiiiatiuii <.t llic a|.|iiriili\. Imiiil: nf a -ciitic nntiirc, ficfuicnlly Iriniiiiiilr^ in Mi|i|Mirali>>ii. .mil mii' nf the tin- Liti'iit ihaiarti T wliicli mhih- of till! al>^(c»is a»imit'. Sormtiinc-. pn-. |, tniiml alidtit an ai>|»iii(li\ lony aftir the tcniitt ratmr ha- IxKinic nniinal ami all pain and f('n a rule liuwcvci, x.nir tliitkcning may l)c felt in tli<- ivui.m ui the apinndix or an ubnorinal ic>i-tancc to |)ii'»uif. If an atiaikof a]iiMii(li of more than avcra^'c x'vciity ha> hciii cximi i,nrf»l. and a N\\ -llinn has formed in the diac fo»a. llicic i^ n-ually >U|i|iura tion ]>ic>cnt. lint a .-.uddcn fall in thr|itiatinr. wlncji had continufd liii.di. and improvement in the ^ieneial eondilion. may indicate the e-eajte of the ]»us into the Ixiwel, 111 other tasos, after the temperatnie lia> Iteeonie normal. or almost nctrmal. it rises aj^ain. an an increase in the size and Iendernes> of my intlamniatoiy ma>N. the position of which varii-s with that of the indixidwai appendix. There are localised sU]ipuralions second, ny to di-ea-e uf the ajipeiidix which are foimd in other jiart- of (he hody, but tlie-e are treated of elseMhcre. If. however, tlie local sijins of jibseess are not found in the iliac f(i~>a or loin, a vaginal or rectal examination shoidd be made (Kiy. IT). The rij,'idity of tJie lowi'r i)art of the rijiht icclu- u-ually |)ersists. but no longer conceals the .-Mcllinir beneath : iialeed. the mn-cle is often jiushed forward. Thi> swelling is tender, especially where most ])rominent, but lluetuation is rarely found unless tin- case has gone so far that the abdominal Widl is being penetrated or the purulent collection umisuallv large. Per- cussion over it shows a change from the normal, and where tlie parietal peritoneum has b come adherent the note is evidi^ntly dull; should the abscess contain gas then hyju'r-resoiianee will be found, witli some dulncss varyiii',^ M'ith the pusitiou of the patient. When the absces.^; lias been ])ermitted to penetrate the abdominal wall, there Mill be redin^ss an .^^":'i;:;:;:!!;:;;:\;;;;:::j\:':,r'';-r'^^^ '-■ - -• is „f M.MH. .a-.., ,, 1,1 1 ,,„„„ , A pHHl in>.a,„... of „ ,..„.,,...,„ .;.| „!„..,.. „^ ;'"•■'' " «•'■* «l"li'"lt .„ .ll.i;;,MK,- „> ♦"<• .1 luri^ tim.. ,t ^VM> j, sl.UWM l,y U .HM, .,.,.„ „„|. I,, \\,|,,.„ Mijkcr. Tlio,.vt,ent a..unM.a.n...lKi,|.,i-':i, ,.,„.. I I ainU, in .Ium... I!m.,s. ainl .1.,, .,.„. 'I'tior. 1.....;,,,... ,voi,.. ,n Autfiis,. n,,.,,. „ .> "" vom,t„.KHi..l nol.Mul ,.u,„. iH.f a .'..,,,.,'.1 w..ak.|..,s wul. ...V..,, J„, s,..k.-r. uh,. u.;, l.n- .•a.v.ully ,HMs...l. ,,„1 „, s.,„..„.l,.., \ MV..||.„u uas ,..,„ui l,v |,„„ i„ „„, 1,,^^ "''•'•""•"• Tli- t.v.., WHS „l a h.T,,.-u,.,. uiHlm^l,, MV..UU wMh lo„ „, .|..,|. .„..■„„., r >I.H.ii.ll,a.itw,. M,u,|.ua.lark,of|..v.., ,1,.. iMst wlK.u 7 ,v,..r,s „l a«,. an.i ,1... m ,,.1 -^eveu voars Ik-Ioi.. tl,„ ,,,,.^,.,11 ,||n,.,. Tli,. IHTiods «r,e ,,| ati.l „„.;;„lar. („. X'I'HMul..., 17. tl... low.T al,d„„,.,. ,,, J tull.r than uoi.nal, ..•,d .1...... „ 1 >.-M,a,u.,,to,M,.,ssiue. <>..J„.^■„ssM,.MH.^,;v "'v.k,.dl.v dull area wa. i„ \,n,,.', I'-lownpartolth.. l..|tm.,us,L,. no,.. „.. .ympamli,. a. ,f iron, a uaM.,..,. al,.,,,.. . „ „ ., „ , , , npiMT l„„„s of ,Ji.- sHvIl,,,. „-.-ic .1, li, I , "''■'■' '""' ""• .■,thay..||ow..s|, „h>...,,ran.. J , , '"'^ '" "^ ''>' ^ wo. ,Le s,«„.o.d ,i...„... wh...h „;::;" c ri:"' ■ ''';"^ -'^^.u-a..!. Muall .ntcstmos were displaced upward, , d , ,1 . ^"'""""- ""^' ovaries, bladder, etc.. were .pute d .„ h , '" '"• ""• '"•"-• eoneealed. lueisiou «uve re ease o a K, ' '"' ''^'l'"'"*'^ ^^^ '^<^- withoM, eharaclenMK-odou,. V d m.t / n!] '''"*'""'" "' -"""^^ !'"^ A sinus formed and would no, heal m 1 ,!' '^^^'I^ I ne aiipendii waa turned K -2 132 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN luiiiid an (•niaigod and cy.stic o\ ;ii j , and was much tliii'kened, sliictured, and adLfU'nl. >li<; made a >alisla<'toiy lecoveiy. \\'Ih-m tlioc iil)stc'»(.'s arc watclii'd fioiii tlif (■(imiiiciii'i'mfiit tlii'ic is a^ a. rule Jittio ditliculty in asciibiiig tliciu to tlioir riglit soiirci' (Fiu'. JS). lUit wlifii siTiv for the liivt time mhuc days at'UT the unset of ail illiK'ss tlierc are otiier conditions Aviiieh must l»c rcmcndxii'd whicli may cause similar ap- pearances. Of tlu'se may be mentioneil — (I) Pyo-salpinx ; (2) in- llamed or sujjpuratini.' ovarian cyst ; (li) acute l)yo - nt'j)iirosis ; (4) tul)ereulo>i> of the pi-ri- loncum ; (5) actino- mycosis ; (()) abscess secondary to malignant disease of the bowel ; (7) mahgnant disease of tlie ca'cum or ascend- ing colon. In I'yo-ueplirosis the tumour is in the right loin and is distinctly outlined. It has pro- jected gradually from the kidney region, mo\es on del']) iu-pira- tion. Occasionallv a . Is. l)i;i^r:nii iiT till' imtlis nf I'ciit.iiniil liifeitiiiM in ri'liitimi tn .\]i]iiTi(l!i'iti:-. Tin' ])riniiiiT i'liiiii i~ in tlic ii;;lit iliiir f(i>Mi. 1. l!ij.'lit->i(l('il ^iiliiliiii !ii;i;.'iiiiitic iiliMi->-. 'J. l,'i,L'llt->illcl'f>S, .'). l!i;^lit-si(lr(l :iiiti'-i('li;il iil)sri->. 1. I.ilt- >i(lcil antr-n'niil iili-ic--. •'). I'clNic iiliMC'>>. r>, AliMi>- in till' it'll ilinc l(i>s;i. 7. I .I'll ->iili(i snliili:i|iliniL'niiiti(' m1m('>s. llitwrcn I ;iri(i 7. ii lilt-^iilcd >ulihi'l>;inc iilis(i'>s niii\ I'c Iniinii. Ill twtcn |il('nir iil'M'o^ may urcur. Minni " Sur;.'nal 1 lix'aMMil' tlir .Vi'i'i iidiN, cti'., ' •Jnd .'(i.) calculus can be .seen witli tlu' X-rays. There may have been renal colic with pus in the urine. luflainc..>l,ouldtiu-,y>tl..-rM.i,vIyiHlra,M.Ivir. I„ .l,e In.^inni,,.. ..f ti.e .lln..» a Mvlling nm.l.l hr f-nuHl .,f a >i/.,. t,.., la,-'., inv any nM-..i.t iiilla.nruatciy .u.ulitini, t,, |,avc rcach..| • lat.-r It may still retail, it. .Irfinlt ulinc WMh-.v ,t i. al.,.v.. t|„. IH'lvir l.n.n it ha. pn,l,:,],ly Invn vvrn.^u\^,.,[ l,,,„,,, ,,„. ,,„„,, ali)i.,xtl...,visatuiHonr|.rr-,.m ..„ vauinal .xarnina. lioM. i....s,l,|y on, M.!..>. thou.Ji th.. >i.|,. „-|,i..|, i. ,.a„.in,r the tn.ul.l.. IS ti,r nu.iv tciulrr. Tl.nv mav !„■ a l,i,t..iv ni .lysi.u-im,TlM,.a. in,.n,.iTha,i:ia. I.a, ka.'lu.s. vaginal .lisrhanM. aiu ,M,>siI,|y f,.v,.nsl, attarks. 1 |,„,, i,„.„,,, ,, ,,„),.,„ ,.„,,,i,[;,^; |u..l trcatcl t,.r tiihrniilosis wlirn Miir..|ii,tak,Mi at it><-oin.ncn..,.,ii..nt tor ui attack ..t>. Th.-r,. k UMiallv a hiMorv -f ..l.^trn... t.on. ..I.stinatr .•..nMi,.ati..n. or .liarr',.,.a t.,r >oin," tin,,. \,ri:r-o tlK' e..nipli..itmn sIi.av. „n th,- ri,-l,t of tl„. alMhinu'i. Oc.asionallya (Innvth in ihcCavuin nn.hT.',.,.. a .'ha .i> ,.f ti>.M,.. an.i s„p,,nratioii lak.- ,,lHrr ■>.-,.nn,l It : it is a v.-ry .li^.v.^in^ .■.unpli.-ation. h.van',- an '"*'<"'|'>I'' *aval fistnia forms aft,.r tl„. pns is ,.va,nat,,l Ur,,, a^'aii. M IS possil,!,. ,0 ^r,., a history .,f ilhu-.s u-itl, th,. p,v>,,i,v (.t a locahscl swdhnu lu'toiv .•,,inp!ainl wa. ina.l,. ,,f i|„. ,„oro acTtc cm.litioii. Th,. ivsoml.laiuv hctw,'.-,, an app,M,.|ix al, .■,■>. an.l a fumonr '"av 1,.. v..ry .■Iom-. .\ „,.,. .,,,„ ..ith Dr. Arthur Broun,- is a u,).>h..„s an,l annai.n s„,.,.,„.rs, ,l„ll ..„ ,...,,.,„.„,„. v, v ,..,,.1.., "" ""."""! 'l'"-""^'i">' •■""1 ....,val. „ ,1... .I..,.,,,... ,,,„u 1, , .: ;""•'."' ^""'' "• ' '"■•■ "'^"U'M ..1 ,1„. „.,.,„s nn,>,l,.. ua. a.ih..,..,,' , , the abdommrd wall. Th,. ....uporatn... uas n,.r,nal. .\1,., ,d .. .V J^p-^'m. ' r" if! r m.. 134 TTIE ACUTE ABDOMEN monlhs l)oforo lie had liad an attack of pain on the rij;ht side of the abdomen l>ut it was not of lonj: duration, and no nwcliin;: had lioon noticed. 'J'he operation was done in two Mtajres — (1) incision ot al>scess ; (2) removal of a]ipendi.\ twelve days later, '{"lie ai>i)endix, which was larjie with very tliii'k walls, was adli(l. and less tender. Still the diagnosis will oeeasionally be very dilTieult in fat ])atients. I have els( where' jiuhlished the aeeouiit of a case of largo C'olloitl (Irow I of the Ascending Colon in which there had been an attack of appendicitis for which a female patient had been treated in a provincial hosjiital, and dismissed when the intiaraniatory sym])tonis had subsided. She was aged r>ii. The growth was excised and an ileocolostomy performed, from which fireat benefit wa.s obtained, the woman beinj; in good health when seen several monlhs later. Here there was a large swelling left when she had recovered from the acute illness, the importance of which wa.s not recognised as there was no obstruction of the bowels. The giowth probably obstructed the a|ii'ciidix. Hyperplastic Tuberculosis of the caecum is a chronic disease, and at lirst ])resents no evidence of swelling ; later this may bo found in the iliac fossa, or even above the iliac crest, but as time advances it surely becomes evident, whilst there are increasing signs of tubercidosis in other parts, especially the lungs. The tumour is more or less cylindrical, somewhat nodular, and rather fixed : it may Ik- tender. It is of slow development, and irregular aiidoniinal pains merge into the symptcmis of obstruction. Excision is indicated if the general state of the jiatieiit permits. In Actinoinycosis a swelling forms and increases gradually with a brawny infiltration of the tissues, followed by the formation of sinuses, the ])urulent ili.scharge from which contains granules of a yellow colour and hyjiha'. which show clearly the nature of the di.sease. Some anu-lioration mav bo obtained by rejieatcd incisiojis and the administration of potassium iodide. The vast majority of abscesses of the appendix diminish in ' ■■r:ir-:vM I>i;-t;;.-p.> of tiic .\j,{i. lidix. lU.,'' )■. 27o. |( I ill LOCALISKI) .SUPPriiATION l.-?.-. size and bfconic nbM.ik'd or disappear by diM'liar^'<- into tiio bowi'l, i)robably tlirougli tlic apju-ndix ; lliVrofori' it is unnrccs- sary to intcifcn'. uiilos (1) tlu- abscess has become chronic; (2) nicparation of muscular fibres should be done, the first inci>ion being made parallel with the fibres of the external ol)li(nie. If the covering omentum or intestine is adherent to the wall, all that is then nei ssary is to pass the finger in between this coil of gut or omentum limiting it and the parietal jjcritoncum downwards towards the appeiulix. The i)us will then come away easily. If the abscess is not adherent, a >trip of gauze should be passed around with the end of a blunt-j)ointed pair of scissors and the abscess opened in a similar way with the finger. Tn both a large tube should be in.serted. In the latter the gauze plug may be removed in thirtysi.K hours. A ])elvic abscess may be opened after displacement of the rectus muscle inwards and ligature of the deep epigastric vessels, but it is usually ])est to open it through the rectum in the male and young female, or through the vagina in the married woman. The patient liaving been placed in the lithotomy position, and a duck-bill .speculum introduced into the Vectum. a l()ngitudinal incision is made over the most prominent part, dividing the mucous membrane ; the deeper parts are then o])eiied up with a director, along which a closed pair of forceps is j)assed. opened and withdrawn. This will sufliee to make an opening large enough for the escape of pus and the necessary drainage. After the evacuation of the pus and cleansing of the parts as much as possible, a strip of antiseptic gauze is introduced and left in the opening for forty-eight hours, when It probably comes away during an action of the bowel. ^\ here the absccs.s is opened through the vagina, it is best to f ' 136 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN shave the vulva and cbuche the vagina with stcnhsed saline The cervix uteri .s .seized ^vith a vul.ellu.n. wlmj. is given t„ an FlO. 19.— Si .,19.— Sajrittal Section of a,fomale bo uterus (Fi. ,.1/ Jt L s the thuler. I he ,,us ,s th... ..vaeuate.l in a similar n.anner the hnffer u.trodueed to n.ake the openin, iar^e enough fo a tlH- M.lva ganz,- ,s ..arefuiiy pae)..! round th.- tube in the yagn.a. and an ...xternal pa.l apph,.! M-ith a T T e gauze ,s ehanged c-very day an.l the vagina .h.u..hed but t e ube ,s uot d.sturbe.1 fo,- , ,,.,,„ „• ,„. whc, it n.av e ..■nov... ,f theeondition is satisfaetory. Heeoverv mav e ;l.'layed by son.e pelvie ..eliuhtis, i,. ^InH. ease there will be Z irregular temperature for some tiuu'. If the abseess ris,.s .lir.rtly fr.m. the p,.|vis and the MU.r, J.ubK.pos,t,,the,^^^ must be def med. an.i op,.,,,tion only done Mhen that viseus ■s empty ,„,, „„, „f „,„ ^,^ ^,,,^^^.^^ . insertion V,f and (annot fall mto pos.t.on when emptied ; it then lies well above the pubes and would ).,■ in dan perit.meal eavdy. and f™^^ >M the experience of ,uost. this accident Mas a fatal om^ |„ ap,.n,hx suppuration there is an attempt made by n.L.e Incahse the : for sonn- reason t ns is onlv suecssul for a time, and is a further extension of 1 e zr:^j:w r ^^ ""^'' -^ *"^ ^•"^'^•*"-'"- ''''-^^- P'ac. sIo«h and ,s not aecmipanied by the definite sLan I < ,. ■ ■ 1 . ^ ' ■Jmi\,X ^''--" ''■-^•'-s..I li„- .\|,|„,„i,, \,.rnul..|„ii- aiui tlui] ( um,,li,;,,i„,M-.- 138 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN I ? ! : wluol. wc; have, spoken of as <' poritonism." A very different on .u>n ,. a large amount of pus has suddenly burst distri- b" u.K ,ts sep,,.. contents throughout the L.xan.ples of this ..nnpheation whi.h were treated within t.o^days an. n.struetive. and have been seleete.l as nu" A ward maid at a fover lio^pital. agod 10 was ar1.niff«,i v work on ,l.e foLvh^d^ and^ dTr ''7'"*^*' '" ''"'• '"'^ ^-""""^ until about tifto,. m. t ' ,. f ,^1 L "' "^"''' •^";""'' "''^ ^^•'" *- «>'" '•""••l annepain .,u..k..d c I:^':;::^:^ ^^ 1 7;;^ ;:";;;:/ -r- had been diaiihoa f..r two or tlnoe .lav. \r , '• '^"''''' mind, and able to answer m.'.tlo,7s Tlu ? .^" . 'l'""- •'''"ar in her ana ..allow, ihe .f ;:;:ddn; ! :^:^'^z-:^::::;::^. wa. a markek re^Jl^: ^,:Z^ ^^^^^'^ I-'P'-vti'- ally over the right iliac fos,a. where therr^ f d^/fj iTet ZT' "^T" was ,aeat tenderne.. here; the abdomen wage^'XtSor O^ recovery, and later on the apprdL-la're/ntver""* ""'^ * ^""'^ Another case which presente<| similar syn.ptonis, and also c-n. e, tn recovery was tJiat of a ntan age.i .3.3 years who as sent to the hosp.tal by Mr. Haliam, and adndtte, th" Z- foUownig the adtn.ssion of the patient whose ease- 1 have ju'l recorded.^ J" ' cX'^ ^'''*"7." ''^.^^'''^'l.-''" •''♦^''^•l^ «f pain in the abdomen on October 31 ch efl, „,, „,e n,,ht „de, bn, did not «ive np his work, Durin/tle ot November 3 an afta.-k of intense pain was experienced -^mll^ came to he hospital in the morning sixteen honrs later. Xn examined he was found to be perspiring freely, his fa..o w.w pale and an^iZ ookmg. respnalions were shallow and diaphragmati, \n attemTt to breathe deeply eansod him „,uoh pain in the aCdomen. The p^Le^ll^ 104. temperature I01.2^ The-e was no vomitmg, tl. "^et ,Z Im^-^i'^'wsBiaMamijSL ^•m.'% LOC -A LISED S V PPUR ATION 139 J oonfmed. tl.o abdomon did ..ot ,„ove on r.^plraf io,.. .„.d w.-« very onder on oxam.nat.on. cspwially i,. ,l,o ri«ht iliac ....M.m .,.71.. J !«..... Tl, was d,.l....,s. ,„ „..■ (lank. .,,,1 ,1,.. li^.p 1 L ^ obscured. The abd,„„iMal .m.s.lrs wc-,. ricid thi«, ri.M.l,,. '^ marked on ti.ori.i.t side In .i.c n.i.t iii J/;:r w^ ' , j ';;^,;;;;;: swemng Atthcopc,.a,,. i.-cisions wero .nadc. ..;..: noil.cus Oflons.vo. s,.„„.punile..t (luid wa« Ke.icrallv ditTused tl o,.gl.out tI.o p,.r..on..„,n ; .ho intcs.!..,. looked very con.^^. ■ Und .pdcn,a ou. ; .ho ab.ce.. had rupOnod .o iu ont.r 8ide. L^vl . wT h salmo .l,..d of a to.nperat.uo of Ho „•,. thoroughly;.;! ,| hepat... and splon.c re«io,..H h..;,.,, ,,,,vr„||y I.rai. n'^'' ,- . emp loyod fro.,, both wo.n.ds. Thcso wno healed by Dece nb -r 17 and later on ll.«> api.e.idiv was r.'.i.oved. '' In ,..,s,.. as i„ ,1,,. fon,..>,-, M.,,pu.-.ati„n l.u.l f„ll„^v,.,l tK-rforati,m „f tl.o ap,...,„li.x bcy.„„l a sUkUuv. It ^vill 1„. -^;;' tl.;.t i.. l.ntl, tl„.s,. <.a..s tl...n. was a clHi,.it.. fixll Instcry ..f a n-vvui al.,l.,„unal pai„ ^vhi<.l, sul>si,|,.,| ,,, I,,,,... vomilLr '" '' ""'''''" "'"^ "'"'"''"g rc'tu.1. „f pal,, and OTJIER AHJXLMIXAL SIITLRATIUN.S. Hkpatic Ah.S( ks.s. It is ....t often that w mv the la.go al.s,,.s of ti.e liver wl.icl. us(-,l to com,, u.xlcr ohscrvation some vea.-s at;o Tl.ov were frequently so vc.y larg,- that the patient was „ot o.ilv mlueed to a skeleton by the aeeon.panying fc-ver. nigl^ «weat., and po.vs,|,|y diarrl.u,h a lar-^e cav.ty en ta.lec on l.,.s resourec.s. 1 ],,,,. seen suc.h abs<.,.....s full of thiek e hoeolate.,.oloured pus opened, and the .vsult has !„.(.„ a ha^morrbage into the c.avity in some or a high he,.tie fever whieh proved fatnl m a short time in other^ TI... training of the jnemb.-rs of our ,.rofe>sio„, wlH.h.T eivil or ni the Serv.ees. is .o much in.proved, and their ability as operators so that these eases no longer progress to ^leh a dangerous extent. They are wisely treated in the ..olonies and ,iot borne for treatment . wltb the possibility of >erious complications during a voyage of unceilain duration. R^«r 140 rilK ACUTK AIIDO.MKX ! ! i 1 I Mi tl I i Mr. ('jiii)lir sii;.'ncs((d tliiil hi-p.itic ai»M-.>-.cs slimild lie fmitcd l»y mciiiH of linear .iml tati-tics wliich ciuil)],. us lo.unipiuc liis riK'Hidil with (ho>r in ^.n.'ral iisc. It \v,„il<| Ih' Wfll if lir coiiM jrivf his .-xact r.'siilts. The inajoril v of siM-L't'-Mis, I take it, arc m..r.- cDiiifuital)!!" iis (o the roults of o|).-ratioii for such al)sccs..-s if ih,y f.vl ihnt fhrrc is i.olhii.u (o iiitcrf.MT with the frcccs.apr nf the pus through an opening which llicy c(in>i(lcr more adccjualc. 'I'Ik' c, y evai'uation of these abscesses is to l)e rlesind. as It is in t!ic ease of al>sccs>es in other parts of the hody. 'I'hr majority an- situated in th.- upper an that fear of the- ju-riloncum. which fornu-rly acted as a deterrent to operation befort- the wall of llu- al) was adherent to the parietal peritoneum. .\ plug of gauze can be placed to shut otV the peritoneal cavity and the operation expeditiously con- cluded at one sitting. It is not necessary to use sutures, '{"he cavity does not r(-(|uire to Ik- scrii|)ed out neither docs it need syringing ; botli may cause- ha-morrhagc. »;. 11.. an ox soldier, ajrod ,'5.".. wiw admitfod -X- J inch." from the middle line, lie vomited several times dining .May :!(» and .•il and .lime 1. He had I.een feveriHh. 'J'his patient liad I.een previously under tlu- .'are of Dr. Maek.'iizie in l!M»4. from November S to Deeemlter :il. and on Ndvenilier 11 an abscess of the liver which had been cjiusiii;: syniploms for ten days was opened and drained. Ihe abscess was a small on.' conlainintr fireeiiish pus. which was sterile on examiuiUion in the .linicjil hibor.itorv. The surface of the liver was dark-red in colour, and the absccs.s was not bnlsrinir. nor the liver adherent, but the area underneath which the pus had .'ollected was softened. I'lie point of a pair of -.V^ Jl OTHKIt ABDOMINAL Sl'IMTHATION.S 111 .iilci-v loic..|(s WHS |)iiHh<'(l into i!, I III' li.ii|.|w i.pciK.d, witlidniwii. unil li'|il;kri'il liv li iillilii'i liiliit. 'I'lic iiiiiii liail lii'i'ii III lii.lia. Mall.i :iih1 >iiiif h AIii.h. ami liitil .^iillfii'd In. Ill -,riil.'i V III IsHT, iiiid on iihik- limn om. oiiii-iun Hinr«. Il« liad iiUo liiid ciiltiir In Soiilli Aliica. • In lii^ s.rniid ;i,|nii,s|,Mi ihit mall li.ok.d ill mid Iiih Iim-hiIiiiii,' wom liim icd. I •.•<•]( iii^jMi jil ion cnusfd shiii |i |iiiin. 'Hi..i„ win I lio of l lir pi.'Vimis o|M.|i»lioii III tint iiy;l,t, li\piii.', ovfi I Ins aicji. 'I'llfl.. WJH no liji'lion lo I.C h.aid. A dia^xyili;; (laili wns raiix^l wli.ii III' tiirmd on lli.^ |..|| miIc, and li.' iisiiall\ loiind l\iii;,'oii I In- liylil. 'Hid livci (liilii.'>s.'\l.iid.d v.iii.all.v dounwaidrt lo 1 iiicli l.clow llio iil. niainin. Iioin llio lllili ijli. 1'uImi, KM; n-piiatioii. -t 4 ; i»;miM'iaUii«), KMi-i' . 'I'licio was nolliint; iil'iioiiniil found in ollici pails. II IS Hyiiiploiiis did not iniinovo. oi, .liino lo li.; was iiiial>l<< to ^l.'.-p LecauKo ol pain. On tlio llili an im-ision was niaiio iliroii«li ilir ii;;lit rtjrtus ; on pasNiiiK the (in^'.r alon;; llir aiiliiior siiilaco ol lli.' liv.T.'an ait-a ol l'iil;,'inK was louiid lowaids I ho Mimmii, tlio ii])pwt'lliiit;. alon;; which a pair of lorccjis was jiasscd and <'\il Kivcn lo ahoiil ;i oz. of yellow jms. A diaina;;o liilio was piai-cd in I his and Ihc area slinf oil' from il„, ;r,'ii,.,al iHiiioncal ravily Willi a si up of jiauzc. 'I'lio tcmpi'ialiiK! In'caim' iioinial al omr ; in ihico da.Vn' linio Ihcio was hardly any disihaiK''. ami Ihc wound had lic.ilcd icii days after I lie ojicial ion. This alisccss was nearer the middle lino and less accesf>il)le than the former one. I'ki{I(;astjtory of gastric ulcer, with an increase of any j)re-existing e[)igastric tenderness and pain ; swelling in the stomach region, which increases from day to day, and a feverish attack. Although we do not find any of the food contents of the stomach in these abscesses, the .smell of the evacuated fluid is >o characteristic that no one can have any doubt of its origin when the {)us is released. It is often impossible to find the perforation. There is some- tinie.s bulging, fluctuation, and the presence of free gas in The snuvller are rarely diagnosed and have not infiet^uently pro\i'd fatal front secondary rupture. '^^\'':. :li \i2 'IIIK \cni-: AHDnMKN » m whilst ll,,. I,llprr..||,.,ll,„l> ,uv to ,.,ll,..- .Iriilh finni «xliaii,ii..i,. (ill.MK a> III. V nmy .lu ||„. „,,,„., ul.,luin.„. \VI,. i. (li.M. ;U..r,ss,.s .spniul .ln«„„ar.|s i|„.v „„„•• pnrnilly run alnnn tin- Irit ,,f tlir s|.li,.., „,,m| alM,,^- ,|„. „.!.■ of 1 1... th'M-.'IKlm^; rololl. Iliail brllinil III,' |M'||tolir '" '; •^"- "-■'H«''l "1.1, 1... S \\..,l ;H 11... l;.nal !•,...< II.MIM.^I that «as ih,. ...M„s.. h.k.u. an.l .1... al.s.rss ha.l H.lai.HMl ;i h„K.. «,/.., at 1 1... '""" " «"•" "1 'l '" '•"" '<'•' 'Iwi sa. !|„. ,,a .1.;, wnma.i n'f(>\('ii'(|. Tlic |.o>Ml.ility of a Mr.d fur , (mihI.i o|.,.nii,^s ,imi>| Im- .•..nM.>..|v,l aii.l a, .anlul ual. I. k,.|.| loi >,;;„s of .nvolvini.,,!. nl (lie plcina. All al.stiaci of a imho .Icscii:,,',! m a , nini.alioii to th,' Nt. 'riiomas'.s Hospital Hcpoils is of int.nKl' : A iiianira woman <.l I'ti, ailimiicl -X- n,i„|„.r j;t. umil' sin Ind Ixvii ...nliii.'.l ..II AiiKtiHl (1. an. I a il m.v.iiI i .la\s Jal.T l...nan '(„ '■""'I''-"" "' !'•»'" "> I"»v.'i .'h.'si. wIm..1, ,.m,.,„|...I .'l„wn to ili.< ir.Mii pari ..I ll,.. al..l.„n..n. Iln.s was k..v..„.. «..|„.,allv .•;lnl,^ ..i, alh-r liikmc I.>.„1. an, I I,,..,,, \y .aus,.,! v..imi,ii^r. wlil.'l, ^mv,» n„.nt i,.|i,.f Cii a.lmi«,ioii ll,..,.- «as a kw.'IIiiik' m iho uinl.ili,.al i,.j:ioii wlii.'li was mniul.Ml aiul «ii.o.,i|,. AIm.vo il was a vor.v l.anl n.Hliilar mans tlu- m/o of an ..rail-,', wlii.'h apiM-ai.^.l lix,.,! an.l ,li,l n.>i m.,v.. w-ll wiili r.w.Mia- tion. toniniiious will. tins. Imi ,1..,.|„.| in ih,. alMl.,ni..n. wiw as ||, rotnuW niiiss. wlii,'l, ..M.'n.l.'.l l\ nnlu's l...|ow i h,. ,im;,i|i,.|,s i,.,,,, ,|,„ nii.i,ll.« In,., to III.. I,n.. ot il,.. n^lu ,„,,j,|„. yIiis als.,,i tlx..,| 1.,^ nnm.loa i.i„n„n,n.v ,i, ih.. ..pivMsi,,.. ,,.«io„ wa ..,.oKnis.Ml as a .lilal.'.lsiomafh, ili.> f;r,.al,.r .•iinalniv ol wliu'li i,.a,.|i, >, iiu-h.-M l.,.|„w tho uinl.iluMis. and to ll,.> l..ti n.-aHv i,. il„. im.l.H, ,,; ■|.|„. |,,^^,,,. .•nrvalui,. wiis jn,>t l.flow lli,< p; . oj H,,, ,„,„ I'.Tistalsis wa.s poorly -naik.'d. Tlui swllni;; wjvs ..vti-.-tiH-lv painlnl on inv^siii... ami slio foinplain.Ml of a moio or l,>ss ..oni iiiuoiis acliini: at all tiiiK's. ^ t)n Nov,.nil„.v :. tli,- ,.pij;a,M ri,' sw.'lliin; h.ul iii..r,.:.M.d in siz,^ hut tin. t.n,p.Talm,' was normal. On il„. sil, il„. p.un had h, ,„,. n.-.n,-. and Wiis noi r..Ii.-v..d hy v.)niil iiij;. Th.. i..inp,M a! ui,> w;w ajjain .'l.^vai.'d. ( In N<,r 1 1. L'» ,./. of nils w.r,. .,1 ihn.iij;!, a in,., ,.pi.Mslri,. nu'NM.n. Th,. Iliiul wa.. liisl ..| a .v..|l..wish wal.Tv app..aran.... ami ihon iMi> hko inall.r ,>s..ap,.,l. a hloo,l-,siaii„-,l lliij,!. -I'll,. • avily «a l,i;,l,..l in troni ..I ih.' .>l,.ma.-h ,iii,l..r llu- liv..,, h..iii!; shut "tl I'v adh .ons of i|„. .,m..imiin to ili,. ah.lo, filial wall. .V ,lraina".< IuIh' Wii-s ins,.,|,.d. l',,,. ;i |,,„. days pi„i;,,.ss was -.uhI. hiif ilu-ro w*s asaiu .■..mplaini of al.donimal pani. ami on ili,. iHih anotlior tliu'tuatin^' swillnij; wa.s found exlouding down towaiiU th," loU ilia,' fossa. An 1 '^^'l-hroinc IVif..i:,ti,,n ^.f a (iaslno ricor," by \V:Iliai„ 1|. Haul,. (^Vol. XXXI., HTIIKK \I5|)t»MIN.\l. SII'I'I i;\T|(».\s ll:i m.M,,,,, wa,,n4.I.MilM.,,.L'< ,n.l„..;^|..,vo, I,., I.r. ;,„..,..„.,.,., »„„,.. "'"'" '^"^'W'"" "I..n...l .it.-r..„„,„.,„..l . „ „n,„.,|«..v..,..l ouM.-.M K .rl„.,l ,„KHlM., a.Ml H a.a.nuK !"• |m.. „.. Al .1... ,;„'.,. ,„ ,„ ..n...,..v,. wlnl.„l. «|..„«|,. ,...s..,nl.|„„- hIomuIm.,1 ..„...,„,.,.., wa, ...K.,. ..... -.1 rl... I..K .... .„..,.,..,.. T... ,Uy, I, .., ,|..„i,|, ,„ „„.,|.„ ..|,;i„,.-..., w,^. iHUov..,! I.,,,.. tl„. I..U.., „,..,H , , .l.-..v.a In,.,, .|„. .•,.||„|.., .pH...-. \l.o,.. I.. ...,., „1„., , .,.., |,..,,„. „. ,,,,, ..h.v .■..l..„r...l ., n„.l tl... .I.«.l,»,>;„ f„.„, II,., |„w.., «,„„..| ,|..„„..l ,|„. ,|„.,„„j,, ^,„,,,„ .„,., .v.'ll..w ; .1 .•.,.,l„.„...| I.., ,, |,.,v .lav,. a„.l ll..„ .-...k...,! |;....,,,| i,„., n,« .on,,....,......! iill. , II,.. I ,,, ,„,., ,,„„„„„„, ,,„. ,..„ ,, '' .nt .1,.. was ,...,m,n..l i.. i^l,.. -„ |,„.| ,,,|,„..,„ i., ,|„. „..,„;„' K«|.|(v.',y Wtts |.oiii|)|..|... M WiiH „„li,.,.,i ,|„u ,1... ,.iH,..,„ |,...| ,„, „„„ a„.,„...( .,1 l.„.l..,„,.„, ' •"■ """ ••!"«^'-'-'.- MV..II,,,. wl,..„ Kl,., „;^ a.|,.„l,...|, |„.| „,„,, ,,,.' "'•'••"..■...•.. ..I ll,.>s l,a,|. ,...,uk ..I ,....„. .... \.,v..,„|,..,. s ,1,,,,^ ,,,^ „,.,,„, v.-,y „„t,k..,l |„ „„i,....i,„ a .■.,„:i,l,. ;j,,„„ „| ,|,„ ,,„„, ^^1,,,,,, .,,„„..,| In M.i.i,. ,.,.i.,., ,M.riK;.s|,i,. j,!..,...., ,. f.,,-,,,.,! .....r.. r;,,,j,||v I" n.yly iill ,M.i,.|, illi,,... „.,v |„. „.,,,,, ,,,. ,.^^,.,^. ,,,,.,^^^;^; Mm.uI.I fl,,. p„H iiiukc i(. way I,, l.,n.l ll„. ,i.,n,;„.|, ,,, ),,,,. on«,„at.-tak<.i, f,,r ll.c wall of an a!,. ,■,•.« SiilnliojthiV'jmnfir . | l,.sri .v.v. A I....ali>(.^Mouwn. The laf Mr, I'.ainar.l analvs.-.l tl„. ,.;.„s..s in -<. conMrutivc ca^.s Ml.i,.|, o,.,.„rr,.,l at tl... I.o,,,!,,,, ||„sp„;,| • L'l vore duo to ])(Tf oration of yastrio nicer, li' to .•,i.i.,> Lf.tJ., who colkctfl 212 ca.s.-s. says that 74 w.-r.. ,|,„. ,., .a^tri.'. ulcei and 20 to appendicitis. The proportion ^ivei, bv th.- former is probably the more .orn-et. To the affectio'ns of I he organs mentioned are included, in Mr. Jianiards list parturition, p^a.mia, spk-nie infarct, extension of thoracic 144 THK ACtlTK ABDtiMKN ■ I I ^ I i I [ I > a I > ' i- I (.li>«'rt"it', r M' ptri<>-«titi> ot triiii-\ti-r prmr-.- ot liiinliar viTt«'l>ra,' ■ •« till <>|H'nitt(iiH. tyjihoid pyu -iil|iiiix. iiipliinil mit lOiimMJt.i 1 \>tic kiiliU'V. aiitl injury. 'riuTc will i II illy he ii history of sninc 'ivu^i »ii
  • t the re-, nd.lance of acute pulmonary inllaiiiinatinn |,. an atta -k of acute appendicitis. An illustration of this ck,..e re.semhlance may he <;iveii. ^ A. .<.. a>;.,l I'll, aihnillc.l ^ rel.niatv H and Man li |-> i'lrt Ihc .lay 1m I,,,., lie was f,.,.|i„jr |,a.l wiih pains al.oMl ll,.- I„„lv' v..ii.ile,i aii.l e.Mil.l n..t I.i.miI,,. i.r..i» ily. II.' -avc a l,.M„rs .,l'a lii..iit h > .1 \ siMps,;,. aii.l c.iaiilaine.i „t a.'iil.' pain in 1 1„. al.,l.,in.'ii vv ha.l .•.>i,un.iuM..i un la.iiis I,.!,,,.'. II.- ha.l l.,...n H.-at..! I,.r an atta.k of a|.|„itis t..„ y,.;,,- ImI.,,-... II,. k.-.l V..I V ill, hi- lips «..,,• whil,. an. II.. app,.and alni.,>t .'„llaps,.,|. H.. ,.,„„,,l.,i„...l „f , i,.|„-i.|,.,i .•tlxlonnnalpam; ha.l a puis.' KJo, aii.l t,in|Miat m.' le.'is ; n-,-piraii„ii-, Th.' alMl.nn.'U uas ,|ui(,. ineti.ini, -s ,„, r.-piinti„ii. 'Ih,- o.ii ,,n iM.tli si.l.'s w.T.' v.TV li-i,!. I In palpatieii fiiHl.Mii.-ss «a- pr..-,.|,i o..nlin,,l t<. fh.- nVht si,].. ; ju th,. npp.T al„l„i„..,i il wa- v,.| v ,„„- n,.iin<;,.l. whilst th.TO was son... shVht t..n,l..|ii.- n, tl,,- liju il,a,.' l.,-.a .Nothinj; ..oiil.l |„. toll ni th.. ah f 172 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN S..nio pnin was romplaino.l of on tli.. right si.lo of tho alMlomon on ,lo,.p mspiiatio... No al.nonnal sijr„s wnv pr..s,.iit aiivwli..,e over t\w ImiLM All .■pij;astnc iiicisioi. was mad.^ and l.otli suifacos of tho stomacli examined. Tli<' aiipendix was then icinov.d. it was kiiik.d l.ut show...l no otlHT ..vidonoo of .'iseas,.. A larj;,. roun.l worn, oould ho .■It 11. (lie smal lintcstmo. Th..|v was no fr..,- Huid in TX'lvis or in flanks l,„t a small quantity was found botwc'ii the siomarl. and ant».ior wall of th.. abdonion. On tho foljowinjr .lay h." still ha.l som.> pain in th.. al.domon, l.ut ha.l passed a fair night. The pulse had in.prove.l. At IL.tO It ha.l changed and was now 160. but iinprove.l after injection of camplior and rectal saline. At S.'M) p.m. the pulse was 140 and resj)irations 44. and h.' coughed up some rusty sputum. At 1 1 ;t.(p ni • " tier., are now definite signs of iiiflammati.m at the lowr part of th.^ right lung posteriorly.' On th.' 24tli he succ.«ed<>d in bursting open the as a result of Jus violent coughing, aii.l it was necessary to resuturo. l! lungs becani.- alfect.'d, but no further abdominal comphcatioii ensued. 1 he tempcratiiro became normal on the twelfth day. Pkhfouatiox.s of (Jastro-Jeji-xal Axn .Ikjixal L'u ers. The kncnvlclgo that an ulceration of tho jojumiin i> one of the causes of the acute alxhimei. which must he considered by t}ie surgeon of the present day was due in tiie first place to Brauns. In ].S!»<) he met with a cas(> in wJiich an ulcer of that part of the small intestine perforated and jiroduced a fatal peritonitis eleven months after a gastro-jejunostomv for pyloric stenosis m a ma.i aged 25. In this instance the operation had been by the posterior method, and the ulcer was found at the necropsy. Since tliat time there have been recorded many cases in which ulceration of the jejunum has re.pnred surgical treatment, and in all of them the operati.jii of gastro-enteros- tomy had been performed for the relief of some form of gastric ulceration, or a result of it. From a clinical i)oint of vi<-w they may be divided into two— the chronic and the acute perforative. In the former we are most lik.>ly to .n>t an idcer which will produce local symptoms before pc^iforatLn ;nto the peritoneum, if it does perforate ; in the latter no warning is given, but if the patient has previously had a perforation of a stomach ulcer he thinks that a similar'accident has occurred again. I have purposely refrained from using tho term '• peptic " as applied to these ulcers, for it is not proved that they are all of them due to hyperacidity of tho gastric juice ; indeed, in more than one tho state of the gastric PEKFORATIOX OF rLCHHS, DIUESTIVH TRACT I7;{ juico has boon (li-fiiiitcly desciilH'd as normal. TIk- apiH-araiicc in tlireu out of tlu! four pcrf orations of this kind liavc been uikUt my personal notiw was similar to that (.f sonic iUMitc perforated gastric or duodenal ulcers. Tl,c\- also resembled the ulcer in two eases of perforation of ihi* ileum during the course (,f fever.i to which I shall refer later (sec p. 1«J) ; the naked-eye appearances weiv (piite similar. (Some of these ulcers arc probably due to an acute bacterial inva.sion. but [ do not think tlic term -peptic ' should be used. It is an interesting fact, however, that thcv arc only met with after the operation of gastrojejunostomy, and ehielly after the anterior operation— for example, out of some 77 cases 52 followed anterior gastnj-jejuiiostomy.- fn the paper here referred to a collection of l(M) cases has been made. The most .startling complication of jejunal ulcer is acute perforation when the patient is apparently (luite well in licaitli. and in this, as in other eomplications. it resembles simple ulcers of the other parts of the digestive tract. This accident happened in 21 patients, but inasmuch as in two of them it occurred twice at consiilerable intervals. 2:5 instances arc now known. Oj)cration performed at the earliest oppoilunity was succes.sful in saving life on nine occasions {(Joepel 2 '• Hybrinctte. 1 ' ; Maylard, 2 ' ; liattle. 4). This improved' record of re.sult.s for operation 'iiakcs it appear tiiat operation for that accident has rendered it less dangerous than the slow extension of an ulcer which is shut off from the i)eiitoiicum by means of adhesions. The formation of a localised absces.s is known to follow at times, and may lead to an intestinal fistula, but it may be necessary to operate f(;r the local ulcera- tion, on account of the troublesome symptoms which it causes. This has involved resection of the ulcerated bowel, the jejunal end being placed into the stomach and the duodenal end into the side of the jejunum lower down. The cases which have been under my tn-atment are as folhnvs : — ' liiiicet. I'.iii:!, Vol. II., p. 8t;:t. ^ I'riirersal JUul tl>.. t.,ll„wi>.u Inst.Mv was ol.taiu.Ml M...... ol wlurl. was s„l,s..„u..,U ly vnilini. II,. i.aU su.lV, ■, , i .H.l.,..s„.,n all..,- I... l,....a,n.. 10 yoars ..1,1. au,l ,1.,,.,. L^mL Z ;"■""""'• '""I "" ">';• <•.■ two o,H-asi,.ns ]„. l„„„,ht „,. ,„1. Tw.-u, V "" .....uthsiMvvn.usly 1... ha.l ...ul..rK,„K. an „,M.rati ,u in J{i,„.ia..l , . ms' ir:;; : ''•'■';''^%'^"""" >-"« '--,i'"-- -" .-'...atio,,. a isi,,,. „':':, !; IV \. "" ,.mu-t..n",l to ,li,ninish its siz.^ a.ul .rain m,m> room ""'1 -..l>t..Hi of nuu.h .as. The oi„.,u„. ,vas ..los..,l wiU L,- .r^ k Maur,.san,ltho,.o,lr..,ur,u.,l. Th. st.>n.ach. whi,.h was ,^.h S', ,u! ^ . .l.awu ,„,o ,h,. wo,.,ul; tho poiut of atta,.hmo,a of th- al 'I .. about i uch .u .l.anu.t.T, l„,l ia tlu. a.u.Mior part of ,h^ ;^ ". ^Ir .: f ;• '"•.^•r"';'^'' -"^ "'<■ "i>p-- r-t of ti^o .j,..i„„„„, .,, ' ; ' e'"l't.«'th a siu,!,. row of L,.„,l...rt .sutu.vs. The. , K . . li i'. u'"" • '"' :'*•" '':•" '•"' ^•"'""'■- -^ -"'" —.ut ,.f free (luKl uas juv^eut .u the alMlo.niual cavity, wi.h patches of oa the coil. A second luci.iou'wa. „.Se in the :^?^- I 'K HI- ORATION OF rL( KliS. DKaXIIVK TI!.\(T 17,-. m..iah. iHu. al,..v.. ,1... ,,„|,..s ami ,1... p..,„ou,al ...ui.v .l,„n.„,hlv «o„ml ..I..M..1. I h,. ,„auV .,,,,,,,,1 ,,.,„,i,i,m :,. tliv ...ul „1 1 !„■ „,„.,,. ,„u '''".■'■'' '- '"" ""I'll '" '-■'"111 in 111.- MlliT pn,...,'- „r ,|i.- ,-,<,■ II,. «as M,.k ,|„.... ,,„„.> ,lun„. ,1,.. mj,t l„i;„niuu Hm- .,.,ti.,n. lMm..i„.. 1' ••ii'-li ninr !:„;;,• ,|,>au. ,t !.•. ,.1 :;r....M.>h llui.l. lu ,|„. ,n,„nn'' ■> • ii|"'"lii"- '■».■„,,, wa. M,l,niuis„.,r,l wi,h a ..mhI n.>,ill„ S„I,,|,"m.. «• ma.u..>nnM (lu., l-a>p,Mml„|s) was .iv,.„ .v., v l„ur i,.,ms. Th.. "l"l'-i'-a was ^..,^,|i,l„lv .I,.,,.,.,!,..! a,ul ,.,„ v,, v l-iul.-r. U ,„..vr.l „. ti!"ls '-.(I""' "' "■^'"'"'""- """•-'' '"" l"'ly- I'lilx'. I'M; n-pira- ■llM. lH,w..|s a.t..,l „u Uu- l.,ll„uiu;r .lay, .1,,. al„l..„Mual ,lis,..UM„u s n all,, „,. ,|...n. l„.„... v,.,.v |„,1,. ,lis..ha,.... T« ,vs lal..,- tirs „as ;st;:;r:r'- '"■"•'-"•• ''■■^i'^^^"-A'i.i--^.iKiv..i. ...... Tlic second cas,. was a very intcivstin<_r .,ii.-. Im-Iii,. I'MHnu. tnmi llu. ,.„„rs,. „f tl... va.inus .n.Hliti.Mis }„,• xvl,i,.|, npciMtidll lC((iij|c(|. An a.i.nani.Ml w,„„an. a;;v,l 37, was a-liuitt.,! ^ „u Ma.rh LV,. I'.o;! > ^!^^uTr^ "1 P" .as„.i,. ul,.-r, « hiH> l.a.l , nn..,.,-.! lour ...Hi a halt hours |„.|on.. Opcratu.u was ,.,,.|o.-.u..,l at I M,", p ,„ a.ul au ulo...- ,u.a,- th. pylorus an.l on th,- aufrior surtan. was l',,,,,! an.l M.tu,...l, th.. .•avny w „.,. „„, au.i the p..|vis .Iraiu..!. M th,. opvratiou ,t was not,.d that • ..r..was ahvu-lya .oo.l of narrow - . Nj. th.. pylorus. ,h.. l.-lt hospital on May 12 and co„tinu..,l w..ll ... Apnl, 1.M4, aa.l aut..nor-astro-i,,jun,.sto,nv iKrlonn,.,!. Th.. st.„ua,.hwas,l,lal,.,l.tia.h,w,rl,ord,rn.a..hin;;,hH..v,.|ol,h,.uu,h,!i,-us A '7',V ;'■"■■' ')",- ""':''' •:;'"^"''''^'^'- 'J'""' "l"ratio„ wa^ o„ ,h.. ,Mh. an.l hht' li.ft hospital on Aim) 2,S. .>^h.. r..j.a.-.l..d l,,rs,.lf as crnvi] ,,ntil May .>, V,,<.:,. wh.u sh.. was a.-ain M.ut to tlR. hosjutal l.y Dr. .1. SroU liatla.ns ^ Ahout six- hours iH.lor,. a.l,„is>io,. .s].,. ha.l a s..v..n. atta.-k of pain , ou tho si.l, ol th.. abdoni..,!, with vonut,,,,. Th,. l,ow..|s Jiatl a,.t,.,l twici' . (lav. l.i th,. ward tl,r ab.loim.R .lid not ai.j.,.ar dist,.M,l,.,l an.l n.ov.d h,','\v m r,.spnati.,n, J h,. n.sonan,.e was normal in all parts. I'uUr :> ■ U....lK.rature nonnal. Th.r,. was sli.h, ,..H.|..r„,.ss all ov.r th,. al,.l,m,.;; moi,. ..vnh.nt ahov,. an.l to the l,.|t oi th,,. nml,ilicus .-.,. v,.nnud Uvo .,r thr..,. tim,.> ,lurin.u- th,. niiiht. On th,- n.orninLr 0 the Oth th.. t,.n.p,.ratnr,. had n up to !.!. .^ and a .listen,],-! ..oil 01 small mt,.stin.. was s..,.n ahov,. un,l to th,. leit ol th.. un.biheus. ' ii-aiisaclioii.s 11. Soc. .Med., .hiiie. l',H<:i, -'ii'-]fl^^' i!: 1 : ■ i;' I7«} I'lIK Aciri-: AMDOMKN rnon: inaikcd over tin- airi. Ihe alxlomeu beiu;; oj.eued tliroui^li the left re<'tus sheath about, ail ineh Iroui the middle liue. A red au.l distended coil of small intesliu.^ ju-csented -vhiJi. traced upwanls, led (o tli.' old irastro-outerostomv juiu;tion ; from this a greatly distended passed downwards, on tlu- anterior aspect of whieh. IJ inch from the line of junetiou. was a rounded opening from wliieli pis and intestinal contents were esca,.in^'. The ooiis n.'ar were intlamed. o-dematous and disi..uded. there beimj lymph on the surfaces near the perforation. .V knife was intioduce.l throuj;h the ulcr and a cut made ui)wards, so fliat the liu<- of junction betwi-en the stomach and intestine eoidd be exidoreil ; the liu'i:er passed easily into the stomacli and then into the jejunum beyi.nd the line of juuetioi'i 'J here Jiad been no contraction of the opeiiiuj;. After the distended coils had been emptied, the incision was closed with Lembert silk sutures and the intestine washed with sterilised saline. A .second incision was now made in the middle line above the i>ubes throuuv the old .scar and the i)elvis eini>tied of a small amomit of purulent fluid, which was not of olTensive odour. It was cleans..d uith .siline.aiid both wounds sutured, without drainage. Shock was count.-racted by the administra- tion of half a i)int of saline iter irrtum every two hoiirs. The patient recovered and left a month later. .She came at;aiu for operatioui in I!iii(! on account of symi>toins which she, lier.self diagnosed as due to ■■ perforation." .she" had not been feelinj,' very well foi a fortnight, but there liad been ncthiujr very delinite. There was. however, some pain in the abdomen a.m. on the 14th she had felt a sudd.'ii increase m pain, which was now in t... upper part of the abdomen, and site vomited. At 3 p.m. she was lying on lier back, with eyes sligl tlj sunken, but not at all anxiou.s-lookiiig. Her was 8.j and temperature h»t-6\ The abdomen was nioviiij; fairly on respiration. On examination it wa.s tender, especially to the left of the umbilicus, and still more so near the lower end of the sea- representinj; the site of tlie previous operation for perforated jejunal ulcer. In that region the mii.scular rigidit v was most marked, and there wiis distinct swelling. There was impaiicd resonance towards the left flank. No visible peristalsis ; the Uvcr duluess was not changed. Incision was made through the h.ft rectus slieath and the muscle displaced inwards. A thin purulent fluid was present on opening the Iteritoneiun ; and a coil of disl,.nded small intestine of a dull red colour, liaving some iiatches of lymi>h on its sii-tace, iireseiited immediately under the oiiening. Tw • three patch- s of yellow lymph were espe- cially evident on the line ol junction of the stomach and small intestine ; ' Clin. Soe. Trang., Vol. XL., p, iM. PKHFOHATIOX OK rUKHs. „K;KsTrv|.: TMA( T ,;: ;;•;;; ';f>i.-;m.„i,„„„.w,i,.,,., ,,.,„,,,,,,,„ 'liiiclly liniiii;.'li il I ""'""''i"i''^"'^<"'i<-.VM„M,.,noMll,,|,,,.MlH '"'''■""'"• •"III "Inn >|„- u.i>>|„,u„ "' "^1^ II" V"-lili,il liriiii.i. "!'■ "H.minjr of \,„.„., •..;■'; "'''"' "'M-'.v-l ^ I l.-.lth uui,l l'avin,Hn,l.;.,k,,.J"Lh;i ', '''/'''.'''r "'""" ''^'"l-' '^^ "'-n I'ar. ..1 his al. I , >; m i T "■''"•'.""'' ■' ^'"''l"" I'^'in i-i -I,- ,.,.,.,., n..t. I.OW..4. V ., i"'!'"' "■1:"" "";' '""' "•" -'I- ",. l!:„| ;::;c-;:!t;i;r;:;:i-,.:; r r ''I" I'V I ! ••!(. Il,n... I . • "'"'■■'' ""'^' "' ""■ I'''"i " nil. Ill I-;. III! I'l - "t tlic left i(.,.|,is I sid.. ,.| ||„. Ml..i,,iiifii :iniC\h,' limMiiv "I iiic icn !(•<■ us, It \v:i^ (•iiTi>i.l..i,.,l II, ., ri -i Mumny -lini.sin. i,s,.|f al ... 1 i r' ^^^— •^'I'i.i^aM.i ^n„l„.liv .viioti.v,,-,,„,n,l.rlMi.|. M.1,1.' Iliinl |>|,..<1 Inirii tlir |m'1\i,, an wilhoiu .|,aiiia«.'. Tl,.. i.aliriit mail.' a u 1 irniMiv • „„„.„„, "' ' ""' '" ""- '•■'*'■ "■'- ' 'I'^"."'iv..|.v Miiall anil i.t a Kiv.'m>l. .•..loin williiMil i.iloi.r. l,ni navi' .Irliiui.' .'vi.!..,,,'.' ..I its p, ■.■>.. ,.l .•M.'M.ioii .l"«iiwaiiU. lit.lly l.y III.' iii.n'aM' in lli.'.lnll ai.'a rmli.'.'.l l,v l>r Cmn,. ami >.'.'„n.liy l.y .!,.' >,„.'a.l ..I th.. li.n,li'ni.'s>. Tl,.' .,|M.,ali..n vva-i l"''t"ni'i'il so >ooM alli'i- iM'iloiatioii no lvin|>li lia.l loin.i'.l ami 1 '■onMili'Mlial ll,.' I'a-.' irll.Tl, v.'i.v -i.'al .'iv.lil on l»r. rmii... Tli.'ic arc various |)oi„t> in tlioc ca-i's wliicj, arc \v..rtli rccapituiatin.,' : (I) 'I'lu- ulcers gave in. irilitiiati.m .,f tlicir jircscricc until jK-rforation occurred. (-') The symptoms were very niucli like those n'>uitin proi),)rtioii of rcconled cases of simple uh'cr of the jejunum to the cases of gastro-eiiterosfomv appears vi-rv much against the anterior meth,),l of „perati,)n ; but tin's tells as an argument less f,.rcil)ly than woul.l appear, because It IS very pro!)a])le that the anterior operation has been p,.r- fonned more frcjuently than the posterior. I fornu'rlv c.msnlered that the ant,>rior operation possessed advantages which were likely to make it the more favoure,! operation'of the tw., n, a general way. an.l that the danger of the formation ot this kin.l of ulcer was so slight that it might be negl(>cted iii eons., eriiig the question. The introduction of the posterior no loop " operation by the ^Fayos has. however, given us even better results, which in my opinion constitute it the ),est of the numerous methods before the i>rofession. Since the account of it was ,.ublished. I have invariably i.crforme.' the posterior operation in requiring -.'astro-jejunostom .-, if the state of the parts involved permitt. .1. i'KHF(mATioxoFr..Kns. „n;,,sT,v;:T,.,,r ,:,. J'KHlnKAnoNs UK T..,.; Smu,. Int,;s,,m. ,,,,, ,„,„ " -^^ •^"\' 1^ "I Tm-||.)1|, |.-|;\,.;,. Altliniiuh fl„. fatal (•har,i.|,.r ,,f , ,, .f -- fully n...o«ni...,,.„,,.,,;;;/;;';-;Vyi;'-i'^^ y.w that IVnf,..s,.r b.v,|,.n M„n. , "''^ ""'>■ ''"'"'u 'I,,, litst fin,.-. • ' '"*'''^'"' •^'"•>'l'li<'<'iir (luniiK tiir second, tliinl. or fourth weeks of tlir ilhiess. His lecture in tlif /Miiccf of Septenihcr -'ii.,wii I! Dr. E. \V. (Joodall found perforation i.. •>- .. fatal cases at tlu-Mo„H.rtonllv,.ri,-':V7 ;■'■'''■ ''^ •'""''>-''f«--sonlytworecoverdor ,;'''''■ '"'^ -tl'- after .louh.fui ,H.rforation.e ..;''' '''^''"'^ ""•-"•'"'"toryform'of ,vph,d or ;:, '"•':''•''''' ''^,i :,. : V'''T'' '"" -:;:^rty,;;a:;;;:;-;:; :!-::- tf.oso suggested for tJ.e nurs,- l.v (,.,.,, i, ^ ' /tf I'"'"; I" ^'"forced its ooeurn.nee may he' overIo„l " / v . '""r, " I-t,ents are under skilled Observation ' , er.te h;: ''"^'^ c laneo f,.f ♦! I ■ I • iMiKrou there i> :. •'-- fo.- thetn which is not am;;d;:d\n;::;:ni/''''" ^ other "r.iiir. -F'! >'i.ui\ or in our .luup... Ihey are watel.ed from ,he and N 2 - 1 r- liii-. I 'If"* i I MO TirK Ad'TK Ann<>Mi:x |in'|iaratioii r-luiiild he niadr fur (i|) clmii;:!' in tlic alMlimiinal >yin|)ltiin>. W'liiUt ill ain])uIii(oiy raM'> and ca-c* of a iiiilil nature the >ymptiniis me dt'linitc. tlu y may )>c ill in a man who is ill a (•(iiidiiion a|i|)i<(acliin^ tlir l\|iliMiii -iat". 'riicn nu.iiii the contcnl- 1 the ilriini in tlii- di-ra~<' an' fi'iM, iitly >caiity. and the |i(it'orat ion may not alloM of tlif imnu'diali' I'Mapf of miicli llui( at all event-, the >eii>itivc |)critniiciim i> not ll()odcy a ii'!a)(>c. and mi the tciilli day (if tills lie ('(iiniilaiiicd ol a sudden and severe |iaiii in I he iiliddineii which wiike him '■)•. ,\lier an aclion (il his Ixiwejs he went to sleep ajiain and >lept for nearly two honis. hei, u' aKain awakened hy the pain. Me did not vomit tint il >even lioiiis allei I he eornnieneeineiil (if syinjitoms. He was a man ajred J2. M the lime of oiieiaiioii he had pain, distension, shift iiiy dnlness in the Hanks, evlreme lendeiness in the rijiht iliac fossa, and a complele aliseiiee of diiliie>s in the liver re;;ioii. The pulse was '.».") ; respirations, 2ti ; temperalnre. JuJ-l . The teiniierature fell raiiidly to ilT after operation, hut soon rose .iirain. At In.Un a.m. incision in the median line helow the iiml>ilirM> showed a collection of thin yell(iwi>ii fluid under the peritoneum, wilh some lymph on this .•Niirfaee of the small intestine. Comiiii: liom iln' upjier aiifilc of the wound was j thin louirue of oineiilnm adheicul at iis extremity to a coil of the sma'l ImiwcI, which aiipeared paler and more contracted than the other coii ni'ound. On pullini: on this ]iieee of omentum the portion of intestine to wliich it adhered rota'cd and showed a perforation from which the same kind of fluid was comiiitr. This perforation was rounded and sharjily cu . ineasuiinji alxint i ineh acro.-is. \ silk suture was ])lace(l across this o]ieninu to draw the edge.-* together, aiul the ulcer invagiuatcd with Lembert silk sutures ..M I'F-l'FoMVTinN oK I'M K|{s, DKJKSTIVF- T|{.\( T IM '-'';■ ^;',"";- ','"■ '"";■' ^''-'••""" «• "-1...1 ..,„ „„i. .,..,,im..i ', • ^"', •'''•;■'■•* "" ', ' "'"'•' "■'• -""1" 'Ur Md.. ,....,,,-. ,,i„;i; r;:;:i:: :;;:::;;:;!:'••'' "-'- '-• ■'■'.•• ....^ TIm' MCnlltl CUM- «;!- ill >(.|11C I'CMMTt, xiriiil;ir. A l.:Mh a,...l -s „,„ ...IMHII..,! „„ .1, , 7. I,,,,.,. ,„. ,,„„„ ■ '""^^ '1-— .N. 1,.. I,..I1,....„M, .,,1, ,,,..„ ,1, ,..„., '■•'■I- "•"•''''^ -',..»..,.. «o,k. I.M, h:..l ..,,..;„,., I ,.. U,M .-..MM,. , .,,„.. •,„M,..,„.,u ,.,.,„„ V..,, Huilv. >lHV..,...l .ml H . ;'■''•'•';'■'■•;•''''''''■ "^ .....I .lunnu ,1,.. ,lav. u,, . • ' '"• I'-l -v.n.l n,..,., ,.,,.1 vo„Mh..l al(.., t .., , l„. .-., I, I,- « .s : ■ '7"":" ^""'- I- -low,,,., nn ,1,.. :.,, „,,.,. ,„„„ ,., \ "'"' "'::'""i ■; '^ '— • ^""i ^n.ini.v ,Mnk „ ....... Th. all ' ; «.»..ii....v..,....a,,,M,,..v,..i .,.,,. T,,..,... ,„,., .i,M..n.:; : . ,..^a. . M,.h. a, ...II a, ,1,.. .,.„aMn,n,.. «a, >l,.l„h ,..,„1..,- ,., •"■"Mai. I-uIm.. SO: ,...|.„a. ...... :tr.. |!..„,.|> , Mm..,!. TI,.. U .1. ••"'■";"; ^'"^ ;'•"" " ""■ ''^"'- '■"'""• !">' I..ur.lav, ,1,.. >..„n...,a.M ' ^"" ". Ihr .■,„ua>li.r iryion nn ,ouj:lnii^. wl,-,.. ll,,.,.. i. ,„.,..• Uu,U-v' ..-^ .... ,.,...>,.,... To.,,,,.. ..!..a„..r. \U,su-U ^^..|| .,,,...,.,1 ,„,,. .,„.„,' I . ,M,.^ I,..,., was a s„.l.l..., .MM., ,„ l,.„H„al ,a,... ,..„.,„..l ,,n„i.,. ...IK (.. 11... ,..u...n ..t ,1,.. „„.I„|H.„.. |.,H ;,u ,,„. ,,.|„ ilia.. , ,,,i„„ _......,..„ .,....,„.,.,l - , ,„.., ,!,.. ..,..., .., ,.ai„. 11.. „.as .....'. ."; ........... : a.Ml ,h..„ ,1,.. alMl.M,...,. n.-.v.-.l ,. Iv „„ n.,,,i,at i.,„. ,h„ ..«!.. M.I.. 1...,,.. ..s,...,.,ally .■,,,1. ...sis.aH a.„l ,,„.l..,- ,1. ,.al,,a,.,.u ""'I. "...><■. Mis ..xpicssM, . was ai,x,..„s. ami ..ys siiuli,.,, n.' l-.v «,.l. (he k....... .l,aw.,,i,,.a.,.l..„„i,,lai.,...l m,„..|, .,n|,.. al..l.„„in.,| ..ain «.'.. li «as „,., S..V..,.. al...,i, ,1... „„...... an.l wa. a..,avu,..d J "" . •s,ma i„n, was „.!.l i„i.lly. Ti... iv^iMai,.... a.,.l ,...„l..n, wn.. .., >.,nk..,l, ,.s....-,all,v ,„ .1... li.i,, ,|ia.. i...ui..„. Ti,,.,-.. was i... .l,.|„.... . U... ..a.,ks a„.l ,1„. liv,.,. ,l,.l,„.ss was u„t ..„..,„a..|,..,l ..„. TI,,. ,m,K., 7^ "- "'-»• a...l small.., ,l,a.. I...I..1,.. l.ii, ,!„. ,,„.,,..,,,„„... wa' ,1 . j l""i.Ml (.,M.,ati...i was ,.,.r(.Mm,..l a., ,..„... l-y. a...l , l„......,,.a,,..r 1......S a„.|. ,!,.. o,..,t „t ,1... a....... „a,i.. Ti... a.,a.s,h,., ,.. wa '..,1,.., I.n.....,l...l „y >;:.s. A 4-iu.i, „„.,liau iii.isi,,,, l,..|.,w ,1„. ,.„,l,ili,.„s wai "II. <• small ma.l... au.l s.,ni.. thin, li.),, y..||.,w ,.. -Hk.. (i,i„l ...Mtaii.i,,, ..,„.,. s,„a,i .■lowi>h ■i,ass..s. wi.ho.i, la.,.al si,„.,l. was ......1 .,..,w....„ ,1... „..a M .•'..Is ,.1 m.,.stme. (.1, ,,a..inj: a .■.„! ,l„w„v t..wa,.ls ,l,o ,'.,-1 av.- th,.,-.. was s.„„. t..,.n.l a nmml, ..|..a„ .l...,! ,„M-f.„a,i„i. al...,.r . ....•!. .., .l,an,..l..,.. a sI.m.uI.;,.,oiu ... it .,,1 i,s i,„i,.r si,l,. Tl i,- ..l.Hung was .-losod with ].,.m„o,t siitiirc-s. Affr the lo./.r alMl.Mue, \Hi 11 IK A( ri'K \mM»Mi;\ IkiiI Imi I W.l'lnil Hill till' ,|lillii|||i'll Wjl-.flll-.lll VMllllllll lIlilllKI).'!'. 'I lie |i;iiii'iii '-. 11 Hill 1 1 Hill jii ihr I'liil III till- ii|ii>riiliiiii ua.> u I. Un iIh- | |i|i llir \\ iihil icai'lioh. whii-li liiiil lirrli ihumI ivc tii-lori- I In- oiirrnl mii, \\hh now |ni-.iiJM', 'llic aliiloiiiiiial w...iinl iliil iiiit I'liisi- Naii'larliii ilv liir Miliif I IIIH-, ami III- iiiily Icll nri Sr|iiriiilpi-i In. , nj. min wa-. rrailiiiiitril on Si-|iii-iiiliii IH III till- >iiiiii' vcar Im |nTJ"xiili» iil iIk linnii. ||i< win i.ailimllril on .laniiaiv ;i. I'.tii:i. loi alxloininal |iain, uliirli hail nmir on allti a »li|i wliin lir wa^ timvinii .1 «jii-k ot coiils. 'I'liis w.i-; vriv "i-M'if. anil \va> inolialily tin- ii-»iill of rii|iliiii' o| f,oiiii' uilln 'loin. Nr\l .Mill lie raiiif iiiiilii oli^i rvat Ion avMiri liir alisrc*.* of the linnii. ulinli i-loM'il iiniln I iraliniiil . Tin- |iiis ronlainnl l,v|ilioiil liarilll. anil I lir Ihiiii- was lialril l>il( liol lirriioi-il. F may iiicnlioii Jitrc. hs ii cuiiuiis aildition to iIiIn lii>ted jiis •\vomid for liiiii. eaiijilit typhoid aliotit Aiigii.--f. 1!MU, and died soon after admission to flic ho>pital as a reMdt of the severity of the attaeU. JtiJIiKHct of l'irf.,iiili»ii of Tiiiihoid VIcnon thr Tini/itrulHrf. The eliarf (Fi^'. JS) illii>trafes the rapid fall to !Mi H . rehound to inj h on eveniiif^ 01 operation; then a jjradiial rt-turn to the previous run of temperatures until, on the seventii (hvy after tlie perforation, the records were mueli the same as (ufore it. This patient luul a second relapse in January and a third in Kehruarv of tlic following year. l)ul recovered. In hotli instances the ulcers were single and of a ; •••iched- out eiiaracter. with surrounding healthy tissue, am. did not suggest that they result<'d from the spread ,)f the necrotic process seen in the Peycr's patch of an ordinary typhoid j)atiiiit There may ))c more than one j»erf oration, but as a rule (ill »H )ier cent.) it is solitary and small. The incision should therefore be made near the middle line, rather than over the iliac fo>>a. Messieurs Dujarier and Matthiiw' state that it is found in the last 00 centimetres of the lower end of the ileum in !t:{-5l per cent., ai;l it is almost always on the free border of the gut. Another perforation may sometimofs be found co-existing ' I.e Journal Mi-ilicul /'/■(/« r-xa, Octoljcr, 11112, p. IL'I!. f) ^ I l'Kltl'< i; ATinN (>K 11 (M5S. DhJKsTIVi: Tl!.\.r !>:{ willi till' (Hie ill the ili'iiiii. mill tlii» 111, IV lif ill any |>iut i>l llio ili^C'livi' tiiicl IhIuw till- t' >liiKk \va^ imi csn -i^jvc in tillur patit-i 1 \\\u)M- i-asc )ui^ Im-ou iclalcd Tlie mtf i>f .In- piil-r in .he liiNt CUM' wa-i iiicrra-t'd in fri(|iifii( v I'rom (is to n», forty- \i\v mimilcs aftir the |icrf(.riifitiii. ami to l<)| tliicc Iiouin aftiTwanU. Ill the ^rcond it \:n- iiioic con-tapt at ultoiit '.t.'f for from two to ten hour- after the on-ci of ac ilr Nym|it(iiii-. Ill iiriihcr instance was there any hi-tory of -hivering, wliieli is yiii|>t<)ni in at ica-t :.'!> per ( cut . of his cases. The dia^jiiosisof tln'se |teiforations in tiic course of enteric fever is not always .asiiy made. Patients siilTer- ing from this dixase frc(|ucntly complain of alu'ominal |iain. This has occasionally been so severe that an explora- ,, , ,,., ,,. . ,. ,, , ' lii:.2s, llii' l.iuiicriituri'iittcr rril nation tory operation has l)ee,. ;i,„l i ii,,.,;itinii Un- Tviilmid |',.it..i,itini performed. l)ut without I'erloiMiioii .Iminyr plapso (t.ntli .la\ any lesion lieing f.mnd '"'-" I'"'- "'''■'"''"•'• :> = '""'"• to account for the synvptom. The signs on which chief reliance should lie placed in making a diagnosis are local pain and tenderness, with rigidity and fixation of the abdominal muscles and disappearance of tlie liver duhiess. If there is a (h)ubt about the presence of a perforation it might l)e well to jjcrcuss the hepatic r<'gicn on each examination. A gradual diminution in the liver dulncss woulil bo very significant. In one of our patients the latter sign was not evident five and three-rpiarter hours after the perforation had occurred, and you must not wait for it. A sudden drop in the temperature in the absence of lo.:iu ii.iii. |.. ISO.) UccciubtT 4. (<'asi IS4 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN I f-' liaMn.nrlmg.- is suspicious, but there inav be n., ehan.'e in tins respcet for some time. ° J{arely peritonitis develops (luriiijr tl.e prc.gress of (vpiioid tever au.l no evidence of perforation lias been found 'whilst in some instances this inflammation has evidentiv i)reee(h.d tiie symptoms of perforation, for which an oj.crati.m has beeji undcrtaki-n. 1 do not think there is now any real diifereiice of (...inion amongst surgeons regarding the necessitv for operation in eases of perforatK.n occurring in tin- course of tvphoid fever it IS hard to believe that there is any amongst pJnsicians of the present day. The fact that exi)l,.rati.,n Inis n.'.t ivvealed H IK'rforation m every instance in which the ab(h)men has l,een explore.1 is not against expioiation ; a fatal cixhiig is assured in practically every case if a perforation is not treated by operat i(m As a rule the incision should be made throug'h the ri.rht rectus muscle or to its side. Suture of the perforation should always be carried out if possible: this undoubtedlv gives the best results when the bowel will hoM .sutures without producing too much eoiistrictioji of its lumen. A Fn.nch surgeon. Duval, speaks rather higbly of the ormation of an enterostomy done by bringing the pcVforatiou t<. the skill, and in 22 collected cases gives ](» cures to li> deaths a l>' „er cent.). ' Examination of his statistics shows that the improvement continues as regards results of operation for tvi.hoid perfora- tion, and the mortality diminishes yearly. Taking five -yearly periods :— 1SS4— 1S8!», tu(ly of cases ..pcnilfd on w». |,,nn tliaf rccovciv m.iy follow— (1) 111 s|)iti' of tlu" (lc>j»cral(' coiulitioii of tlic paliciit ; (■2) liisjutfof tlu'supiTvciifionof coiiiplicatiousiK'C'.'ssitatiiig otiicr uiKTative assisfaiKc ; (3) 111 spite of one or more relapst's of the fever. Openition, to l)e siiceosfiii. must I.e early. Vou must not wait too long for recovery from collaiise. .Xriii-tn^iig siy.> that in ten operations performed .luring the liist twelve hoius tliere Mere four recoveries ; hut that in ten done during the >ecoiid twelve hours success was only once obtained. All thox. died which were opi-rated on twenty-tour hours or more after the onset. Ashurst states that two (mt of :!1 ca>es recoveiv,! in the third twelve hours, and IS (mt of .jr. when more than thirt v-ix hours had passed. A curious clinical observation has been recorded by Dr. h.yiiton.' who discovered much fluid in the pcritoneuni of a typhoid patient in the early stages (.f the disea>e. 'I'lif at lack was aciiir. uiul Wi.lars reaction lia.l imovc.1 ii.'.Miivc Au .,|HTatM.n was i.cilorincd. as ir was th.iuKht il nii..|,l l,c a .'.sc of ac.ile pc.toiali.m of the ap].ci,dis. (In opcniiiu- llic alMlonicii no (liscas(! (,t tlie aj.i.ciidix or pciforal ion of the liowcl was loiin.l. Tli,, wliolc ol the iKMitoncuni appeared to lie n.ucli con-esled. no Ivnijil. was pivsent. I.ul a consideial.le .|uantilv of alniot clear tinid e>ea|ied t hroiiKli t lie nicisiou. The wound was dosed, and t he jmI i. nl iv,-o vered alter a typical attack of t yidi.ud lever. The h„r,lh,s t,/,.l,„.s„s wa> I al ill the tliiid. This iinding of u large (puntity of lluid in the peritoneum of a typhoid patient is very unusual, but its possible occurrence is a thing to be i membered. as a somewhat similar condition was found in a patient subjected to an operation for tviihoid perforation by .Mr. Oordon Watson. .V female a-cd II— the tweiily-sJMh dav of lli,. .Uhmm.. dp,. ration about an hour alter the lirsl symptom. I»ulne>s in Hanks when liiM examined, and • tiie al.doinen al.soluiely full of fluid ■ when opened Hcer IS indies from the valve: cl..>ed with sulure. IVriloiieuni everywhere injected, but (iiiile j;hissy. ' Tiuii.-actioiis uf the Jlodical sorittv. LouJoii. I im I.S(i THK A( ITH AI'.DOMKX It is evidfiit tliiit (liis cfTusioii liad ))ccm present before tlio sij^Mis of |.erforatioi) were iiiaiiifesled. The seplie fluid from the Ixmi'l Mould therefore l)e eoiisideraMy diluted direct Iv it entered the jH-ritoiieuiu. TiiiKiiciLufs I'lckr OV THK S.M.U.I, InTKSTINK, 1'iie occasional perforation of a solitary tuhercnious ulcer of the small intestine i> sometimes encountered in an operation for peritonitis, the nature of the idceration heinjr pn.ved by microscopical examination after removal hy t"\cisi„n. j'n some of the cases there is no liistory preceding tlu- perforative symptoms, and nothing can be found at the operation pointing to the causation of the disease. Cruise' gives an account of thirteen instances of intestinal perforation fomid in 47,-> necropsies on patients who had died from chronic pulmonary tuberculosis. Ten of these were complete, into the general peritoneal cavity, and in tlie majority the symptom" were characteristic, commencing with suchlen violent pain and shock. The shock may be (j[uickly fatal, or an acute peritonitis mav develop. Cruise says that in live the symptoms were most indefinite, two having absolutely no abdominal symptoms; ho came to the conclusion that jK-rforation of the intestines occurs most commonly in chronic tuberculosis in from 1 to 5 per cent, of the cases. It is never possible to diagnose with certainty a partial perforation, and the existence of a local ab>cess due' to ])erforation can only be diagnosed when the mass can l)e felt. In any case, when the symptoms and history point to a l)erforative peritonitis, special attention should" be given to the ileo-cjecal region, for here we find not only the perforation in cases of latent typhoid, but also in tuberculosis. If the perforation is not found close to the cariiin. follow the small intestine upwards, and go slowly, lookinu for any change from the normal and for the presence of fluid, which may be seen flowing from the direction of the opening. If nothing is found in the small intestine, examine the sigmoid. Professor Lejars ' mentions a case in wliich he closed a flstula remaining from an enterostomy for acute obstruction, ' Ami'r'icni hi)irii(il 11/ the Mid. Sir., lull. - •• rrirrnt SuiLjiTy.'' p. .M I. THRFOFiATTOX OF ILCFHS DKJFSTIVK TI!A(T ls7 iiiul two (lavs afliTWiuds llif imtirnl died tiom aciilc jx'iitoiiitis (hic lo jK'itdratioii of a solilaiy IiiIktcuIoii^ i)la(|ii(" low down in the.' sii;iii(>i(l. It is ill tlii> rcj^ioii liiaf pcitmatioiis of iiilotinal (livorticula aro found. Mr. Liom-1 Noibmy showed a paliciit hotore the Clinical Section of llic Hoya.i Society of .Medicine' for w|„,in |„. |,,.,(i operated for perforated tiiberciiloii> ulcer of the small intestine, and 1 am indebted to him for the accompaiu in.' illu-ti-itioii (Fig. 2U). •il :!!l, wild j;avc a lii>tc>rv of dccasional m.'K^Ht . •-'!». IVrf(iratiMMot'l'iilMTouIuu> I' ^iiiall liitfstinr. l'r,,l„. j.!;,,,.,! i,, tli Mr. Niiibuivs rasi'. i>lii'miii.'. Till! iiatifiif was a iiuiii attacks of f])ioastii(r jiaiu. He was admitted light liouf.s lifter tlas onset of an acute abdo- iiiiiial jiaiii, cliiefly fell in the lower alidoiiieii, wliieh doiilded liim ii|i ; lie vomited later. On examination, after ad- mission to St. Thonias's Hospital, there was tenderness and lifjidity of aba<)meii, chietly in the lower lialf. Tem- perature, loo ; pulse, JiMi; respirations, 2n. AhdoiiK'ii otherwise normal. Ojieration nine hours after onset of syiniitoms. There was a small amount of free (lui.l and lymph m the abdominal cavity, but no free gas. The aj.pendix and stomach were normal. A hard sw.dliiig was found which iiivolv.d th<- i*inall intestine 2 feet from the caeiiiii ; this n.urowcd the lumen of the bowel considerably, and there was a small perforation in the wall of the bowel in this situation. Four inches of tii,. il,.,iiii with the ulcer were resected, and an end-to-end anastomosis p.'rformed. Dry spoii"- iiig ()f the pelvis and closur<> of the wound without drainage. The patient recovered without any adverse symptoms. MicroscoiHcal examination proved the ulcer to be tuberculous, but no other <'videnco of intra-abdominal tubercle could be found at the time of operation. The state of the parts around an uleer such as this does not permit of the simple ajipiieatioii of sutures ; it is necessary to excise and then perform anastoinosis. in order to o1)tain the best result. The surgeon will, however, be guided by the ! Sr Vcii. IV., I'.iii, N,,. ;i, p. .lo. I8.S TUF: ACl'TK AliDO.MKX iHiH local coiKlit..,!. and ^MMirnil >tatc ..f tl.c palicnt ; I,,- miirl.t fn:.! i( iM.|,„ssi1,l,. 1,, inn ha- hvvn •I'jnvii t.. th,. f,.nnati(.n ,.f divciticula ni..sllv in the sigmoid «<'l"ii. 'Iluw. du,.rti,.„la. aiv '.,i varying si/,, and and <• lang.'s wJMcl, taUc plan- in (linn an- ri-sp,,nsil,|,. f,,,. s„nu. „{ tlic cases (,f the a.utr al.donicn Avliicli rccjuirc surgical trcat- mnit. Tl.c larger nuni])er of ti.ein ar.- in stout males over .'SO years „f age. .Dr. Telling Mritten a vcrv full account <.f 1 us disease, for wliuli the profession is much indel.ted to him ilc points out that as th.' diverticulum inereases in sm it bec(mies atrophied, until there is frecpientlv onlv a lavcr of peritoneum hetMccn perhaps a hard dried lump of fa-cal luatter or a foreign body and the gen-ral peritoneal cavitv. Jt will he readily understoo.l. thercfoie. that such patientsVill be lial)le to chrome inflammation with thickening and other chaiK^es to which the ajipendi.x vermiformis is liable, there being a^verv close resemblanc,> between one of juniches. placed as i'( frequently is in an a])pendi.v epiploiea. and tiie appeiuliv Jt IS also evident that the n-sult of anything like a perforation into the general peritoneal cavity will be a, vcrv serious thing tor the patient. .\,.thing but early operation will be of avail to prevent a rapidly fatal ending, these perforations taking l)laceat a time of life when the- power of resistanc- is not always at its best. An abstract from a paper published bv .Mr. (iordon Jaylor will illustrate the clinieal cl-.aracter of such a case and iiuIk ate the treatment wliich it demands. ^al]v 111 tlu- inoinin- w-.s su.ld,-nly s.-iz.-.l witli v.-.v s.-v.-ic- i.aia in ho abdonu-n while takin, his .ai.l-day la.-al. lie h.vai.u- .^.Z . U .^ lla,.s...l, and n-Muin-d h.-ip to rou.-li his bodroo.n. Ahnost im-u.-diatWy attcr th.- onset ol tlu- ,,ain. whi.-h was a.-con.,,anied hv vomiting, a o the attack !..- pati.-nt was ly,„g on hi.s left side with his knee, drawn up on the abd.)nien. 'J'here w •.- "•ip-if fetulerno - „ . . jutit, «... ^uat luiuemcss uii prcs.surc over the ' /.iiiu;/. V.a\, V,.l, I.. [,. vj:,. PEHFOF?.\T[nx OF ULCERS. DlfJKSTIVT- TIJACT IsO Mt iliac fossil. iiikI in,,-., mink,;] nitniMous li\ |mi.,.m li.>i,i Wiis present 111 tills n.-l„ll ; tlir IVs, „|' 111,. l„.||v „Mll «M. s„|,. Th.. liv,.,- ,||,l„ was luMiiK.I. iiii.l tii..i,. was no cvicicii-',- ol In,. ||i,j,l ju tl,,. „lMl,,Miin,i| cavity : tlic tciiiiiciatmc was sul.n,,rnial and tli,. puis,. u;,s |,mi Th,. symptoms stroiif^ly siim^.s,,.,! a|.p,.n,|i,.iiis an-l lli,. possil,iliiv ol , l,.).- skUmI appi'iulix was (.,.iisi,l, 'l"lici(. Is gcii(.iall_v u liistofv of pain (.(.mmi.nciii^' ,.n tli,. i,.f( sick- (.f tlic al)il,)iii,.ri. and as i,i,.si ,,f tli,. i„,ii,|i,., ,|,.v,.|,,|, in tin. M^iii,)i(l this is lo Ik. ,.\|)(.(l(.(l, ami tlial iv-ion. in a ,l,>iiliitii| ca-^c. shoiil,! In. cxamitK.,! lirsi. i„ th,. paper fn.iii which th,. iihovc cas,. is tak,.ii aiiDtluT is ,i,.s,.rilH-,l. in wl,i,.h \Ur piMiili Ma-i sittiati'd in the ascrndinii cdlon. •I'll., patient, a man ,.f 7(1, ,li,l not n,.i ni,.,lieal a,lvi,',. until a w,.,.k lia,l passe,!, and at that time his eomlition was ,l,.sp,.,..,i,. i,-,,,,, ,ii|Vus„ pt.ritoiiitis. When coiisidffinfr tlic l,H.alis(.(| snppmations \\-hi,|i aiv in(.t with ill the abdomen we ivfeiivd to tliese (hveitieiila : pirsciice piohably e.vpiains many conditions which wei'o formerly obscure. The cases of successful opera.ti,.n f,.r this perforation are not very numeroiis. but. with th,. improvement which has taken place in r-ir rt.coauition of th,. causes and troalment of peritonitis, the list Mill (hiubticss increase, as oarly operation becomes recognised by the prof,ssi,)n at largo as the only satisfactory treatmeru. I'ki{1()h.\ti()\ ()|- STi;ii( orai, ri.( krs. As recently as JS'Ki the lat<- .Mr. (irieu Smith wrote aliout stercoral ulcer: " .\lthou<:h no sp,.cial (K-crijition of this disease lias, so far as th,. writer knows, been written, and although it is iu)t of frcjuent occin'r,.|ice nor of import- ance, yet its und,)id)te(l existence and i(.al oiavitv may justify its being clat<)n. in ii pii|K'r on " hTicolitis Sinistra."' gives instances in which iHceration .leveloped in a (liverticiihini of tiie c()h>n. and jiroduced suppuration around. Tliese ulcerations were not. however, hlce the varietv which is under eoiisideratioii here, but come unch'r tiie heading of " Abscess Secondarv to Diverticula of the Large Howel."" Stercoral ulcers l)ehave much in the same way as ulcers in other parts of the digestive tract ; they may perforate siiddeidy and produce general peritonitis, or extend gradually and give rise to a locali.sed intraperitoneal al)scess. When it is recog- nise 1 that they are usually secondary to a condition wliich of itself is seriously threatening the patient "s life, it will la- ap|)reciated why they prove so fatal. The patient, who is most frecpicntly sutVering from chronic intestinal obstruction, caused ))v carcinoma of the large intestine low down, appears to have his last chance of recovery taken away if a stercoral ulcer, perforating suchK-nly, floods the peritoneum with the very septic contends of the bowel al)ove the obstruction. In a patient already weakened and distres.sed by the ol)st ruction, this additional attack ;s usually more than can be successfully combated, and ]> jves fatal in a few hours. la May, 1912, I saw a youiij; ami stroii^i-Iookinj; man with Dr. A. K. (iodfrcy, of Fiiirhley, for a swclliiij; of tlic liver wliicli we considcrod to be secondary to a farciuoiiia of tlie larfjo l)owol. wliidi was prodiiciuj.' few sytnptoms beyond eonstipation. We advised the ])atient to liave notliin;.; done in the way of operation nnlcss more nrjieut syini)toms deveioj)ed. A day or two later another medical man was called in by .1 relative. He gave the patient a small white powder (.' calomel), anil within fonr hours after takinjr this a;nite peritonitis with crdlapse develojied suddenly j.nd death occurred within twenty-four hours. I have no doubt that a latent .stercoral ulcer had burst "pndiably as the result of a violent purgative. When any one the subject of chronic intestinal obstruction of a mechanical kind complains of sudden increase in abdominal pain and has a rise of temperature, not necessarily a \-ery high one, the possibility of the giving way of a stercoral idcer must be remembered. This possibility is increased if there is. in addition, an excessive sensitiveness to palpation. ])reviously absent, but perforation may give no immediate sign of it's ooourreiice. as in the following instance : — 11' I'KHFOHATroX OK ILCKltS, DKIKSTIVH TIJ.\(T I'M Siiini- yt.-ars nj;i> I Wiis ;isky llif late Mr. ('. Miuiimii L.wis. iIicti of Sti'viiiiig. to iM'c n lady with liiin. «lio liail cairinoiiia ol ilic nciiiiii. She was over 80 ycaix ol a^'f. aiitl liail only sent lov lijiii ili^ii inoiiiiiiii hrcauHC her liowi-ls had not acted for a week, lie evainiiied I he alido- iiien. found it niiieh distended and tyiniianitie. \vliil>t I he rectum was C'onii>lelely liloeked liy ii eaicinomalous giciwlh. When we saw her tojielhef a fiw lionis later she was Mincli ihc same, lull wilhoiil anv vomiting. ll Hooded with black lii|uid fu'cal matlei', which was >tlll escaping freely from two ragged openings in the immensely distended Kii.'iuoid tlexure. These openings (with thin and irregular ('dues) were s. lated i>n<( aliove (he other in the anterior part of the hovel, wlijch passed down hehind the middle line of the ahdomen. Pints nt llii> olfen- Kive tiuid came away hefori' it was possible to secure the sigmoid lle\ure to the ahdominal wall. The peritoneum was (•lean>ed as well as l),)ssil>le. hut the iialieni ilid not lally from the operation. Jii fills case It Is |)(i.»il)lc that tlic howcl had oivcii uav In the iiioriiiiio, mIicii llic paliciit sent tor licr iiicdlcal adviser. V[) to tliat time she liad for sonif days ooiio on. takinj^ dosu aftrr ilosc of iiu'dicinc witlioiif relief, whilst the iiunicnsi- acetimulation of fu'cal matter h])ovi' the constrietion had caused iwcessive streleliiiig and l..;al injury to tlie bowel, wliieli liad ended in aeute haeteiial necrosis. Tlic necessary removal from tlic ))cd to the operating table may have ojven risi' to a further escape and difl'usion in flic peritoneum. Treatment <,i this most unfortunate complication should be directed to the cleansing of the peritoneum, the insertion of a I'auPs tube in the opening from which the fa'cal matter is escaiiing. and the siitining of the damaged bowel to the |)art of the abdominal wall most I'asily reached. Strain on the Mall of the bowel, usually softened and easily torn, must be avoided. By this means the opening will serve as a colostomy opening and the obstruction lie relieved. The dillicidtv in cleansing sai.siactorily the foukd iRriloncnm will render the jirospect of recovery iloiibtful. Yet success may occasionally be obtained. • In March 27, 1901, 1 saw a patient in consultation with lir. S. Fauleoner Wright, of He was 71 years of ai;e. and stated that he liad always been healthy until the 21>t of that month, when for the first time ho exporieiiced abdominal pain. Tliis was accompanied bv vohiitiiig ;uiu cunsti[)ation. :-rim'c that liin.- the pain luid couliiuied '& II i. ]<.)-2 TTIK .\( ITK ARDOMKX witli o(c;i,i..iiiil vomiting', .'mil tin' l.i.wcls liad not actt'd. '111.. abdiimcii was imich distomlfd and tyiii|(aiiitic. ilin noli- ariiuiid tlio ;iiiiliiliciM lii'iiif; lii;;li pitched. 'I'licn' wiii im diiiiiiiiitidii of tin- liver diiliiesH. and nil evidence of free fluid in ilio peiitonenni. The tenderneMH was not extienie. hut lie winced when touched. lli< ;;eiieial condition was fair, and the feinperatiire was normal. An incision was made in the middle line IhIovv the umliiliciis. cud when the iicritonenm was o|iened flee j;as escajied. and fluid fa'i'al matter was seen coveiin;; tlie intestine in the rci.'ion of the cieciim and extendiiiu into the jielvis. This had come, ami was still escajiini,'. from a steri'oral uh'cr on the anterior surface of the distcTuled ea-ciim. wliiili had recently jriveii way. It was hnjje enouLdi to admit the litth' linger, and its outline was somewhat inej,nil;rr, with a tiiiniicd ed«o. Into this a Paul'- tube wa- issed and senired! the ciecnin lieiiiK sutured to an incision in the rijrhi iliac rej;iou. After the liowcl and iieritoneum had been cleansed as thorou<;hly as possible, a l of tli(> old intestinal adhesions. The after history of the case is instructive, inasmuch as the obstruction often recurred, and a '• safefy-valvt^ " action permitted ot relief on each occasion. It was thotiglit at the time of operation that the obstruction was caused by a ring carcinoma of the sigmoid flexure, the growth of which is sometimes very slow ; anyway, the case is a most instructive and encour.Tging one. It may perhaps be possible to suture the perfoiatioi.s. and afterwards make an aititieial anus in a more favourable part of the large bowel. Perfoeatiox of Steri okal Uloeratidn associated with ObsirU' HON OF THE Larue IJowel. — A case was admitted on 1- I PKHFORATIOX OF TM KHS, DKiKSTIVK TH.\( T I'.'.-J March 18. 1913. .-jud surn-ssfully op.Tatrd oii l.y Mr. Stewart Ri)iu|ii('ttf. • i. <".. ii man of 01 . coin iilaiiicil of paiu on t li.' ni;lif .-id.' of i h.. al>d(>iiii'ti for ix weeks, luit threo d;iys liefoie it wor-e and lie wa^ doiilded up l.y it. He ind vomited .iinl was evidently siilTeiiiii.' fn.iri met ion. Tlio abdomen moved well on respiration ; was more or le-> t vtni.aiiitie on perciw:4ion ; rather tender in the ri^'ht lower halt, willi m.mi- riijidity of the rectus. Temperature, Utts ; piil-e. (,J. Notlilni; eunld !»• teit p«r rectum, and the howeU were not aetinu'. Mr. I! |iieite. .-, h,, iii.,de .in incision thro-sh the rij;hl rectus mti>ele, found Ire.' yas in the peritoneal cavity which had escaped tlii(>u,'h two openin-s in the anterior part of t'.c cir"um. The ca'ciini was iiiiieh di-ieuded. the opeuin^is small, with thin edires ; veiy little fa-cal matter had eseaped. The wall of the ea-cum around the openinus appe.ired iioitnal. The ojienings were clos"d with silk sir ures. The appeudiv was removed. A circinoma of the upper rectum was found, and a cidostomy performeil on the left side. The ii«ht incision iiermitted a diseliaiKi' with fa-eal odour for al.out seven days, luit theiiatient left on Ajiri' 21 ilia very fair c.uidition with the I'olostoiuy wound aelim,' (piite satisfaelorily. It appeared piobahht that the cajcum had ;;iven way during' remov d from bed to *heatre. " Stcrcoml iilci-r '" is one of tlio m<)>t scrii)iis coinpl'oatioiis of olfotiic iiitfstiiiiii ob>tnictioii. even wlicii the peritonitis pro- (li'ccd is puri'ly local in its (■Jia-actiT. If tiicic is an ilidctiiicd area of duliicss in tlic ca'cal region, -with tenderness and a sense of resistance, Avhilst rectal examination shows an a|)parent thickening on the right side of the pelvis, this coinphcation should be siispeeted. Fluctuation may be found if the case is seen at a later stage. Shoukl the patient be fat and ner\ous the diagnosis may be very difficult ; even with the assistance afforded by the adinniistration of an antestlieiic it may be hard to say that tliere is miicli wrong with the side really affected. There is notiiing like tiie definite indiu'ation wliich is found in a case of localised inflammation or suppuration secoiidaT-y to a disease of the ai)pendi.\ wliich it resembles closely in some other respects. It comes on in a person suffering from intestinal disturbance ; the pain is in the right iliac fossa., and i^ accom- panied by increased distension of the abilomen and a rise of temperature. Tenderness is more marked in tiie right iliac fossa tiian in other parts of the abdomen. Yet there are difference.s — a stercoral ulcer, giving rise to a localised extravasa- tion and abscess, is .specially met with in ekleriy fciualo who A.A. O i!t hi^ 9S! 194 Till-: A( ITK AHDiiMKX ii\\v ii liistiiry I'f cliriiiiic cim^tipatinri. rr('«>iitly nutn- obstinate, uikI associivtcti witli " wiml in tin- >t()niiuli." Tlii' r\>v of tfni|U'ratiiic is not j;nal. iind tl;c iina of tciuU rnf>s i not so easily loialiscil as in a|>|M'"i(li(itis. 'I'l'u' rollcition of tiniily localised, us it escapes readily, ami it may hi- tlie operator will Iind it up to or lieyond the midille line sl.onid lie make an exploratory median incision to lir-l out the exact siti- of the ol)>tr'(tion when there is a douiit. Whether he thus disco\ers it hy accident, or maUes direct or intentional incision into the abscess, aeounter Dpeninj;; and the insertion of a larjie drainage tube will p-ncrally be re(|uired. If the openin;.' in the ca'cum be found, a tube should be passed into this, si Miat the contents of the bowel, which rapidly come away, m:.y be con mixed with tiuid fa'cal matter, are < xtremely olTcnsivc. more so than most abdominal collections of ,i pvuident charactiT. aiulthat is >aying a great di'al. rndertlu st conditions the prognosis is bad ; thedischarge of large (piantities of fa'cal matter, with an increasing admixture of pus. causes much local irritation, and mayeiul in raj)idexliaus- tion. Should the inflammation sul)side and an artilicial anus form, it is not placed in a convenient position, and may lead to idl the disa('' antages of an opening on the right side — that is, if the ol)struction becomes complete. The ease under the care of Dr. Wright suggests the possibility of a more satis- factory course of events, thi' opening acting as a safety valve when retiuired by the temporary stop|)age beyond, and causing but little inconvenience in the intervals. Another danger in these pel f oral ions is the tracking u])wards of the pus and the formation of a large collection in the sub-hepatic or sub-phrenic regions ; a secoiul incision would be required for the better drainage of this extension, but exhaustioi\ from the discharge would not unlikely prove fatal. It will be evident that recovery from these collections will take some time, during wliieh the original cause of the trouble — probably a malignant growth — is increasing in size and becoming more difficult to treat radically. Tlie establishment of a short circuit between the small I'KHFOHATION oF rL( KHS l)|<;i:s||VK 11! \( T I',*.". Ix.Wfl anil tlif lariif Ixy I tlir ^In.llliv \v..ill.| he tlir III. il n|MT,llii.n, lillt il i- tinl nlli'ii thai till' M|.I|( ,|atr ..) tlir aln|..lllcll allnw, llii, to Im' iloli.'. Nc.ll railliMt <|n II al llir fir,) oprnUlnli when llic n>ll(|il i< >|i ul Ihr jiallrlil |, l.a<| ami llir ••otnplicalinn a very -fiinii> i.tic, |iiTlia|>~ <>t .niiMiliralilr ami ill ilrliiii'd .•Merit. Laid- ilir i, -nil nt a. |.rnlon;r(-l >.|.iif ili-rlijir).'c niakc^ il \(i\ niilik.|\ thai ih.. Mitiin'^ ni|iun(| wonlil holil .iftrr ihr j liim ha.; I.r.n i«'ur- Cliailiit and 'I'linnia— I ' >ay thai when the lir;ri' Im.wcI jiivc- t'foni vi.ftcninj; of it, < |, in ruv.., of .il)-ini(ii,,n. IIk- lll|lfllfc i- fuumi at the jnmllnli ..t the a-rrmlin;i colnli iuiil (NPcnni to the outer >i(le of ihe loii^ilnilinal han.l. The >eeon(| v.iiiety. or j.'aMt.'renoii^ pet t'oial ion i~ fonm! in ihe left portion of the eoion ; it i> generally -oliiaiy of -niall .-i/.e, with «aii^fenoM> eroded edjie-;. ' In/,. U,-H. ,1, II,,,- , lull. U J ti: I if \¥ I'AHT IV A«UTK (ONDrnoNS llWINO 'n'.KIH (UncJIN IN TIIK IK.M Al-K (JKNKKA'nVK OIMJANS S.M.i'iNtiiris. Tvo Sai,i'Iv\. K\ru vU tkkink Gkstation. SKV'KKAr- ooiiilitioii- ot flu- fiir iilc p'ncrativo nrjiaiis may be lightly t'onsidcrrii imdrr the licailiiii; ol tin- " iicufc iibdnincn " : '"he s|)rcail of mi iuftctinii tlinmuli tlvt- Kallnpiiin tub's, th«' iai»tur«' of a pvo-siiI])inx. the niviiifj way of the ^ac of an j'ct(.j)io jjcstatioii. m-croNis of a snbjHritoiu'al iitcriiu ibnitl or tho Uvistinj? of its pciliilc ; also aiciilciits attfiulmg the growth of an ovarian cyht . (1) Infiction throiiijh the 'riihi't. etc. -An aiutc, urRfnt, and occasionally fatal illness is sotnctini'-s |»roduccd by the spread of a t'onococcic intlamniation from below. The tubes not liavin;; been occludc(l by a pre-existing intlamniation. it is pos>i])le to see purulent tfuid coming from one or both of them \vhe:\ they are lifted for examination. TliJH wa- tin-' in a yoiiiiii iiiiiiricd woman si-cii with I>r. Fitz- gcrahi Ai'iitc :il)il<>iniiuil Hyiuiitiiiiis had coiiiiiiciu'ed tlirfo days iK'toie nd the iiiilHiii wiis very ill witli quick i>uls«?, aluloitiiiial piiu, iUid di> . usion. She liiid siitlVrcd lioiii a Viiimiiii discluirgc lor tlin-o weeks. At tlie oiMMulioii tliiMC was puiilk'nl petit oiiit is in tiie iielvis, witli aciiicly iiitlaned I\i1m's. The pelvis was .'leuiised aiitl a draiiiap^ tulie Jill III afterwards. Lioih tubes had to he re'iiovod, l>ut jsart of one ovai> was let. She made a satislaetory recov-ry. Tiie origin of I le disease and its nature wore easily proved. It th' svmptonis are severe and cause anxiety, in these ca.scH it is beticr to o|)crate, for, altiiough the intlammatory condition settles down in most, a chronic disease of the tubes will remain and re|>eated intlammatory attacks be the ruK-. There are many more lives eri|tpled ;in< iMiiioiiili.-. 111.' iii.wl ,i.ii\, ,,t the ..rL'aiiiMii> |»r.-. Ill IS III.' ^h) pliH'nrciii i,i/n,f>),i ., wliirli liml.. ( iifraiiiT lliriMiirli *..iii.' ..( >iii»ii.f III till' y.iMtal liii. I ..r |..i-m's .lir.'.'tly l>y way <>t llir |-'all(.|iia:i liil.o. thi' int. t'tioii JMiiiy ..Illy t.M. .'..111111. (Illy r..ii . in lli.' fir>t pla.'.' I.y lli.' ,iii. n.lant at Ih-' .'..iiliiiciii.'iit. It it tiip', a...'** t<> tli.' pi-Kix |,\ u^,v ,,t III.' Kall..|>ijm tiili.'s. a |i.iii(.iiili« ,,| .jr,,.! mi.ii'ity .|Uii kly .'.iiiiiii.'iiccs; 111. -kily till' Mat 111'.'.. t • cliilij-li.-l t.'\.'r " i> u'ciicraU'v r.'.'.tjjiii.fil. anil the pr.'caiiti.iiis now lak.n nm!.!' ilic .li>.';i«.'.' a I'.iiiipariitivtiy nir.' one. Tin- iiivasi.m ..f tin- -.y-t.iii I.y iji.' ,,,c.„'.'i m thi, .li„.a>.' i> usually inarkr.l hy an atta.k lii\ .lin;.', ..r a rii.;..!' ami rapid rise ..f tcmpcrat iir.'. with in. i.'aM' I piiis,-rat.'. Any .lis.'liarn.' may l».' pr.'x'iit i».'.'.mi. > ..JlVn^iv.' 'rii.n- i.'^ al»i!..niiiial pain in tli.' h\ p..;.'astrii' r.').'i.)n ..t \aryinv m-v.iiIv, Miin.tini.'s viiniitiiii: an. I usually'ii-iv.' .iiarili.i'a. 'r.'niU'rncss in the liyp.iL'astri.' r.'^'i.m sprca^U an.l is -oiii.'- tiin.s very acute. The altil.tni.n .li.sten.l.'il riy.>r.s rei'ur ; the temperature li.c.ini.s .it a pNainie Ivpe, iliere is pr.tfuse .sweating' and cinipl.t.''xia ; th.' .liarrli.ea is tniulile.s.iine ; deliriiiin is pre^'iit at niL'lit ; and .'X i.lenc.'s ..f secoiulary mischief in th.' luii^s. pleura ..r pcricanlium <.r ..tli.'r ii'iiintc parts (lev. -lop. and th.' patient .li.s .■.\liaii>tcd. J)ulh.-s iniiy I).' toiiiid ill the Hanks as a result .if th.- ...Ik ■ ti..n ..f tree tlui.l in th.' periioneal cavity i.r a e..n>id. rahl.' . \u.lati.m • the suhperitoiieal c.'llular tissue, espeeially if th.' iiillammati,.ii has s])read hy way of the lymphatics. The treatment should he in the lir>t place to .lisinfc. I the uterus and vajjina. to tak.' away remaining' dt'hii> of placenta anil decoiuposinji clots. t.» remov.' infect've flui.i which has a.cuiiiulated in the |)clvis. and po^sihly in th.' Hanks, an.l l.i |)i.>\ ide good pel\ic .Irainau'c. It is wi,se to In'gin the a. ininistration of anti>tre|itoeocci(' serum at once (tiie u^ual slock ■ polyvalent ' pr.'paration) and continue this treatment with a vaccine prepared from tluid i-cmovc.i from tlu' peritonenni at the o[)erati..n. In cases where the uterus has heen ruptured, jicrtoratcl, or is extensively infiltrated, it inay he a:is;sal)le to reniovi it. ins THE AClTK ABDOMEN ;h'i Thfsc cast's arc always m()>l serious, and rctiuiri' energetic treatment from the commencement. Tliey are not all of them of the fulminatinu variety. Init it is important that the milcU-r cases should he treatcil with decision. In pcrforminu the needful dressintrs after operation, ami in douching, etc., the attend oit should use sterilised ruhher jrloves. A careful watch must I).' kept for the dcvelopnu-nt of secon- darv ahscesscs. which should he evacuated as soon as they are found. If i)ossil>lc a local ana'^thetie should he used, or <.fa> ami o.wjztn : they nuist not he |)ermitted to attain any size. {■2) hiipliuc of a Pjio-sdl iiiii.v. The followinji ease will illus- Irate this accident. It is tlie account of a patient adniittel for acute ahiiominal symi)toms. It will he noted that there is a certain amoinit of similarity hetween tiie .-ymptoms caused hy a ruptured pyo-salpin.\ an;l those due to a ruptured ectopic L;c>tation. \VI1H II Ml' I I Ml 11 I 11' M l\\-l-|» liw>» n. ■ IL 11' 1 I'. ' ........ ^ acciHiiiI el iiiiliui'.-liii.i i>t inilftiiiiic ciiaiai-liT some years ajin. 'I'lii'ie hail Ix'cii iMotiiM' vaginal iliscliari:!' Im- siniii- iiioiillis, anil tlic iiiciistiual licriml was a tori iiii.'lit (ivrriiiii'. 'iiu'Vi' had ln'fu no aclion ot llif liiiW'ls tor two ilavs. Whiii -icn with l>r. II. Markciizic late in llic atleruoou I he patient was lyiiiii on hiT liark. looking vi ry ill anil ana'iii'c. anil sceiiieil coihiiistMl. iirow>y. anil aiialhelic. 'riiiTi- was a small riiv ular Hush on earh i-hi'i-k. 'riic skin was iliy. 'Ihe lopiiiit ions wire sonii-wiial iinickeneil (Jl). anil the imlse was Ijn. 'I'lie IrnilPi'ial nre was |U|-4 . .she i-oini>laineil (il pain II llie aliilonun. wh rh was founii to 1)1- niovinj: ipi'tc well in the nitpiT lialt. Imi was li>s niol'ile ihaii iisnal in the lower part. On palpation there wa- ininli coniiila'iil ot tinilei ness. es)ii'rially in the lett iliae nuion and li^'lit up lowanU the liver. Nolliinj; almonnal was tonnd : the ahdominal wall was i|nile withonl rigidity, and otVeied no lesistani-e to iia'i)alion. tin peii-iis>ion the note over the wliole ab- domen, inrlndin'.' tin- liv.M-. was normal. .\l .").;!(( abdominal exiiloialion was i-anifd out ; an ineision was hrsi made in I he epi';a.-~l i ii- lejrion. and ihe ^loniaih and iliiodennin ivamined. 'I'lie liand wa- then passed ilownwaids to the iliai' tos^.i and ajiliendix leuion and onwards lo the .w.lvi.. onr.iiis A liiniour was li'lt to the let! ol the uterus. 'I'liis wa.s A tumour was li'lt to the let! ol the uterus lid il was ihoUfilil ih.ii a rupture of tliis pelvie oryan reeoi;iused as a pyo-saiiiin\, a.. „ , would ariouul tor tlie condition. .\ .seionil incision was made in tlie DISKA.SKS (W FH.MAF.K (iFXERATIVK OHOANS ]W midtllt- line above tlio pul)<'s, and wlicu the ])eiitoneum wa^^ opeufl, tliiu. Moiuewliat viscid, odourlesx pus was found, exteiidini; Ironi llie pelvis into the tlMnks. The intestines were ])a('keil oti' willi strips of stetilist-d trauze, and tlie p,vo-sali)inx was icuioved after tlie ai)plication of three (No. 4) silk ligatures. 'I'liere was no inllainination of tlie peri- toneal ('<)at of tim intcslitie, and no lyiiipli was seen. The area of inteetioii was cleansed with moistened s])onjies. ami drainage was provided h.v a rubber tube and a strij) of jjauze. The ri>:ht ovary was somewhat fixed by adhesions, which were freed, but it a]>peared to be health.v. as did also the tube on tliat side. The tipper wound was sutured in layers by Mr. Hietsoe, the house siirjreon. whilst (he pelvic condition was beinj: treat eel. The pyosalpinx formed a tumour of tiie size of a hen's ej:f:, the walls of the Fallopian tube were much thickened, and there had b»>en aru])lTire not far from the ostium abdomiuale. wliiclj itself liad been closed by adhesion to the broad li>:ament. The ovary formed part of the inflammatory mass removeil. and could only be luf; was removed on the 24tii ; there was a small amount of clear dischaifie. The bowels had acted twice. The pulse was 70 and the temperature was normal. Pain was (piile relieved. She projiressed satisfactorily, and left hospital on Marcli 13. l'yo-sal()iitx is rccooiiiscd as .lie mo.^t important coinlition fziviiig rise to j)L'rit<)iiitis liaNing its origiii in the pelvis, rcpt'ati'd localised attacks bciii^ coininoii. As a source of ditluscsprcad- iii>I peritonitis it is k-ss t'n'(|iicnt. for tlic tliickciu'd tul)c docs not often ruj)turc as it dul m this case and alkiw tin- purulent contents to become ditTused. 'J'liere can be little douljt that the izonococcus is extensively spread l)y the rupture of a tube, aiul althouirh J)r. Dudj^eon' and Mr. Sargent coinduie that it possesses a slii;ht ])athogenicity when introduced into the j)eritoiieal cavity, it does proiiuce a peritonitis which may be ultimately tutal. \V(> must en(ha\our to ojieratc before peritonitis l)ec(nnes exteusive. The prognosis is thereby im- mensely imj)roved. and the duration and severity of the illness diminished. None of tliose who saw tlie extent to w liicli purulent dilTiisioii had taken ])lace .n this ])atient doubted that general peritonitis must have ensued bad operation i)een delayed. It was tiie aspect of severe illness, with the history, which induced Dr. H. Mackenzie to suggt'st the desirability of ex})loration. for local signs of the gravity of the attack were absent. There was no trace of protective- rigidity of muscle, whilst the tiiidcrness ' ■• The Hactoriology vl IVritdiitis." |i. .".;), i 2 result of a rui)ture of the remaining tube. A woman, .iiiod 20, was aibnitlod -)■ .auiiaiy 31. lOo.'J. Slic stated tliat she liad lieen quite well until tlie 2.">th. when she was taken ill with pains all over lier. Tlie .-.itaek jiasf-ed olT. but came on more seveiely at 4 a.m. on the 25tli, and was acooiiii)anied by s(>vei»- jiain in the vijilit hip which sjiread all over the alidonien. Cii admission the abdomen was distended, did not move well on resjiiiation, and the patient looked ill. 'J'he abdomen was not tender ; it was easy to examine, but uotliinjr abnoinial was detected on piiljjation. KNaminatiou jii-r rirlitm ^howed nothing unusual. 'J'he tempeiature was loofj , and the pulse was 1U4. On I'ebruary 3 she had an attack of abdominal i>ain with vomit im;, there being visible distension ot small intestine and jieiislalsis. 'I'lie bowels acted well just before the attack. Operation was advised because it was recognised that she had recurring attacks of obst ruction due to a mechanical condition, but she refused <'oiis(iit until J'ebruary C, when anotlier more severe attack of pain and vomiting induced her to think more seriously of her illness. Incision was made through the right rectus sheath and the muscle lemiiorarily displaced. On ojiening the ])eiitoneum a c<)il of small intestine was found to be distended and to iiass down into the pelvis, which seemed unusually full. At first it ajiiieared as if the uterus was very largo antl smooth-walled, but fuither examination .showed the swelling to consist of ' vo parts, a softer one to the right, and when the finger was passed inl' Oouglas's jiuuch a groove could be felt iiiaiking a division between them. The pelvis was isolated with sjionges and a large jiyo-salpinx. which rujituied during the ]>i(keen left behind — it was kinked from before backwards ; anotlier loop also adhered to this part, but was not ob>tiucied. 'J'liese were freed J)]SEASKS OF KKMALK GKNi:i; ri\ K (t|!C;\NS i'(.| and some oiiicntiil .idlicsiou.- were ii\si> sc|i;iialroii;:lass IKtucli. On llie tliiid day sonu; distension ol ihc ^loin.irli was luevcnl, and fliirt was followed liy a nioie or less j^eiieral iiieleoii>iii wliieli frradually siilisideil under approiiriale t realiiietil , alllioii;rli t lie jialienl was for a time Kciioiisly ill. The tube wa> removed nti ilic ^ivenlli dii\ allei ojieration. Slie lell the hospital on Mareh N. I'.io:!. On Oetolier 2o, l!Mi4. the i)atienl was readmitted with sym|.ioms ol dilVilse jieritonitis. Slie had enjoyed frood health ^ime leaMin; the hospital nntil thiee weeks hefore lier leliirn; ^he then had a iiien-i riial period, followed a week later l>y hiemoirhai;*' from the \ai,'iiia which lasted for three or foiu- days. This was followed hy aeiile pain on the rijiht side of tlie alxlomen which sjiread to the left .-,ide. This pain continued for a week, and then for the tliiee days inevioii>ly to her coining tip it increased coiisidciahly, anil was airain accompanied on the first and third days by Inemoi ' liaire. She had Mimiled lour time.> only and on tlie d.iy of admission. The ahdomen was sliixhliy di>l ended lint scarcely ii- -ed with respiialion. The letl rectus was ri;ri> wa> <-omi>lained ot all over the abdomen. The flanks wetc ie>oiiant. The j)ulse was li'ti. i,iid the tenij)eratuie 10i> . .\ tender swellinj; <-oiil(l be felt ]»:r i;iii'niiz<' of a thumb; its walls were iniicli thickeiu'd and disteiuhMl with i>us. The ovary con- tained a large! cyst in whieli was a bl I clot of the size of a taui;i'iin<' orange. 'J'he lower abdomen was washed out with >aline >oluiion. From ffie history of disturbed menstrual function it was thoiiuhl that the blood clot might repiesent the remains of an ovaiian ge>lalion, but careful examination in tin; clinical laboratoiy did not conliini this idea. m (3) Ectoiiic Gtnttition. — Aiiotlicr i)aft (it Ihisstilijcct 'i • of ectopic go.statioii and its niptiiic ii> a catix^ id the " aciitr abdunicu "' — introduces us to additinnal >yiii|»t()iiis ; those caused by the increasing accuinuia.ticue. it is not my intention to enter into a discussion of cxtra-titeiinc gestation, its varieties, diagnosis, modes of ending, etc., hut simply to introduce the .subject as it occurs in actual practice 202 TIFK ACUTK ABDOMKX as a siirsical fiiuTgi'iu-y, so that yim may be abli' to n-cogiiise and Huei'i'ssfull}' treat it. Of instances of the mililer type w lien tlie luiMnorrhajie is not excessive but recurs, tlie following recent case may be (|Uote>l : M. ('.. afied 32 ; seoii in cousdltatioii with I)r. I>iil),'»'r, November 7, 1013, and ' .ansferrcd lo ilic Inispital for oitcratiou. lU'V nicnslnia! ix'iioils hail Ixi'ii n-jriihir until th<' Ix'jiinning of St'ptcnilicr : hctwccn iha' ila'.c and 1 he niiddlc of OcIoIxt tlicrf had lu'cn no ))('riod. tin (»cIo1ht 14 a disidiaitfc cotuincnccd, which had piTsisIt'd, of thin Mood-sia ncd lliiid. 'riicrc had Ix'cn sh;;ht pelvic l)ain from time to lime for a month. A week hel'oie there had been an exaeerlialion of this p.iin. and atrain on Novemlier 4, the pain oausiuj; the patient to per>pire |irofii>ely. I'lie day before admission the pain came on ai;ain and at midnijrht was very inti-nse, lastinjr for throe hours. Tliis pain was in tlie pelvis and both irroins, and there was great tenderness of the lower abdomen. She became very faint and white-faced. l)r. Bulfrer, who had been caHi'd in. diagnosed e-topic gestatio:. with liiemorrliaire, and found an enlarged uterus with fulness in Jtouglas's pouch. 'I'hei'e was also dist(Mision of the abdomen with some tendei- noss in the lower ]>art. (In admission she was much the same, but iiad a temperatuie of ilS-4 and a puist! of 128. At the oi»eralion later in the day we fouiul scattered bh)od-clots over the omentum, and Donghis's poucli was jiarlly tilled with bhu'k coagu- lated blood. The left Fallopian tnlie was very congested and dilated, esj)ecially near the limbrialeil extremity. Here there had been a niptiu'e of till' tube and iin'morrhage was still jiroeeediiig. A piece of amnion was f(>uii(l in the romoved clot. The side wa.s normal. The tube and ovary were iemov<'d. The peritoneum was sutured with catgut, the sheath of tlie rectus with silk, and tlie skin with fishgut. Convalescence was interruiited by a troublesome attack of celluliti.s. Of the more severe cases of hivmorrhage I have selected one of rupture of a sac situated in the wall of the uterus in which symjitoms were very urgent and the state of the patient some- w!iat desperate. It is a rare position for the sac to occupy, but there is no means of ascertaining this before the abtlomcn is opened, and the indications for operation are the same as in examples of tlie much commoner rupture of a tubal gestation. A married woman, aged 35 years, was admitted -X- April 23, 1903. Her history was as follows : — .' ni\ W('tk> |Pirvii(ii>ly ; oin' >li(piil(l cnmo im iil"'iii ;v wci'k liflnrc ailiui>sii>n. >lif liitd alway.-. ^iiiVcicil Imhii liut'onhd m, Imi (lurintr tlic )>ust lew w<'ck< this had Im-iil woi-c I haii i vcr. Aliout a inoiith ])rcviiiii.sly >li(' li";.'aii li> >iilli i Imiii allai'k-- hr wa-. mialilr lo iclaiii. 'I'licit' was also soii'.f iiiilcliiiiic palii in llic aliiloincii. A Iciriiiiiilit ])ifvioiisly slit' altcuilcd I he oiil [lal ii'Ul ilf|iaii iiiiMil ami \\a- Ircaiicl liir ^asliilis. Till' ahiloiiiiiiai iii'.iu j^ol worse, and al J oClock mi ihrilay o! adtiiisvion ^hf had a vcvy seven' allaeU wiiicli doiililed hei u|> and later i-oiniil. lei y pio^t rated liei. She vomited seveial tinier and lieiaiiie very eold, |>ale. and collaii-ed. iiiuini: the atteiiioon ~lie tainted. >lie was liroiiuhl to tlie thirteen lioilis alter the on>el ol the severe jiaiii. (Ml admission >lie wa^ l>!i;iiflii-d. eiiiaeialed, and in a --lalf ol eullap-e. 'J'lie alidoiiieii was held rather iii.:dly. and \va- generally tender. es])ee'ally ill tlie lowei |iarl . in the leli iliac r.'L'ioii there was a rounded elastic swelliiiL'. and there apiieaied to he lliiid ill the lower |iait ot I he ahdoiiien. and to a le>^ e\leiil in the llaiiU-. 'I'lie |ilil>e was Il'o and leelile. the respirations I't;. •.iyhinL'. and the temporal lire was HT-' . .\t s p.m. a median inei^ion in the lower ahdomeii ahont 4 inches in leii;;! h wa> maile. and the ilaik eoloiir ol the hlood could he seen lielore the peritoneum Wa> ilici>ed. When Die alidoiiiinal cavil y wa- opened there was all im medial e ;ru>h ot hlood mi\ed wil h c'oi>. and I he hand Wa-! at once pa.^sed to the uterus and lulie^. 'riielell oiii-\\a~ eiilai'ired. and so was liroii.ulit to t he siiilaee. 'The en I a rue men I w a^ loimd. however, to he due to a liydro->a!piii\, >o the uleriis and iinht iiil.c were drawn up lor inspection. The toriner was iii|itured al ,i po:nt on tlie I'uiidtls to I he inner side ol I he jilace where I he i ii;lil t uhe joined ii . It was larj.'er than luninal ; the openiiii; was ahout I ', iiii-hi'> in leiiL;ih and p;a<'ed 1 1 an^ver.-ely. i'lom il iheie proiinded .1 llutVy ma-> ol delicalt' nior.s-hke tissue which tilled the oiHiiiii'.; and hiilj;ed oxer the edyes. I'his wa-t evidently placental tis>ii<'. I'loiii this place there was a constant oozini; ol lilood. 'I'lii^ t is>ue was removed wil ii a I'liiel t e and tlie cavil y from wliiili it I'aiiie scraped oiil . 'i'lie openinj; was 1 hen closed with a continnoiis ],eml>i'ri suiiire. This aiie>ied all hleedint;. 'I'lie left liihe wa> then removed. The inle-.tiiies aplieared pale, almost bloodless, and eontraeted. 'I'lie iieritoiieal cavity \\ . ■ carefully cleansed of dots and free hlood ''y saline irrigation ami }:eiiile sponi;'nu. alter wliich the alidomcn was cloM'd. I'our [liiits of saliii" inlusion weie injected into the left median hasilie \ein diiriiifr the operation with evident henelit. Thejiatieiit .--!owl\ lecovered. < tli 1 he thii d day she eomi>lained (d alidoininal distension and |iai:' in the epigastric n .^ioii due to acute dilatation of the stomach, loi wliicn the >loniacli luhe was em])loyet()rv lit the illiio,-. niid Ihc ;il)>cii(c ot clnttiiii; in the bloDil wliich had cscajM-d into the pcrilomiim. A Wdinaii, Jiged 31 years. w:i.s jMliiiiitrd ^Apijl U, km 4. Tlitif wa- LiKtoiy of iin'f,Milar peiiods, ami a wliili- (lix'liaiir"' "ii and otl' l>clwri>ri tli<- i(fiio(l<. hut Kcrifial noxl licallli inilil .\|«iil S. Sin- was llini si-izcd with iiiifiiial pain, wliicli was >.i l)ad lliai im I lie following; day xlic was <)l;lijr,.(l to go to 1)0(1 ; it, inipidvid. bill rccmrfd severely oi; the iL'th. It was must marked on tlie ri^'iii side, i unninj; up to tin iii;ht tireast, :iiid all'ected the rijrht lei: so that it was veiy |iaiiihil to move. This i)ain started witii the jieriod. which was a lortiiiKlit oveidiie. \Vhen tile diseharire ceased the pain went, liii' came oil ai,'aiii wiieii tile disehaij^e reliirnc'i Almost lailil iiiir. on admission slie appeared a pale, aiianiii' woman. The ahdonien, >liuhtly distended and teiidei-, was dillicult to examine salislaclorily, a> the patient held lierselt very riu'idly. There ajipeared, however, to he more diilness in tiie ri;'li't tiank than in the left, tjn vajiinal examination the iileiiis was normal, freely inoval)le, and a little ret rovcrleil ; iliere was no liilni'ss in Itoiiulas's i»oiich or abnormalily of tln^ iileriiie appenda;res. 'i'Ik; toiiiriie was furred, lint the howi'ls wi re aclinj;-. The piii>e was II:.' and the temiieiatnre WW f »ii the l.siii she was a^jiin -eized with ]iaili in the riKhi iliac rej;ion. The vaj;inal di^charjie lecomihenced, liein^' of a led colour. She felt very faint. The pain passed off dnriii}; the nif,'ht, and on the next mornini; her temperalure was ](l(i-2 , and i>ii the following evening lul". The history, character, and diiralioii of tin; l)ain, with the rise of temperalure, made il very pro!. able that the aiipemlix was diseased, whilst the account of the mensinial iiregulariiies induced Dr. W, W. H. 'J'ate to suyuesi the po.»ibiliiy of an extrauterine jrestalioii whii was leakiiii: into the peritoneum as a resiili of some rupture of the ^.ic. On the l'SII h the size and shape of a jiigeon's egg was attached to the left broad ligament. This was exci>ed, and iuo\ed to be an intra- liganienlous cyst with papillomatous growth iiisidi' it. The apiiendix was catarrhal, and siiiclured near its base. The right f'alloi ian tube was enl.'irged and thiekoiied ; the iistiiim abdomiuale admitted a little linger, and its niiicoiis membrane wa~ iiigo>c. 'i'he uterine end of the tube tor a distance of 1 inch was normal ; beyond this It was dilated, and contained a large clot which was attached to the uiiiie. and jiosierior jiart of the interior. No lutus was loiiiid. The right ovary wa> cystic, and contained a recent corjius liii(nm, besides several old ones. .V pedniicul.'ited cyst co,iir,i,iii,g l-.l,„id-t ained iiuid was attached to the right broad hga: • 't. The incisions in llie abdominal wall were closed DISKASKS OF F^lvMALK OKXKRATIVK ORGANS 2m.-, after tlie pelvis lia«l hvcn -poiit'*'"! uiul flusliod with warm «.iliii<« solution. A work iat*'!- siio coiiiplaiiioil o| ; ,iiti jn tlio left sido of tlu- |>clvis, ;iti.!i nuiinum about tiir'cweiiks after tho operation. She left hospital quite recovered on Juiic 4. This was. tlun, ,i case of tiil)al aWortioii. I lie i<»> of l)loo(l cominii from tlic o|u-ii luoiitli of the fulx-. whilst the uniisiial character of the jiaiii was cNpiaiiicd h\ tlic conilitioii of the appendix. Tlicrc was no sudden seizure, a^< in the ca,sf of the patient with intramural uestafion : hut the result wctujd have heen fatal tiltimaf ely. and 1 have ipioled it as a contrast to the former ( \ample. in all operations for haMiiorrlia<:e the uterine appendap's should at once he hroutdit out of the wouud ,ind • ■.xamiiied. \o .attempt to clear away hlood-clot must i)e perinitteiirirical aid until actiiallv dead. Kxamine hofli sido. toi' there may he a ru|»tured sac in ' ich tul)e. As a temporary measure it is advisahle to a|)p!y clamps to tiu' uterine end of the tuhc and to the hroad lie. simulates a similar condition with renewed ha'morrhauc. ■Some years iv^o 1 was called u))ou to ^'o into the country at night to see a lady with au aeuie abdominal illiu-ss. The history was that len days Lii'lore, when the period was a week overdue, she had had a .severe attack ol abdominal pain, with lainlness and sickness, from which she had gradually rallied. This had been regarded by her medical attendant as iirobably due to the rupture of an extrauterine gestation, but as she slowly imi>roved he did noi think that oj)erative interference was called for. On the morning befoie 1 saw her she had been again suddenly seized with a similar attack of abdominal pain, and bi^came c(,ilaiiseci. The conditi(m u[ continued when 1 arrived, and was extreme. The pulse was imi>erceptible, the temperature was subnormal, the ex- tremities were cold, and the ]iatient restless. On the following morning the condition was not improved, and, in fact, for four days she wan so ill that it was not thought worth while to take her temperature. A.s a result of careful tending she recovered, so that on the .seventh day after I had lirst seen her it was possible to open a large collection of pus which i:h 200 Tin-: ACITK AMDOMKA' liad been known (o he present iu the lower iilnloineii for the weok, fnul wliicli li:id not niiicli in(we;i>e(l iji size. There wiis no l;!ooenili\ was not tomid. it wat re;;:irihi-iis was (Especially sh)W m recovering, ami ]>iis could lie expicsscd Iroin this part when eveiv- where else the condition apjieaied t-al isfactory. In this re),'ion ailhesions formed li^twcen coils of small intestine, and I operated for acute intestinal obstructicin due to them later in the year. Still later in the s.Tine year an attack of appendicitis made it advisabh- to remove the appendix. .\ good recovery ensued. iMrOUTANT Cll.Wtir.S ( OMIM.K ATlMi Tl Mot KS of TIIK rrivKTS .\M> Tf-MoiHs or TIIK (>v.\ini;s. W'i' will consider in the fiisl place snme ot the complieatioiis aiisinii troiii eliaiige.s in ovariiin jifow tlis l)eeanse of tlieif ;.'feiiter previilenci' : (1) Torsion of j)e(licle causiiiji haMnorrlia|;e into the cyst, acute inflaniination, suppuration, or gangrene of a cyst. (2) Rupture of the cyst, due to intracj'stic pressure, softening of tile wall, or injury. (1) In torsion of tlie pedicle the tumour lu'coiues rotated to a varying extent, and according to the anunnit of obstruction to the blood supply of the cyst will l)e the urgeacy of the synipttJiiis. In all cases of sudden and complete torsion ■■ peritonism " i.s present ; sometimes thi' pain is so severe that the patient completely collapses. A carefid examination at this period of the illness will often show the j)reseiUH' of the tumour either in the pelvis or in the lower al)doim'n. or the patient may have heeu treated lor an al) lomiiial swelling which had caused little or no discomfoit. and therefore the (luestion. of opi'ration had bi'cn postponed, if it had been considered. If the case is complicated by abdominal distension, then it may be diilicult to lind the cause of the urgent symptoms, for the rounded outline of the tumour will l)e obscured or completely hidden. Kere there shotdd be no hesitation i»efore exploration is carried out and the state of affairs adjusted, and in the more acute the i>atient docs not object, for she is sutfering so much that she cannot h^ le the extent of her sufferings ; more- ovtr, the relatives can sei' how ill she is. DISEASES OF FEMALE OEXER \TTVE ORGANS 207 As thr- symptoms of "' p.Titoiiisin " pa>> (,(T tli.y arc npliur.l by tliosi' of (a) liaMnorrliiigc, (/>) prritoiiitis or (c)'nlistni(tinn. («) Patients have hi-m known to die ipiickly ai tlic n>iilt of intrapcritom'al Ini'morrliaj,'!', a> in th,. wvll-Unou n ca^' (icsoribiMl l)y the late Sir Spciicrr Wells. In t|,is ili,. ha^n'or- rhago hadbrcn pn-vimisjy into tlu-cy-t. w liidi iial l)nrst, ^i\inil)ly inter- mittent, the usual symptoms of lo,s of bio,. I w iiri,(.(.,,„ic evident, witii an increase of dulness in the lou.r al) lomen and Hanks. The clinical appearance after luemorrhatie from a. ev-t « hie!) has become more or less filled with blood as a result of toision of the pedicle resembles very much thiil prcM ni d idter a ruptured ectfipic gestation. The treatment i> >iriiil,ir ,'in>l thi> urgency as gnat. (It) The vomiting may continue .is the shock passes away, and the character of it change. I'ain continues, with <.'reat tender- ness in the lower abdomen. In addition there mav be disten- sion, with constipation and retention of llatus. It i> |H.>sible in tiiese cases that the obstruction is nal ,ind caused by the pressure of the tumour, which, owins: to a .shortened pedicle and in size, (an no longer accommodate itself to ordinary intestinal movements, 'i'liis i>, however, not s,, common as in those where the const ij)at ion is incoinplete, flatus is passed, the vonnting irregular, but rarel\- urgent. Here the symptoms may be those of localixd jieritoneal irritation with distension and a temperature. |>iilse. and general condition indicative of .septic j)oisoning from some intra-abdominal source. (f) When a supj)urating cvst rujttures, well-marit liiM (>omini'iuH-il which will tcrtninalc in uiin-jrciif. which no cflort itn the part of thi! patient iir im-^licui ati'inlant can !<»cali-<('. It is very ilin- lieart<'iiinj; to timi an aciife pi ritonitis in the late sta>,'e cau-t with twi-teil peilicle.wliicli in surnmniU'il by lyinpii and stinkin-^ piirulmt Uuid, wliere operation has been repeatedly postponed. The hi>fory ot attacks ..f a painful character in the lower ab lonien is uiven in a jiroportion ot the cases of cyst which ultiniati'ly show torsion of the peilicl(\ b>it such attacks are likely to be nii>interpr.'<"»il . I>'it f"r four yoars slic had coniplaiiird of ]>aiu in tin- lower al)doiiicii. c-iieiially oa llie left sidi-. wlicu walkiiis: and dioiiii; tlie ealainciiia, wliiili weri', howfvrr, i|iiit« rcj,'ular. fa .luly, I'.MXi, ^lic iiail au attack of diarrho-a. followiiic i>aiu of jrnater sevtMity tliaii usual, across liic lower alidoineii. Voriiitiaj; lasted for tlirce days and she was koiif in bed for a wwk. .Soinc swflliuK was S!< = ;1 to iiave Ix-ou present on tlie left side. Three weeks afterwards she lii another attack of pain and diarrhira and was kept in bed io ten weeks. On this occasion the pain was on the rijjht side, whiih was very tender. The temperature rost^ to 10l'2' and remaiiied there for nearly tlio whole of the time. .>j:r^imoujiB»jpg DISKASKS OK FK.MALK (iKNKM \TI\ K OKCWS J(.i. A Mippiirafiiiu inariaii cyst is not iiiiioiiiniouly fntind in cani's where the appendix is lenmve.l after lueahM-l >uppiini- tion. The spri-ici dt aii iipp.-iidix intlanmiutiun to a < yst may pru.luce adhesions to the siirmiindinn P'""ts <.. exten-ive as ti. reiiih'r its excision ipiite inipossililr This w.iH s.Tii ill ii [mil, 'lit I fitly m ui I.. ,.,.« tiy lir. Ki-ilorli. of St. All.iiiis. It WHS ii.T.'ssiii.v to iliiiiii th.' .yst. b.'CiiiiM' it^ lirtiily ahe soon leroveriMl and oa the lollowiiiK dav was apparently (piite well. We thoujilit that the syinploins iniv'ht have r.een oiodiiced hv niptiiro of a small ovarian <-y>t. .\ii exploration sjiowed that tins had been the eause of her symptoms ; a nij. lined ovaiiaii vvM the size of a largo egK wa» found on the Iclt .side and removed. When tlie patient has u hirui r cyst the syin|»t()ms of rupture may be more acute, whilst, on tlie other hand, in the ahsence of sepsis, it may be impo.ssiblf to su\ wlieii the u.dl of th<' cyst gives Avaj-. J. B.. a married woman, ajred 0(», was admitted under the care of IJr. Cuilingworth and transferred on April L'T, liH).'!. .she left May 17. For twelve months .-he lia-' with wlii.h ll i» iiiiiiiiiiiUMalf.l u,»^ vimhI >.II..w |4|I>. ami ih" wall WiW» liiii'il with ail.iK.iiiulin-oiiliiiliilit' ■.iinilaf ji'lly, '•ill n l«w "I ili''*'' wric rnlfili.'il. '111.' i-vsliiliiik WiW Jiol iiillii'irlii. 'I'lir U'litl iU"M-. innlciiul Wiv« (lilliiult to Wit-til away, iiml !■ H I li<' '•nilarr Kiinwii to lia\.' Iiail a tiiiiioiir llinr will |)roi»iil)ly lif ii cliaiip- in il> iiiitlinc ami iviiUiui-s «.t trir lluiil wliiili \\.ir pivvinii-ly waiiliiiL'. It 111'' n|Miii!m is coinpani- tivrly Miiall ami the liaUa;;f >I()W. mt.v littli' uiii.ii.y may Im- nIiow II at liist . a MiiiM \N hat rapid iiiciia>c in >i/.i' oi the alxloiutii l.ciiit; llif inn-l iviiltnt tliaii^ii'. To llii> \mII '"• aiMcil a dilli- iiilty in lyinical -i^ns nt a very laryc iy>(, fur the tluid, luiny: nl lii-li ^jxcilir liravily, i((inpn'»rs till- intcstints aiiain>t the >pini' ; i< -niiaiu'c i- tmind over lilt; colun on both >idts and diilnc» « iMwlicrf. K\(K.-i (IkmUmI >iiciT>-liilly iiiuliT adwiM' (•ii«-iiiii-lau..iiili.y, ol (olulMODk. i" m'." a putiriil w III him in a villaji.' not far lioiii l^i.nilini who rifu-f«l lo have hiT hoiiif ami ;,'«> to a lifi.>i>ilal. She \va>> a .silicic woman i»l ."Ki who hail iioliifil an alidomiual cularjifiiifiil lor mhiic inoul lis w liirli had ImTcaxil rallu riapiilly for a l.w wc.k>, >o that hr l-ari'tl ilif caMt* would iiavi; a fatal fudiiij,' if he coiilil not indiicr a siii>;foii lo i.'o and ii-lievt) luT. Alter talkinj: Ihi' taMj ov«r it was aiiaiiuvd thai w.> slK.uld iiicct at tlif liouso [iifiiarcd lo do ovariotomy it llic diajiiio^.is whidi . ,'['>■■ ■ 'm"*t- lirohahlr inovcd corii'i-t. Mr. Civrter IJraim;, the .■mimni alia-lliftist, kindly amtcd to airompaiiy inc. On arrival we found tlm i>aiitiil m tlm fioiil room of a row of i'otia;t<'s, the window of whirh ('aim' l>n(i'a, and eonsiderable iidema of hotli lower extremities wliieh extended on lo the alidomina! wall. 'I'lie >iiiroiimliu^'s were most un- favouialde for oi>ciation. liiere heinv' a limit eil Mi|i|>ly "' Hneii, ol soap, aud only a low tal.U' thai would hear her weifxhl. The only other person in the, house was a woman of the woikin;.' elass whose aeiliou whilst tho !— I^KHPIHW rUSKASKS OF KKMAf.K r.KXK|{.\TIVK OKCANS ^.n iruifiiiii WiM iiiatlr. Muiy |iiii(. ..i HiimI ».i.- i.,k,ii ««.»>. .m.l an ..Viuiull MlllH.III. on.' of III,. |,,,;;,| .X,!, ..I Hhlrli |,.„l |,||.lll|..|. W.IH irii.ovr.l llic Irll -Ml... Anolli.T an.l Mn.ill.i mull ilnnihir ui"wili w,iH ;.,iii„l m 111.' |...|m>. ...Hi. i.. il,.' ,,^1,1 ..,|,. ;,,.,| ,„„,,.,„., n^,„vt "I 111.' ul.iti., ; to fi...' till, |,.,|iiii..,l ||„. .,,,1 „| »l,,,i,i{ M'i,h..iv '11,0 iiit.'.iiii.' iiii.'.l tl.iii.n.'.l iiuMin-l ili.' [.ci,.,,..! wall ..I ih.' ,»I..|.,mi.'ii, an.l Ih.. .ilMliiiiiiiial w;ill in lioni „','ni. 1' x.i\ i|,i,k. ,.i, .j.-.n. .1 .i«a\ uiil, ^aiiz.' -wal'H ami tin; infi-i<.|. .'I. .„.,!. sh,- ii,,,,!.- a u I n.'i.v.i \ . |i| ^ '"■> »f"V" "'<"*t valiialiN' hvlp. an.l lln..iii.|, |,„ ,l,'v..ii..ii' |„ i|„. w*"" ' '•"' •••'''• wiilioiil any .■..nM.l.iali.iii .il hi, ,,wn ini.iv«i, (I,.. ' '•'■'• W'niin wa> |.i.'M'i\,..l, |,„ ,h.' ha.l nia.t.' ii|. lur iiiin.rihul '•he Wiiiilit tlii' al liDitii' : " 'llif an .vliiili i* I. it ill 111,' |Miii um in mi, li .a^c. 1,1, ly t.iU.' tliivc to tnlif \\t'ck> lii'l.iiv il I, ;il,^,,rlM'(|. a^ \\,i> -Iiu'.mi III a caM- wli.'iv tliciv w.iv lidiiial -h ~ in il,,. ji,,,,,-. h|,|,-|, liail hiiu (i\('i(li-^tciulc(l hcluic (i|!.iali(iii.' Occasionally tlic tvniaiiiin;.' tiiiiioiir cm he inaJi t.. trav.'l llolll side to >i«lc ill the tllii.l, it tin- pedicle i^ ,,t a.i.'.|iiafe Iciiutli. Ai^aiii, an iiileete.l ('\-t may ]„ com.' adiieivnt to th.' Ixmi'l and dischafne it> eoiitc nls into it. Jn tlii> way a patnnt may |iro;;re.-. uitli fair coinloii (or a loii-_' tiiiii'. c.\c..|,iiii._r tor • urasional inllaimnatoiy attack^ j,. i|h. ^■y.^ ;,,„i ,|„. incicaM' in size of the re-t o| tile tlllllolir. Tiieiv are two conditions allcciiim snlj|)eritoiical uterine fiiiroid which may i.'ive ri-e to an acute alKlomen, the lirst is the twistilli; of the |iedic!e, the second is acute liecro>i>. Jiotii are rare compared with the fre((iiency with wiiich the complica- tions of ovarian tiiiiioins ol.trude themselves on on,- notice. TuHsiuN 01 iiih l'i.i.ui.i. 01 A M i;i'|.i:ii.,m:\i. ;,i;K,ai. 01 imk I illll.s i:i;si;Miti.iN,i ,\,iii, .\|'|'i:m.|, 1 1 is,- .\ii iimnaiii.'.l woman. :i;.'('il 40, wa.s ailiiiil l.'d loi ■ aiiii.'iiili.itis '• on Ociobcr 3(1 ami l.'lt .NoM' ;;i. im.i. >o far as ihc iialii'iit kn.w, slii- ha.l aiwav. h.-.n w.-lj. wilh llic .'Vt'eji. lion ol liouhl.'soim' .'on>ti|ialion. iinlil (i.ioh.i L'li. .md her jh rioil, had liii'U normal. id.', Lui ea^cr. Later sfu Iraiis. Ml'I. I.Miid. 1' J 212 THE Afl'TK .\BDOMf:N i ill ilid ihiy ihcio wii.-; distiucl l.iiil.-nu'ss on the rij;lii sido. witli some (l..iiicii. iiiul an ill-tlcliucd swrlliiif.' to the lijriil ..1 Ihr uiidilU' liiif. 'I'hf Iciiiix-ialmv was liKid and \niU- 10«. Vafriiial fxaiiiiuatioii was lu'fjalivc. Shf was kcjil ill Ix'd. and llio distfii>i(>u (liiiiiiiishi'd so lliat a swclliiit: in tilt' ti«lil lowiT alidoiinu roiild lie dtliiicd. Its uiipcr boundary was iMund.'draiid iIk' wiiolc >w.-llinf,' tav.' tlic iiniiros*.:ioii that it waw tlie -izf ot an ostiidi viij: and arox' tiom tli.' ix'ivis, l)ut it was not possible to a-<'filaui wiifliur tbcr.- was an.v llurluation in it or not. As tho inlianiinalorv svnii>loiiis were (luiflmj; (b>wn, op.Matioii was i)oslpoiied until Nov.Mn'bfi" 7. 'I'be inci.Mon was made to the right ot tho middle line and the reel us di>plaeed outwards. The tumour was a sub- peritoneal libroid, firowiuj; Irom the iijihl posterior a.^"''-! of the fundus, the size of an oiailfre, the iiediele of wliieh was twisted. Tins wa^ ehimited and th<' libroid <'ut away. The left ovary was eystie, s<, this and the tube were removed with the uterus by supra-vafrinal amputation. The uterus preseiiL-d many libroids of difleront sizes in and about tlie body, but the one winch haed ; it had not been recently inflaincd. Recovery was uneveiUfnl. After the tumour was delinitely outlined on lessening of the intestinal distension, she said that she had noticed swelling there before the present attack. There had been no meiiorrhagia. Wlu'ii the rotation lias licfii inoiv gradual in its proszrcs.s we may iind adlu'fions to tlu' .surrouiiding parts. wlii
  • oroaniscd may proilticc obstruttion ot th(> li<>\vei>. In li)U3 Dr. l-'airhairn ' made a valuabk' oontribution to the study of oiu' of tlic varieties of necrotic change, the .so- called •■ necrobiosis "" in tibro-myomata of tiie uteru.s. Altliough this is well recognised amongst gyna'cologists it is not often met witli. nor does it necessarily demand inunediate operation. Still, tlu'fe are eases in w hicii urgent .symptoms commenc- in" with an attack of acute pain in thv lower abdomen. Tain was im'sent in Hi out ol -':'. eases which Dr. Fairbairn collected, and in all it was the reason for the ])atients seeUing advice. The following is a good example of the more acute process : — A married woman, who was four and a lialf months pregnant, was admitted in I'Ju:!. Five days before >lie had been suddtnly sei -.-d with an attack of violent pain in the low.r abdomen, and the , ,iin and vomiting continued when she came m. For four days a swelling had ' Journal of Ohst,trict,iH tuiiidiirs lising from fli(> iiclvis. 'I'li<; it'.i ami piil>(' I 18. At the ojtcraiion a iK'cidiic lilnoiil wa- li'iiiovfil fvoiu tlir aiiti-iioi- and ri;;lit asjuM't of tlic iitciiis. I'l],. atlucluutut of lliis niiin.iir lo llic iitcnis was family scparatcil wiifi tli.- liugi'i-, hut it wa- (lillicnlt id stop tlic IdiM'diiifr fioiii llio raw >iiifacr left, as the iissiii's wfic xiIi ami suluri-s easily pulled out. Pressure willi sjumnes >(iaked in Ijoi ^,•ll^le soliilion apiieared to answer iii iVeeiively. Tlie woimd v. a- elu-i il. and she recovered without . i, .n; .^. .,■.■. airiiou-li a low lemp.iai luv and quiek i)idse eotitiuiied for s- siie days. The altaehiiieiit of the I im t ki ili.- r -lus. wliieli wa- iMi>lied Ik the left, was ill tills iiistaiiiM • .■ y.sli'j.iil aiu it, wa>* not pii>sil)le to liriiii: flaps eoiiipletely ov<'r tlie ra. t •. > 11, e tissue- aiouixl the ;iilach- inenf appeared to have uiideriroiie iiitlaininalory Mifleiiiuir and would hold neither suturos nor liiratures. Similar cases an' rcfcifcil \'< liy Dr. l-'iuihairii in liis papiT. iiolalily iIkisc utvler the cai-r nt. Ill either case o|ieratioii woiiM he required, ami thri-cfdre t!ie mistake would not iiave any -i-riotis ciuixiniencts. .Mo>t of the patients were })remiant and there was no histor\ of menorrhauia. S^ pif .^..ttlk^ ...J^ ^^ Jo.'. . 1 llr- IWUT V OTHKR (Al'SKS OF I'llK M'VTV. AI'.DOMFA Ar inlcrviil- one meets with ea-e^ sliowiiii; acute alxloiiiinal >viii|)t()iii-;. such tiiat a diaiziio-is of mie of the disea-es ali'e.uly (h'^erihed may he wioii^'ly arrived at : yet on Dpeiiiiiii the abdomen the ajipeiidix. iiite-t iiies. and stomaeii (h) not sliow any of the expeeted lesion>. thefe is no o})stniet ion of the bowels, and search must lie made for other possible eaii-es of the sym|)tom-. Acute pancreatitis or acute cholecystitis ai'e perhaps the nio-t liUely of these, ^'ery occasionally an acute dilatation of the stomach may have <.'iveti rise to the symptoms. ,\( ITK H t.MOIiHll.MJK l'.\N( |{I-:.\T1TIS. Tn this disease tlie onset is >udden and associate occasionally obtained. The follow inji case is that of a patient who I'ecovered after operation >- A widow. iiKt'il .')7. was sent to my care liy I>r. s. oii I'clinuuy 2:i. Iltnil. .\t 6 o'clock on I'clMiiaiy L'^ she coiiiiihiincd ot meal iiain in tlic alxloincn. She said that it hciian on the rieht side and >)iiead rajiidly to the h'fl. and also e\tended tiiuvards to tlie rijiht costal laaruin. She was siiU at the same time, and eoiild keeji notliin^r down siilise(|iienlly. llei liowels had acted iiatinally the ))revioiis niorTiinjr. 'iheie was no history ol liiliary colic or ol iniiiry. and she had lieen (pnte well until this illness. She was a well-nonnsjied woman, who .^till complained (at 0 p.m. on I'eliriiary 23) ol alxlominal iiain. 'I'lii- wa.s now geueral all over tlio abdomen. She looked ill, had a pulso ol IIU. and a temperature of lOP. 'I'lie abdomen wa.s distended, generally m rii I 'Skf^^ OTHER (ArSKS OV THK .\( ["IK Al'.DoMKX 21.-, Iiarrl to tlio (diicli. ;mil vi'iy ti'iidiT. but not ^picially -i. in 'hi' iliac li)-,-;l. Oil ])crciissii(U llicic w;i-i piitcliy (liiliif><. Ii.,i|j in t,i.iil ami nti t}ie lut wall ol th.' alHlom.Mi, uliii'li ua- lal. was also (listcndcd ami ri'>i>iant. Ili'i- limbic was dry and nut actinjr. At tin' i.'ciatidn. wliidi was pi'i lunmd almiii ini-nt v-toiir liinirs after tlic In mnini;- ol syiii|iluin-. an inrision wa> made on tin- rif^lit side tliioiii;li llie iiclns iim-ilr. Winn the ](c. it.imuin uas o|ifnary to givi' any further details. She left hospital on .\]iril 2(>. liavini: quite recovered. A more iiciitc case', hm one which caiiic iirnici' t teat iiicnt ciL'lit hours after the (•(pumiciicciiiciit of >vm|)to!ns, wa- that of li. L.. .med .•{!•; admitteil .lannary L'.^i and left March ;!. I'.ll 1. l'„v abo\it a fortnight he liad had a feeling of slight illness, hnt never any abdominal ])ain or special synqdoms. At 15 p.m. on the day <>{ acl- mission lie liad gom' to lied to ii'st. when he was seized with violent iiain in the ejiigastrinm. 'I' ■ continni'd and lie vomited till he came up live liours later. Jle '■■;;. strongly-built man who looked very ill. had a resjiirafion (d L'. f 72. and temiierat ure !i7 . The abdonn'ii moved very badly witi ' , ..atioii and was rigid all over with aieas of well-m. irked dulness in tiie flanks, in ilie left iliac fossa, and in the middle litn-of the umbilii'al region. There was general temlerui'ss and rigiilitv, the tenderness being most marked over the >tomach region. The man was sent in for supiiosed jierforation of a gastric ulcer, but in discussing the case befoic operation we came to the conclusion that he had acute piincreat itis. About eight liours alter the onset of the pain an incision was made in the epigastric r(>gion to the left of tho middle line, tlio rectus sheath opeucil and the inuside displaced to the left. As soon as the peritoneum was ojiened there issued a (juaiitity of thill watery blood. More of this fluid was found hi the flanks and iliac fossa;, and in the lesser sac of the iieritoneum. The peritoneum over the ](ancreas was softened and felt rather shreddy, and it was possible to expose tlio gland by using a pair of t" r /.,'.' !#*• 'M-^ s- w 2I») THE ACUTE \BD0MF:X ,4, i dressing fonn'ps. It folt hard, was pulargcd and somowliat lobular. A tulu' was passed down to the pland and jjaeked off troin the peri- toneum : it was in coutaet with the yland at its lower end, and in i()usei|neni'e ol the size of the jiatient was ol unusual lenjjtli. A snpra- |nitii( ])uuetiiie was also made and the iieritoneuiu tlushed with saline solution (temjM lature 1 1" ). There was a s\ispicion of fat necrosis alioiit the ducxlenuni. but nothini; definite. Fatty material eain( away in tht^ irrigatin;,' fluid. 'I'ulyes were left in both wounds. Dr. Dudgeon rei)orted : " .lanuary IJo. 1'J14 Cainmidgc's reaction test C after fermentation. Negative." For tlic Jiist live days there was free drainage of serous fluid from the up])er wound, but after that a thiek purulent discharge from both wounds. I'or some days he conii)laiued of a great deal of epigastric ])ain, and there was fever with a ]>ulse of 1(M(. Hut his ex])ression was g lod .md the strength of tlie jndse satisfactory. 'I'ho drainage tube w's removed on .March 4. The discharge graduallj' ceased, but the wounds were slow in liealing. Acute pancreatitis is most commonly seen in adults, especially males of wiore than 40 years of age. well -nourished and even fat ; possildy the patient is a free liver wlio has been in good health until seized with a sudden attack of severe abdominal pain and tiigeiit vomiting. On examination tlu alKlomen has been more resistant generally than it should have been, but not rigid. The epigastrium has been most tender. l)ut there las been a diffused su])crfieial tenderness. es])ecialiy on unexpected light ])alpation. in other parts. The general resonance over the abdomen has been rather patchy in character, whilst the movements during respiration have been good. In all the pulse has been rapid, the temj)erature elevated. 101° to 103° ; there has been anxiety, and not infrecjuently a flushed face. If the abdomen is opened within twenty-four hours the amount of blood-stained fluid will usually be small, but some- times may be in sufficient ainoinit tt) cause dulness in the flanks, and may be supposed to have come from the wound ; again, at this stage, it may be difficult to find any points of fat necro.-is. In any case, in the adult when- nothing is found in the more usual ])laccs to accoinit for acute abdominal symptoms search shoidd be made for thc^e patches, which are yellowish - white in colour, and of small size (Fig. 30). If nothing is di.scovered to account for the .state of the ))atient. then it may be well to put in a drainage tube for a few hours at all events, for a discharge of a red colour will soon come away, odourless at first, but Later, and when in Larger quantity, having a peculiar j^ .^^m. OTHEf{ CAUSES OF THK .\( I'TK .\Bl;i)MEN i'l7 mawki>h snicll. ■vvliicli, -.<> far a< T know, rcscnililo iiolliin!.' cIm-. TIktc may bo no evident ^wellini: of liie ]ianriv;i-. .M;iii\- ca-e- will .Illy be diai^iioved wlicn tlie opfncd iM-iitniicnm -li(i\\~ the pre-eiice of spots of f;i! uecio>i> in the (inientinii. lli.- eMiii.c .if odourless })l()o from a cut vessel in the wound, unless it appears tiaky. and the operator is ])repare(l to find it. The previous history may be of the greatest imjioit - anee. ])ointing to the pre.s(MU'e of gall ->t ones or uk'er of the stomach or duo denum. Sonu'times there is a history of an acute abdo- minal illness of doul)tful f'lusation. The principal abdominal catastrophes -with which this disease is liable to l)e confused are — the ))erfora- tion of gastric and (hm- denal ulcers : in the male the resemblance to the latter is very close, if there ha- been a history of fornu'r attacks of pain and there is much fluid in the jieritoneum M-itliin a few hours after tin- acute onset. If the vomit inf. avnig Inst ;ittracte(! altmtion. "n;. .'i(t. I'iit Xirin~i». t'lnin a S[ir{ iini'ii in tlic J^.^:ll CmH.'l''' I'l' Surpi'iis Mii^finu : ■ 1, < Hii.rnl ratliolo^'y. continues and there is a ri>ing temjterature with patcliy (Uilness and general hypera"~tlie-ia of the abdomen in a stout adult with previoin godd health. tluTe is less (litilieulty. but even then a >niall perforation might mislead the inexperienced, although there is a great difFerenee in tlie appearance of the two patients aiul in the .'5tat(> of tlie lower abdomen. >18 THK ACUTE ABDOMKX iKiij Mil fn iiitotiiiiil okstruclioii liiyii up iii the small iutcstiiie there is tlie saTiic kind of initial ])eritoiiism. Tlu> syniptoins arc severe, voinitini,' tnnihlesoine. and e()ii>tii)ati<)ii marked. 'I'lieie is nil distension at lir^t and hut little peristaltie move- ment vi^il)l(•. it the patient is a female over middle life, without any lu>tory of >iall-stone colic, the diagnosis may l)e dillieull in the lirst few hours after onset. })ut as tinu' jiassc s the symjitoms in this foini of obstruction chanjic. the jiain is more detiiiitely of a |)aro.\ysniid cliaracter. the site of the chief pain hecomes more umhilical. uiiiUt |HiislaMs is .seen. Tn thin people a lump may lie felt which is lU'ithcr in tiu' |)ositioii of the <_'all hiadder nor of the pancrea-. .l)i>ten>ion eonu's on in the later >taLn-- as the irallstone approaciu's tlu' ileo-ca'cal valve and the symjitoms show a (•on>ideral)le change as the stoiu' is pa-.-ed idonJ,^ If the patient gives a history of opera- tion for an alidominal condition, or has an illness which might indicate the po>sil)ility of internal adhesions, this must he fidly discus>ed. 1'he presence of the tumour in cases of acute distension of the gall-hladder. with its roimded outline, aiul the localisatiou of the paiji and ten(lernes> to the parts under the right ui)])er rectus, with the riszidity of that muscle, will suttice to indicate the nature of the mischief. There luay l)e no jaundice. A tumour is rarely felt in acute lia'inorrh.igic })ancreatltis. In a case >een at a later stage it may Ik- very difticult to saythat theillnos isnot due to an attack of acute ajipendicit is. This is so in ho>pital work more than in ])rivate. To gi\ ;> an c.xampic : A (li>iif worn;'!!, bj- no iiiciuis Jutcliigi'nt, ovit "id Y(>avs of igc. wiio ;ili))lii'(l. with pain aflrr time or lour days' illness; a (list ciidfd abdomen, witii diuiicss in ilic Hanks and ■ucncral tcndornfss. Kapid pulse, loinperaiure Km , and oontinned voinitinp. \\'it]i these symptoms and si;;ns, an inaliiiity to say wliere tlie jiain began, and no liistory of Jiii-vious illness. Still, even in such a <'as(. as this, that of a woman aihnitted in Decem- ber. llll.'J. tliere were signs which jiointed to the ajtpendix as the origin of file trouble The muscular wall se(>med moic rigid in the right lower abdomen, the dulne.«s was more evident in fin- right Hank and iliac fossa, wliilst tlie acut<' tenderness, indicative of sjireading peritonitis, was most marked oti the left. Tlie epiuastric region was witliotit rigidity or special tenderness. OTrrER c.M'SEs OF Tin-: mvtk akdomkn' -i-,; Sho liail .n Konoial peritonitis s.>,.,„i.l.iiy to a (;niii:ioiious aj.-x.Tidix and .lifd in the following month, wlim ronvak'sccnt alter tlie ..i.eration. from ha-morrliai;!' from a gastric iilcir. These [.iitieiits are not uood >iil)j,.,t >- for an alM|,.iiiii:a| operation, ami I helieve you ^ill u,.t bcit.r ivsiilt> in moM eases from siiMi)lc itiei^ion wit), the in^..||i,.n of a- lai<:e dr.iinai^e tiilx' down to tlic iMiicica- will: -aii/.e [lackinj:. froin'a more elahorate operation. ,Mo~l of them will not >tan(l a proh.nir,.,! maiiipidation.with the larncr amount of ana-thetie ; it I- pos>d>le. however, to do mneh more if the patient i- in fair eoiiditioii and not too fat. 'i'he operation i> to ineiM' the tisMies over the |(,inerea-. Mith chie regard to the ihict and mam ve--sei>,and eMahli>h a ihrict route for drainage, packiiiir otf the 1iil)e with uaii/.e ; iHifoit nnalely the action of the secretion from the^land. if much cMapes. on the ti-siies with whicli it comes in contact i- very dotnicf ive. and if the liow is profuse you will find it diliicult to pre\cnt actual di^'c-lion (it i)arts. yiiv. Barker' suL^L'e>ts that when tlu' operator tinds in ,ui eaily case that the acute proce-- i> mainly or eni irelv ret ro- periloiieal, it will l)e aivisahle to drain the atTccted aiea hy a lafH;e tube pass,.,| from the fh nk alouL' a track partly m.'ide hy the foicfin'jcr. in thi- way he may elo^e the ant.aior wound without draiiiau'c, and avoid po-sihlc complica,tion> from adhesion^ in later life. If the condition of the patient permits the time re(|uiifd for till' removal of any ,sed down to the openinji. and i>olated hv gau/.e. Sir Merkelcy .Moynihan recommends that ■icee» to the l)ancreas -hould he ohtained hy making an oixMiiiiLT throULdi the gastrodie})atic omentum : other- that the deejier o|)ening he made through the gasfiocolic omentum: this is the more iiccessihle route of the tu(i. and lictter placed for drainauc. A stone in the common duct may lie left until the state of the patient is les- critical : the drainage of tlu' gall bladder will I'Heet the immi'diate improvement re<[uired. ' /..!',, rt. \,.l I., lltll U. l.V.M. 2-2n TUK A( l^TK ABDO.MKX ^ oil iHtil iH)t pLicc a (liiiin in the pclsi-. for after- (■lcaii>iiiy ihc jiciitoiiciini, citlui' \>\ -|ioiii.'iiiL' or lavatcrili-cil >,iliMc. tlif |iliii;> wliich arc iilaccil around drainaL't' 1ul>f> >lioiil(l l)r >iillli(iriil to I in vent furtlicr oca])!' into the ;,'ciicral cavit v if I lie |)criloii(iiiii. Stroiijr {i-li;.Mit >utiirc- pa^xd tliroiiuli all the layers of tjic alMloiniiial wail to iIom' the wound arc tiic licst. l)i((vi(l((l tlicy do not ol)>tru(t tlic riddicr ilraiii>. A firm niariytailcd l)aiida!.'c should Ix' apjilicd witli plenty of al)-oilicnt (ircs>in<;. N'ou inu>t lru>l to draiuau'c Ity the anterior wound in severe eases and not prolong' the operation and incur lurther ri-ks hy making; a jxKfcr'ior openiiij.'. It it is necessary to drain for a Ioiil' ])eriod. a ventral hernia will eeitaiidy re>u!t. and it will he well to explain thi> to the fri<'iids duiinj,' the coin-e of the illiie~-. It caiuiot he aAoided. 'I'he phitis>hould lie removed after t hiily-six hours. i:ra(luallv, aceordinu to the amount of pain which the adhesion may cause. If the wound becomes septic the administration of <_'iis and o\y stomach contents if Usually proves rapidly fatal. The extreuu^ di>tension of the a])doin(Mi and generally .severe condition ma\ lead to a diagnosis of acute ])eritonitis. or if there is eonsti|)atioti intestinal ol)strue- tion may be thought to l*e present. A few notes of a cas(> will brinti this condition more fiillv before vnii. - .'ii,. I jt \ T^W^W^^JSe^'^^. ?ir '•.z* I OTIIKR CAUSKS OF TirK .\( I IK AHDO.MKN 221 (»ii .laiiiiaiy I'l. I'HU. I was nski-il \<> >.■<■ .i ;-ii| ,,f 1 -,, ,vIh. Ii.i.l Ih...ii uii'lcr ciirc for two (l;iy». iii coii-^fciuciirc ol ,iu ^ii-iilf |(iilini.n.iiy allVr tic.u. lint tlicic liiiil lirfii 11 >iiililcii ili:iii:;i' iii lui >\ riiploni-. >]„■ «.,s till' siil.ji'il ril aiit'iiliir cmviiliirf i.f the (Inr^nl spin,., tin- n-iilt nf ,,lii tulicrciiliiiis iliscaso. On till' -Jlst slic licyiiii III viiniil Mill. Ill 7 .im.. 1 1,|. v,.niii.-,l iii,il<-iial l.iMiij; 111 .1 liilioiis ciiariictcr. iiml mIIuu in inlnnr. IJir \„<\\<\~. .i,i,.,l iit H M.iii. The pain ill till' >iilf i.r ulnili -lir li:iil imiipi.ini.Ml m;,s mill'll lirllll. lull Ihr .iillslMlll Volllllln- .ill nlh.T >yill|ili.|||s. '(■.■MiiM'iiiHiiv. !i!t : piiUf. xn, Noiliniu n invcl ilir hiUiiis,. ri„. iil.ili.ini'ii \\a> lilriiclrii. (lull all sm<-. At »> p.m. shr was i.hIht I'.illap-iil. Ihr VDiiiiiini: .•onlliini-.l. ami now shf was luinvili;; up a l.laik. tinaiiuiis lliiiil. S|i.. n- |ilailiril ot Mil Jiaili siiiiT tin' \ iMiiil ilii; imimc iin. ImiI I lir aliilnini n was JMidiniim (ll>l.'iiilril. .MmiiiI I l.;!i( p. III., win 11 I ~,iw liir uitli l>r. Miiluir. Ilii' abdomen was suMuvlia* ili-limliil hiit nm maiU.illy >,,, .liiir.iii' percussion all over lli,- ami ilnuii ilir I,m ihmk to roiipan's li^ta- Iiienl. No (liilness was piv>iui m n-lil ll.iiik. .\ well-m.ii ke.l tlinll ot lliiiil CI. Mill lie lelt in the lower pan. anil to the lelt. There was no ri-iility. Her jiulse was rapid, (aee pale and sunken, .•iiijriie Mack and iliy. whil.-t theie was ire.|ueiit viniiilini; ol a lilack. larry Ihiid. .\li incision in the middle line >1io\mi1 a greatly ili>teiidiil stoniach, the lower mar^'in ot which passed down to the pul..-, ; it w,i> Minsh in apiiearance and flattened with vet v thin llaceid walls. .\|| ihi. ini, stints were em))ty. 'Ihere was no tree lliiid. 1 iiMiioinii .ipparently casi'd at the third part ol the duodenum, and no pressure eoiild emptv the contents ol the stomach alony; this jiait. A tulie was put in. anil the openiiiv' sutured to the alidominal wall. Much lilack. Mood-stained lluid was drained olT Irom tlii' stomach liy this tiilir. and vomiting' ceased ; hut otherwise little re. id was airoided, and tin- patienl died on the' followinu day apparently Irom eNliau~tion. Mciv \\itli acute syiii|)tnms we liiid (hilii.s^ .iloii^ tlic iiiiddlt' line fur llic first tiiiir in the aciilc ,il)(i(iiiirii. As iui cxiim])!!' (if tlic (li.scasc fullowinir .in idxiuiuinal i>|iii'a- tidii a case' ma,v he uivcn. as it iliustralcs niaii,v iiiiiKirtaiit points wliicii may (ii\ -lop diniiiL; tlic course of sueli .in iliiicss. A woman, aj^cd 27. came under my ear.' Iiom the late Pr. Ilcatli, of i*t. Leonard s-ou-Sea. on Xo vein her 7. I'.hiI, toi- a -welling- in the ahilomen which liad heeti noticed to he increasinn- lor tin' |iievious nine years. On Novemher 12 a ccclioliniiy was jMiformed. the dia;;nosis of ovarian cyst continued, and a, laijrc tumour removed iu the usual manner. On the first and second days after the o|ieratioii the jiatieiifs pulsn was aliout 110, and tctnjierat lire rose from !ii; to lu.'i". 'f'lie abdomen became incrcasiii^dy distended; there was no vomitinj,' beyond that directly following the ana'stlietic. A week after the operation theie was ' :>ue Laiurt, IV'i.M. \'ui. I., p. {> U. ^^^''^Ij^^SSST: H^i TIIK ACiri; AIUMJ.MKX oviiliMR'f i»f sli«lit supimrati.iii in (In- wnimtl. ami smriK |>iii was evai'iiatiil «itli a ilmcicu . 1 licrr .1(11111111(11 to h.' mvat ilinii ii-itm ot till' aliiliiiiii'ii ami iniii'li iIi-thiiiIoiI. Oil Noviiiiliti- L'l |)r.('. I!, |!i,\ ,a« I: .1 w u h mh'. I hi' i|iii;a>l lir ana was tlicii viT,v |>ri>inim'Ut ami a iiiimiiii.' icmii ~(>iiiiit iniilil lir nl.laimil over this arra ami ivlimliiiu ilnu uwani- lo ilir ili i.»i>; maikcil HiirrilHsjiiii was I'ljciliil uri -liakiliy llir |ialii'iii ; \\ii> n,, mhuiIiii^'. I.avap' lit lli)> ...tiiiiiai'ii was nmiiminiil anil caiiiiil mit I u iii- il.iilv Irmii this time, 'rwciily-six tlays all. 1 ll.f opi r alum |.aiiiiili^ ilivilnpiil, assiiriati'd with a sfpiira'iiili- liiii|., lal iiri' ami siviir iliai 1 lina. ami liir Hiiiiif tlays this was iilinilitiiillaMi'. . \ 11 1 1st • ipi, „•,„■, .j, ■»,. ruin was^riviri ; a maikiil ia>h tnllnwri! twii ilay- attir il> ailiiiiuisiraliim. imt it was willioilt api.airlil illVrt on llir iIi-imm'. Tlii. (|i>|iu.|iiu ol the'U liiil md appiiriahly illmini-h. ami with a hiuli liriipi ralun' ami the ilianhua it ri.iiliiuiiil Inr aboiil ihnr imiiilli> ; miii'li nilfiiia of hoth h'Ks ami the lower jmit of the al>iloiiiiiial uall siipii \ iiiiil. Soni« peristalsis in the le^'ion of the uniliiliiiis was mca-ioiially seen, ami the stoliiaeli still showeil the physical >imis of dilatation. Oil Ai|i;iist 11', I'.Mil'. the naslio-int.Miiial liimtious hail l.eioine praitieally lioiiiial, the leiletiia in the hiwir part of the l.oily, ilm; plesiillialily to lliroml)o-is of the inlilior \ena cava, was still present ami the palient left the hospiial. .•Seen a^aiii in .liiniiaiy. l!iii;t, her general health was m I, tlioii;;h eviilence ol lhioiillii) persisteil, there beiiij; soiiK! le.leina of the ankles with ililalalion of the veins over the lower jiait, of the aliilonien. The siihseipienl history of this ense is very iuterestiiii;. She was reailiiiilleil iimler my care on Novenilicr l!l, I'.iiiT, for another aliiloininal swelling. !t was staleil ihal her genera' healtli hail lieeii a I iinlil a fortiiiKlit hefon . ' ' that iliiriiij; that time she hail snlfereil fioni jiain swellin;; liiM no voinilin;;. 'liie ahiloiiieu was a ill the st(iiiiav.!i Cooil ileal ilisiemleil and tense on admi»ion. the superlicial veins dilal 111, ciiielly in the lower part, and t here weiiniiimiousliuea;all>icante.-, in the same ri;;ion. .V dull loumliil an-.i was present reaching; almost to the iimbiliciLS from the jMlvis. TJiJ., \v;,s Unit iialiiiu and tender, whilst around it the intestines were diste'uled and tyin])auitic. Her temperature \va.s sli^ditly raised, .-ihe was keid in lied for some time in order to jjive the inllammatory state a chance of i|uietini,' down, hut tlie distension did not apinecialily diminish. On lieceinlur 4 an incision to the left of the middle line was made, and an iiillanied ovarian reinovid. The iiedide was long ami had been twisted iliree times froni left to ii;;lit. 'J'he was very adherent to the onientuin, but uot supjnirating. It was an ordinary miiltiloinlar cyst. The gut was very much distended, the sijjnioiil beinj; about o indies in dianicler w lieu exaniiniMl in .,ie wound. It was not pmutured, as the comliliou was regarded as temporary iu character. Much tiatuleut distension of the abdomen coptiuued not involving the Ktomach ; many remedies were tried, but 11. .til the employment of the interrupted current late in December no delinite etfect appeared to have been j.roduced by thrm, but the disteusi.m tiiuldiuiv subsided ou TT OTjrK|{ c.M-SKS ni' ri||.; A( itk \|-|„,\|| , _.o., th.^ '.V.ll. of that mouth. Th. ,,• «.,« >,., ,„|,,M„ai ,„. ,.| !,■, , ,. tiirt- alter tho (i|M' Ih.' miiiMial aniount ul .liM.n,io,i ,,| ihr inlrMii..- |m.-.,ii .,i i|,.. Iim.' ..t til., .vvori.l a.lnii,,i,.i. aii.l th.. <|iili.iili v in .iiii, ■ .hi ,,| ,t m,., niMialh.ii IS ..H|»...iallv iuf,...|.ii;; in ., iMiLia „,,!, i|„. Im-'.mv ••„ tills .M'casM.ii tl r... v.a. 111, Ml ii.iii,.,. .nh. , ImI , ,,11,1 .,..t„.,i Vft th.- .Ilsl,.a, «as ..M ,,.,i,r. lu.j M.uu. -f.l t h.n I !„■ „. , ^ .„„ ..|..,imm' was ail liii|M.itaiil lartoi lu its .•ai„ali,.ii. Th.. ..,|,|.l ..,,,\, ,\ .„, i h. us.. „l th.. iut..iTU|.t...l .-mni, ,|iiii.> t|,„ M.u. W. K,i„» l,„« luaik..,! th.- ■THl.v- ..|r-.-l „.;.,> I,.. ...MHliM. 1 .u. i„|,nv t.. t h.. alMl„i,i..u u.iutt.lul..,! xMlh „l.v,..,„ I,.,,,,,,. ,,|,„ Mm .;,.al ,l,s|,.„„..u \vhi..|i may .'Usu.. ..ii th.. m.i.. aii|.li. mii,,u ,,i ., Iii;.,i.n, i,, i|„. ,,..,l, ,,l i h.;iuia!sa..mtli....,,..iali„ul„i ia,|„.,,lr,i,,.. I „„„.•,,.,•, mi „l,i,.m ul rapnl ,list..usi,„i .,( H,,. alMlmu.,, vm,|, paiu. \,.,i.niim ,,,hI .. i..„i|...ia- tur.. ..I I.i;i-.l ..usu..,l with a ...illa u lu.j, .^,.,,,.,1 ,la,,n. Ai-i-ioiHiat.. r..Mi...tu..s .s».,u i„oilii,...d a diauj;.- |,.i- tl... I„ it,,- au.l ll a>.. lau tho ii^ual ast.jitic ».(>iirs... 'riii'-c fast- ;m. botli .,f f|i..„i ..\,iiM|.l.- ,,f ,1.111.., Hi. ,11 ,,)■ III., stoliiiicli J.iil |iiv-,iit many |M.iiit~ .,1 .■.MiliaM. In th.. |ir-t tlir stuJUacli ha. I lu'cmi.. a lliii.l .■..iil^iiiiin- -a.' \Mt,i a tliii. wall, \vl,i,.|i at tlif iiiiK. .,f til.. ..|M.iali.,ii ua> Ivii.L' <>^ry th,. fi.-i.t ..f ll... iiitL..stii...s an.i Kav,. a .lull ii,,t.. ..ii |...f.'ii~-i,„i a.f.iss tlic. iiii.l.ll,. ii,,,., ;,„ af,.a, wlii.h is ,v-.„ia,it i,i all ,,tli..,' .• iiti..,w • 'I thf iiciiti. al..l..,i„.|,. 'I'h..,,. wa- „„„, (■.■itaiiilv ,io .J,,-,..,,,.. a,cuiiuilati..i,. a„i .laL". t l,.-,v u,i , „., .listfii- :-ion.iftli,. al„h,i„..,i. h i..|,tli,,ih t. .,■,.■.■,,„„, lutii i,,il..,-w,. a.'.' thf su<.'.4,.st„.,, that it ua- a |.,i,;,l\ m^ .|,„. i,, .,„„.■ l...xi.. <'oi„l,ti(.i, asMu-ial,.,! with th,. |,a.l.h ..I |.||ia„i,ii,it i.,,, ,,t th.. [..ft lili.^'t..Ui..ll.y|),-. Kill-..,, u-|i,.„h..|i,M -„« tli,.|,ali.„t. .S|,„ial • Icforiuity ha- l,.-,.,, i,.,ti,...l i,, ,,;h,.,. ,.,.,.,- ,,t a.i,i.. .Iilatati..ii. but wh,.iii„it as>,„.iat,.I7 n|„ut..i .aM-aii.! of tli<.s,. .•i,s-i' j,,.,. ,.,.,it. f,.||.,w,.,l ..|„iati..ii-. iiMiaJlv ..ll.. ..,1 llie abdoiiin,. The ,i,.t..s „f the s,.,-.,a,l .•,■,-,. ^u-vr i.' l,y Dr. Box ati.l myself on aceount ..f its laritv, a-i.l a- an ..n.'..ui"- ageim.iit in (he Ireatmeiit ..f si„.li th.spef.'ite ...ntlit inn-. We are inelitied to put its occurreiu'e r'>;.'ar l> till- (•,iii>.,iliniMit aciilr ilihitatiuri i>\ the >lniiiarli, ihf tidlnw ii|._r (.piiiiiiii may lie <|ii(iti'(l ' : — I lil^ iMU»r wr liniiiil. allii t\|>ci inii'lil^ nil llic radavcr. In In- llii' |ii<>«iiri- I'Mili-.l li\ tlir -ii|i.iiiiiiiiiilMiii ami ililalid «(i.iiiacli mi thi>w jtuits III till' iliiiiili'tiiiiii whii'li III' III 1 1 art vMtli tlir liiitil atld li-lt nult' III till' >|iitial injniiiii \\ ,' Icamiil latii that a -luiifwlial -Jiiiilar Kiil.'>r<''>'i"'i li.i'l ''HH iiiaili' li> \li'\.'i ill iHH'.t, ami liy .S'lnilt/ in Ihliii. Our Iiv|i"tlii'-.w iH that III thi' iHiiiliK'tiiiti of the train ol »> iiii>tiiiiirt, a^xiiiatiil with aiutf ililatatimi nf the >ti>iiiaili. a virimis .inli' rami' into pla.v ; lii-t a |i:iiiilytii' ilil.itatiun nl iht' \iMii» oii'iirti'il. ami thi'ii (li»trii»i lii'fti Miccc-sfiilly tried, your main rt'lianci- shmild l)con piwilion. atid the \va>liiiij,' out tlic>toma(li witli tlie stomach piitii|i or si|i|i()ii. 'l'||,> patient mii'.t lie on the right si(h' Avith tlie head low. AM) 'I'liijD.Miiiisis (>i Till; Mkskntkric Vesskls. This i> very rare. 'I'he re-iilt- which follow oi)literaf ioti of the ve>seN in the ine,-eiitery are the •-anie wliieliever vessel becomes first affected. (Jaiijircne of the mit invariably follow.^. A mail belweeii :!(i and (i(> year- old has ai, abrupt on.set of sudden intense pain in the abdomen, followed quickly by vomitini^ and collap>e. peritonism is well marloxl. If diarrhwii is present the tnotions are fre(|Uenf and blood stained ; if coiistipalioii. tlieii notliiiiL'. not even flatus, is pas.sed. The abdomen is distended, rij^id and tender. Sometimes free tluiil is jiresent. 'I'lie timperature is ofi.ii -.idinormal. the pulse rapid and of bad (piality. In the second smaller group the origin is insidiou- and the proLifess varies. A diagnosis of intestinal obstrudion may be made. l>iU the true condition is only found at the po>t inorliin examination, (ierhardt gives the tollowing as necessaty for a tliagnosis : — (1) 'i'he presence of a source for the embolus ; (:.') copious intestinal lia^nor- rhages, not to be explained by disease of the wall of the bowel, '■ C. i:. V.r,x :i:ui C. r. \V.,ii,icc, •■.\.:i.;>. Diiat.itiuii u£ the Slomaoii,"' Lancii, Vol. II.. I'ji:. 1.. L'l.-,. OTHKH CAU.SK.S UF TMi; .\( Tl K \IWm.\||;.\ :■>.; <•!• I.y iin|H'.lini.'iil |„ ih.. ,„„.,,,| rini.l.aiHi, ; (.i, ., ,,,|,i.i .,,„| ri.,irkr,l tall of l.lnprrulmv ; ( ») ,.,,li,ky paui iM ll... .,Im|.„i|. (••>) the Mi.mll.iiHun. .,!• |,n\;„ii, -Mriirnn.r ,- ,.|,.Im,||.|i lu """•'■ l'^^''-' <•'» ""■ '"■•■^MnHal |M. „.„.■,• ,.!• a lum.a.r ,„ tf„. '^'"I""i<"- '!".• t.. Il.c ii.lillralinM nt ih,. Mi.vni.iv uitl, 1,!,„„| All ..t tlit-c M^ris iuv iKit. Imwfv.T. pivsrtit in .v.'iv . a^. Tl... oixTiitiv Irvaln.nit ,„n-iM> i„ a nM,ii,,n .,i iln- pari ,,| the 1h.\s..1 tliiit apprar^ invnUrd in (li,. p,,,,,..- ,,t -aiiL'i.Mir ainj "i" placing of an opfrnn;; in ihr Im.u.I at a ...nv.iihnl .p,,i 'I'lii, i, ,l,,n.. (I) iMvauM- in iVMctmn ..f a porlmn ,.f mil. the lin<' nt Milniv, if anaM..ino-i> .if th.- Im.uvI j, |., |,,ll,,u imi>t l>r inMHrnd ti.Mic, an.j it i- ahvav^ in ili.^r raM~ 'i til.' UMiiunn.. v,,ll not .p,,.a,| ; (-) tlir full op.,ation n,,nl(l '" ^' in>tan.-f> tak.- too lon;.r uiim . onM.hraiion i^ pai.l i,, tlif^^iavf sliitf of tlic patient.' l'i:i{U)it,vTi()Ns oi Tin; (i.M.i. im.addci; and I'.ii.i: im < is. Symptom- of peritoneal invoKcnirni of xariaMr r\tcni ariM> citiicr from perforation of the ^ali hlad.jer. or from il. I.em- m a state of plileiiiiioiioii- or j.Mn_'renon, ion. .\ In^tT.rv <'t I.reviolH allark- of hiliaiy eolie. perhaps .("oriaKd uilii jatiiKJiee, may very likely lieuiveii. The pain in typical ea^-. will }„■ loeaiiMil in the u,, 11-1,1,,, j.jer K'^'ion. hut it m.iy extend l(. Ili, iinihili.ii-. I- i he .ipjh ndi.v iVL'iun. or i)eeome uenerali-eil. in ac((.r.laiiee uiih I lie extent of ''K'Nifeetion. IJeterre.l pain in theriuht -hoiil.l, r i. in .tnmon, Coiitn-ion in (lia^'iioMv uiih ;n iite appeii-lK iti^ or prrfor:ti,,n of ■■* 'liiodenal ulcer is likely to ari^'. Th.. follouiim I- an ■ -s.iuiple of the former type of ease : ''iilli.-.-v.-)iiii>,M.f N„vciii1m-i it. Kt.i;!. I \ ,|,.i|ii.M.-.l I. nii.iti.'iit, :l;.'.'H. ■j-uo days l.,'|,,i,. |i,. |kk1 |„ ,.„ ,,,k.mi uiiIi -r\,i,. |..iin\vMu;:l' ab.liiiiimal jiaiii a.-.wini|i.iMJc.l with v.lI^itlllv^ lit' lia.l ha.l llii.c ,.ili,T attack- of ali.i.iiiiinai pain, tin- lii-t • u> years l>icv!.m,|y. \,„i,. of tliciii ha.l Iic.mi tellowc.l l.v jaumh.-. . aliiioii;;'ii th.- |.ani was always in the r-Mrioii of tii.. o;i||-l,lar. Gotlfr.-v, wli.i loiin.l liiiii a-aiii conuiiaituui: of pain in the ahdomeit, with a tempetutun- of ha . cni ' Jloyniii.iii. .U.ii.iiM.nul (ii,oiali.iii«. A.A. Hif^M hi' iii' I i 'I ,(!-.■ 226 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN the follow i;,^ iiioruing lie was worst", and iluriuf; (lit' ilay lit^ hatl occa- sional voihiiiiig; the al)tloiiiiiial pain coiitiuiicd to lif st'vt>ii' and f;i:i(lual uistf'iisitm cainf on, whilst liis fxpifssitHi bccaino changed to that associati'il with scrit)iis abtlmninal iliscasc. When I saw him about 11 p.m. hi' had a gifvish look and appeared distressetl, Tliere was occasional vomiting. His ]mlse was 84, of fair strength. The abdomen was distended anil tlid nt)t move well with res])iratit)n. It was tentler on pressure, especially on the right sitle Jielow the ribs, the area of most markeil tenilerness being midway between the ribs and the iliac fossa. The liver dulness was not increased, but there was some didness below in the riglit tiank tlillicult to duline, as the man was very fat. 'Jhe bowels had acteil twice during the day. He was eviilently suffering from peritonitis, but we could uot decidt? wheie tlie oritriu of the trouble was. Incision over the ihac fossa showed that to be healthy, whilst there was pus along the colon cominu from above where the intestine was covered with lym]>h. A second incision over the gall-bladder showed a recent peritonitis arountl it with pus, not definitely localised. The area atfected was cleansed, antl the gall-bladder examined. It was small, not distentled, but l)rescnted a small perforation near the fundus. Xo stone could be felt, but the condition of the patient under the ana'sthetic was bad. and it was imperative to finish the operation as soon as possible. The gall-bladder was therefore packed off with gau/e, and a tube introducetl above the plug down to the opening in the gall-bladder. The patient recovered and has had no acute abdominal attack since. The case8 may be very acute m their course, and early operation affords tlie only chance of .success. The jieritoneuni fills rapidly sometimes from this source, and as a rule there is little in the previous hi.story to point to the presence of gall- stones in the gall-bladder, as they are usually of large size, giving very little inconvenience to the j)ossessor until ulceratii)ii has taken place over them and extended through into the peritoneum. Occasiotially the symptoms may not be of this acute character. It is possible to get large accumulations of fluid in tlie peritojieum after perforation of the gall-bladiler without the production of much disturbance. This is well known where there has been a traumatic rupture of the gallbladder or bile- duet, but a rapidly fatal peritonitis is the usual consequence Avlien the contents of the gall-bladder have escaped through a breach of the wall in disease of that viscus, when micro organisms are very active. The condition of the ])atient will not often give the oppor- tunity for an excis.jii of the gall bladder. You are usually OTHER CAUSES OF THK ACLTE ABDU.MEX 227 restricted to draiuage of the galLbhul.!,.,- aM.l ,.erit,„„.um 1),, not ^get t..e tendenc, of .....a ,,,...1 , ' ,..., ;,Z ^l Perforations of the gall-hla:l,h.r or h,l..-,h...... tin.u.h hv no means frequ.-nt. form an important .la.s j,. ,.„ , \ • abdominal eatastrophes. Meu-i,,,.,.; „:ui ..:;':; '::';.;;; from general medical literature. In a series of 3.180 operations on tlu- l.iharv srstrni there were only 29 eases of perforation, or tl.a,. I p[.v\Zt I>r. C. Campbell Ilorsfall has reoor.kil ' tli.> <■■,<.. -f whom he openited for a perforntio t ,h oV, 'i V'T" "' ^'' "" after it. occurrence. The pa.ieu a ... '"",'"'-'■*'"'■' "'" •'^'>- to see the opening, but drainage was pT o'i. ie o ,. "* '.'"' '""■^"'''^' bile wa.s co,ning. and tubes pi;,...., i,, .'V , , ^^'^ '"'" "''''-■'' the pubcs. lie says that '.McWillian s ol . . ;.t ;^, .'""',''' ;'"'' '"''' amon^sT the series of Ms i-erforations of ,he i i - Z; '''"' (1) ii./o-. -Female. 51 ; sympton.. four .v . ' ' '^"^■ duct ; cholecystectomy. ^ ''^ ' l"''''''""-" "t •■onnnon (2) Hiedel.-ilale, 56; svmiytonis fl.i..,. i cramou d„c. a,.,. s.ll-b^;ijei I 'SScv..r,,,f '" ' """"■'«"" "' Recovered. ^ ' '^" ^'''' = (^''"Ifcystectomy. The above five cases show in a very grai.hic m-uv the ininort anee ot early operation in these eases fn tivn th, had been in progress for four an.l ,1 ree ^yZZ^X'"': died. The other three were operated ^n :^:u'£,:t hours after p.-rforation. an.l all recovered. ' Occasionally the symptoms may not be of tiiis i patient under my caro in 19(.8 ^v^.s .ulmit e.l '^''facter. A ..Instruction. Ile'was a feeble oh maf w ^ n 1 '"T""'^ "J'^^^'""' length for some time, .hilst tlirabim ^ L 7";. ZX^r' "" distended for a week or fei. rl->,-- i>of i gi.uitially become he had also had! hn.:\^n:iH;^,r:m:;;;:;:r'' Tir"v;"^^' ^""•^ distended, it contained a larpe .nia.ititv of fl l ' ''"'"""■" ^^-'^^ emaciated and raiher yellow in . ,'■• mc I "'.' '"'"' ''■"' had no pain, and at this time ^sZ'^^ZnJh^'ir":^ ?'""^"=' was suppo.'ied that he miL^ht b.,v,. ",' ^ """'""' T^ ^'^"'" the history it the large bowel „ith. 'on, -tt .'u^ "'alignant obstruction of ' /iritu/i Medical Jounuil. lyi3. V,,l. II., p. ii>i. His pul>c waa g2 i iiiii s 228 THE ACUTE ABDO^IEN not more than 7o ; his tf^inpiTatun; was normal. An exploratory operation was done and the poritoneuni found to lie full of hile-stained fluid. .>morrhoid«. I need here only consider the severe cases giving rise to symptoms wliich suggest tlu> necessity of immediate operatic interference. Sometimes the resemblance of the condition t- intestinal obstruction of organic origin or even to general peritonitis may be so close that the mind of the observer i- ' Jiritixli J/tliCjl Jonniiil, Jiitiu.iiy lH. \'MM'<. OTHER CAUSES OF TFIE ACLTE AHDOMEX 22!) left in doubt as („ the right .liug.ioMs. aiui ,x|>lnrati..a .,t tl.,- iibdomcn will he the (.iily soiiiul couin,. to pm-,,!,. Points whi.'h will 1„. |„.|,,t„| \n arriving at a .IcHmo,, a.v I ho jmsonc-o of the trouble in highiy-strung, nciv.m. in.livi.luaU with a history of previous atta^'ks of ab.loMiina! pain similar 111 character wiiich have passe.l olf without op.-iat.oii. In a case operated on for lue in St. Thomas'.. Hospital by Mr. L. Xorl)ury ; The pali..ut was a woinau ..f 4.M.,,- wl,„„. I had,! <'M..u,no, about two yoa.-.s i„vvi,M,sly. IIv .syniptoius w..,. ih-.s,. of aratc lutostiuu oKstru.-lion, and tlic spasinodi.. .■o,ma.-t,ou If..,.,,.,! ,n,„.|, of th... .n.all latest in,.. .>f age. I'ldess abdominal exploration has bet.|i (arri,..! out in any case ()| ab(h)minal pain, it is impossible to - .v that it is of neuralgic (.|iara(.t<.r. I have known seviv 'atta.ks „f recurrent pain put right hy the division of a band. Torsion- afkkcti.n,; otiikr Audo.minal Stkk ti uks. Many other exampl,.s of torsion of a pedich. have I, .en recorded m me.lieal literatur,.. such as th.. spie(.|i tlw .r-dl- blar|v us appendicitis, but usually th,.rc is a historvof iiiir„i„al hernia on the side of the swelling or a hc.rnia mav be present. The .^ize of the swelling, which .s nio.stlv siluafVd uni.r th.' .-i.rhl rectus, and the .slight nature of the symptoms consid,.ring"its somewhat rapid foruiation, are against an intlammation of the 230 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN •:^ I appendix. It is also more movable on the deeper structures and gives the impression of ,i solid mass. An incision should be made over the inguinal region and carried ujjwards as high as necessary along the front of the rectus sheath, the muscle being displaced inwards and the peritoneum divided with i'c posterior layer of the sheath. The ujjper part wheri' the twist has taken place is not very broad and is easily secured with ligatures. Early operation is desirable because of the danger resulting from gangrene of the omentum involved, but successful removal of tlie mass, which is sometimes as large as the adult head, has ])een effected after the condition has l)een in evidence for a long time. This has usually l)een during an operation for irreducible hernia. It is interesting to note that many of the subjects of omental torsion have been sufferers from attacks of abdominal pain the origin of which has been unrecognised. Vigxard's Cask.— a man of 31 Iiad attaoks of pain in the right side of the abdomen for nine years These attacks ]a.sted four to five days, and there were lour or five attacks yearly. In tliis patient a diagnoses of appendix abscess with inflammation spreading to a hernial sac was made. Jn more than one the position of the pain with rise of tem- perature and presence of a swelling has led to the diagnosis of appendicitis, or partial obstruction has appeared a likely explanation of the .symptoms. It is extremely likely that minor degrees of torsion are frequently present in omental hernia?. H.EMORRHAGE FROM Ga.STRK AND DlODENAL UlCERS. Few surgeons have any doubt that operative treatment is sometimes absolutely necessary in luvmorrhage from these ulcers. It may be the only means of saving life, but the indications for its performance must be clear and definite. It is certain tiiat in a large number of cases w Inch have appeared to be absolutely hopeless the luvmorrhage has ceased and the patients reco\ered under appropriate treatment, such as complete rest in bed. the administration of morphine, saline solution given intravenously or subcutaneously. with, in addi- tion, a continuous supply per rectum. Nothing should be given Hi: i.i .^^4»:mfmr^' l^T f OTHER (ArSES OF THE ACCTE AIJDo.MEX 2.U No visitors or Imsiiios worries sliould ]h- pt r- by inoutli. iiiittt'tl. Somi' of tlie puhlislu'd ciisos tlo not had one to tliiuk that operation was really iieeessary. and tiiat the jjatieiit would not have recovered without the operation. In a Idition it should be noted that in more than one instance no lesion has bi'eu discovered ))v the operator. If. however, the character of th(> bleeding makes it apjtear that an artery has been opened up by the ulcerative process, the rules of treatment must l)e adhered to in the stomach as in the case of similar lesions in other j)arts (>f the l)ody. The need for quick and steady operative procedurt- will be apparent ; the surgeon must lose no time, whilst the deeper manipulations must iu)t be hampered by an inadequate opening in the abdominal wall. The patient must be prepared as usual i!> ;.bdomiiial eases where much shock is exjiected. whilst the preparations to replace some of the blood which has been loecause of the ])ossil)i!ity of the presence of more than one ulcer. TJie use of anyone of the various means used for arresting the haemorrhage will depend on the size of the ulcer, its j)osition. attacliment, and the general state of the patient. These include : — (1) Excision of the ulcer, and suture of the result insx opening. * ! 232 THE AfTTK ABDOMKX (■2) I'lidcr riiiiMiiiil)le : the ojjeration is too severe and prolonged for cases of .such urgency. I do not advise the application of the actual cautery ; its effect on the tissues is to produce a slough, which when it separates may give to renewed luvmorrhage and septic trouble. Sir JJerkcley Moynihan' writes : " (ia.stro-cutcrostoiiiy, it wiis fitund, led, in all my rases, to an instant cessation of tlie bleedinj; and to the sjieedy and complete liralinjr of the ulcer. Tlie e.xplanation ot this was, it seemed to me, as f(,llows : In all ea.matemesis may be of hysterical origin, for stich a condition is always amenable to medical treaUnent. and ' •■ .MMlc'iiiinal Ojiciatioiis," J', ll)2. ^ .> >--iX'-^-i'-M'^Wr^iMm^-^&fj^m^WF?^WJ^^^ ll"-|iilal, li llii' liroip OTHER CATISES OF THE ACUTE ABr)()MEX 2:i:{ should not bi' >ul)initti'(lto operation midcr aii\ ( iiciini>t,uuc-. Tlio liistory of tlio case giviM Ix-low not omK' 1i(||,> t,, pn.vr tliis. but shows in a marked dej;ree the iil>" that may tnlinu- sueli ill-advisod interfereuee. A iiiirM', ajicd I'it, wiw >eiit to nw hy l»i. Frank H,>\all. m Itmhwick m .<.'i)teml...r. V.mi. for varicose veins of tii.. l,.;.', whicli u-i.- causiii.' her iiaiii when slaniliiijr. Sli,. «as ailiiiitled to Si. 'llioiiia> ami Treudeleul>erf:"rt oiK'ralioii with evci-iou of sonic prominent veins in tiie ealf iierfoniied. JnherpasI l.i>tor,vit was slated t|,al .sIi,. had Im.h i„ anollirr hos,,iia| asliort time Infoie forsymi.lorM> whicii w.iv i.-ai.h.l as imiieal ini; tho Jiresenee of a irasl ric ulecr. One ni>.'hl she anile svmi.loin.. wliicli were sii])i>os(.d lo liave l.ccu due lo jx rioialion of the 'iilc..r. ami an exiih.raiory incision was made in the e|.ijrasiii<' i, liy a siiix'.Min wlio fouml noiliin.i; but a normal state of th.- stomach ; I line liinriieen no perforation. From tlie liistory lliis was siip|)oM.,l to liave li.-ni ii.vsinical. Dmiug lier stay witli lis this opinion was coiiiiinicd hy the fact tliat iii Ilie earlier days after lier admission, when >hc was l.iokiii}; somewhat anxious in the face, she ajiain jjave an e\hil)ilion of p.Tforatiou. SJie comidaimMl of acute jiain in the .•pi-a>iiiiiiii. the upper ahdomeu hecame suddenly distended, and llie miiscl<-s appeaie.l teii>e. There was, however, no dian.e in lier faeial e\piv>Mon ; the jiiiUeiate. or temiieniture, and oilier symiitoms were not in aunemiiit with peitoia- tion ; we had also tlic liistory to go ii])on. This patient left St. Thomas's al.oiit a lorilii-lit after the o)Mialiou for the varicose veins, Init returned in l!Mi4 on account of haiiiat.iuesis. She was vomiting daily laigi' .iiiantiiles of liuid. in which theie was a good deal of hlood of dark I'olour, evenly dilfiised. In ,pite of the fact thai this conliinied for a month without eessation, she showed no signs of amemia. and alwa.vs presented a smiling face to I he world. No particular drug was given to arrest the l.leeding, which was regarded as of hysterical origin. When tlie luematemesis liad cea>ed lor a'lew days and .she had hecome hrighl and clieei fill she was seni home. In ahoiil tliree months' time she was sent hack to tli<> hospital with another attack of Inematemesis of simiiai- character, from which ^he recovered in from Ihree to four weeks, aiihr lia,-ed olf, and iJiis time lier friends sent her to a hospital ■ where tlieie was a surgeon who would oiieiaie." Her next admission to St. Thomas's was on .Inly lit. lito.-,, wli.u she was fouml to have a fa'cal fistula, which coiiiiiitinieated with the transverse colon and wa>s situated at the lower part of a sear, through which, it Was .staled, her siomacli liad heeu operated on. We wt^e informed hy letter that althougli no ulcer or for the hainoirha";' !jm^ I! 2:u THK ACUTE ABDOMEN' Wiis found al llic cMuniiialioii. it was iIioukIh liyllif siirj^'iMiii tlial tlioro wa-t an ulcer in tlip diKHlcimin. slic said Ihataltor tlio oiM-ralion slio did very well until flic lonlli day, when it wan loiiud that llio milk which she was takiii); oanic tlirouj;h into her dresHinj,'>i. A nceond Kltcration was dnjie and the milk no longer came thronj;]! tlio wound, but in ten days' lime liecal mailer aiipeaied when sht- took medicine, and ficcal fluid came through if she had an enema adminisiered. The ahdomcn was ojiened in the middle line helow the old scar and a lateral anastomosis of the large howel aliove and helow the list ula done. There were many adhesions. Hecovery from this operation was quite uneventful, the fistula was allowed to close and, when she left the hospiial, was about the size of an ordinary wooden match. She left at her own re(|uest. Keadmission v , sought .Tanuary. 1!M)(». because she said that the escape of gas from the fistula was troublesome and caused otTence to patients when she was nursing them. There was now a list ula about the size of a cedar pencil, and as the bowels were acting well there appeared no reason why this rshould not be permitted to close. Accordingly a dressing was place : British MeiUcid Jtmrual, iOpi tome, August, lUo:,. kiXIin tn^triv .sy„.,,t.„u.s f,„ ^jx v..;,m >,,,1 almoHt dully voniitiiii: (it Wood lor liv<- ujoiitL- „r n.oi.."- in'f'hul insiaiK'*^ tlu! imirouH riifiiil.ran.' ol ihr ^lomacli i.s ^aid to liav,, tn-vn tinned, hy|M.itro,,1,ic. and of a rod .olour. l.ut ti.ero wa« no .-vidrnt oatiHu for the hanu.rrliaK.'. '11"' l>alu-nt was appan^ntly .nrrd l.v fh.- opera tion. (iastric ha-nioirhat'.' has .son...tiuii.s a purdy nnCous origin • Honietinies it is niinply a form of vicarious nu-uMruaiion and has a relationship to the nieuHtnial periods, as well as to emotional uid constitutional disturbances and injury. It is advisahl.^ to exclude the possibility ol cinho>i.. of the liver as i possible cause. ' ' ^^'^ I till I'AIIT Vl oiJS'iiurrioNs STn.\\(;iL.\TI(»X (U- THK STOMACH. This rart' conditioii is only nut with wlicn the >t(iii.:i(li has tornicd part of a licinial protrusion through the liiaphrajiiii into the chest. It i> well illn.-tratfil by th' case dcscrihfil, where the .symptoms were entirelv due to ohstruetion (praetieally total) of the stomaeh alone. Xothinj; could pas> into it from the mouth, and the residt was shown in the distress, fre(iuent voMiitinji. , xcessive thirst, diminished e.vcretion of urine. ia|)id emaciation and l>oat-slia|)ed alxlomen. 'J'hc stomach was accompanied in its escape from the ahlomen l)y the tran.>verse colon, but this was not obviously obstructed. The |)atient was practically dehydrated, and thcelVcct of saline infusion was such that operative treatment, althoujjh delayed, was male possil)le. A fipauianl, ajjcd ,'5o. jdunialisi, •X* ^v;|M ailinitlcil April 15, 19ul. Up wxs tlion very ill and cinaciiitcd, with sunken eves and liolldw clici'ks. He ciiiiiplaincd of )iain in I lie uppfr alidoincn : llicrc wa-< constant vomit inj; oi thin (laid, antl ho had a fiThli' puis 'I'hf abdomen wa> retracted anil lioat-shaiied ; tlieic was some 1 miu's> in the epijiastiinm, especially to the lelt of the middle line. < ihii>t was {;i'eat. (tn aihnission lie was so ill that an inliave .s saline Holulion to the extent of tlnce joints was driven, lie did noi look as if he could live throiiKh the nijjht.' The history of the case was n, follows : — He had in the course of his profossioual duties in .Spain, as a, enco;!nter<'l ^',lc(■es^fully on some live occasions rivals in the jiolitical world, usiiiji; a i.ipier as his Weapon. AN'heii he again hail a ilitTeience of opinion, which was refencd to tlio arhitrament of the swoid, his i)]i|)oni'nt tlimiirht it wiser to prevent an encounter which wo,ilil very im^sihly have disastrous conse- quences to himself. lie therefore hired a hravo who took an oi)|M>rt unity of stalihinf; our ]> ent in the left side with a knife before the date of the duel. The d>-^ior who treated him for this wound, which was received about six years before the man came under our I'are. said that '• lie .saw the lining ol the stomach." After recovery it was three years before any serious symptoms developed, and he then had an attack of ' /.>inirt, V,,|. II.. |;hi|. \k STHANtU'LATIOX oK THR STd.MAlll ■2:r, vomitiu){, Willi nuvciro paiii in tlit> ir^iou i>i tlif noiiiKl, I'niia whuli iiI1iti(1 iiriM>i(iii,illy lioiii iiH.nkt iil «lin<'ii||ih)ti ill llir Hloiliiirli Mild \ mull 111;.', Iliilii mIiIi'Ii Iii' iiIiI ailti'il H'lii't hy paMNiiii; hit lintels down In-. iIikmI Ii> iii.ikf hiiii^ill -hk. A wnk bfloic adiiiiHsioii he ('iii<.<.i'd lioiii I'liiii'i- tn I. upland, and w.i- Mi>l«iilly Kca-Hick. Till' viiiiiiliii;; had riiiil miii'd and lliiir had liivli I'luiililrlit I oiiHlipaliou lor >ix da>>i. Wlini M't-ii llin il;i\ allri adiiii«^i(>u Willi l)r. .Mucktuzii', ihf voiiiiliuK and Ihii^t, riniliuind. he wa> cM-iIrd aiid rt'Hih'ss, placed his (iii^^fiH in his lliroai to iiiaku hiiiisfll iiioir ^irk, and askt'd lor a larp* tjiiaiiiily of waii'i lo aid ilir \ omitiiii;, I'hi- hmmui why he did 1 lii« was lifcailst' he had loiilid I lial in I lie ic^s sovcif al lai ks ol pain and sirkiu'>s I ho iim' oI I Ik; lintel in ihis way Willi I lie elleei Iiiiidueed would usually resiill in icliil. The leiii|ieial iiie w.i> nil and Ihe juiIm' was hardly lielceiiliMe. 'llieie afipeaied lo lie >oiiie luliie>-> undei'liiek^ll lowel rills, lull noduliie^s. the elie^l wa-> Well loiiiied and tlie ribs showed proiiiineiilly uwinx to the ^leai lo^.-. ol ile>h. There was it scar oviir llie lell hypoclioiidriiiiii In llu lell ;i miliary line. The note on percussion was resonant all over iind iln- iueatli >ouiid> iiomial. 'J'liere were a IV:w ciepilalion-, at Ihe hase. The cardiac duliios liej.'an at the ioiuili ril) and did not cxlend to llu^ 11^)11 JMyoiid llu^ !e|| edj;e ol the sleinuin. 'I'lio apex heal was in t he till h iiileiro>ial >pace, I inch inleriial lo the liippli) line. The shuikU were noiinal. I'lic iiiiue was Kcanly. 'I'lic lonKiic was tairly clean, iiavinj; a slight white coating'. It was necessary to >;ive another three lunts ol saline luioie we could operate, aiiii this iniiiroved his pulse. l»u opening the abdomen through an iiKMsioii lielow the leii costal inargin, a iiuautily ol collapsed giil was louiul. 'I he doceiidiiig colon was traced upwards to an oval apcituic in the hit «ide ol the diaiilii;igiii about 2}, inches in gieale>t diaiueler. The stomach had al-o jia.^ed through this into the lelt p ••• > and wa^ gradually witlnliawn by traction on parts as they presented. ?>oiiie ot the tii;n>veise colon and unielituin were adherent and could not be withdrawn. The .•-toiuaih was marked by the edge ot the aperture and had evidently been tightly nijiped. Notliiiig could be done to repair Ihe diaphragmatic opening ; he was too ill. 'J'lie ett'ect ot the operation was to relieve Imih pain anil vomiting, but he still had much thirst. ( tn the Isili ii was iiece>>ary to put o-. a special nurse, he was so very excitable. J Miiing the day he liei|iieiuly "practised dying," and during one ot these piaciico he pa>M'd away. The temperature did not rise to normal at any tiiiu' whilst under treatment. At the jiui^t-muiiem examiualion. which wa-^ made by J)r. .1. .1. Perkins, a large loop ot Iraiisveise colon and onicuium was still in the left chest and iiiiile irreilucible. 1 here \va^ no sac over the pioliiisioii but a sjiiirious one had been toiiued by the omeiilnin ; tlii- wa-, how- ever, very incomiil-.te, but slnil olV the pleural cavity. The lell lung was inished up and there was pleurisy ou botii sides, chiefly on the left, and the lower lobe of the ielt lung was solid from septic pneumonia. ■I'. ^'^^m^-rr^^SB^j 'V' 238 HK ACUTK ABDO.MKX Tli(ri< Wiv li»oalim«l [uMitotiitiH. prolmtilv cuuwil Uy the poMituge of oixaiii^iiiiH Ihniiinh t .,■ \ til of I li». Htoiiiaiii iU tin |iiiiut wli«n> it hastciior to I lit- limit of lln« lii^iiiiii wii-i 111 iliicri ii'liiiioii to tlin the ilJaphiuL'iii viis ill ili» llii> pnicurilial »iM', sn il ii p)!ricjii'(liii;ii. .Mr. L.t\vi.,-(l 1 , . l)llti()!l to tlli: ( I stomach in tli h r n tluTfforr the si;; •>, w il over II iiuinhfiof jir .1 (I) Attacks of ();.■,,,,.., (■J) Discomfort, p; i > n tioii and strim^r i as in a case nmU i li ■ i„ V ho lia> ^'ivm mi iiii|ii)rlaiit contri- •minds ns that protrusion of the ■ may he complitc or partial, and iiy. 'I'hc symptoms may he spread •H froir a sudden strain or injury : — le to 'h" 'imoiu- in the lift cliest. iltr meals. (:{) Ohstrui- .ise descrihed. (4) Tetany, ' I" • Sir Husselj Hevnolds. A woiiiau of 29, ir vhom y«ars bufon> deatli 1 .nii icl,iii> .1 foliowt'il a Utah inflicted sewn Mio sloiiiacli, trausveivto colon, untl oiiieiituiii w<'i« foui.d ill a hernial 'veiling tlic nizo of two lUt«. in the left chest. There \ m no lijfht coiiutn.Mioii. Til- si^'ns wliiili iire of importance in the dia^'iiosis arc the f 'llowing ; they a>si.-t very much when present, hut they are not always present :— (I) Stomach or intestinal noises in the chest. (iI) Intestinal or stomach peri>tal>is .seen throii^di a thin chest wall. (D) J)isplacement of the heart to the right. (4) A sound produced hy the forcing of air trom tiie thoracic part of the stomach into the abdominal part. Other signs of less importance are ah.sence of breath .sounds : alterations in rcsoname : changes in shape and deficient movements of the chest ; sinking in of the ej)igastric region ; inability to lie on the opposite .side. .Mr. Knaggs consiilers that in >omi" instances the strangulation of the stomach may be the result of volvulus of the stomach or torsion of the >mall omentum. Few cases have been submitted to operation, but slumld o[)eration be performed, and the condition of the case give opportunity, it may be possible to do something with the view of preventing recurrence of the hernia— (1) by suture; (2) covering the opening by the livir (Berry) ; (3) ■ anchoring the stoniach and omentum to the parietes in such a way a.s to prevent other abdominal contents finding their way into the opening " (Law ford Knaggs). ' l.dHCrt, Vu!. li., \'M)i. p. :s.-„S -.'^Wfir''7SHF' IME.ST1NAL « UiM'HK TloX :»<» ix'ri:sii\ \L <>iisri!i( iiMN. Ill .-.noi-l. riim i>l)>iiii(tic.n- ..t the iiiti-tia<>. I h.isr tli.,iii:lit II Ih'>I to |.n« iiiucli a- |ii),>il»lc the iiioiv |iinvl\ p.itlinld^i,;,! ,.,iti. Ii i. Iii.|iclinH-|iaii.l. .1. It i> at all . \. iit> ..| tlicjirciiti-t iiii|».rlaiic(!li it vuii sImmiI.I hr t,, •■ appivrialr • .1 iMsc mIkm it ,.,,|||rs ii.toiv ynll lul til. Mill, nr lioill a.iii. iiilcstiiial nloini.tii.ii ivijiiiir^ pr-iiiipl >iii):i,al a-i laiicr i| In- lite is to III' >a\(il. 'I'lif .iiraiip' uhirh appear- li, inr iii,,.| practical i- that <.t tlu'C.MIip.iratiscilccjIlclKynl th, S a II. r'|> ki,,, N , ,1 , ,|„| |„,.( ,, „) lis met with ill practice. A. Acute <)li-.tMlctl(>iis other than ilH ii--ii.>cepl i,,m. I>. Illtll»ll.-cepti(>ii, ' '. Acute supervening on chronic oli-trintion. A. Aciile iiitotinal ohstiiiclioii is re>poii-il)l,. In, alu-ut 1'4 per cent, ot all cases of the •• aciM,' aliih ii wilhoiit in, hnl- inj^ the cases of intus-,ii>ceptioii. which constitute ahinit lii jicr cent. The oiis.-t of the attack, with the syiiipt,.in- .,f '• peritonisin"- aliiloiuinal jiaiii. shock ami \oiiiitiii;; mmh ivseinl.les that in perforaf ion> -if the li,.llou viscera: ami the same careful e.vaniiiiation of the abd.-sii, n an ot syiiiptoins will he reipiin'd. The character of the pain ■> .,| little value, hut it is iiiiieh increased hy percii'.>ioii in |ierit,M tis, more .so than hy paljiation, w liik-t in ohstmctioii jieivi -mu causes little or no pain, whilst jialpalion is less readily t,>ieraie,i. 'I he voinitinij; is .sevi-re. and changes its ch.iiacicr a- the ca-<- proj.;resses. hecominji very foul-snielling iatei'. Shock may h. profound, hut variis greatly. The abdominal wall 'n oh.>tru'- tion is mobile and soft excepting during a paro.\ysm of pain whilst in peritonitis it is rigid. I'eristaltic movements ar- m- -v eonuuonly seen in obstruction, but may be found in ixrit, nitis when the inllammatiou is localised, as 1 have shown in of perforated simple ulcer of the jejunum. In obstruction IK'ristaltie waves can freipiently be excited by friition of the abdominal wall. The bowels are confined, neither lac, ^ nor llatii.s being paissed. I' hki si li 240 THE ACUTE ABDOMEN In tlic scvorcly toxic fonn, or the last stages of pi'ritonitis, tlic abdoiuinal wall, previously rigid, beeoines soft and pliable again. As a rule, in the perforations leading to peritonitis the patient lies (piiet, with (lexed thighs : in obstruction he moves about in bed, altering his j)osition to that which appears for the nu)nient to be most comfortable, and complains of almost intolerable griping i)ain, usually referred to the region of the und)ilicus. In all a careful search should l)e made for any abnormal swelling, which in acute ()l)structiou may be found in various ])arts of the abdomen. As the case progresses, general distension of the abdonu'ii supervenes and increases, and any localised swelling will be gradually merged in the general eidargement. Septic absorjjtion and inflammation arc su])er- adiled and the case practically becomes one of peritonitis of the most grave nature. If seen for the (irst time at this stage a diagnosis of the exact cause of the inflammation is impossible. but prompt measures may yet prevent a fatal termination. Luckily patients do not often permit things to progress to this extent before applying for relii-f . In tliose cases in which obstruction is not so acute in its onset you not infre([uently find, before it becomes complete, complaint!* of griping pain and can see and feel local hardening and swelling of the abdominal wall, with gurgling as gas is forced past the obstruction. An example of one of the most easily diagnosed (and remedied) forms of obstruction, both from its nature and the short time which elapsed before operation, may be given. A marrii'd woiimu of 38 was admitted April 15, 1914, with a history that on the previon.s evening she had lelt some sloiiuu'h-acho, but it was not bad until she had jrone to ))ed. It then became very seveie and slir had troublesome vomiting all night. At tlie time of operation (1.30 p.m.) she was still sutieriug from pain and wa-s vomiting at intervals, the iiuiii was paroxysmal and situated in the lower abdomen. The abdonuMi was somewhat distended, with sliifting dulness in tlie flanks ; the pain wa.s referred to the under sinface of the lower end of the left rectus. i^onw of the coils of small intestine were very clearly outlined, and there was occasional peristaltic movement. Nothing abnormal was f'tlt on vaginal examination. J^lic had never had any previous illness. Al- together the evidence appeared to be in favour of volvulus of small intestine as a cause for the obstruction, although there was no tumoiii. The right rectus was displaced outwards, and when the af)domen was opened a large quautily ol clear fluid escaped. The smail iutedtine wa-! ' i: INTESTIXAL ( )B.STrUTTI( ).\ -Ml gonerally d..te.i.l,Ml au.l tl„. h,>-. ,t ,,;,.„.,l i„,„ ,|,e „dv . wh.ehacontract,..lil..u„M.Mi.T-r,l. At t|„. imim wlmv il„<' „,.■. - fi-et from the il...,.,.„val valvo, tlio dilat.-.l b,.w-l was iwiM." .>vt.rla!ti)nijf ilio coiitraclc.l i.oiiiou fioin l,.tt i„ ij.^i,, \\-|„,„ to Iho siulac.., )h., nul of tho (tilaUMl bow.'l frit hi^.vv aii.l .„,. some irnrular pavticl..s of u.i.lii:,.>i,..l f.,o,l. |„ vi-w' of tl„. ,i,. ot I-.a^ was suir-.-,!,.,! l>y onf of tl„. ih.r |,i. be pan ol an im.Ii^.sh.d roroa-ruit. 'rii,> .•oi,t...u. of li,,. l,„u,. easily parsed on, mikI llio ololniclioii was ivli,.v.Ml willioiii ;nn - mampulatiou. The wound was siuuicd in ,,nd il„- imii.-ui I , from alioiit d and 1 1 lawn Uunrd aini'-s llliu'lll. I Were pccial il had l-|ii. :il. — I'.iiil-Iu-Kicl Aiiii>^l()miiHii ,it'f,r A'/vm/../,. -- ( ili|j,ji|,> Sorti ;ii .,1 llowcl aft.T iii^iilicatioii of (,'l:iiiii.> : I. Small iiitfstinc •_'. Clamp--. .'i. OblKiiie section of dowel. I. Cut mesi'iiterv comin..' well hrvond eii;:i. of section. ,->. WedfTcliaiied removal ilf me-cntoiv of limited extent. The |ioint~ of the clamps should he iienivr to the ( ut e l.'e of the mesentery. an uninlerruplod couvah-seeiue. I'ortions of cooua-iuit were pa.-sed ivitli the first action of the bowels. TIk- obstruction was not coinplftc, tlicreforc tliciv was an fxuilafion of fnv liuid into the [HTitonctiin. No localised i^wcliing could be felt, partly because tlie twist wa.-< in the pelvis, and llie coil affected was not distendcl witli nuicli ga.s. Karly o})eration was all that was rc«iuiri'd to put ihinjrs rij.'ht. As ;in example of volvulus producing a more severe form of obstruction in which early operation is most desirable tho following ease may be given: — A.A. n -■{ i « III I* - 242 THE ACITK ABDOMEN :-:-? -4 «.. D.. a«(Ml 2S. was admitt.-.l ^ „„ XowinLor 7, l!t04. with acute intcsliuul At 4 ,..,u. ou ih,- day WUno„u J,o was su,l.l,.nly seized with pain in the low..,- al.donn.ii ; siuco that time his t).)wels had not hecii ..[.Piicd. m-hlwr had h<. jm^sed fhidis 'J'hcrc liid hvi'u vinil inj; off and on sine.. 1 h.. ..ns..| . The pain ha.l heen continuous in eharaeter, with paioxysms On a.lmission it was sfate.l • " 'J'he pat LMU's face is drawn with i.ain, he e.)nlinually moans an.l pants Ho complains of pain in the al.dom.'u, which do.vs not m.)ve at all in Its lower part diinn;,' inspiration, an.l in..vcm.Mit is jx.or in tli.. upiu.r part There IS a marked pr.Mnin..n.... in the hyjiogastri.. region in tlu middle hnc, l.mkmg like a niweh .list..nd..,l l.lad.ler. Tho percussion not., ov.'rthis area is resonant and tli.^ jiail very ten.ler. The liver is not diminished and the ali.lonieu appears to hv normal in other i)arts."' The jmlse was Il'k and th.. temp(.ratiiie was Jooc; . CatliettMisni did diminis!> tli<. size of the svv(.llini;. When se.'ii withJ)r. C. H. B.>x, under wh.>s.. car.' the man had hecn admitt<.d, the local signs had he..ome less aciiti- and there was less complaint of pain. Acute intestinal ohsduc- fion was diagnosed, due to vol- vulus of small intestine, or .strangulati.)u i^ a band. Tli.. patient was a strong, heallhv- looking man, without any histoiy of previous attacks of abdominal pain. At 0.45 the abdom..n was open.'d below the umbili<.us to the right of the mi.l.lle line. th.. r.>ctus l)(.?!ig displaced outwards. "When the p..iit.)neum was incised a very . , ,, . hhifk ..oil of small intestine i>re- «ented ; tins was v..iy t.-ns,. an.l har.l an.l coul.l not be drawn up thron^h the wound t was theref.ue ,H,nct,ir,.d with a tr.ichar. and a .,uantiu- of flui.l whi.h consisted almost entiivly of venous bh.od, escap.'d ■ this had a imcal ...lour This coil was th.-n bn.ught oufsi.lo ami foin'id to be th.. Ileum immediately its juncti.m with th,. ca.cum. Another coil then present,..! itself and was also tap,H..l an.l emptied .,f simiia, fluid contents ami flatiKs: it was now possible to lift the whole ..f the affected gitt out of the abdomen. This was quite black, and when emptied of its ..ontents without resiliency, although th,. peritoneal covering was not without polish. The twist which had occurred was one on the mesenteric axis from right to left, but when this had been reduced no improvement occurred in the circulation of the affected .■■ a« J» of !lin(.— 'nw inner suture conii)leteil. I. The nuter suture eoiitinued. '2. On com- pletion it will be tied Ut ;i. which is the same tlireud left long for this purpose. 4. Sutures dosing mesenterv. ^:^^^jmi''-%''l^WWXi I XT EST I X.\ I, ( I J >sT nVi T I ( > X 1M.{ m<"s,.n...,y liu.U.uv.l alt..,- tl,.. n.pi.l ,n.Mli. , , 1 u " " vm left .t il„. il.. '"\"""- . "'"■ i'i.|Mr ,.,m1 ua. lli,,, \,„u,a i„ ,|„. aunn:;:- i i':i::!:r;:r':"''^ '•"■•- •";":"'' .•i^n-''-^''-ii;ir!;:::; ::':n:,:i::ii;;,^ -'.■Iv.s .•outa.nnl .lark l.l.m,l-Man...,l oIVwimv.. In 11 ,.,VMM,t ou auv par. ol , h.„ ., , , , , ?'^ "" .he ..,..n.n..u wi,h s,..nii..a s!.,iu.. .:'hn ; .' w. :, ';;'r :.',""";'■'' : deep and suiMMlirialsut Mies. r|,|,„„|o, „, u- . i " ■'; 'I'-'d will. ;"<• "p-'i-u .wo i„,i....n...s ... .:!,;:;:;;;;,;;';;:;:;::;;,::'•' """- li,V|>... .(irti callv iiii.l lit..]- I-..., ,.i "'""'">' "III"'' "ii'v-n..,, ..,!';s;i;f;=.:i-;;i::--:;;r:is,-;:r;;-;;;:,:,;,-- ;;[r™;.:'»'i-r,T:;::-r::;:L;;;';:-;:-:, '-^ a''«lom,ual wall wi.h„u, luMuial pn.,n,si,;u was M.,:!^' """' uth .t \u uuxny l,our< |...| ,.|a,.M.,| si,,,... ,|„. o„M.t ,.t ,t ha,l not giv,... nay into th. ..urr.\ p,.,.i,o, ,,v' l)r ( L (.,l,sn„. ot .\,.w Vo,.|<. ,.,.||eH,.,| I „.„, ,,,.,.. i,,' ".tosfnal ol,s,nu.ti„., (i„..Iu,li„. ,M .a^.s .,f M,.a,„M,lat,., lu'nua), an.l aniongst tLcs. tl„ ,•,. „,.,•.. li'l „,>,.. ,.t v.^lv,,!,,. nu.Iud..,! tl.os.. alh.,.t.n. tl... lar,.. i,.„.s,i„.,, „,„,,, ,,,, ,,, ,- „. „„, ..lost c..,nm.,„ ,.,mstit,.ti,.. p,.a.., „„. „„|v ,„,,„ ■„, ,,„„, obstrucumottl... Ia,.„. 1,....,. This va.i,., v „f ..hst,.,,.., „ wi^u .^, tl... la,-,.. i,,,,.n,H. l,as a ,.,.,;...,,u- ..,■ ,^ ;*/ 7f- "'■^'•^^"•'•""•'t-lto,.I,y,|,,,a,, ,|,a, ,l,...i,.all gut IS .,t tar great..,. i,np.„.,a„c.... ul.ilst .1... v i.alitv of its walls IS probably ioss. Wlu-,. tl.,- s,,,, 11 i,,,,.,„... ,.„;..,„,,;.,., ''f volvulus the. sy„.pto,„s a,'.. ,.i.,n. a..,,!,.. ,..a,.if..stati..,.. ..f sl,„,|< arc; more ,„ark,.,:, an,| possibly its ,„ol.i|i,v allows of a t,.r|.t..r Kn,nv,ng 1 1... ten.l..n..y tlKTe is !o pMhli.h .„lv Mi.-,-.:,sf„l oases, It ,,s very probable that Dr. Gibson's statisti.'s a,v nm.,- ' Se.. Kj.r. 31'. K2 244 THE ACTTE ABlXhMEN favour.ihic than tlicy sIkiuIiI \n\ He t'ouinl only titic rccnr.l (if siicH'ssful ri'ficctidii for jj;aii. ()l)>truit ion jiiiiiliupd by ^^('l•kt'l'> iMvcrtiiuluiii, .\. (St. Tlidiiias's llusiiitiil Muscuiii.) mm at tinu's hear of occasional " stomiich-aches."' (iibsoii uives 42 I'uscs of obstruction 1)y Meckel's diverticulum, as aijainst 18() by ))ands of various other kinds. This seems to me to be much too high a proportion as compared with actual ]iractice ; obstruction due to a Meckel's diverticulum is not often .seen in our hospitals. The symj)toms produced by the compression of small intes- tine by a band are practically the same as those described when the cause is a twist — viz., " peritoni.sni " — with the formation of a localised swelling in the lower abdomen, which i.s resonant on percussion, Any swelling of this kind should be regarded as of importance and as an indication that nothing but operative *<:'. '^TBIKSW?l-fr-jjj;«B:»5^"' ^^S: HB^HHSK INTESTINAL ()HSTIU( TION 24.-, tm.tnu.Mt !s ,..,ssih|,.. Th.. ni.,„l> mm.m l,,- at .„„•,. ,n.,,n,u.,| ">t tl"s: thvy will prutx ,,„ 1 (!„■ palimt ,l,,,„.r.l nmrplnuc for the ivli.-f -t iH> pain, hut v-m „n.~t !..• .in,, It w most M.iporlant that al.l i.ul np.n.linn^ >l,nMl.l hr Pf't-nm.,! lu.foiv any -•■ncral .list,.n>iun mI. in ,,p,.,a,i„„ i. tar mon- diflicull in tlu- tar., ot ,lisi,,,Mnn. uj,,!., ,h.. ,,.„|, ;, likely to l)c nnuli less satisfactorv. In a stout man of 4(i u ho l.a l" >tran._'uiatinn of ,r„t I,,- ,|,is .livrtK^ulnm I fo,m.i it n(.rrs>a:y to rx.,'.,. som.. 4.i in.i„s of thf small bowel. },nt ti.e >titel,.-s ^av.. wav, iMcauM. I prnl,al,lv plaee.l ti.em in dania-,.;! l,ow;-l. It is po fornu i U piare.l in the special iu.strument sliould be put in an accurate" method o fiit Mil i!ii m 24«) THK Ad'TI-: AUDOMKX 1)1 MiluriiiL'. at'lcru jii lici(Hi> >"lccti()n of the pniuls of >ccli((ii of the ^'iif . and in tlic |)nTaiili(ni> afiainst >c|i>i>. w liicli arc now a pari of the nsnal ((■{■lnii(|Uc. 'I'lu'if air many cax's of localised >.'an^'i'cnc in w lii
  • found tliat a part of the ;.'ut doe- not look >oun('. lint of wliicli it is not possible to .-ay that it will not recover if placed in favoiii-al)le eircnni-lanee-. W'lien tlie portion of bowel atfeeted is very iocalisid. as when the pre— lire of a hand has produced a ti;ni-\( ise lesion, it may lie po.-sihie to invert this 1)\- a row of Lendtert sutures, a- suiijicsteil l)y Professor Caird. I have ('one this with satiNfactory results in early eases of stranuulatcd hernia and pre--ure hy hand. 'I'lie trcatnu'Ut of (.'anjirene of the small intestine when the entire circumference is affected will depend (»n tlie i;eneral condition of the patient, and the circumstances of the case, rather than (Hi the extent of the jian^rene. for tlii' procedure will he muci\ ' ■ ,-ame whether you resect I inch or I vard. In favouralde circinn-tances excision should he the method adoj)ted in the case of uau^renous intestine. Delivery of the alTected part from the abdominal ca\ity. exaniination to define the extent, not oidy ;:ani;renous but chaiiiicd beyond tlii-. cleansinj,' of the part, careful jiackirif.' off of the hi'altiiy area with .-lerilised trauze, covering <'f the j^'anjircnous part with ^au/e to prevent po-sibic contaniiuation of the wound, resection, and subseipient joining of the eni!-. In the resection of the jiut in ))oth eases which 1 ha\c re corded Doyen's elanijis were used and answered their purpose well. J usi'd them because they were handy. In other casi'> ol resection pieces of drainauc tuJ)e passed tlirouirh the mesentery and .secured by tyin^' or by forcejis have answered e(]ually well. Stri])s of uau/.e weuld answer in e'a-e' you hael ne) eirainajre' tube' available'. The' ))re)ximal anel elistal clamj)- should be place'd i' iiU'lu's abe)ve' or be'low the line eif |)re)pose'd se etion in a lie'althy jiart. 1 lay very >peeial stre-- uu \\n> peiint. bee'ause' in the case' e)f eifjstrue'tieni by a -Mee-Kcls eiivefticulum it appe'areel that tile' suturiiiL' faile'el because' the' .stitches ceiulel iie)t lieilel in tissue \\hieh liael been stretelieel anel whicli unelcrwent afte'T-wareis an intlaiiimateiry reactietn anel softening;. The- bowel seemeel liealthy. anel one was naturally ne)t aiixie)U> tu exeic>e more than was iictcosurv. It is often advisabk to "M^-, i1^'~,'i.'W»"taiicc. in .laimaiv l!Ht."». i n-scctrd Id iiiclus of small infcstinc with jiood loiilt ill a car-t' of >tiaiii.'ulatcil tciiioral licriiia. alllioiiyli the part alTictcd l»y jiaiim-ciic was only alioiii I inch in IciiL'th. 'I'lic howcl close to this was not in a healthy slate. As each end of the howel is se|)arat/d it should lie cleaned and wra|»|)ed in ^aii/.c until wanted. One or two vessels mav re(|iiire li<;ature. ^'ou nee I not a wed^ie-sliapcd iKirtion of tiie niescntery, i'.s in the removal of a new L'rowth of the howel (see Fiu'. 'i2). The jiinetion of the two ends should he nia le l>y careful suturiiii.' with a dotihle row of silk sutiiivs. These should l»e continuou.s. for they are more rapidly applied than the inter- rupted, and are e(|ually elficicnt. Aceor.linj.' to the thicUness of the intestinal wall should he the size of the suture material. As a ruK'. No. I is ri<;ht for the adult. The first should include all the coats of the howcl ; th.- second will take only the two outer, as a rule. In applyiii;.' this, you must see that the suture has a i£ inches in the other. Hut greater lengths have heen e.\ci.-ed. .Mr. .\. K. .1. Marker, in a verj' instructive ])aper on the limitations of enterectomy, mentions a case in which .Mr. Hayes, of J)ubliii, successfully excised 8 feet il inches of int»'stine foi' injury in a hoy aged 10 years. A"other paper by Mv. J5arker will repay perusal. It is on enterectomy for gangrenous hernia. Many practical points are brought out. He also shows that the amount of shock is Jiiuch less than is believed from such an e\ieiisi\e ^fT "W :i8 THE ACUTE ABDOMEX liill '} li i ojxTutiun. I have mcntionod thoso cxnisicns of lar«c pieces of infest. ne in sh„u- „hat ean be done, so that you may n<.t In' Uitihu.late.l slioul.l you meet vvitli one of these extreme cuses remeinhering that if the gut at the point of union is .ssed on. and h.- n-gained good health, ex-.^epting for occasional nid.g.sf.r.u.- The effect on the intestine has been recorde.l hy .Mr. J^arker in two in which he ha.l an opportunity <;f lookn.g at the bowel during life .some months (in .me case hve years) after operation. In both, the line of union was sound and without contracti.m. but the bowel on the proximal side was somewhat larger than that on the .listal side, and showed smaller power of muscular contraction. In the cases of volvulus the probable cause and position of the obstruction was known and the incision was made to give most direct access to it, due regard being paid to the anatomical nrrangement of the muscles of the abdominal wall. \\hat is the best incision to use in cases where the cause of an acute obstruction is unknown, and what steps should be undertaken to find and remedy this when it is found ? 1 think that an inci.sion through the right rectus sheath to the inner .side with displacement of mu.scle outwards is the best ; It should be of a size large enough to admit the hand far too much time is lost in making a small incision an.l then enlarging it : you may make a small opening through the peritoneum at first, for it may be possible to (piicklv discover the cause of the symptoms. Anyway an extension of the ncision in the peritoneum is very quickly effected. I have already pointed out the importance of operating before the oiLset of distension ; where the bowel is but slightly distended manipulation within the abdomen is easy, for the hand vav be passed from point to point without dihiculty. Where the small intestines are <.bstructed you should first examine the ilcu-ci.oal region, and if there is empty gut there INTESTLN'AL OBSTIircTlOX 2ll» foll'jw it upwiinis til till' ol)>tnictinii ; Itiil il i- l.ttirr tn i'm|»ty ilistt'ivli'il < nimli flistcnsioii iMtlicr tliau aiM to tlic ilan.'ir (.f the cax' liv linii>iiiu witli your hand tln' alrciily daniau'cil wall ol tlir u'lit . Tin- not only cnahlcs yon to ite the mesentery with the point of a knife : it is not needful that the openin;i; he of lar<_'e >i/e. It is closed hy means of a Lemhert suture of silk (continuou.-). or hy a piirM->trini; stitch. The >urface of the howcl is cleansed and the loop returned, it can be repeated with other coils. In examininti the ah lonunal contents with the hand, search should he made for bands, which may he of various kinds, and tlioe >houlil In- traced to their attachment.- if pos>ihle and cut .-liort : if there are adhesions which are too .-tmnu to he separatei' it will he neces.sary to resect the bowel, do a .-hort eircuitinif operation, or ill a Dad ease open the bowel above after attachiiiL; it to the abdominal wall (enterostomy). The operation of enterostomy must he ri'^iardcd as a \i-iv unsatisfactory opei'at ion unless peifoirued as a piirel\ tempmarv measure for the relief of disten>ion in advanced oh>t rmtioii of the bowel or paralytic ileus, it i> -onitt lines po»ihle to save a lifi' by this proi'cdure when an injudieiou>ly prolmiued operation would ca.\ise a fatal endinjr. A local ana'stlietie is reipiircd, and the openinj^ should he made in the ri^ht iliac rei.'ion. the c;eoum or some presentim; coil of -mall b(A\el heiiii; s( lected for the insertion of the tube. In an adult of ordinary size the iiuMsion should i)e about ."> iiulies in leniith. The part of the bowel to be ojxiied is biouuht to the inei.-ion and sutured there by means of >i!k suturi's placed in >ueli a |)osition that it will he possible to put a tube in the centre of the area hroiiuht up. A small sized l'aul"s tube, or failing' that a piece of lubber tubinii with sidi' openings nea?' liie extremity, or a .laci|ues catheter, will answer. A small ti-liL:uf -uture .-hould he passed throuiih all the structures ot tln' ahdoiiiinal wall at the upper end of the wound, takiim up the peritoneal and mu-i iilar layeis of the bowel av.i!!. Another should he passid in a similar ■ I 200 THK A( TTK ABDO.MKX m niiuiiur Im'K.w. OHht sutun-s. of silk, slioiil.l tlun Im- passoil on ffuli sidf to lix tlu- iH'ritnticimi aiio\c and th" other helow the puneture will hold the jiut in position whilst an assistant compresses it hehind to prevent further escape of content^. A purse strint' suture is then placed ro\nid the openinj; at a. convenient distance and the tuhe inserltd thnjujjh the cidarued puncture and seeutcd hy tlu' suture. The howel and wound an- washed with sterilised saline, and the howel now fixed to the abdominal wall with the silk sutures, the parts again cleansed, a packing of thin gau/e jjlaccd loinid the junction, and the free end of the tuhe hrought thnuigh the dressings and put info a hotth'. To the Pauls tui.e there is a wider and thinner lu))e already attached. The tuhe comes away in about four to five days. After this the discharge escapes on the skin, which rapidly beeomes very excoriated and painful. Much may be done to mitigate the exceeding discomfort of this by clean'- less and the ai)plication of oint- ments. The use of a solution of rubber maybe useful, it should be painted on after the skin ha.s been cleansed and dried. From the amount of misery which such an ojuiiing may eatise. and the tendency to rapid emaciation exhibited, if there is reason to suspect that the fistula must become permanent uidess somi'thing more is done, the earliest opjiortunity must betaken to explore the abdomen and dowiiat the individual may recpiire to restore the natural channel. Another reason in favour of early operation for the re- establishment of the iu)rmal track is the tendency to the formation of iliac adhesioi..^ vhich such cases show. Strangulation by bands i.s one of the most common of the various forms of acute obstruction, and in its nuiin feature.> differs very little from obstruction due to a volvulus. ] will simply give cases which speak for themselves (see Fig. 1). Intestinal OiisTnrcTiox dik to a BAsn.— On October 5, 1911, r. P., u single woman, aged 75, woa admitted. -Jf Slie was an old woman with sunken eheeks, and was lying propped up in bed turnpla:nins <>i m- & n 4 1 INTKSTINAl, (U5STIM ' llnN o-.i miuh |iiiiii la llii' alxloiiii'U uIjk li Ii.kI ruiiiliii'iiriil .11 1. |trii, llir |>i.M..ii-, ihiy. Tlii-. pain had l..rii vny ... vnr. U4 n.ial I liioiiyliniii ilit- alMlotnrii, liiil f\l ami -lii.i.tiii:; ilinuiyh io llic shoiil.liT lilail.-. She liail li.ri loiivijiialrd li.i tmn m. Il\f liay*. ai-l. .1 till' moiiiiiu; liflcn.' itilitiis:«iiiii. TJir alHliiniri) \\a- \\.|| (.•ovcinl, lav, iiKiviii;; fairly well; no »]>>'. ItJ. 'I'lifif \\a.> II" lii>loiy ol any [inMoiis illni««. Oprralion.t; pni. 'riiinwa. a laruf anioiiii' ol l.looil -taintil tliml in III.' p.iiion.nin. Inn n.i >p,,u ol lal nfcn.-iN w.iv vi-ibl.t anywhfi.'. alllmiiKl'. till' linid «n«utsl(d tiif |>os ii.'iit side, wiii.'li on Inllcr rxaniinalion lo.nililiil a miIvuIiis. A mtv nrni hand .-iosmmI iliis, ninniiii,' Imiii ili.- IiukIih id a .itril." uicin> lo III.' po-tciior pari of ihc p.lvi* 'I'lii-. wa- with s.'i.>oi>i. ■||i.. Miiall ;,'nl allVcIrd wa.'. 2 Ircl in Ifn^lli, licniniiinu- IH inches lioin I h.' il('o-(';i'i'al valve. It wa- of very dai k .■..lour, liui loilicnt. ami ^l.i.»>v. .\diaina«c Uihc w:i.s inscilcd and niMih llnid .liaiiud away l.n lour d.iys, allcr wiiich it was icniovcd. '1 h. le was nolhiiij: lo >how lio\v iln- hand ori^'inated. Tlic a^i' of fliis palii'iit did not |ii(Vfiil licr rccovci v Tlif i|m'stioii of rccovi I'v IU.s|.iNS (Ih.' Il'^ll|l III in<'e. Thi! pain had remained eoiistant in the ^aine ))la''i'. The bowels aeied on the :!iiih. The patient .\ is jiale and ivid.'nlly siilVeiinj: severe jiain. I'lil-.' I;i(> ; respirations, :',l' ; l<'ni|>eraliire. !i.s(i . The abdomen, wlinli w.i- well covered, moved poorly on rcspiralion: rather di-ieiidiil ; no vi.>ible IMi i>lalsis ; lymjianitic all over, .\bdoininal wall ~oli and Ihniiil exc.'jitini; 'I the epiiiastiic rci;ion, wheie there w,i> .'~lij;lit iij,'idil>. and lier<' she wa> very leniler on palpation. The scar of former operalioii was visible in thi' tnid-line below the nniliiliciis. The vomited iiialciial was bile-stained. At the o]i<'ration a coil of small inte>tine bcn.'alh the incision was adherent to the alxloii iial wall and In .iiiollicr coil A laiye .-.ection ol it was empty and coilapM'd. Th.' distended coils were emptied by puncture and the obstiuclmg adhusious divided. Ih'.- .surtaco of th« ■?!«■ ^ ^'^^ < i '■'- THK ACTTE AP.DoMKN p.. was i,„U,..,-l. Th.-r« wa. „.... ,|uhI ,„ ,1,. ,,..|v„ whi.t. „ ., • h. «.M,..l ..u„...,|. !,ul (ho.,, wa. .... .,,1..., .•.M„,,|i,,.,,ou. ''''"""""" '" Ail tl... iHTMi;.! a|.nhuv> „,u>t !..• . .xa.niM..,! lK-f.„v „,«.ra(i.m .>|HT.allytlMh.m..n.l.i„>,„utw.„n..n I l.av- mivmIJ „,M.n,.,..l tnr ..l,>,ru.f,..,. .„ luo i„>tam...> ,.» this turn. ..t'h.nmi Tl... I'al.n.t> .i,.| ,„.,.,,,,],. „,|l: ^.ill I ,„„|,| ,,„, |,,,„„,. ^ -r n„,„.rt..<., ..xa,ninati.m. h is ,..., v.ry t..',i,„l • .I.J...,. ..xanunati.,,. .,f tl... ....t,,,,. has n.,| h.,.,, ,.am...l "" : tl... sh....l.l aluays Ih- ,|,„... .|„it.. , »..,• v.iv vahial,!,. '"•Ij' >uay Im. air..r.l..,l |,y it^a r. rial j;n.«th ul.i.h wa-- ..„.„.- P"-««'«l ^i-^ It Kav.- „.. sy.n|)l..,...s : a l,all.,.,n...l .-...■tu... • u, n.l..sMiM.,.,,t.,„. ..r >;al|-st.m.. i„ tl..- s,„a|| intrsli,... ' a., "''P<'«»««1 l.y.lati.l. .„• son... .,lh..r jrn.wth i.. tl... ,,,.|vi.s'- •„, m ht„u, .^u-\\\n^ al,,.„t ai, ap,H.n.lix. .,i' a s.-ppunuiny uh... lHs„r«,.,,.,iml.M...nlin,.a„vstatc.....,.t I hav.. k.,.,u„ tlu. i.t.r.i.s uh,.,, 1,v r.-.tu... .h.^ml,,..! as , tu.......,-. a.,.1 a .list..„.l,.,| un-ur .... tl... h-ft si,|,. as a., cptioii which could Ix- easily felt. •-' tl... case „f n.aiTicI ^vuunn a va«i,.al .■xa,„inati..i, is iilx) Usually m.licatcd. Tl..n. ar.. c.rtuin var -ti.s ,>f acut.. ..hstr.i.ti..,, whi.h .f.pur,. spccahucnfi..... h. ausc„f th.-ir ..x..,.pti..„al .■l, <..• special,.nt n..,ui.-..P«--I 11. a l.m.ial sac, sloughing „f tl... ,,art ..r th,. wh..le ,.t a.. ...tussus,.,.pt.„n. .uln.rcul<.us or .lyscnteric ulciati..., (n.,t typl.....i). a f laumatie parfial ruptun- ..f the intestine. „r it n.av t.)ll.)\v an acut.. iipp(.n(licitis. The e.,nKenital t,.r.n is not o,.ly rare, hut invarial.jv tatul. the UK.- ..t tl... infant ren'l,.rin^r attempts U, reli,.ve th'e stricture Impdess. In a.l.iiti.m th.. presence .,f ohstruc- tion cann..t be promptly (liagnose.l in tl... maj..rity In the aoquire.1 f.,rm the of treatment' will ,|epen ; uM cx-iM.-ii ..i , -iiUJ. im! Iftiuth ..» int., tin.- atul III, ,ii.|.tn-.„,|. , M |.fn..i,|,. ,,r lalrr,.! aiiii»tnin<»i> ; (.'{) niti-ru-iuiiiv. Till- lii>> ill iic.|tiir(i| >im),|,. >iricHiiv^ is v.ry ihik I, fh, of a (.'inuil, iiiva.linu <-r cniiiiiiciicin;; in il,,- >„, ,i| Imiv.I. Im. has a |„„-(r .•.iiirsr t,, l..i- i|,<. ,,n>,.t of r,,,,,!,!,.!.' ..I.«ti,i,ii m. Thrn- is a ('•.niplaiiit .,f all.H k« ..I .Mlicky |Mii, in th.^ al..lo,M.i,. ..Ii,.,, accnipaiiinl l,y sjckn.:^ ah i a •• ri>iii;i in »!,.■ ^t..,„a,l,." Visil)!.- iicriHtalsis ,s t suflicicntly to produce syinpfoin . ">' Sun.lav. l»..r,.,ulM.,- 14. l!li:i. f. K , ,„..■ l- I... uanl „. wl„,h .1... Iiiul |>n-v,(nisly Ix'ci, a patinil i,. ,,.i|i,,-.i | . i.„,--i,.i, i, ,•,.• I,,,- di.. wiinl IVslivili.-s on (•li,lslnias Da.v. \Vllil^( ..i , ,,.. I,., |.,i ,| ,1,.. 1, „l an iittiu'kolal.iloiiiiiial pail,,.,,,, Ill,;;, Tl,.' r..i.l.',i M,>i>ta,.l mi, t.'.„ii .•xamin.'.l I,..,- an.l lo„„il so,,,.. .Ijsi.i,,,,,), „| , i„. mIi.1..ii,.ii « ii ii pcii>ials,, A l,isl..i.v ..t MHiilar alla.ks lo,' a p.tuhI „I ili,.... w.ks «as ..l.tam.Ml' She was a pi.MMil . 'ill.. Ii„e ..t til., pivvioiis ii„.i,„„is (•^.'<" !>. 2«7) was si.|.'cl...l as t|„. lil.ics l,a.l ,i.ii i,ii,iril \mII an.l th.'iv was a w.^ak wall Ih.^i... \\v r.iul.l also lr,i a ll,i.-k.ri„i- a t the size of a <1,.m-,.v aiiit.-r ||„. iipp, r .■\(,f„Mly of ilic scar. iliis was a.lli.Mvrit anil pla<'..l al tlir aiii;!.' ol lli.^ loop wlii.l, ha.l !..•.■„ >lioii- ciriutc.l Lffoiv. 'I'lici.' wcif<„„. oi Uvoa.ll,f-i(iii- InUVfc, I lir oMK'iitiiii, an.l ..111.-,- i,a,l.. an.l wli,„ llir p,.U is was .•xploi.a a ninioii, , ,,i,|,| l... l.'ll wlii.'li was a. II, .■lent l.i ll,.. siuninil ot ij„. It wa> M.tnc .lislan.-.' I,.>i,i 1 !„■ ]>oi,it of latcial ana>l..i„o>is. .'n.-iirl.'.! I hi' >iiiall 1...W.-I. but (li.l not .|nit •.■linl.' its Ininm. Tl,.- wail of ll,.' l.ow.'l al.ov.' an.l below .•i.nld be pivsM'.l into it. Hs >l,ap.-. iiit«'i,iall.v, i.>.i,ibhn- a .lie- box. 'rhci-.' was a taj; ..f ..inmliin, a.lbc.'i.t to it. I be iiii'>cni,rir K'tands wciv (■,,la,i;.Ml ..vci' a la,ir<' a,.'a. Aft.',- .■vt.iiMoi, of ih,. ;,b- .loininal ii'ci>i..i, it was pos>il.!.- 1.. .-nt awa.v tli.- •.',.. w I li f,oi,, tl,.- >i,„i„i,i of 111.' blad.l.i. tl,.' wallof wbi.l, wa- siitnicd. The p.iii io„ of >n.all «i,l attVci.'.l by th.' .ri-owtl, was .'x.iMd (>il iial.'.l about :i f.-.'t fi' Ihe valv.') with af»'WKlaiidsaiidan('i,.lto-.'n.laiiast.,nii)sis canicl out. The were much too ninnei-..tis joi a ,,p!ele opeial The small int'.'stine ab.ive the jjiowth was dilat.'.l an.l .■onu.'sted, that below soniewliat ' All interesting papci- by Dr. Spcesc on -arocnia of -mall intL'siue, will W- f..uii.l in the " Annnls of Siiigery, " 1!»14, (.. 727. 254 THK ACITK ABDOMKX \ii' J r ^..• I'l: *•',• smalNT than nnnnal, hull lM.rniaa,.vidw.MylMMMM,o,.om,,lHrol,str^^^^ <•«••'. Into wa. a jroo.l .Lal ..I sl.ork all,.,- tl... .,,M..aiio„ an.l tl>,. ,,„|s.. s;.;:^,^:;'''^' ='■'*■ •'••—'■'■•"■'■':••■.- ..,...;„.,.. Mr. Shall.M-k r..,,orl..(i. K.U. rxplorai ion was a.uain p... lonn...l ,o s,..- it ih.- ;.'hiii(ls would iXMinil of icnioval now tlial tin- patient was in I'i'llcr licallh. l)Ut. althou;;li sonic "I 'licni were sinall.r. they wcic Vfiy<-\l|.iisivfly attcctcil aiiil one (11- two iiodii'fs ol jirowlh coiiM hf fell. 'I'ru days later the use . a wee!, I" ilie l.eirinniiij.'ot .\piil. witlioiii any si;;iis of ahdoniiiial disease, iUid she (onf iiiuod well when seen in Aufriist. \VI)':i :i siuvdiiiiitoiis i.'!-{)u t h Fl(.. .M.-Sarinina of Small Intestine rodiieiii- ohstiiiction in a child. f|„, ,,„,., n ;„, ,,(:. •. " I. Kaised edj;e of ;;,vwth, n,>t hard .^'" ' '"' " "1«*'^«"'«' It may or everted. 1'. I!ase -,,inur;.-li I'lVil'U till' lllf Cstillill Willi and lnd'"4^n""w"v- -V^?;" "^''■'' ^•"'-'^<'" '"t" "^ I'""*'"- - II. Ki 1,'ivoii way. I, niiicntum . . , attached and ]iivventiii- jjcneral Prodllc'.liy oiistrili'tlon. ])Priti. \ I" •■nd.trey on May |-'. l-lll. lor a swellni- in the lower al.don.eii ' T, " ye s l„.|ore he had had a swelling in the uj.per alMh.inen whirl, d ■ared. I here had l.eeii eomplaiiu of iii,lij.esl ion. I.ul no vonulm.' ill.' swellins; of whieh he now eomplaiiu'd was nolieedal thrisi,„,T P.Mii. and had mereased slowly without pain. The .eii-n,! appearaii e "I the patient was that of aheallhy man. In the lowr al>do„ien was ■, tiunoiir the size and sha f a .•...•oa-iiiil : it oeeiipied ih.. mid line and eaine lorward al.ove the like an enlaij;ed l.lad.hM' It wis 0,1,,. linn, teelinj: like a lil.roid -rowlli. and was lix,.,l posteriorly lo the ti.ssiies at the l.aek ol the ah.lomeii. hiil eoiild l„. moved to some exleiil lie eompUined „l some loss of ai.iH'tile, althoii>;l, this was nev,.i ,d and he had to take medi<'ine to ensure an aeli..ii of the hovels wo i^- i:::\fi^m^mum:jR3!s^i^^B£ismB£SiiiyjS^'t-:mi^^mK^j^ji INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION 2.-,o Tliis tiimimr wiw rcinovt'd <>f Hay Is with tlic li.I|i ol I>r. A. K. (HMlfivy, tiK' itiiU'^llictic l)|.inj; M;iv,.,i l>y Dr. 1'. (...illny. Incision was made to flio iij;lit of thu uiiilillc line .mil \hr vi-r\n> (li,|.hiic(l outwiiids. Tilt' tiiinour was gn.wiiig iii ilic m.'sciii.Tv oi i lie ilfiim. - H y- T, J. >. and was dilliciilt to lift out tiiitil an adliosioii to the |)critoiiciiiii on the liiilit side of the pelvis Iiad been divided. It was crossed by a loot) of small intestine (ileum), wliicli was closely adlieient. 'I'lio •iidwlli was very Iiaid. t'l.iini)s weie ajiplied to tlie small iiitestiue involved and IS U\ 20 inches of it were removed with the i 256 THE ACL'TE ABDOMEN li r I H tumour ami a iaiiic Vsliajii'tl poriioii of tlio ini'sciilt'iy, rlio vessels beiuff serured as they presented themselves. Kiid-to-eiid aiuf.stoiuosis with a double row of eoiiliiiuoiis sutures was peiforined and Ihe niesenleiy sutureil above and undernealh, no raw surfa<'e l)eiuj,' left. No glandular enlargement eouid be found. The wouiid was Closed in layers. The reeovery from tiiis operation was uneventful. Mi'. Shattork reported the nature of the jrrowlh as spindle-eelled saironia. and the, sperimeu has been added to the eolleelion of tiie Royal ('oliege of Surjieous. The si)e<'imen shows funjjation of j;ro\ytli into the lumen of the intestine, not completely l>loekiiiK the canal. Some peritoneum has been removed to show the rough section of the main growth. This patient was seen again on .March 4, 1!)12. During .lanuar.y and February he had two illnesses with night sweats, with some fever (102' — It*.'!') lasting a week (ui each occasion. There had been no ])ain or bladder trouble, btit he had constipation, and for ten to fourteen ilays liad noticed renewed swelling in the lower alfdomen. 'i'his was rounded in outline, tympanitic on percussion, and appearc(l liuctualing. r.xi)loration on the !>th showed an extensive growth with a broad base and inliltralion of the mesentery. The peritoneum was very vascular with a <|uantit,v of large veins. The lluctuation was d>ie to liirmorrhage into the growth: It was not considered operable and the incision was closed. The patient died in the following .Inly. ('o!ey> fluid produced no effect. A hytlatid cyst may pros.s upoii tlic iiitestiuc wlion it grows within the mesentery, or compress tlie large bowel when it develops withiii the pelvis. Utenne fil>roi(ls are very unlikely to cause acute obstruction, but it may as a secondary consequence owing to the format iiii of bands or adhesions when there lias been iiiHanmiation of a fibroid [lossibly due to a twist. Obstruction' of Small Intestine, duk to Adhesions .seconuaky TO A Pedunculated Fibkuid which jiad undkkgone Kotatimn'. — .\. M., a married woman, aged 48. was sent to me by l>r. Sonlhey. of Colnbrook. on .May 24 and left .Itme lo, l!tl2. The calaineiiia had been more freciuent ann the 22nd she had vomited, and this had occurred often since. She was ,i thin, wrinkled woman looking quite old, rather restless, and coni)ilaining of attacks of abdominal pain of varying severity. On examination of the abdomen, there was a hard centrall.v-jdaced tumour the size of a cocoa-nut, reaching above the umbilicus and going down into the pelvis, whi<'h it tilled. It was slightly movable. (.)n opening the abdomen we found th(> omentum INTKSTIXAJ. OBSTIIICTION 2.-,: iMlliorcnt to a ;;iv.visli.l.i„\vii mass, and Ih,. traiisvri,,. .ol,,!. ami -.inaM «iit wciv also adh.-icut rouii.l Jl. 1( wa. a iMMluuculalnl ( wlji.h had uiidef;;oiic .iiic .•(.niplrtc r.Hali.iii mi ils |.fdi.-|... wlii.ii ua> aila.'li.d to til., fundus utcii. S,.vfial l.aiids w.-iv divided and a multilorular cyst of tlic rijjlit ovary rt'iiiovcd. A irioovr was found in Mir wall of the ileum mil te hy one of the lai)ier l.amls. Al.ove llij. 1 1„. ii,i,.>ii,„. was distended, helow eoutraeted. 'i'liis ;:i<),.ve was invaj;i;ia!ed niiii a eoiitinuous Leiiibeit suture. Carcinoma is very ran- as a priiiiaiy growth in (Ik- small intostino. 1 have only been ealled upon to o|terale for ii once; it was in the jejunum hij;h up. There was mueh glandular enlaiv'emeni . and some seeonilary deposits in the pe-iloiieum. A lateral anastomosis j{ave relief. In obstrnetion from gall-stones tlicrc is a ditfcicnt cliiiical picturi'. A suddni attai-k ot jiain in the upper alxiomcn, with vomiting and shook, in a woman of alvancing years. The v(miiting is troubk'somc, and with the pnin. which is paroxysmal, varies much according to the progress or arrest of the istonc. The majority of stones are arrested in the ileum, because this part of the intestine is the narrowest, especially near the ileo-ca'cal valve. Init arrest is common in other parts as a result of muscular sjiasm. Absolute obstruction is temporary high up. J)uring this time there is no action of the bowels. The pain moves to the ni'ighboiirhood uC the umbilicus, and if the woman is thin the stone may be felt until a spasm of the bowels occurs, when j)erir.;alsis will be seen and tenderness compl,>'ni'd of. The stone which is shown in the illiis! lat ion (Fij;. ;i(i) was removed at operation from a stout elderly woman, and before oiMiaiion eoiild be felt y)fr icition as a hard, very under lump in Doiiulass pouch. Tin- mucou.s memlnane was ulcerated over it and oi a dark colour, maldni; it probable that the stoi;e had lod^'ed there lor some t inie It could not; be moved iu either direction. The patient, who was very ill. did uot recover. These cases may go on for a long period if no operation is done. I once saw a \ nficd lady in consultation who had had symptoms for eighteen days, : nd a.s she was in bad health and unlikely to survive any operation the effect of local application of ^'lyc(>riiie and belladonna was tried. On the tweuiieth .l.^y die passed a blip- mm facetted stone. A. A. S m THE .\( ITK ABDOMKN l^- 111 anotlicf case the laily liail been MilTcrinj; willi varviiifi symptoms of (ilistnu'tioii. ami was fxtrcmcly ill. Her state was thought to he due to a gall-stoni'. was seen with lir. S|i;iiill in coii^nlla- liiia Iki iiitcstiiiiil olislnicl ion. 'I'licif w;is a liistdiv of nil iiti;(trii' pain on Maicli l.'t. She liay l| inches: one end was facetted, the other yininded. In s|)it(' of Muh cases, early opei'titioii gives the best ehaiue of sueeess. If you iiiul a patient wlio is too ill, or who refuses (.)i(ratii)n. in whom you diagnose gall-stone obstruetion, you are not justified in withholding all lioj)e of recovery. You cannot estiiuiite the exact si/e of the stone, and there is always a ch.mei' that it may be forced into the large gut at any moment should rela.xation of local muscular spasm take place, ^Vhen \ou find a i;all-stone in a coil of small intestine the ■f TXTKSTIXAT. ( )l5STI{r(TI()N 2.V.t i»i'>t trvadiiciit is ti) niit-nlr. p i>li the nI.-mi' llij^llfl- ll|l llic llDUrl (tnr Vdtl cailllul ( .-.IlllKllr llic aillnlllll of iiinil>iil cliaimc ill llic ciicircliiiu imiic.iii> mcii.liiaiu). an 1 cut 'Inuii iipiiii it inmi the antr-iiii>cmciic Ixuvlcr. -iiliiriiiL; the iiicisio-, throiiirli wliich it lia> hrcii .■\tiac1:'.l -.vith ;, ,|,,iil)lc niwof (•(mtiiuiniisviitiins. thciiiiicr liciiiii pa-scil tlinxi^di all the coats, the outer throiiirli |)iritoiicum and nuiscular lavci- only. Acute obstruction the result of pas>, yc ,,\ the small intestine throujrh an aperture is not often seen. althuuj.'h several eases are on reeonl. There i> a specinicn in the St. Thonias's Hospital .Museum (KIl'. n). which shows aii aperture of the hind, likely to snare intistine. in the mesentery. Apertures may he conjicnital or the result of injury to the ah lomcn. TJie sym|)toms arc those pio luce;! i»y „ hiuil in a similar [losition. These ol)structioiis are iruliideil under ,'ie Ilea lintr Internal Hernia, which also comprises the eases where intotiiie hecomes entangled in a rctro-perkt.inca! poiuli. the foramen of Wiiislow. or in an openiiiL' in the diaphraLMii. I'ouciics which have been tound to ensnare intestine are found in both the upper ami lower abdomen : of the former there arc the duodenal (ri<;lit anil left); of the latter, the inlersiiiinoid. the retroca'ca! and the poucii of J)ou<:las. As these pouches can mo.stly be demonstrated in the anatomical department ami they rarciv cause obstruction, it is luobMble that some abiiormalit v e.\i>ts when the intestine ucts ensnared. As a rule the .ipcrture can be dilated ; if iiici>ioii is reiniircd. the possibility of the presence of ves^els in the constricting fold must be rciiiciiilicrcd. After the intestine has been reduce 1. the openinu of the pouch should be closed with a stitch. This statement docs not appiv to the foramen of Winslow. where the ,-ur<£con should not attempt to (dose the opening,' because of the very important vesx Is which surround it. in hernia into the lesser sac. in addition to acute syiii|>;oms there is a dctinite swellini,' in the epijiastric rei.'ioii, with po»il)ly retraction of the lower abdomen, it is possible that if the distended intestine which oc(aipie> the lc»er sac ami forms tiie tumour can be emjitied. traction from outside the foramen w il! reduce it. in duodenal licrnia' it i- possible to tind a swelliim in 'lit' rcajou of tile umbilicus. Init in thi' serie:, met with in the lower abdomen tiiere is no special guide. Ill :'! !ir ; ItiO THH .\( ITE ABDO.MKN I)iii|»hia*e 'vhicli has hccii ivlatcd (p. 2:W). The ahdomiiiiil ((mtcnts may pass into the chest and heconio sttaiirotrusion has taken i)lace it may assist diagnosis if the i)atient is examined witli the X-rays, but as the stomach is often implicateci and vomiting fri'tiu(>nt, when severe symptoms are .leveloping. it is often too late (see '• Strangulation of Stomach,"' p. 2:J<1 . ■■ Kupt>ire of the Diaphragm." p. 15). IXTlSSrst KITIOX OR IXVACIXATIOX OF THE iiOWKL. Under this heading is comprised a large group of the obstruc- tion- met with in })ractice : in fact, it is so large and important that it re((uires a section to itself. There is hardly a week pas>es in which tin-re is not some case admitted to the ho.spital, and .»s a r\de they are ))rought at a comparatively early stage of the oi)r-lru(tioi\. because of the passage of blood from the bowel. This >ymi)ton\ is one which ])rofoundly impresses the moflier of the child, and she caimot pass it over, as it occurs in ;( I iilicn to pain of which the child gives evidence. She knows l\, <■;•'■ is sometiiing wrong inside. In this form of obstruction as met with in the living subji'ct a varying amount of the bowel lu'comes invaginated into a section below. Thus a tumour of varying .size is produced which con>ists of three layers— the entering, the returning, and tiie ensheatliing. Thesi' layers, with possibly some omentum, form what is usually called the •"sausage-shaped"' tumour, wliich is so ciiaracteristic of the disease when it can ))e felt. It is ,-ometimes, especially in the chronic form, met with in adults, but is by far most commonly seen in children (male chiklren) unilcr one year old, A remarkable fact, which has ^:fc^^cj& TXTISSUSCKPTIOX OF TIIK V.OWKL Kil hrcn inciitidiicd hy many writiTs. i> that I lie patiriit at llir tiiiw ot onsci nf till' illiu'>-i i> ot'ti II a \(iy In althy and well- iioiirislicd child. If is i.'(n(Tidly jickiiowlcdiit'd thai the cauM' mI iiiiii'-ii.-ir|i- linn is an irr<'unla.i' peristalsis ot the howcl. |in^-diiy dnc to intestinal irritation troni within. 'I'hc aetnal iaii~c ol ihi- i>, however, dithenlt to trace. There Mia\ lie som.' -uillin. ot a I'ever's ])iiteh, a Ineniorrliaue into the nuicous nieinhram or a polypus to start it . There is no eliiiierd ad\ anta.'e to he (|eri\ ed iroin a iniiuite division ot tiie varieties of intn-.Mix-eption. and students only become confused if ti rms aic inidti|)lied. 'l"he di\isions into enteric, colic, and entero-eolie. a-- >n'_"_'e^ter| liy Mr. ('. S. Wallace, are (pnte satisfactory : more are ^.iipeillnoM-;. I'ractieaily. reiUicihIe and irrediicil)!e are iccoL:ni->id. The svinptoms are those of • ])eritoni^m." >udden ahdominal ])ain. vomitinji;. and shock, followed liy the pa-saire ist> mo-tiy of mucus and hlood. If the ahdomen is examined hetween the attaek> of |)ain it will he founil llaccid and without di-teii-ion. S like a larue sausage ; in the earl\ stages it will lie most fre(|Uently found on the ri<:ht bide below" tlie liver. .\ rectal exaniiuatiun will often prevent 2k rm-: n<»\vKi, •2^\:i loiu'imi arc iiiinh iiiun lik<'l\ tn ciiu-i' diMiciilty in iliav'iin«i-> in clu'onic ratlicr than in a( iilr intu>>n«i'<'|)ti(iii. Tin |iii>iti>>n of tlic^r If^ions. flu'ii' >lia|>i' anil nnnilxr. >*ill liil|i in lln- (lia>inii>is. W'lirn llic inln»u>c(](linn li,i^ oiuc cipnuncnccl. tlir .i|>i-\ nt tlic cntt'rinji pai'l remain^ cnn-tant and inc Iim-c^ in -i/.i' a- a ri'snil of cdiiiif^-lion liuni intcrtVicncr uilli llic \' mai-. i' tnrn. By peristaltic acliun nf the >lieatli it i- Inircl tnrllirr ilunsi luitil it may prolrmlc inmi the anu>. Meanwhile the ennije-.- tion nf the enterinji lavvfs has extende i in ainmint and t he ditliculty in rediietiim increased. 'I'lie Mie-cnlei\ ciiti i-- with its seetiiui of howci. and l>y its pull on the eloimaled swelling causes it to assume a eui've «itli it-- convexity I'.ow nw ards. The compression of the mcscntiiy incrca-e^ the m uou- return is more imjM'ded. the howcl forminu' the intu--sn-ceptiim hecomes more enuorjied. There is an increased t!o\s ot mucu> tinm the surface, the ? rr; illcr veins \ ield to pressure, and a~ time pa--e> thei'e is an escape of hlood-staini'i nnicus fiinu the ann--. and ha'Uiorrhaiie into the tissues from which it is cscupiic.f. Adhe- sions Itelwccn the opposed |iei'itoncal »urfacc'~ form earlv. and if I'elief is not atfonlcd within a few lioni- Lianj^rt ne of I lie intussusceptuui I usucs from com|>lete ^topjiaic ot circulation, aided l>y bacterial invasion of the dama^'cd ti--ue-. I'eritonitis isafrcipient cause of a fatal endin;_', hut the jiaticnt rarely die> from com|iletc olistruction. If. however, the stran'^uialion of inva<;inated howtl is complete from the first. Iiloo:! and mmicih will not he passeil. If no attempt is made to relieve the ohstruction, deatli Usually occurs hefore many days have passed, and aithoU'.di spontaneous reduction is >pol;() IJrintoM made a collection of "»<"► fatal case> of oh>truciion and of these iM.! were inlussusce|)tions. .\iiothci' wa\ in winch a |)aticnt may recove • is }»y sl()u<^hinij: of the intii^-u-cciitnm : of this there are many Uiiown instances. .\ cliild uikIit my >ai<' .n liic iioyal I'icc i|(iv|.i!,il \va> -mITitiii;; tioiii iiilussuscciilioii Willi iiicil:iii~i- tdi wliicli I lie pairiit-i irtiiMil iiji. ral iiiii. 'I'lic I'liilil was lakcii liiHiic lo ili>', ami wa- iiiclir.l vny ill. Mkhii a fiivliiivlil atlcrwaiils ilic iliox-r dl 1 lir ca.-r wa-^ walkiii;; llinm^li l lie .-tivfl when- the taiiiily roiilcil ami t.> li.-r suiprisr >a\\ iln' tniiuci 9PP 2«l THK AcrrK AllDn.MKX H ■ I |)aliiMi |>hiyiiu wi li «>;li.|iiial t lie |mitiiiii i>l Idiwcl whicli wa-. |il<)la|>-i)'ii when lie wriil Imiiim' ii ii| riiini' a\\.i> ami I lir rliiM ia|Mill\ rrcdvci.ii iMaitli It i« not |mi--iI)|.' In -ay it -ll ill (llf l|tvilc>|ii(l lair? . It i> iiitnivtiiijr ),, ^,.,. i|„. viiriiMi- m(lliiMl> of tri;i!m(( M tiinl ill the |iiis|, many tniiiiilcil (ni a complctr failure In imdciNtaiiil the |i,i(linl(ij.'y u| tlii- discjisr. Kattyc statiN that caM-. havr liccii ciirril hy tlic |»a>>ap' of linimic- ii|) till- rcctniii.' Mayiiicii. ril a inixtiin' «tt No. ."» -.jiut ami iilivc oil. 7 o/.. of (In foriiitT to J o/. of the latter, ami (|ii(itei| tuelve ea-is of -iipposed e,\aili|iles ot the (liseax- thus treated.- lie has not found many imitators. 'raliafeiTo relates the ease of a prisoner who was eiired li\ the Use of elfei\e.-ein;r powders in the rectum, hut died of |,arotid huhosonie weeks later; his uaoler acted as medical ailviscr. Iced injections have also hceii tried. The melhoil of inllation vvliieh was in voyiiesonie t w en ty years auo «as introduced livd .rliain' in iN.'iS. This when comliiiicd with external inaiiipiilalion and the use (ll chloiiilorm in cliildrei t iiifrcipiciit ly ^iiccccdi !, hut was uncertain and not wilhoul risk. Clieadle' wrote of this method : • The .-ucee>> of inllation in the cure of intus>us- eeptioii depends laiMrely. no doiilil. upon its early emjiloymcnt. Ili^'iiiiison's syrinjic proved of most ii-c." FayL'c ' wrote of the same treatment : " It has now been freiiuently em|iloye(l, and sometimes with the icsiiil of ciirin<; the disease. ]\lore often pirhap- its success has heen partial. The tumour has hecn reduced in size, or it has chaiiiied its position, returning; towan'- the seat which it had occujiicd at an earlier period ' Hryaiit wrote warnin>.dy : '• Bowels have been ruptured bv 11- Use." The siilistitiitioii of water prcsxire. by means of a funnel and tube introduced into the rectum, care bein^r taken to prevent too much force bciii;.r ein|iloyed. has been similarlv tried, and with varyiii<: success. The funnel should beelevatcil about L' feet above the level of the rectum and warm saline solulion allowed to How (|uictly into tin bowel whilst the child is under a uciicrd aiiiestlietie. .Manipulation of (he tumour ' !••;::-. , -.Sv-trlll (,f M,,liril|f." Vol. II.. |.. 4 lit. - /.,/«<■.■/. v.. I. I., IS7II, |,. 7:t7. (■iiy"- lln>|,itiil l!r|„irt-. \'<.|. III.. ]). :!(."., ■ /.,n/.;f. v.. I. I.. Is,s8, p. IC'I, INIl'SSl-scKITlOX (H' TIIK llnWKI. .'.i,-. throiiuh the alxlitiiiiiiiil wall .liuiihl In- caritiiliy . arn.n >,u ,i« Hu' ifijfctiini ciitrrs. It i^ a iihIIihiI uliicli I lia\ c iim.I .||,. ,•(•<.>- fully in thf past : it ha,, lucn .tlta-i lomd iMiaii-c ot it; iin- t cnliii ly t.. u|ii'nin<: the alulonicn with mani|inlali<>n ut the intii->ii„(.|,ti,,|| Inci^inn mi tin- l''ll.. ■'iT. h'llhlctiiin iif lill IlilU — ll-i ••]itliill ]i\ Mulli|nil:itiMll .,,lt-hlr till' AIhIiiiik'Ii. 1. Iiitii-~u*i i|iifn-*, li:iiis~ii-ci'iitiiia. 'J. TIk' I'liit'imiil ciivity li;is li- ■■ii ip.ilUuiI '>tl' with ;.mii/i-. li^ht side over the icctii- luiix'lc. with (i|Hiiin<.' i>i the ^luatli and dis|ilacci!>cnt ot the nninjnn-il nuiscic dutwards. is the hist \'i)U will (Hit li:i\c a weak wiiund attriwards. as is oticn the i-asc it' the fibres of the muscle are separated. The iippir limit should extend above the umhiiiciis. When tiie peii- loneiim is openeil. the pi'olap-e of small intestine is pre\(iited liy a iranze pad or pluu and the |)o-.ition of the tumour delineil. If tw(i finj^ers ai'c passed to the lowci' end of this and pie-vure is made o\cr the end of the intu.-suxeptioii. it will ijiiiekly recede before the picssure until a \ariable amount is left, pci haps ii linn suusagediUe lump of - inches in length which is mote •miW'n. !S ^SfTHEvT^'SnlE^^'ST'l MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 1.1 1.25 1^ IH 1^ |50 "^ !=» |12 1^ ^Ui, ^ us, Ills b >- ,. I.L.I. ||l.8 1.4 1.6 _J ..APPLIED irvHGE Inc ^^ '653 East Mom bfeet F.S Rocnestc, Ne* fork 1*609 uSA ■JSS (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^S (716) 288 - 5989 - fa» 2fl(> THH ACl'TK ABDOMKX mi m resistant. 'I'liis slumld I)c delivered out (it the wound and eoni|»lete I'eduetion elVected l)y lirrn hut jzentle pressure. As a rule some patience is re(iuired to reduce the }(art w hieli has formed the ape.x of tlie intussusception, and sometimes when it has heen reduced the operator has a doul)t as to wiiether a tliickeninif wiiicli is tre(piently felt insi(h' tlie j£Ut is a ^rrou tli or only conjiested and (edematous mucous mend)rane. It is not wise to o|>en tlie bowel in order to make certain : growth.s are very rare in the acute variety and ^ive some distinctive feature when present. Incision into a l)owel such as this is inadvisable because the wall is probably softened and contanis many oriianisms. .Manipulation of the |)arts involved must ])e gentle but firm, violent or hasty pulling will do harm, and often cause a splitting of the pt'rit(}neum of the outer layer and damage which cannot be repaired. If in spite of careful manipulation the intussusception cannot be riuluced completely, there are practically two courses open to the operator in the case of children : — (1) To perform a lateral anastomosis al)<>\e and below the irreducible j)art when the bowel is healthy. (2) To excise the intu.ssusception by the method which goes in this country under diifirent names: .Maunsell. Jesset, Barker, etc. It is especially indicated where the intussuscej)tion is gangri'nous but the ensheathing layer good. A[)ply a con- tiniums Lembcrt suture of silk to the bowel at the neck, uniting the a(lja.cent surfaces in the whole circumferenee. With the usual precautions against the escape of bowel contents into the wound, make an incision in the ensheathing layer which shall fully expose the upper part of the intussuseeptum. An incision is next made through this close to its upper end. bv which the anterior two-thirds is divided into the central canal. Sutures are passed, four in numl)er. through the entire thickness of this, one in front and one on each side. The fourth is passed in the following manner so that it may also act as a luemostatic. The needle is niade to penetrate the two parts of the intussus- eeptum from within outwards, is passed roinid the vnicut part of this, which contains the mesentery with its vessels, and back again into the centre of the bowi'l. 'J'his is now tied, the complete division of the inner tube.> (and mesentery) completed, ^M.A- TXTrssrSCKPTfOX of THH BOWFM. 2(17 and Ili<'(.|)cniimiii tlic slicat h doscl willi a (•(.ntiiuinii^ I.ciiilMif suture, after the part-; liave been cleansed itoide and out with warm saline. If for some reason too much damatie has heeii inthclid on the bowel durin<: the manipulation for reduction to permit ot its recovery, tlien it must he exciseil : l)ut the |)rouno>;, of this operation in tin- ease of intussusception is very had. If it has to he done, the peritoneum nni>t lie packed otT with L'au/.e moistened with warm u>ual : if there is uuich shock, the lu'st plan is to insert a nundicr of interrupted sutures of thick salmon jzut. which pass throujxh all the lavers. It is unnecessary to <;ivc statistics: suffice it to say that projznosis depends very much on the .d)ility of the surueon to reduce the intussusception without resection of the inloline : therefore every etTort short of causinir serious injury to the bowel unisi 1,,. niade in order to etf'eet that object. Thi. is niorelikely to be successful if immediate opt^ration is performed. .V Casi; in wMirii i\n >si scKPidiv i;r.< i itiir.n. I, a i i:i! \i. Wvs,.,. MOSIS AT .-^K.-.M) OPKIiAIIUN. V . !{,. a oi,| ,,.,.,1 s. W;,s ;.(1miI 1^ ■111 Miiy 17, l!ti:!. .sli,. WMs Milijcci to .•(.iisti|.;,ii..M. f'oi- iwriii V loin li.Miissh.. liu.l suttcivdfrival iiMiii ill llic ;il..l(.iii.'n wil li rir.|ii,.iit v.iiiiil- iiij;. NolliiiiM- liad pas.sed liy I he Ixiwcl. .sii^ locknl |. inched and v.i v ill. puis.' Kill; telllllCliltUIV. IIMI ; IVspil ill iull>. L'4. KxailliMillh.ll sliowcd a niovalilc incK'ular mass in ilic liyh' siaral iciii ,S slie reliirni-d tiom a cdii valexeiil Ikhik-. Nexl dav >lie had abdoiiiiiial pain and voniiliii<; : the lii)wel> ailed i\vi(-e. Inil there was no slime and lui Miiod in tlie iiiol ion-, .she <-a in ^iitVenni; from iiiteiniitleiit attai'ks ol pain whi.-li caused her io roll ahoiil in lied ,-ind cry out. 'I'lie al>domeli was rather disteiieroii> Huid ill tlie periloiieum. 'I'lie mesenteric ulaiids were l.-ir^'e. Tlie iutilssUM-eplion was 2 Io :! lei-l aliove the ileoca-.-al valve and ahoiit 4 inches loiijr. It was easily reduced in p.-iil : the terminal j-ieec. however, was much thiclvened aud comph-te reduction impossihle. linu 2<>.S THR A( TTR ABDi^MEX ill! ■ iiIIk sidiis cxtciKliiij; iH'twfcii llic itciiloncal siiilaccs. Tlic iiilcstiiial rout cuts |iiissc(l ill is stM'lioii \vi li (lillii nil. v. I.ati'ral anastomosis aliovi- ami IpcIow was pcrloiiiKMl. 'I'lic iiiiicoiis incnihrani- of the luiiii) looked rather sjoujrli.v examined llironi;li one ot the iiK isioiis. There was no evidence of I iiherele on examination and ap)ili('ation of von l'ir((iiet's lest. She left the lios|)ital well .Inly 2(). Some months ialei- this i>at ienf returned foi symi>toms of olist ruction due to sarcoui.i of a dilTeient pari of the small inteslini' (see |i. l',"(1'). A recurrence of the intussusception after complete reduction lias ])een met with in more than one case, and to |)revcnt this it has been reconnnended that the mesentery of the ileum near to the valve should be shortened l)y the insertion of a con- tinuous stitch. It so seldo;;. occurs that it is not advisable to adopt it as part of the routine trcatiiu'iit. The si'j)aration of a slou<.'h of the nuicous nicml)raiie may be seen some days later in consetjuence of strangulation from tight nipping. In the following case it came away about three weeks after opi-ration, and. although there were some uneasy symptoms complained of about three years later, there has not been any proof of the formation of a stricture ot tin- bowel, though such might be expected. The abdominal wall remained j)erl'ect. The i)atient was a l)oy .'5 years old, an only child, seen with Dr. ('o|ie- laiid on April 20, I!tU8. Vomit iiifr had been jucseiit siiic(> the early moriiinj; and there had heen complaint of ahdominal pain. The bowels liad acted, hut no s|»(>cial attoiitioii had heeii i)aid to the ch.iracter of the motion. Tiii'ie had been no blood or mucus passed. When seen earlier in the day by J)r. Copeland there had been uolhiiifr abnormal to be felt, and thi' tem])erature was about 10(( . not over. In the evenini: when seen ajrain there was a swellinj; iu the iliac rcfjion. At 7 i>.m. there was a flattened, saiisajie-shapcd and somewhat tender swellini: above the iliac fossa. The abdomen was i;enerally flaccid elsewhere. Pulse. Hd. The abdomen was o]iened al 8.4.") p.m. after dis))laci'meiit of the rectus; and an ileo-cu'cal inlussuscejition reduced by manipulation. 'J"he teiininal inch of ileum and early ])art of the c:e<'i>m were (edematous and thickened. He made a ^ood recovery, but three weeks later passed a bi'oad bainllike circular slouj^h of the mucous membrane fioni the lower ileum. The detachment olthe slouj;li was accompanied by some abdominal pain and a rise of temperature in the morning of the day on which it was passed. With regard to tlie ])rngnosis in cases where there is some sloughing of the iutu-ssusceptum a easu recorded in OBSTHrCTION OF THK LAIKJK INrKS'llXK 2n!t '■Holmes" System of Sur^'i'iy.' \\)\_ H.. p. y-jj. j, vciy ( iicdura^iiig :— A Imy ol ."i iindrr llic care of |)r. nurklcy. (if Sniloii (iii'lrciil . |>M»fil H iiiclics of llic ilfiiin, llic rirniiii willi its aiipfMilix. Mint alioul 4 iii of tlic colon, afliT an illnc-s of four niontlis' duiatioii. ami rn'ovcrcil ill six wt'cks" linic. ^^ixlccii years later lie was repoileil a> having had perfect health (liiriiii; the whole ot the iutei \ ciiiiiii lime. Chronic intussusception is mostly met witli in ailults. and is not int'rc([ucntly due to a orowth. Tlicse intussusceptions being mostly irreducible, are usually treati'd by excision of the alVected portion of the ))o\vel. the amomit removed depending on the position and nature of any growth that may be present. A removal of a wedge-shaped piece (f tlu' mesentery will lie 'icccssary if the tumoiu' is malignant, liider no ( ircumstiinccs slwaild an attemi)t at a complete operation Ite made if acute has been suj)eradded to chronic obstruction. In those cases where a carcinomatous growth of the large l)owcl lias been intussusccpted and proltipsed through the anus, 1 liave on three occasions excised the growth with succi'ss so far as the immediate result of the operation was conccriu'd, but one <;f them returned with general ili.ssemination in the abdomen a few months later. The sphincter ani should be dilated and the growth drawn well into view. The bowel well above the growth, which is usually am lai in shape, should bi- gradually divided with ^cissoi-s comple Ay round, forceps being put on the edges as they arc cut. Silk sutures should then bi' passed through buMi layers and tied from before backward-. When the bowel is released it readily passes up into the upper part of the rectum. The objecMon to this oj)cration is tlu- fact that very few gland.s can be removi'd. The prolapse of itself mdicates that there cannot be vi'ry much infiltration in the mesentery or great enlargenu'nt of the glands. There is usually some, b it much of it m; - .secondary to a sloughy sttite of the growth, which is not unconunon, and often associati-d with lia.*morrhage. The distress which it causes occasionally renders operative interference an urgent matter. OBSTRUCTION OK THE LARGE IXTESTIXE. Tn this; section it i^ ni cos-^ary to include a consideration of the forms of obstruction which are of a chronic nature, because TIIK \( ri'K AIJDO.MK.N ))i<' |)i<'K'iitii>ii (if ill) iicutc ;in:l ntlcM ;! attack >li()iil(l lie |i()s>il)lc it' till- coiidiliini is rccnuniscd time. It is far ton cDniinnii to tiii'l that for a lout; tiiin- llir patient lias had disconiforl and troiilili'>omc con'tiiialion foi' whicli various foinis of |iiir;:atioii haxc Im'cii tiifd, and succccdi'd. more or less iniiM'rffctly. in L'ivini; rchcf. then a coniidi'tc ohstructioii has siipcrvtucil whic'i the most luTscvcriii;.' and injudicious attempts at forcing; a pa ssajic have failed t(» overcome. J)urin^' the years I'.MCi 12 inclusivi'. tliere were 121 case^ under treatment in St. Thoma-'s I[o>pitiil in whicli a carcitx inatous <;r(>\vth of the larjre bowel was present in acute ohst "uction. and of these 70 died and '^\ recovered. .\cute ohstniction was produced in Mothers by the pressure of maliiiiiant urov. ths, i! I of these nine died. .\ case of carcinoma of the jejunum also |)ro\('d fatal. The causes of death in the cases of malijinant obstruction fri'atcii by colostomy are sujumed up as follows by .Mr. Rou(piette : — Death due to ()|)eration. 21 percent. : peritonitis, !t percent. ; pneumonia. 12 per cent. Death (hie to |)rolon}icd obstruction. 7!t per cent. : toxa-mia, (>7 per cent. ; perforation of growth or stercoral ulcer. 12 per cent. This is a large i)erccntago of fatal cases to be found in any series of diseases of the l)owel at the present day which if recognised early are i(uite ameiiab! to surgical treatment. It must be conceded that the subjects of malignant growth of the large bowel are often advanced in years, and may be sufering from bronchitis or some other complication : but with the inevitable ending which awiits delay, it would often hv the wisest course to take the smaller risk and sul)niit to a palliative operation sucli as that of lateral anastomosis, if on explor. lion more curative procedures are not ])o,ssible. Jt is very sail to find a patient sutfering from an obstruction of some two to three weeks" duration, caused by a ring carcinoma of the colon which is (piite opcral)le. and have (k'ath follow a colostomy, becausi' the pati>'nt is already jioisoned by al)sor})tion from the (iistended bowel al)ovc the ()l)structioii or exhausted by vomitintr, pain and want of food. Even the causes of death which are put ilown to surgical interference are in most the ()I{STin( TKtN OF I'lIK I..\I{(;K INrKSTINK 271 rt'MlIt lit cliailiics in lllr lioucl due In piolnllu'c;! nl»>lnuti(ill. JU\il tllC |lll('llhli)IUM. a ('(ilM|llii'. 'riic majority iif tlu- cases of eaneer df llie intestine oeeiir hetwten 4i» and (!."> years of aeen met with ([iiite I'arly in life. Nothnatrni-li..ip .,iiU'. II" ■_"' II -Jll w With reference to the nialigiiaiicy of carcinoma of the larjic intestine, it is recognised that secondary deposits occur less frc(|ucntly than in cancer elsewhere. The outlook in earlv excision is therefore more hopeful. When it does occjr it is commonly in either glands ,ir liver, but varies somewhat according to the exact nature of the growth. A cancer of the h.rge bowel may remain apparently without change for many months. A surgeon to one of our large hospitals told iric of a case of carcinoma of the rectum for which he was consulted owing to an attack of obstruction which was THK A( I'TE ABDOMKN ' i rt'licvt'd l)y castor oil. Kijilit vciirs latiT Ihr patiiiit \Vii> still uli\<' iiiul (lid not ;i|)i)car to siitYcr cxccptiiii; from an o((a>ioiial difficulty wifli fl'c liowcis wliicli " liis ince difficult to finil, whilst a contracted rectus may conceal it. There may be more than one tumour felt in the line of the colon, making the diagnosis difficult ; under these circunvstances a I)urge will get rid of the scybala, and the growth can then be demonstrated. In shape and size these cancerous growths vary very much ; if there is a large growth without any obstruction there may be a colloid change, a solid cylinder being formed without much, if any. contraction. Blood, mucus, and pus may be found in tlve fa'ces if ulcera- tion is present. Occasionally a growth can be felt above the finger on cxamina- fion [ler rectum, which from its mobility gives the impression that it is operable, but it is necessary to give a cautious opinion before examination from above has been done. Quite recently two patients have been umler my care ; in the male it was found at operation that the growth which had been felt was a carcinomatous dej)osit secondary to a stricture of the same nature higher up. and there were many secondary deposits in peritoneum and bowel wall witiiout obstruction. In the Ir"' uiJsri'jf iiox (tF Till-: h\i;si>taiicf in tlu> ilia_Mio>i> of tlicsc I'oiulitioiis when the liinim of tlic houil i> iiairownl l)iit ol)striU'lioii is not complctr. A rarciiioiuatoiis iirowili coiitiinics to contract an^l the syin|»tiini- associate I \\ith chronic ol»-triictioii a|»|)('ar sooner or later. There is a coni|)hiiiit of increasing con-ti|>ation w hieli ordinary pur^'ativcs (h) not appear to icheve : indec;!. they cause |)ain. I'lneinata are then trii'd and fail after a tune. There are attacks of diarrhd-ii wliieli aiter'iate with the con>tipa- tion. (irow ths in the lower colon may cause ainio-t continuons looseiu'ss of the bowels ; sometiini's an alteration in the shape of tlu- motions. Kxamiiiation of the al)domen will often show a spasmodic contraction of the howcl above an obstruction, or abnormal thicUeniiiii of its walls. This is found at or abo\c the rejiion to which the pain is referred. I.,ater this l»ecomes nutre extensive, and friction of the surface will excite painful peristalsis. Attacks of colic may conn on with vomit in;:, runil)lin^ of wind, and distension, la lead-colic and enteritis intestinal coils aic not visible. Continued distension of tin- abdomen follows when the obstruction is complete or ahnost so. and is greater the hiwcr down the obstruction is placi'd : it may increase until the w hole a}»domeii is rounded and balloon-like, the distended intestine, both .small and lar^'c. lill:ntate and were still not much trou})le(l by either vomiting or pain. .Many of our hospital cases have l)een "" worse " about three weeks: The first week, paroxysmal pain witii wind and oonstij ation ; second week, constipation, vomiting. di-t(>nsion, pain ; third week, incroaseil pain, greater distension, with otionsivo vomiting, dry tongue, hiccough, thirst, and rapid eniaciatiou. A.A. T 271 iMK Aciri. ,\iU)().Mi:.\ Oicjisidii.illy ii ii.itiint wlm was • duinu nicely" p'fs jiiiitc liloiLiim <>t till' ••.iiciiioniiitnii-. >tri(liirc tnnii a torcij^'n l»o(l\. a fa'ciil liiinp. or miiiic (ifln r cniMplii'aliun. ami there i> a rapid yiiipti.m>. The pain i^ inure xvere and eontiiniuns with e\aeerl>alit>n>. the vmnitiim i~ di-tr"»inji and the vomit changes its e'laraeter. Iieeoniini: teenlent. N'olhin;; is pa»e>l li\ the Iiowei. and '! eneniata tail to hrinji away any t, le. Shonli perforation now o^'cnr. or peritonitis arise from some other caiisi'. tenderness and rigidity will he manitested. and there may he a temporary rise of tempt ratn.-c wit'i a rapid t'ailine in the strcniith ot the pnlsc. The patient ))ceome,s co||aps(> suddenly that the friends, who are perhaps talkiniiwitli the patient, arc (piite iinitrepared tor it. In the dia'inosis of the cause of <)l>striiction of the larjic intestine, besides cancerous j:rowtli there aie various oth<'i coiidit.oiis which must lie considered, the chief of which are : - (1) Ka'cal impaction, distinguished from trrowth 1)y the result of rectal examination and eneniata. (!') Ilco-ca'cal tuhcrculosis ; ( ,n often only l»c *old by a iui( 'oscopical examination after removal. (!) iMU'eifiii liodics. such as concri'ti Iviim to tlic outer side ot oBSTiUf rroN OF TICK i.\|{i;k inikstim.; Ii.. ilfxTlidllli: roliiii. Iilll \\,i» III Ihr 'iiiil.irli, li,i\i|ji; .himm III \ir I'lcaln riirv.iliiiv. iiml lli.rc wciv iii,im\ ciiluii;..! mimI mI.v nm-lv liialiKiiaiit uljiiiilo III ar. H. ' II-l>l;i:lilcr. A |iiiiiiful ^wclliny Jn ih,. fj,_rl|| iij .,. fossil, tlir DUllinc of which was not tM-ily .Iriim "i in an :'v.i-i\ liidy with coiisJipation. pnivci to Itr a ili~iii !<• I i^'lilcr coiitaiiiiii^i iiifuiy stones. V. I'tcrus aiiil .iin;ini-h them. Tahiative measures only would he po->ili|(.. Ill eases of oh>triielioii due to a ;.'routh in the lari.'e intotine il is a ivisahle to operate as smou as you ean. Do not uail for the onset of vomitin;; and di-teii^ioii ; an earl\ npe.-iiinn :iia\ jiive the patient a eliauee of cure. I ■|ifortuiiiilel_\ il i, mil |)ossil»le to sa\ . iiiitil the ;;ro\\tli has lieeii seen, if it uiil he possible to remove it. \\>u will, nowever, no rea'-on for self-reproach if this is so. and may hi able to save the jiatient much pain and sutTerin^' l>y pt iforniiii;.' a -liort -circuit operation. It cannot be too fre(|uenll, repeate I that anylhiiiL' like an attempt at immediate removal of the ;.'rowth an I the tormation of an anastomosis when obstruction is present is certain to prove fatal. The jiatient's friends should be warned of the necessity of doing the operf.'ion in two stages Manv live- a;v still beinj; lost in consei|uenee of iiei_'lect of this rule. V "i a patient comes relief with a «ireatly di>lended abdomen, and the |)ositioii of theoi structiiiu caii>e i> unknown, the liest plan is to make an incision to one >ide of the middle lii\e, open the rectus sheath, and displace tlie muscle outwards. A distended coil will present itself ami ■ bouid be drawn to the sur.'ace, precautions taken to prevent soilinji "f the wound or peritoiH'um. and the C(;il emptieil tli'-oii;.r|i a |)unclure or small incision, .\fter this coil is emptied of (;as and lliiid contents anothei sliould !);■ taken and treated in a, similai manner, and a thinl or fourth if neccss.try. Kacli puncture is closed with a ring suture, the coil c Mised .md i tiimed. By this means tlie distension is niiicl- diminished and tlie pres.suro on the diaphragm greatly :-elieved. Il i< mw possible to pa^^ the luuid into the alr:!i)mi;:al •a\i!_\ a, id k arn tiie position ot the growth aiul its coimections, also the iiresence or t2 liiti m li^ J7(i TIIK ,\( I TK \I5IM).MKN iihsi'iu'i' (tf >cciii>iliir\ urowtliN in tlic liver. ulainU or |mi ilniKiiiii. Tliis is iin|)(>rtiiiit. On iiHiri- tliaii oiif occiwinii | lia\( fMimd mi (i|Mrahlf linnvth in tin- intisfinc with a Imrt history of nhsf ruc- tion ami a larjjr sccdudary ur"^Mli in the liver. It th' re i> a, fixed yrnw f h in the sigmoid nr peh ii- culon. and if i> not po^^iliK) to do H short eirctiitinu o|M'rittion, colostomy diould lie done on the lett side in th ■ tisual position aii way r<'lief is alTorded at once, and exj)ericnce convinces me that it IH (piite safe. M.iny Vciirs U).'o I I'liiiuiielii'i'tl :i rulosliiiny iit Mic I'rcf l|iM|iiliil iiir oliHiriiclioii tluc lo I'airiiiniii^i. in tlir |>i'lvi>. TIh' jiaiii'iil was a woiiiun in contl cuiKlilioii alul tlie iili.>trui'i ion iliil iml apprar very iii'Ki'iil. 'I'ih' niloii wuH .sntiirctl to tlie wounil iratl.v lor o|irniiit; latei'. 'I'wo (lays attt'i'Wiirils tlic paMfiit ilieil siiiliti'iily ami we lounil llial llie lliickrlii'd liat sottrni'il wall ol ijj)' l>owt'l liail licrn lUpliiieil aooM' lljt- siitui'cil ]>i)ii l)y excessive niusnilar action. The ol>slruclion was (•(Mupiele liul I he amount of disleiision not e\i'cssive. Since I lial accjileiil occui led I have always plat'eil a I iil)c in an opening in the liowei al once when operal in;j under similar circum>l ances, The operation is j)erformed as follows ; — An incision of ;> to 4 indies, accordiiij^ to the thickness of the altdominal wall, is made in the dii'c iik'^u- foldii (ir iiifso siyiiiuiil ahniit iiii'li ti'oin tlh' |ii)>trriiir iiiai').'iii lit the ii)ii|). .iiiil it^ |»,i->ii'_'i- i- lacilit.ih li it fnrci')i> arc |il,ii'cii nil tile |>critiiii"iiiii at I he |i lie II- vvliicli it is to |ii'iictr,iti'. Till • >hiiiilil !»■ jiiit Ix'iow the iiiiiliil- III the ii|ii'niii silk sutures a.e passeij al)i>ve ail'l Itcldu tile limp of bowel, wliidl illclinie lilllMle. perilollelim an I the wall of the bowel itself. \W llifse sutures the size llf the opening throiivih which the liowel passes is liiiiite I if necessary ami an further |tro- trusinii is piosible. They are aUo a safe- ;^uar.l atr.iiiist fallin;; in of the ^llt sllolllil tile stitch throimhtiu' iiicso- colon j^'ive as a re>iilt of violent voinitiii<^. 1 lia\t neverseen it ilosii. , , . Tc . . !■ ■ Otlier lislii'ut sutures ]• in. -KK ( iiliistniiiv. lliii;.'lain nt iiuss- '^ M'ltioii ut iiiiiiloiuinal lim-i- with are placed ill the wound lixatioii Miturc li;iss..(l beloio tviii- ex- ;il),,vi. and below as I'lii. 'Js. I.i ft lliiii iiil.i-toiiiy. Til.' lilli' llf iljri-l'.n, witll I'.'tril tiiill III (liviijril |.\tilll:ll iililii|Ui'. 'I'lle arniM^'ciiiciil nf iiitiiiiitl ipMiiiue tililos i.. ~liii\vii. tWILtllv. 1. Al.l!..!M tlUlwlK, [K'l'l- tmicuiii mill -kill. '2. .Moii-i-nliiii. reipiired. Tiierc is now 27S TTTK ACITK ABDOMKN it ii \iturc l>:is>iii;.' throii^di alijiiiiuiiiil wall and liit'-iicdlnii. ;!. Line .it' iii- .■isi.iiifcirtulic. I. .MuM'ularliaiid. ]'"Ui. -41. Coliistdiiiy. ( liieuiiif,' lield liy Idi-ccjis tci t'acih'tate ]ia»iii;,' of niiiuinj; tluoad and iiitrnjiictioii (it t\ib". 'I'lio wiiuiid is inotccti'd liy ^'aii/f, wliich is chaiij.'-i'd at'tor- waid?!. the .suture tied, drawing the edges of the bowel incision round the tul)e beyond tlu' flange. The ends are ))assed round the peritoneal aspect (.utside and beyond the forceps, again tieil, and cut oif. Tiie l)owel and surrounding parts are cleansed, and another strij) of gauze drawn round and round the loop of bowel so that a thick layer protects the wound and at the same time supj)()rts not onlv the tube but also the loop into which it is inserted. A dressing of sterilised gauze, reinforced with a thick layer of wool secured in position by a many -tailed bandage, supports the parts. When the patient is in bed the thin rubber 1^^^ oBsriUM rioN (»K riiK laikik iniks'iink l'th tii})c attiU-lu'd to tlic l*;uil'> till).' is pl.icMl ill .1 (•(.lucniciil iv(i)i- tacl" liv liis side. ( >iic ctTccI dt the ciinilar -titili i- ti> ciii-c a sloiiyli to t'oriii. and the tid)c (•oii!(> away in tour to -i\ days after the oi>i'ralioii. In all tlicsc rases it is advisable to cmiily llie >toiiia(li Aitli a tube befoi'i' tlie operation and liy the rectum. These patients are ohen not only starved by their lon;^ abstinence from food, but dehy- drated b_\ tlu' amount of lluid which they liiive vomited and been inia])le to replace. The results of this opi'ration are very satisfactory . I iccfutly >,iw (.lanuiirv. I'.U h .i WDiiiaii till wlmiu I ills o|iciMt inn w.i ii(>ki' iikim fiilliii>i- n^lically of the licnctil uliicli ^lic hml ■Icrivfd Iroiii it. ami llic Miiall (liscdMitoil wliii-li ii causcil. She liail Icaincd to iiianai;f liiT ailitiiaal amis cxcfllcnlly (liiriiij; I ln' toar \cais wliirii liad i'lai»cd since ii was inailf. and ]»iffcned tlic aiii>iianda>ic In the naiii' clalxiiatc a|>i>aialus witli whiili slic had Ix'Cli sii|)l>licd. She wcl 1 atxMii as usual l>i>tii "11 tool and in pulvlic coiivi'vani'cs. I'll.. IJ.— I'olii-tniiiy. Ci.niiil'ti.iii 111' llpt'l-.itinll. 'I'lll' strip ol j;aii/i' i(iViT~ juiictiiih of tnlo liiiil l.iiwrl: it al-n c.iM'is till' woiniil ill aliilniiiiiial wall and till' u'ut at its riuL'i^iaii'. Manv surgeons arc in fav(nw of Paul's method of treat miait of a malignant strictiu'c I the bowel when it can ))e brought to the surface, whether then- arc secondary giowths or not. and there is much to be said for it. By this ojieiation the growth is l>rouglit outside, and either (1) Fixed with the loop in which it i> growing in the woinid. a Paul's tul)c l)eing put into the upper limb. Heri' the growth is removed later, or (2) The gn)wtli i.s brought outside and cut away. .\ Paul s tube i.s then fixed in each end. These ends are suture I to.ctl'.i r iiM li '■V •S(l Tin-: ACUTE ABDOAFKX iii.d lixcl ii, 11,,. wound. Kvcn if tlu'iv iiiv sc-ondarv growths. rcMKival (.1 the piiinai y one will probably piolony lif,'a,id inal«' the futun' less liabj,. (,, painful coniplicatioiis. Xo attempt is hen- made to restore the intejrrity of tjie eaiiai. and there ean be ))ul inade(Hiate removal of the jilands in the second method. It is re<{anled as an opera - t ion rather more perfect than a simple colostomy. The t\\()-stai;e operati(»n is often advisable when it is })ossible to perform a lateral anastomosis in eases where it is not good surgeiy to excise a growth. The wall of the bowel above, anil often for some distance above, is so ill-fitted to hold sutures that they not infre- (lueiitly give, and the patient dies from peritonitis. Ill the same way ileo- colostoiuy )uay a])pear indi- ].:itenilAnu>.t(iiiiosis. 1. Large eated in a case, but the • cL:;::ir:;:r\h?''i;::;: --i;tiou of the disteu,.ed .small bowel with its softened wall will show how dangerous such a j>rocedure would be until things have settled down. Should, however, the ob- bi p\V( lll-'OIl ^ iipiiioxiiiiatc'd. ;j. The posU.rii.rcon- 1iiniou.s seni-iuu>ciilar sutiiiv lias been cuniiletnl. l. luci>i,,ns in back l>oiti()iis ,,f b„wcl. 5. Tiio ends oi the futures are held bv ark'rv |nivei.s. (i. Gauze lias been idaceil behin.l the parts enga-.'d in the aiiastuninsis, and stnietures around. struct ion be .•t Ix'UfI isolate, I uii cacli siilc to |»(iinit ol a com- imiiiicatioii of ahout '.l iiiclics l)cini^ cstablislicd. A (■oiitiiiiioiis silk suture is tlien iiiseited eoninie.ieinu al)o\e ami ineludiML; tiic serous, museular. and i)art of the sulniuieoiis euats. The end of this suture is plaei'd in aitei'v forceps, and \\ hen it has been eouipleted the needle is placed in gau/.e. or into one of tiie sterilised cloths, luitil aijain Avanti-il. This line of suture should be about [ inch from the ])art of the bowel most distant from the mesi-ntery. The intestine on each side in turn is now ini'ised ii\ a straight lini' in fiont of this suture (Fig. 4:j). The two incisions, being p; rallel. are carried down to the mucous meml)rane from which the outer coats have receded ; scissors arc iu)w used to open the bowel and cut away the ellips*^ of mucous membrane which is ex- posed. The parts of the bowel beyontl the clam))s are cleansed carefully with saline anil gauze swabs helil at the cud of force|)s. These forcejjs are again placed in the sti-ri- liser. A w hipping suture in- l''l(i. -H.— l-atcnul Aiiii>t..iMn>i-^. Tlic lMl>1l'linl- Jiart lit' nlltl'l' MltUl'O ciPlll- ]>li't('(l. tlu' liiiwi'l iiliciuii;.'> iriuilc, .irnl the imiui' MituiT CHiiiiiit'iiccil. 'I'hc nt'i'dli' j)iissi.'< tliicnii,'li all the ciiat-, which aio held t'lijcthiT with torcc|i-.. 1. I.arp' bowel. li. Small liowel. ;>. ' 'Iami>s. 4. Outer i-.)iitiini()U> MitMre. o. Inner etnitiniKms >uture. (p. I'drcelis liolilinjr tli<' riiat> nl' hutli ]iurtiuns of bciwel in l"i>itiiin. 7. < uiu/.e. eluding all the coats is then inserted, and it is a great help in doing this if the peritoneal surfaces are kept in apj)osition by forceps (Fig. 44). Much help is also afforded in the suturing if the needli', pa.s.sed across the two opposed walls of the ))ouel. is grasped with forceps l)y the assistant, who holds it until vou can take it. and keei)s with 2S2 TIIH MVTK ABDO.MKX i III i;.i liis other liand the tliroiul at tin- rijilit dcjiK c of tension. This inner threail is passed through all tiie coats, at its eoinnience- meiit al)oiit | inch from tiie end of tlie incisions and ticil out- side, tlie end being placed in force})s. It is continued circuhirly round the opei\ing until tlie edges liave bein l)rouglit together, when it is tied to tlie end held by ti.e ])air of forcej)s. .\s the thread conies round to the front it is not difficult to continue it with the left hand. The clamps are now removed ti>iiiy. A. Imiilaiitii- if the >iiiall iiiti'stiiic, ciiii to Tlic i)()>t('riiir i):iit of the oiiti-r t-imtitmniis suturi', iiiiitinj,' tln' ]ii'ri- tiiMi'iil anil iiuisciilar layers, lias lucii iiisi'l'tt'd and tln' incisiim niailc into till' lai;;<' Imwcl. 'I'hc rlaiiijis aie nut >hi)\vii. 1. Ili'uni. 2. <'iilnn. u liu. il-- .'SI 'I'liK ACITK \]U)()MK\ |);u()xysiiial ; Iciiilcrncss iii)|)r;ir.s (|uitf early. Ndiiiiliiiji is nut I'l^iijilly a symptom wliicli ••luiscs ilistrcss. iiiul may cvt'ii !»c al)s(iit. Distension ot tlie aliilomen eomes on witii eon.sidcraliie rapidity, and the respiration (piiekly beeomes emharrassed in eonsecpience of pressinc on the diaplinitim. The involved ))ortion of tile howci tends to heconie i;iniiirenous in a few Ikjiu's, and peritoniti'- (as inditaied l)y the marked tenderness) is an early eomplieation. As a rnle no separate coil of gut ean l)e distini^uished. When the ileo-eu'eai rej.'it)n is affected the symptoms are of less urgency ; here there may he a resonant tumour of consideraLle size. N'omitinir is })resent. l)ut not usually of urgent character. Without early operation the j)rogn()sis is very grave. \'cry often the coil atfecti^d is gan- grenous and resection is indi- cated. If the patient is very had. the gangri'nous bowel is ^ , ,„ .,., drawn out of the abdonu-n and 1m,w<1 hus l.ocn insert. ,1. Tho a pauPs tube put in. Later oiiils (pt buth inner anil (inter ,. , . , sutures are left h.n-, so tliat ^'"^' g'">J^n'n()us ])art IS resected they may be contiiiuid and and tho l)owel restored bv an ultimately tied ut A. 1. Jleuni. , ., i i i i . i " , o Colon. ciul-to-end or hitcral anasto- mosis. Kk oi' si\ similar attacks during' the i)revions live years which had yiehh'd to treatmeiil, lie had rather pul otf calliiiji in medical aid. At lirst lliere had liecn a certain amounl of relief from the use of remedies to act ou the liowel.s, and cucmata had lieeii i)arlly successful, but gradually the distension had liecomeexiremi- and 1 he pain paroxysmal, whilst little hut coloured waler could he washed from the howel. The ahdomeu was much distended, and tlie distension was most marked on the left side, where there was a hu'^c coil of the lar>;e intestine which coiitr.'ictedsjiasniodically duiinsr tlieexamilialiou. The ahdonien was re.-oiiaut all over (very t ympanit ic in front ), but not tender. Kectal Fic. IT. lleo-CHl,,>t(.iuy. It. Th( ]io>terior part of the inner suture I'licirclinj,'- all tho coiits of tin OBSTIUCTIOX ol" TIIK LAIiCK IN'l'KS TINK js:, cXilinillniiiill \\M^ lir;i;i! i\f. He was mil siik. AUi[ \\a^ .iMc lo lake tluif tile iiiitldlf line, llif viTlus displaced mil waitls. and llic |Mt ildiiiiitii opt'iicd. A very larjlf foil oi larj.'"' iiilfslinc |>ri'>fiilid il-ill. >ii laii;c llial wlii'ii oulsidi' liic alidorncn il iiira^iiu'd S iiirhis lo !t iiiclii^ ui diaiiiflfi-. This was cmiitifd ot a very lame ariiouiil ol i;as l>y a -l.ili woinnl wil h i •■ itoint ol a scal|><'l, 1 liric liriiii.' only a It'w ilro|kN ol llwid ill lln' ho we I. Allcr flosuic ol I Ills ci|icniiii.' wii II a slilrii il wa- ini>>ilili' to <-\aiiiiiic llic iiilciior III iIk' ahiionn'ii niovc liilly and hiiiii; iiHirc ol Mir siy;iiioid oiilsidc. Il wa- llirii ((uiii- cvidi'iil I hat i he oh- n ml ion fid lowed a vol Villus ot 1 lie si;;iiioid. liicre lieinu a eiiiiiplele linn of a lnop from Icfl lo ri^lil . Ilie poinl ot lolal ion heini; al llie level ot 1 he |iroimin- tory of I 111' saeriiin. 'The inesosioinnid wa- viTV Iniii;- ami I he hnwel wall tliii'keiied and hypeil miihied Winn lhis|iaH of llie j,'m1 had heeii elii|ilieil the iipper ahdonieii lonked i|iiite eoiieave, iUid alilioiiLfh llie small intestine was soniewlial distended, ii was quite remarkahle Imw Veiy lillle fiei'al matter was seen and how lilt le ditVeieliee lo the i;eneial distiiision iiad heeii eonliilniled hy the small linwel. A inlie was jdaeed in th<' sigmoid helow l he middle nt t he loop, and 1 lii^ was seemed ill the upiier end nt 1 he wound. I'liiTe was i viii.iice of mow 111 w liieli the recent history of ihe ease had sii",!.' -ted hefoie operation. The want ot eeilainiy made it ad visa hie to exiilore hehiie opening l he lai ; is usually done in liie olistiueted sie;inoid when Iheie i- not 11 malit'ualit stiieliiie lo he felt. Me did well after the opeiatinn. and il was not loiij; before the liiiwcls acted iial iirally. The f.-ecul listula was very useful for .some diiyis, and the altachnieMl of the larjte howel at that pjiiit will inovoiit a return of the volvulus. PART VII if ■ Ma I t (0X(;K\IT.\L J)lVERTI(rLrM of THK CV.STIC DUfT I.N coiisidciiiig lluctimtiiig swfllings in the Mihlicpiifio region, whether ahseesse^ or snijpurating hychitids. there is a eonditioii to bo referred to whieh. although very rare, closely resembles them. It is that of congenital divertieulum of" the cystic duct. The remarkable charncters which this disease 'may assume is shown by the case described. F. (i.. 11 jiiH jijrtMl 14. was admittod -X- „„ Julv 10 ami dicl Novt'tiilxT 14. I!»(i7. She had hc.Mi healthy until u mouth hcUnv. wlicu sli,. l,,.jr„„ to i'ouiplain of i .ins iu the rijilit side with vouiitiiiK. For Hve davs tlie paiu lieeu coutiuuous and nioi'e severe. \ tlnetuatiui:, proiuin.'ut. vouuded. verv tender sw.-llin.r was prosent on the rijrht siih- below the liver, not nioviu.i; well with res"piratiou and Its outhne towards the miildle line was ohseured hv rijridity ol the reetns muscle. The swelling; passed backwards towards the ruinhar re^riou. Ilerp'ise was 110; respiration :ifi ; temperature. I(i;{.2-. The ton;!iu< was lurred iind bowels eoufincd. There was iu> iaundice. An incision was lirst made iu the loin and the perit.meiuu oi)ei.ed ■ the sweliiu;; was found to be covered with peritoiuMim and attacluMl to the under surface of the liver. .V secc.nd incision was made m front throufrh the rijtht rectus. Throujth this the cvst was ta])ped and :Ui oz. of thick green bile drawn off. The wall of the cyst was very thick, especially the linin};. which was wliite in colour". Tlio galf- bladder was lyhig between the cyst an. The gall-' bladder and cyst w.-re remov<-d and the cystic duct, which was a ./ood deal elongated, secured in the W(.un.'. The cyst wall ,vas composed of fibrous tissue and completely retrop.Mitoneal. There were no calculi present, and there was no pus. A tubo was pa.ssed to the bottom of the wound and a gauze dIuc placed l)elow if. o i *. The patient improved quickly and bile came through the wound, all attempts later to make it flow in the normal direction being useless. At the end of October three .attempts caused pain. :inil jaundic,. M!.,wed On November l.'i the cystic duct was inserted into the second part of the duodenum and sutured there with a double row of silk sutures. It (ONTiKXITAL DFVKUTK IM'M ( >K ( ysTlC Dl't T 2s7 was i-asily liiiiir.l to I lie (liKxIrniiiii willioul t.iiM.iii. mii.1 mo .iitriy iv<|iiiir.l li«iilmv .luiiiii; Ihr n|.».raiiiiii. It win iIi.mikIii \,r.\ i all«l Kiiliz.' pint; : tin- following' ni«lit aiiii ilinl a tVw lioiirx lator. Ncciopsy: 'I'Ihti- hail ' t'.'ii ..\t.'iisiv.< liatii(.iiliair<' int.. lli.. ij^flii Hide nf th.. jil>.l.mi..i,. I.iit Dr. H„x roulil iini tiiKl III.' sour. I th.. I.l.'.^.lilit'. Til.. .lilat...l lii.l l„..u aiia«t..i„osr,l ,M.T.-,|,.||y to tlir <1ii(mI.miiiiii iimiM..lialrly l.,.y„n.l tl.,. pvl.-ni--. Th.. .•.miiiu.xi .IikI t.Tiiimal.Ml alH.ut an iii.'h (...lew th.' liv.-r ; l..-y..n.l this it <'..iil.l M.,t I..' tiaco.l .l..wnwar.lM. Jlxpl.Mv.l ih.^ hi! papilla m th.- iIu.mIoiiuiii, It van lip an iu.-h anil then f .ipcialioii. \ case (,f (livfrticuluiii of the cystic duel i- also fuiiiid in lilt' St. Tlioinass llospifiil Hi-p.irts t',,r |!hi7. The IMS,, was that of a (.'ill of IH iimiI.t llif car.' of iji,. lai.. Vr. ('Iiitt..n. She ha.l .•oniplain.-.l of pain an.l ^wi'llinc on the n>;lit si.l,. „f th.- ah.lonicn a foiliiiuht. ami had voniiti'.l a .lav or Iw.. l)..for." uilinissiou. -'-ln'r.' was thi'ii a |)aiiilcss Kwcliini; in 111.' risilit r.'Kiou. .•x-t.M dinjr sli>;|,tly h.-low tin- Icv.d of the iiinhili.'us and almost to th.' middle lin.'. 'I'h iiriiif was normal ; ti'iniii'ratiirf. !iH-2 . Kli'vin days alter a.lmission lumhar incision, paia.'eiu.-sis „f an iiitrap.'ritonoal c.vst. wilh.lvawal of tw.i an.l a half pints o| oliv.-irrrcii jrlist.-nin:: lltiid whi.'h ilid not .■ontaiii hilc, althou^rh tlui.l wliiili flow.'d the wound later di.l s„. Cyst wall tak.'ii away ; th. hm uas adhe,.ul to It, t'.i.Tc was fr.M' veiMius lneniorrlia«.> : arr.'sf.-.l hy pliijrs. Th.T.' were P.uni.'ious facetted calculi in it : a communication with .'ystie duct at a point where ther.' was a small nippl.'-shap.'.l proje.^'tion. There was a discharge ..f hilo after removal ..f the iiliiys and sh.- appear.Ml to be proj;rossinj; satisfactorily until twciii v .lavs afi.'r ..peia- fioii. when she died from hieinorrhaj;e. The internal .ipeninfr was close to the nek of th.. «all-lila«l.lri in the cystic .liict. Th.' contained a IVw .'ahMili : th.' ci.ininon duct was normal. Th.' haMii.)rrlia<.'e ha.l come fiom ,i l.ranch of the portal vein in the jjortal fissure. Seareli ],as boi-u inado with tlio view of ad-iiii^r somcthinjr to the soinowliat bar<> rccoi'ds of thcso caso, but iiotliiii.,' lias been found in surgical literature to give any lielj). ]t is"very reniarkable that both patients shijuid Jiave reach. •.! the au'cs attained before .symptoms developed, and that there should have been no jaundice present in either of them at the time wlien they came to operation. It is also a curious fact that in each of them the fatal ending onstied after a ha-morrhafo the origin of wliieli was quite obscure. mm ' i lliii' ii'i ■ m. appp:m)ix I'lIK Ol'KliATlOX ol' (;.'.STIi(>ST(>.MN As uasliostniiiy riiiiy l)r rcfjiiirc.l :is an i iiu ivciicy oixraliiin in a ii(j;l<(tt(l case uf irMipha-ical ()l)stiiictinii. | have tii m^iit it advisalilc 1(» add a lew lines wiiirh niay i iicnuraji'' its pti- I'orinancc in a patient who appears almost at his last ^rsp. A man who has heen taking even lliiid nourishment witli dillieidly hy the month, and is much emaciated, with a dry, haish skin and sunken eyes, will improve marvellously as a result of tlie inlnxliietion ot lluid throuijli an opening into the stornaeli. There st ill appears to '• kind ot prejudice against gast i<)>tomy. iirstly. l»ecause of the shock which it is sujiposed to cause • secondly, hecause of the inconvenience which leakage from the opening may produce. If a local ana-stlictic is used there is no shock, and the method of Senn prevents iiakag- of the stomach contents. The illustration (Kig. 4!S) sh(n,s the normal state of the skin in a ])atient who had gastrostomy performed two years ago [ ,r impermeable strictuit of the cvsophagus, the result of taking acid. There is not the slightest al)rasion. whilst the girl is well nourished and looks healthy, although she is ipiite dependent for hot food sujiply on the opening. The incision is made through the left rectus at its outer l)order, and sliould he from •2 to .'5 inches in length, commencing just below the costal cartilage. The stomach is easily found, although usually retracted and cuiall. Traction on the onuntum will bring it Mil hall .in iiuli away tniiu thi' tultf cumplftflv (iMiicliii'i it. the tiilic i* (lr|>n*Mil l»\ an I'm. ^^. — 1. 'rii(> ()]ipiiiii;; t\V(i yiMi-> iiftrr ^.'Mstio^tiiiiiy by .S'liu > iiirtlii.d, ill 11 irirl m;:ci1 Hi. "J. 'I'hi' Mur of uii o( iiatioii fur HI lite a)i]iciiili(iti~ niif u'MV aftiT tin- ;,M,-.trii~t.iiiiy. a.'isistant wJiilst tho Mituro is tied. Two similar sutiirt's are passfd and tied, the tu))C' litiufr puslu'd in on I'ach occasion. Tlie stomacli is then Hxi'd to the posterior rectal sheatl- ml A.A S90 Al'PKXDIX llilpllilii: pt'ritotifuiii of tin- wound. iil»ovt> and hflttw. I»y isiiturf-* wliirh take ^itdd liiil>J till' |M'rit(.ri('al cavity. Tin- sIuniIIi ot tlic ircturt nhov«« and Im-Iovv the ofx-ninx in .nutiircd and tlicn the Hkin incision. The tuhc in l)roiij{ht throuxh tlic dns.siti^ and sccmi'd outride to the handajjc with a safety-pin. A womlcn pliij; i* inserted and prevents escape of fluid from the Htoniaeh. The stitch thronirl; the tuhe rarely holds for nir>re than ten days, hut unless the clressin^f is eareh'ssly changed or t ..«• patient interferes the tuhe 'viij retain its position. No ditliculty will he found in changint lit. III WIMIIIil-' lit, IH AliilninirLiI •'athiiiiilii|! ol, I itillurli/.il, I 1:1 iiijiirif'', I iilti'i' t'tli-rt<. 74 talili' III. :i.'i. :i, I'W* Hiili, ii'ili'iiia lit. HH AIki'i'o. a|i|ii'iiitiriilai', l:ti> lii'|iatli', l:i!) liriiiTil^tvir, 1 t\ M|l>|>lll<'lilr. 141. I t:t AliMi«M>. i;i2 riiiici'ali'il. 147 .\ri|iiiifi| ^tiirliin'*. '2'>'\ AcIiiiiirii.Vi'iisis. 1:14 Ai'iiti" aliiliiiiii'ii. !•!» ilullii"*''. 221 'i|i|M'iiilii-itiH. lit!) ililatatiiiii III tilt- oliiliiai'ii, ^all^al^(. 224 >viii|ilciiii*. 2211 ili>li'ii>iiiii 111 (fall liiaililtT, 2ls liiiMiMinliauIr )iaiirii'atitis, 214. 2I.S inti'-t iiial iiliKt nut imi. 11)7 |ianircatitis. 1(17, 2Hi )iiii>iiiiiiiiiia. 1 1 I Aiiiti' ililatatiiiii of >tiiiiiarli, 214. 22<>. 22:! Adhesions. 2."il Aiucstlit'sia. ailiiiiriistraliiiii nl. II Aiiastmiiiisis. I'liiltoi'iiil. 24 I latiTal. 2S'<. 2HI. 2h2 Aiiti'iiiir !:a«tr(i - fiitcriistoiiiy iiiii-iatiiili- Ui(i A|l|M'llilirrrtiilliy. Illi'i«iiill for. I2i» .V|i|irllihritl», anitr. Itl!) anil kiiliM'v, I l''i iliauuiisis it, I In iiirisiiiii (ill, .'1 ii|ifiatiiiii III!', I I'l f ri'aliiiriit ol, I 111 A|i|)i>iiili Itiilltl womiiU, 22, 2:1, 2.-| CwiKi! Ill lai>;i' liouri. 27 I <'ari-iiiiiiiia. inaliK>iaiir,v ol. 271 of small iiiii'-iiMi'. 2.'i7 rii''iiii| tii III niliiii. i:ti Collin, i-o.loiil j;iinvtli ol, l:t4 iii|itnrr 111. ."ill I iilii«tiiiny ii|M'i'at Ion, 27ti ( onri'ali'il a'si'i's>i's, 147 ( iMi^'i'nital ilivi'it irilliilii lit rvMii' iliii't. 2H(i. 2H7 st lift III r. 2."i2 * 'ontiisliiiis, 12 Cyst, liydatlil, 2riti C' ,| i (il jianriiMs. SO siijipuiation of. 2itS I)i.\i;niisis of apiii'iiilirilis. I In l>ia|ilira):iii. Mi|)tiin' of, l.'i DiuphruiTinatii' lii-rnia, 2()ii : ah -^n W\ •2s, 24fi Ihiliic-is in acute alxlonu'ii. 221 Diuiilt'iial hernia, 2.")!» n'cer. liieinoriliaKe lioni. 2:{it Dudilcnnni. peiloration nt. I(i7 inptuie of. ts (iaxlio- jejunal uleei', 172 ulcers, peifoiatioii of. 172 (;a-itiojejuno>t(>niy. 17.S • Jastiostoniy operation. 2SH ru])tuieil, M)H Kai.loi'i.w tiil)e. infection, 18t) Fibroids, uterine, 2.">(> Fibro-niyoniata necrobiosis, 212 Fistula renal, X'.i urinaiy, 82 '■ Fowler ■■ position. 47. 124 i H KMuHKiiMiK fiom iluodenal I ulcer, 2:i(i ' llieniorihajio from irasiric ulcers, 2:to Ilenoclis i)urpura, 2()2 Hepatic abscess. i:{!t . Hernia. dia|)lna}:niatic. 2))i» • I dinidenal. 2.")!t internal. 2.'>!t Hernial apertures exaniinatioii of, 2.-)2 j protrusions, 2."!.s I symptoms iind sijjns, I 2:is Hyilatid cyst, 2.")»i Hydro-sal|)inx, 2o:! Hvpcr])lasf ic, tubercnios s, l:!4 Hysteria, ll:i, 17m Incisikn for a|)pendicectomv, 120 aii])endicitis. ."i Influenza, abdominal. 111! Injuries, abdomimil, I after elfect-. 74 of the al)domcii. !2 : Internal hernia. 2.')!t Intestinal obstruction. IIS. 2:!!t I acute. I()7 j adhesions. 2.")1 I cause unknown, 248 j synii)toms. 218 ■ resection. 247 j tuberculosis. 180 Intestine. Kanjrrene of. 24.") injuries to. 22 I ru])ture of. ;!8 <'Ai.i.-ni,Ai)i)Ki:. acute distension of, 218 peiforation n\. 171. 227 rupture of. .')8 • iall-sTones, obstruction from. 2.")7, 2.-)8 • lan^'rene. localised, 24() of intestine, 24r» treatment of, 24(i < Jastric crises, 171 ulcer, causation of. 2."! I ojieration for. 157 )ierfora+ion. I.')4.l.").") _„.,. _,,, ulcers, l.">2 Intramural j;e^1ation. 2tl2. 20."> Inemoirhafre from, 2.'i(i Intussusception of bowel. 2»iii — l{. 2.'>4 INDEX 293 Iiitiis-iusci-ptidii THMtnifiit 111. I II vacillation ot liowfi. 2<)ii .Ik.mnai. iilcfv, 172, it:! KiDNKV and aiipi'iiiliritis. II.") riiptiin- III, (i(). (i", 69 Lakijk bowfl. caiicfv (il. '2'] ijurjio iiifcstiiit". (ilistnu'tidii i ol iiialiifiiaiit firowtli. 272 Lead coli.'. 114. 171 lAvcr duliifss, 4t) iiiptiirc of. .">4 Jj)cali>t'd sui(|)iii'atioii, i:)ii .Mac IUhnky o|MTati((ii. l:i."> Malaria, 114 Mali;;iiaiit jirowTli ol laifjc bowel sviii|(toms ot. 272 olistriirf ion. 27" Mfckcrs divciticiiliim. 22!t. 244 MfiiMitcric vessels. t'liiltolisin of, 224 thionil)o>is of, 224 Mtx'ntcrv. the. 7.S riijitiiit' of. .")1 san'onia of, 2.')."> Mt'tooiisni, 17 Muscle-;, vijridity of. 4:i Miiseiilai til>te<. Id iii:i(litv. 1<)7 N'K( itiisis, fill, 217 " No loop " ojx'iation, 17H OiisiHi riKiN from j;all-stoiie 2.".7. 2M intestinal, IIS nialijjiiant, 271 of laijre inlestine, 2ti!t < •listriirtions, iWCi (Edema of al)doiiiiiial wall, HS Omentum. 7 torsion of. 22'.>. 2:!ii tuberetilous. 2t>2 !>variaii cyst. su])])uratioii. i:{2 Ovaiiaii (Vsl, .>yiiiptoiii> ol nip line. 2" 111. 2111 eysts, rupture of. 2it!i siippiiratiii.'. 2"'.i tumour,. 2(M> 1'aiss. letlex. 1 17 I'aiirieas. ey>t^ of. Mil rupture of, ."(2 I'anereatitis. aeiite. Iti7. 2lli lia'nioriliajrie, 214. 218 operation lor. 21!'. 22'> raiil.- metliod. 27".t I'edieie. tor>iiMi of. 2ce,s. 141 Peri.-ij;moiditis. 147 I'eritoneiim and typhoid. 18.1 treatment of. 1(11 t uherculoiis. 2<)2 Peritonism. .'iS. 48. !»8, KM. 17'.t. 2l»7. 2:!!t, 244. 2(11 Peritonitis. 8)1 pneumococcal, !Hi ]iuer])eral. I'.t7 streptococcal, !)2 symptoms, of, 8(1 toxic, 24)1 tuberculous. !l.") Pneumococcal peiilonitis. Ilii Pneumonia. 171 acute. 1 1 1 Pouches. 2.Vt Protrusions, 2i» PiKM'peral ](eritoiiii i>. 1(17 Pulse-.ate, 1(12 294 INDEX Pyosalpinx, 133, 196 rupture, of, 198 tuberoulouK, 150 Kectup) abdoiiiiniH muscle, 6, 8 Reflex pains, 1 17 Renal fisttila, 83 Rej*ection of intestine, 247 Rupture of biliary passages, 59 duodenum, 48 gall-bladder, 58 intestine, 38 kidney. 66, 67, 69 large bowel, 50 liver, 54 mesentery, 51 ovarian cyst, symptoms of, 209, 210 cysts, 209 pancreas, 52 ^ pvosalpinx, 198 spleen, 60, 63 urinary bladder, 70, 71 Rupture, symptoms of, 39 Ruptured extia-uterine gestation, 168 Ruj»tures, cause-; of, 37 Salpin<;itis, 190 Sarcoma of intestine, 253, 254 mesentery, 255 Sigmoifl, tuberculous, 187 volvulus of, 284 .Sigmoidiil diverticula, 189 Simple stricture. 252 Small bowel, tuberculous ulcer of, 186 intestine, carcinoma of, 257 perforation, 179 Spleen, rupture of. 60, 63 Sterocral ulcers, 190, 193 perforation of, 189 Stomach, acute dilatation of, 214, 220, 223 causation of acute dila- tation, 224 perforation of, 167 strangulation of, 236 svmptoms of acute dila- " tation, 220 wounds. 24 Strangulation by bands, 250 of stomach, 236 Streptococcal peritonitis, 92 Stricture, congenital, 252 simple, 252 Strictures, acquired, 253 Subphrenic abscess, 141, 143 operation, 146 Suppurating ovarian cysts, 209 Suppuration, localised, 130 of cysts, 208 ovarian cyst, 132 Suppurations, abdominal, 139 Symptoms, 18, 21 Tabes Dorgalis, 114 Temperature, rise of, 44 Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels, 224 Torsion of omentum, 229, 230 pedicle, 206 Toxaemia, 98, 122, 129 Toxic peritonitis, 240 Tubal abortion, 205 Tuberculosis, hyperplastic, 134 intestinal, 186 Tuberculous glands, 262 omentum, 262 peritoneum, 262 peritonitis, 95 pyosalpinx, 1.50 sigmoid, 187 ulcer, small bowel, 186 Tumours of ovaries, 206 uterus, 206 Typhoid and peritoneum, 185 fever, 112, 179 perforation in, 179 and tempera- ture, 182 Ulcers, gastric. 152 perforation of, 152 stercoral. 190, 193 Urinary bladder, operation, 73 ruptureof, 70, 71 fistula, 82 Uterine fibroid, sub-peritoneal, 211 fibroids, 256 tumours, 206 Uterus, rupture of, :! 1 , 32 Viscera, rupture of, 34 Volvulus, 245, 283 INDEX VolvnluH of HiKiiioiil, 284 Vomiting, 207 Wounds of th« aljiloiuon, 18 blailder, 2it, W (liu|>)ira);iii, 2.') Wounds of Kall-I>lii(l pleura, 2."> portal vc-isfl renal |)elvi-i. ureter, 28 295 2t) BBADHtKy, AIJNKW, A I.D.. l-inSIKHS, LOKD 'N ANU TONRKIDOK.
  • ii.i-liii' iilcrr for t iitiuii of an al)Mt's> ui I lie tipprr ahdoiiiiii — pain. li' I vomiting aiit !-yinpton, V • iny i- vj'ry •onnnon. rsptcially ni ca^o Fig. 20. — l)iuj:iiim nf tin Almtolllitill licliltinll> lit ;i Ilif.'lit-Mnl('il Siiliiiiiipliiii;.'- iiiatic AliMc-- (Inmi " Siii^'i- t'lil l)i-('ii>es lit the .\|niiiiu'i:iin lit till'. \n;ito- iiiiial Ui'liitiuiis lit' ii 1,( ft- >iil I'll Siil>iliH]ilir;i>.'iimtiL' Ali^ci'^^ (t'niiii " Sur;.'iriil l>i-l'ilM'> lit' tilt! Al)IH.'lllll.\, ctr.," 'Jliil I'd.). where perforation lias occurred. Aiiiiiiii,'st the general .-symp- toms i.-> pyrexia, which varies much in severity, is frequently accompanied by -weating at niizht, and gastro-intcstinal disturhaiice. Uigors are of bad progno.-is. JA'ucocytosis was found in all the case- in Barnard's series which were examined for ii. As regards the abdominal signs atid symptoms. In most there is an abdominal sweUing caused by the purulent collec- tion, or the bulged liver ,-ubstance over a tropical abscess. It does not move on inspiration, and varies according to the particular anatomical variety present. There may be bulging ' Sec ako V.ajoT .Maddock. Britith Medical Journal, Vol. I., 1914, p. 862. ■jm^M .:^imi^K:' J -^fML^-U!^^ OTHKH ABDOMINAL Sl|-|.r|{.\ IFOXS , ,.-, '.•-.■» f.m-ar.1. .1... al.-ln,,,..,, will b. ,L\.r an.l ,| n l'<'''><>iwal rub Iwi, b.-,u Im,u-.1 '^ Wh.n the ,M.s is b..,w..,.H „u- lu..r ,,,..1 .l,a,.l„„.,. ,1... -. bnn. adlHT..,,. a, .1,- .narpn ,.f ,|,.. .l.-../- .L _ , UcM-fiid Oil iii-|Hratiuii. ' ChuM;:cw at tlH- bax-s uf ,|„. I.H.^., M.av,, . K„,„i..„ nf mtlamniatiMi, ,|,r„„i;l, tin- dia- \i< n i..iin| t)lirajr|„. „r a .oinprv-,!,,!! ,,f tli.- liiMii. liarnanl r.'c.r.l- the prc-s,.,,,-,. of ba>al >im,, .ai ||,r u|,p,,M,,. si,|,. Ill two ci^cs ,,( p,.rii:a.,tric ab>cf>s. The mcaMin-m. lit of the air.-ct.--l sill.- is of(,.„ in, ■ whilst biilL: ill),' may be .-asily >,-<-ii. or (Ik- int. r- ••"-lals arc- pri-ssc.l and tli<- tissues f,.,,i ,i.d,.n,at.)Us ..v.-p tii.-sc nmscl»-s. .^'ubplin-iii.- absf.oss.-s shoul.l be tr.-atrd as sui-b .-olL-.tioiis are tn-at(-d ill otJuT parts of tli.- ■■'l"l<'tiu-n ; if thoyarek-fttobecoino very large the cbaiu-rs of rocovt-ry are imi.-h diminished ; still it is sur- prising; rapidly a young patient may improve even after months of s any obscurity in the case. The use of an' .-xplorin. , . i : s not a. vocatod ; it may be a very clang.-n.n.: weap. n ery mts eachng : there is more than one case on record •]" ■« 1.0 needle faded to find the pus, and others where it ca,, - a latal r.-sult. ed it is well to have the dia|)liragm which is exjiosed held up with forceps. The incision is carried through to the surface of th«» liver; if the ])eritoneuni is not adherent, then a plug should )»e passed and packed into the lower jiart of this >pace before further exploration is carried out. The foretinger is then passed along the surface of the liver in the direction in which the abscess is supposed to lie. a bullet probe being substituted if nothing is found. Where tiiere is a j)robability tliat the sui)piu-ation is in the liver, whether tropical abscess or suppurating hydatid, a trocliar and eanula is passed into it. the opening (^darged. and a drainage tube inserted. In any operation of this kind it is well to make certain that the peritoneum is ipiite shut off before the incision is closed. Drainage will be rerpiired for some time, and the surgeon must not be hurried into shortening the tube or diminishing its size. Suppuration in tin; splenic region is usually secondary to an attack of appendicitis with spreading inflammation of the peritoneum some time after an o))eration has l)een satisfactorily <>TIfKH AHDOAHXAL SVvniiATlny;s |U'i'f(iniic(l for fi,,. ..,.,.,, , f ,1 ■<■■' aill:.n;: ::;,:;,::;-•■'';:■'-",'-■ "■•'"■I.-,. I \l V I , filed. ( ;|l,(.|,,, I.' 1. ,..., "■■■"« '.-!-.« ;',;;:,■:'::':''',;;: '■'■"''■':™ ' "liK-ll !..• ..|...,|,.,1 -,1,.,,. . ' ,, - ^'^ ""■'■"' "'>l.nir,.> ,„ • "if points (,a I ,,.|vi,, „,.,i ,„, , (-•) l-M-al ..vul..,,,,., ,„ .„„.,,„„„ ,/;;";'",""" "'■■ l--'l'lMT,d l.|.,.„i ., ''<■ "•"•"'MS ... ,„ I. v,...,,,,.,,! ,,"'""'>■ '"•'"■■^ "' ""• >pl....,i is '"•■;i.l, iMslaiir,..- ' •'"""""" ""•"'t'''tiiijr„r.a.,iHiii 1 nifc»,,r R;,,i>(.lin(l- I,;,. ,,,,1.11 1 I . "I lll(> .sii;i!i "■■'liiui-,. and .■...•„v..,v 111 iln,'..'u"V""'V"'"''""''"'^»"l' a^vd !. nion.lis, ,1...,,. ,,,, ,„ ahs.' ■ , / '■"'^" . '" - -■"-'us is eharaeterislie. At the Children's llo>|>ital. Shadv. ell. it was not iniusual to see eases in whieli ah>ees>es were pointing;, or already diseharj^- int;. at the innhilieus ; these weic usually reszarded as pi'ohahly luhereulous in oiiijin : there is nodoulit that in many insliinees t hey are caused l>y the pncuniococcus. aiul in such t lie proj.;nosis is flood. There ai'c. liowe\er. nian\ instances of concealed ahsccss met with in practice, the |)osition of which is not easily ascer- tained, nor t he cansediscovei'cd. when they have heen found and s\jccessfully treated. Some of these are i'esi had "'""«'' tl'is was i,n( |,rov,.,|. 'Ill ""'"l'l"''"'i'"i-.i^^. .■,i„M.f„r(|..-,lK,.,i., w;;j;:;;7;-i;n:''V:!^r:r,;r^ i-...,,,,,. „ .,,., Auunsi 1 and .•o,„,.luin,.,I.M ,.■.;., ■'■ ",''•"" '" ""■ ■''"'"'"..■n on •'••"• <'|.i-*«axiH on and T , -^ ''"" '"".' '"'" "'"" ''''' '""'- "'-' <»n„n l„. had a hinnrral ,.,.■ .,1 Mi-' i , i "' any><..„.n o( ,|,.. l.o.U T , V "^^ "'"''""" <" "- aLlon.-.M. no, ;-;■>■■-'■■ i' •nn'./;:;:;:'::;:; ':;;\r;;''rr ^'"."'^' t.V|.iioid. nilHTrl... and svniiil, „ '" "" '" "'^ '"' l'a>.U y|.hoid, a''.l..n...ndisa, a -..d . •, ' ,, " '' """'"""'■ ■''"• ''^"- '" "- tliiipliiajrni moves Ics-i (|,a,i |,.|i screen cxarninafion." 'Ilien •n Se,,|e,Ml,e, --1. ■ |.,.|,, „„. X'nie o|,a.r(y ol ,,.1,, |,..i„. ^,.,.„ ("■•■■-^niv over. lie V,„ Tl '"' ;'"''',"' '''li'n'.. lenderne.s ..„ 1':-- pi-,,;,;:.; ■;:;:■;,;.:-;.:: ;,'■;:' '• '' "^'>^'-- Dnrins: II ' ol IIJ on I'l a M-..m,l .MS,. iluTf ,.„ul,| h.. „., ,|.,ul,t fl,.„ ,1, w^i:"i=;;r^,S^.ri;:;L;;;,:-:i';^,;;,:«-|;-: ->.... «».' it. ™«. mt :t ' nr';;t,;'ir ; ,-" ," tinned sine,, wirl.ont anv lon.r i,,,er,„i ■ , " , " ■".'acKs have ..on- •rouble have been sU^h./ei J,,'' r^; ;':;„';:!; ^"^ " ""^' '""'*' sharp ,I, whieh in one in.Va e " l" ',>'""" "' '^""'•• short (Inritio- 'I'l .■ r '"'^'■"'•' ^•'-■* I'-llowed l,v a'lndice of •'" "• ^^^i'^t'"^t i'ad been under observation ;.,..„:.;...:/ 'Mji ivation and treat nienl iBi^i -jnnTrTt ' '^ . ;.;j»v,:ai2r^K« >«iXBir.7iija f^.^n^" Jiis bfd. Ilic|«ialiii.. u.Mil.l I.,.,..,!,,.- normal. ..iilv lo irsinnf tli.- I-iVMous .oiii.s,. on his ntiiin 1.. u ,„ al a -all-slnn.' iniparlic.n in ih,. rvslic .Inn. \„lliin.r alnionnal ha.l Immm, lonn.l. howv..,. an.l 111,, pn.^.v.. „l tl,.- .as,, lia.l l»-..n Iml U.nipcdarily nil,.irnpt,..l. nil Anj,'iisl .-! a l....alis,.,l ,luln,.,- ha.l >h,.wn iis..|l al lh<. ii"lit has,, .iml oil 111,. ins,.|li..n .,) a Innhai an.l .annla. ..I.'ai- llni.l ha.l .■..n... awav." J his (lull aivu wa> i, an.l n.,l ,.l laijr.. ,..M,.nl. Tii..|,. had h,..'!! s,.in,- t,.|i.l.iii,.ss Ih.. nnilii ini,.is](ai.L. sin..,, ih,. Ia|.pinj;. Th.. ])ali,iil was a lail man. nin.h ,.nia..iat,.il. II,. hTul a lapi.l,> tli,( tnii,, (.1 whi.h was n.>l !;,„„[, |, ^vas .•xplain...l I., him th.-it thciv was an ahs..,.ss ..I ih,. liv..|. h,.Uv'...u tin' iM)sl..ii„r asp..,i „t ,i,at ,.ij;aii ami Ih,. ,liai.lna,-m. and Dial il was n,.,.,.s>arv l ...n il ihn.n.d. Ih,- cli,.si wall. Part ot Ih,. i....-h lil, „n ih,. li-lil si.h. wa. ..\,.i>...l. th,. pl.-nra snini...l t»th<.diaphia;rni,an.llh.. in.isi.,ucaiTi...llhion-hthat mns..N.. .^.v.ial la.i.',. v,.nis w.'iv visil.l,. in it. ami it was sonnwhat ..-.h.inaUjns an.l a,lh,.|,.nt I,. Ih,. hv.T. A li...haiwas pass.-d ml,, th,. iiv.-i. npwanls and and pns l.,nn.l. Th.. .iiMnin- inio Ih,. ahs,-,.ss was ,.nlar.'..d ami ah.Mil l.", .,z. ..I y..||,,w pns ,.va<.nal,.,l. Tw,. ,liaiiuiK,j tul>,.s woi,. nis,.ii,.d. 'Ih.. a,ld,..l .Irain In.m tli,^ al.s,.,.ss was i„„ mu<.li l,.r the Iiationt. wh,) dicl ,.\lKinsl,.d a few ilays all, 'i wards. Jn till' ,.a>(. of a _\oiiiiom,. weeks for t,v|)lioi(l ft.vcr. tlic cauM. of tin- syiiij)1oiiis was a lulx.rculous |)y.).sal|»iii.\-. 1 was ask,.,l t,) ,ip. lal,. l.y Dr. .Mackenzie, wlio Jia,l si.,.n ilie patient in,-,.nsnltaii,.n. '1 he ,lis;,nil,.,l inl),.e.\1eiid,.duiiwai,ls int,. ihe imsterior part ,.l Ih,. I,.tl iliae lossa and tlmtnated. f^hv had L.v.r and was niiicli ,.niaeial<.d. Oiierati.m (.,.n/irnied his diainiosis ; th,. .sw,.|liii^' was very adherent and dillienlt to si.i.aral... heinj: very eli,s,.ly atla,h,.d to the til>l.,.r part of the r,.,-luin. and allhonjrli i p,.niii;: ninld he lonnd al the tim.. (d ,.ii,.rali..n. in vi.'W of the .lens-ity ,.f th,. adlu-sions an, I ditlieiilly ..f s,.i.arati,m. it was .•oiisid,.red a.h isah)e l,> put in a ,lraiiJaf.'.. tube. A la.,al lislnla f,irm,.d hut closed in a \v\\ dar,. and tlie patiem re,.overed. Some y,.ars hu,.r sli,. marri..,l and has liad chihlnn. 'Jliere lias l),.,.n no further nianif,slaIioii .il lnl)(.|. 1... An.>lh..r ahs... >s, th.. .an-., lor wliicli was,.. whilst th.. localisation of th" pus was ,lilli,.nll, was ih«- folhiwinn : K. AV. 1!., a man ,d ;!;{. Wii.s admit ic.l "A" „u .)n|v 12 and left Sei)- lemher 111. lOl;]. rali,.iit. who was lorim'rly m th,. army. I,.fi lliina six years ajro. Whilst there he had malaria and an attack ,.f ,ianndi,.e. but iiot dvsen- tery. He also contracted syphilis, for which he nnderweut two yean*' incut. ~)!Lilie9t£.W.l«.'jr*«! ^LsJSBSSr-^iH "''■'"•:i! .\F!F)OMIX.\K sriMTHATFoNs |.-,l r.::.:''i::;:;-:::x;i:,r'"''"^ ....■ h:''™! '■:■;::::*;::':::.!;.'; '^'-s^ '^"•- r ^-''""- -- In.nMh.. nl.,..J „, • i , ', ,"'" '"'I"""' -ss oxtemU '->- ' i.i!- 1- ;:;.' :; ''"^x: ';:^.; ;i,,:r'''' '"-■«'" --^ -' IMwi. Ji,.|n„.l „v..r Hi.. n,.|ii h„„. l,..r. ; '" '■""'I'"'""* »f i::i:'i;..' ^ -^--."":.::.:S;rS-:.!:;::;:-f: rJ.:;; ::ni.;^;:;:;:r.:;;;;;i.:::;:;, ;;:::;i.r;:::r"'-?'"" ^;-"-- -''"« r^:r-::-;;;:::;>;;r;:.'^^ a" in.-ision ...ado. Tl.i, , n ^ , , '' ""'•l''^'- w^. ,.ass,..l and then "fsovoral pints; i, w s , t /. L "•■';,-'""■•'""' '" "'« -^tout '''••••■■atory on thi;,,„i;::a'''\,.;!V ;:;,,, "" TTr'" "" ''"''^^ e."t:.::!::r;r.i::::.;'Sru;:':iS--"'''- -- - . ^- an Poljnucl.-ar nfutinpliils „ ■ , ., ■ • • • •>< P'T r.3Ut. Small lyinphoi-ytes . . ' ' ' ., ' I-iirfio lymphocjics . ' ' ' ' "j, . " " I^aixe hyalino rells . , ' ' ' _'|.' "" C.)aisely jrranular ba,sopi,i'|ic cells ' ' {.y " " ! ! i ! PERFORATION PAirr III OF ULCERS or TRACT THE DICiESTrVE In considering the i)erforation of ulcers of tlie dige-tive tract tliat give rise to the " acute abdomen '" I do not propose to include those which lake place at the >ite of a malignant grovth. but only those which are known as ■simple." the suihlcn giving way of an ulcer of the -tomach or bowel into the general peritoneal cavity. Gastric L'ixers. in the autumn of 1894 Sir Alfred IVarce (iould opened a discussion at liristol on the surgical treatment of simple ulcer of the stomach and duodenum and typhoid ulceration of the ileum and colon. The influence of this debate in (ircat Britain did a great deal to encourage surgeon- in tlieir treat- ment of these emergencies, defined the steps of the ojjera- tion which ar(> essential when one of these ulcers has perforated. There is no doubt the profession has been much indebted to that eminent surgeon for the manner in which he brought forward this subject. At that time the introducer of the discussion only knew of seven cases of .successful operation for the closvu'e of the fterforation in a gastric ulcer. At llie present time the diagnosis and main principles of treatment are .so well understood that no surprise is exjjressed wlien i-ecoveiy follows operation. Success is often attained. The first operation for perforation of a gastric ulcer in St. Thomas'.s Ho.spital was done in 1S'.>2. This was not successful, but in August, 18!t(), a success was obtained for the first time. Forty-nine had bi-en submitted to operation up to 1904, the ulcer being treated by suture and the ])eritoneum washed out : 58- 1 per cent, recovered. The average tiin<- im;i{|-()|{ati().\ (h- I L( Kits. F)i(;i;sTi\i: ti;\(t I :.:{ in (I,,. M„-...>,f„| ,,,..., , al )K„l(.Ia,.M.,l I,. Uv,.,, p.-,fnr.-,.inn .m.l 0|HTati..n wa, -! hmn- ; in the fal,,l .um.. ;!-.•. |„,ur. IIm; .v>nlt. of n,u.rat,on m tl„. >,.,.„„.| l.alf nf tl,,. im.,,,,,! incjitiiiiicd aiv,t iliaii in llic iuf rtci.itrjiM'd and xiit inl.. h.,.|iifal car/icr. and o|)cra1i(.n i> m,.n. ,|ui three nut (f fouiteen ..r L'l per <-fnt. In all tlie anl.iior surface alVected. and 'he perforation I'l Mas eloM(| -with lit lire-. The «aii>e of death in the tiirei' ca-ex wliieh did not recover was p.riloniii-. ixrisplenie ab-ee-s and gastric haniorrha-re. Three caM- Mhi.ii Mvre admitted ■• -■■;. Al'lllc i'cl|iil-:iti-.!; nf ;i (h.-rvir l-U,v ,.v St. •|1|,,,„;,..V^ ri(.. Ii4.^ .-rnn,m-h rcit,„:,ti„i,.. I)i,,^.n„n tn illu>ti;,(,. ,„„ l-ustoii-.r, l'..if.,i»ti.,Ms. too late for opi'iation died from general i)erit(,niti.-.. I'.l(»;{-lttl2 uiclusive IK; .Uses, witli 7(» cures and 40 deatlis. Mir ^^■ H!',' if.' .. !.-)» TllK ACITK AI',J)(>.MI:N 1 1 uiulir :{() years of ugc) the symptmus Aviiicli arc LTotiixd uiidcr llif term " iicritoniMii " arc uMially viiij,' signs (.f (li>tr.>, wiiich arc iiiiinJ>lnKalilc. 'J'licrc is considerable variation a~ rcL'ard- ihr aniumit nf shock : fonictinies if is so excessive that rnithinji can -iue the patient. Shock is followed by <'oMapse. and the patient may die in a few hours without rc-poiiH' |o medical treatment. ' lutliciiutiiniiiol l!l(i.-, ;i yirl \\iisii.linillc.|-X- „illi:i hiM.iiy..l sii.ldcu soizurc ..f pain hi \\„- oujcii ul llic ^lnliiilcli xi ^.-veic III II »lic mmimiiiciI "lit, aiul hMil lo lie ciiined Iihiik' Iioiii I he lr;iiii Iroiii \\l i.h vh,. ||;„1 just Uliv'htc.l. Wli.ii .MTU ill Ihr lin^pilill liiih iiii hoin IjiKr Ihr illimuo-JH o( ;;a>Iiic iMTliMiilioii «ii> .■.mlii nicd. Inn I he -lalc w";is m. prolouml tlial the iiiii.nI vi(i(.n.u> tnal inciil. lii.liMJiiii; ^aljiie iiiliisiou into tlu! veins, liiih'd to ovcrcoinc this, anil the diiil within six hours. She was (jniii- mininscioiis. ni.iili- no loi-ianrc to aluloiniinil o.xiiininalion nor tliil site eoiniilain ol pain. I h.iv was a larue jiciloia- tion aliont the size ol a penny in the anterior wall ol the stomach near tlie pylom.s. .\ eiliiolls laet. noteil at the neeiopsv. was the piexnee ot extensive ^a.> is eiii|ihysenia ol the ImhIv a lew hours alter ileal li. As a rule the patient rallies finin the -hock, and utlier symptoms dexclop which resemble those met with in perfora- tions of other j)arts of the dio,.,tive tract. In gastric and duodenal cases, perhaps more than in others, the previous bistory is important, esjiecially if morphine has been given recently to relieve pain. It is not wrong to give jiiorphine when tlic diagnosis has been matle and the course of action ilecided upon, but there must be no subse(juent going biwk because the patient "" a|)pears better." In a large percentage there is vomiting soon after the j)erforation iias occurred, but the ab.scncc of vomiting is not against the diagnosis of i)erforation. Probably there is no form of the acuti- abdomen in which there is a greater amount c*" iluid to be found free in the peritoneum. At operation, only a few hours after the onset of symi)toms has been noted, one has been surpr^ -d to lind the Hanks and pelvis quite full of a thin greenisi ;id, acid and sour-smelling. This statement ajjplies to casi a which the stc ach was comparatively empty at the time, as well as to thoM' iji which the peiforation occurred soon after a large meal. Much of it is doubtless of a i)rotective ciiaracter, thrown out from the peritoneum covering the bowels and im:mf .,f tli.- sU>nuu\. In ,h,. n.,,...., i, n>..,„l.|... ,.,.v ,.I...„K. ,1... ..,.„. •Iition Nvl„..|. ol„ain. ..on aft.r f 1... m..I.I..m n.,.tu.v i.f tlu- wall '> an a ..•..,.. |,v,lati.| ,„■ .„|„,. ..v^t. wIht.. fl,.. ,..„,,...! Ilui.l lli">(K the |ii'nluiMiiiii. I!i;:i.lily nf .l... rr-.i ,„„.,.|.., i,, .!,.. ..,,,,..,• part of ,!„' ah.iom,-,, will l.r ,.,■....,„. ^n,^ j,,,,,! f,., ,■„.... i„ ,1... ..pi^aMri,. n,-!..,, I" any .. wh.r,. ,|,..,,. is a .lilluultv in .iiauM...>i.s brtw..,.. " |H>orat,.,| .a.tri.. „|,..,. „„l ,„ „,,„„ .u,,.,,,. ,„,.i,„„j,j^ s.'-..n,lary t.. a ;;an^Mvn,.„. ap,M.n,lix. ,1... (..vm.,,,.. of nunh »n.,. ||„„|. a> .l,.t.T,ni„...| l,v p..n.„.,iun wi.hin .t f.u l,n„r. att.Tllw.-,.mnM.nn,n,,„ ..f >yM,ptom.. .houM .ummh.! a Mron^^ ••ann.jr ,Muar.i> tl,.. >„„na.l. a> tl... h..- of tl„. I.^ion whi.h l'a> -auM.,! ,i„. ill,,...,. A lyn.panitu. n.,.,. ..vt tl,.. liv.-r r.-gi..n m an al.,l,,n...n ul,i,|, i, ,„„ .list,,,.!,.,! ,„av l„. an i, ,•. •"'" ;""'''>'""al pn,„f. an.! i> ,,„, intn..,u,.nt iV .,l,M.rx.-.l i„ jiHstr,,. p..,torafi,.M. m„„. affr ||„. Mi.hl.-n ..n^.t'.-f pain ||, al.M'M..,., h.,u,.v,.r. nuof not l,,- ,v«ar.U..I a. a ivaM.,, )„r p,„,. ("""'1^' ..p..rati.,n in a r-.i.r ..tluTwis,. .allinu f,„. i, |, ,,„' ,„„ [•••.■Mut m tl,.. f,.ll.,un,j: in>tan,.,. .,f lar... p..,i,„atiun. i„ wLu^h •"■ '^;;'"'';'" "<•<■'"•.■<.,! altlM.n^rh H... pati..nt ua. .nul-.r ,.x,.,.p. i"-.allya,|vanta,u..,.u. .■..n.iitinnsth.. -ton.a.l, hav in« l,a.| iv' t ror two (lavs. A ui:,..l 4.-,. was "X- „„ S.-piouilMr .'{.i Ji.(.4 with ran;:'.::: :../;:' ""^'r' ^' •""- -'•"■•-" -•-- •-> '- 1J;»4, 1.0 .mun.l a la,«,. a,n„un. .,1 l,|...,.l. whi.-h w.,s .,„it.. I,).;^,; Uheu ud.a„,..,l l„. was s„i,V,„.. a «.....! il,.al f„„„ ,,«(,. ;„ ,„.. ..„i. .as.,,c ,..g.„n. and was ol.l,>.l ,., li.. .„, „„. j,,, „.,,,' -,.,,, J „ , . , ^^a.s ,u,r,„al „. appearand,., an.l w..]. ,1,.. ,.v....,.,i„„ ,.f ,..,.,1,.,. ,.1 , |iiiatiiiii^ wnv Imrriid. |ii;iiitiil, hIiuIIow, ulid irirguliir, tin- piiKi' rii|iiil, and Ih' riiiii|ilaiii<'d iimrli ol puiii ill tlut alidiiiiit'ii ; lit) wan iiiialili' to taki- a dri'p hicatli on ari'oiiiit nl tli<- pain, and i>n rxaininatinu ot tlic alidoinm it did iioi ninvi' iiiin-li with n-^piraiion. It was gfiit'ially Ifiidcr. rigid, ami lallu'r di^tiMidtd. 'I In- liM'i' diiliirM4 hail not di-'appt'iM'cd : tlii'ic wat diiliii''>-4 in liotli llaiik^, also acros^t Iho iu\v<'i' alidmni'ii al><>\<' ilic |iiilii'<.. lie liatl vnniitt'd. 'I'llf It'lllpriatlllti wan ItMltl . iipciatioii was porlni nii'd a< ^nun a* pii>>ilili'. On oiti'iiin^; (he p<'i'itoiii'iini iIk-i'i) wuh a lliiw ul ^r<'<'iij>li tliin -.iiiir^iiK'llinv' lliiid. 'I lie Kloniarli was sonii'wliat adluit'iil tn tlic niidn ^nlla<'^ i>l the liver, and wlii'ii I hey were separated liy the liiiyer there wa-* a mish of free pan. 'I'he liiijjer Wii-s passed to the pyloiie region at onee heeaiise of the dia){- nosiH of perforation ol nieer in that situation, made liy ])r. .Maekenxie. \ sharply-eiit ulcer, lai);e enoii;;li to admit the foielinjii-r. Was found on the anterior siirfiiee of the pyloiie I'lid of the sloniaeh. The slomaeh wall round this peiforalion Wius iiiurh lliirkeiied. The hole was elosed with interru|ited suture.-.. 'Ilie peritoneal ia\ily appeared to lie tilled with tlie greenish fluid, there lieiliy: larire eolieeliiuis in the pelvis, the flanks. tli<> Nuhhepalie and splenie regions. A eounter-openiii^ was iiiadu ahove the puhes and the ahdomeii lljoroui:lily washed out with normal saline. The intestines were not iniieli distended. The deposit of lyin)ili was limited to iht- parts around tlie perforat ion. Xoinial saline to tin; amount of two )>iiits was |ia»ed into the median hasilie vein during the o|)eration. as tlie pul>e liecame very feelile and ia|)id. The stomach was a ;,'ood deal dilated. Tlie upper wound was closed and a j;lass drain |)laeeil in the lower one. Ueeovery was slow hut satisfactory, and he left on jiecemher 7. l!Mt4, for his home in l»e\oiisliire. 'I'he induration fiii'ioiiiidiiii,' the ulcer coinpelied the ill fold in;; of an iniisnal amount of stomach wall. I do not tliiiiU authors of t( xt iiooUs. wlini writiiii: of tlic tUaguosis of jj;astrii' ju'ifoiatioiis, liavf |)aiy. thrombosis of tiie superior mesenteric vi'iit. various kinds of poisoning, and acute ililatatioti of the stomach. There are four or five states of the acute abdomen in which we get ati excess of fluid — peiforated gastric (or duoileiud) ulcer, rupture of an abscess PKHFOKATIOX OF IL* KHs. DKiKsTIVK TK \( I' i .7 (Usually a|i|n'ii(li( iilai). rupturf nt' iMiiuitcmic tcrtatii.ii. ruplurcil |iyi> ^al|lill\, nr tlic luptuic nf a larsic rv>t. .\^ a rare occuirtiicc it i^ mim atHi llu' ruplun' ot u lar«_'«- ciniivfiiia of the appfiidix. A iii«f in whiih tlicri' is rft-Min tn »u-pi(t gastric pcrt'oraliiiii, hut almut ulucli ynii arr tin' >iiic, -iilt With the ca-i' jii-l di'^inhid the follow iii'_' ami tli. iinportaiicc of what I have -aid will l»c cs idttil : A mii>i-, ai;<'l -i». wn- adimir.d liy I>i'. Lurk, oi I ■ \lii iilije. fill- pciliiralrd jrasliir iilrer. She liiiii siiUViimI fniiii very ImiI iiiii at uilcrviil-t (hiiiiii; the |iast thif(« iiioallis. aiiil. Iiuviiii; Ixwn on iiiirlit ilaiv, wa-t in lied on tlip iUlli in the atlcniooii. wlicii -.ln' IimiI a suililcli scmtc pain iii llic t|iij.M,s. tiiuiu. Slic wa.t vci y sick. Ilin |)aia was holliT on ilio L'Tili ainl l'siIi, but she si ill lia>l tfiulcriii'^s. A hoiiiowlial clilofolir •vMMiaii wiih /lii^liod iliui ks, ami w.lliout any hijru of aiixit.'ty. A [miU.- <>i Ii>4. ami riwiMratioiis, 2« ; ti-niiicriiluiK, liin'. she (•(iiiipl.iiiK'il <«| -citiic paiii iu ilit< alMloincii. liiit of iiu jjifut si'voiily, ami the ^irkiicNs had no) nciinud. Ilcr ;r»'ii, yrt the musrlrs wire ii;;id, and was sinfiini; dulii*;ss in the Hanks. 'I'lic li)n;.'ii(' was furred and the howils conrmcd. 'i'lu're was a diltVicnco of o|iinion as to tin ahscnco of liver diilncss. Imt tlio diai,'nosis was •• a xniall |>erforation of tlie anterior wall of the Htoinacli and (•on>ideralile elTusion in tin; |"ritoneuni." It «;ts some- what dillienlt to convinre the patient that she requiii il inunediale operation, heeanse she did not l-el very ill. It WiH not eas\ to lind the |>erfoial ion, for no jras <.r Ihliil e>caped dnrinf: the, seareh, and il was only hy evaniinaiion of a small patch ot lymph witli a ninall prolie that it could lie found: even then il was not pii-silde to forci- fluid thiduuli it from williiti the stoiuaeli l>y any kind of pressure. 'I'hi- openin;j was ni a iialch of thickmini; ahoiit t lie size of a llorin to the h'fl of the middle line near the lesser curvature and covered in hy interrupted I^einlx'tt sutures. The Huid in the ).'<'m'ral peritoneal cavity was i)uriilent, especially in the (wlvis. and ireneraHy ditl'iised. hut <'oiilained no traces of food. It %vas washed awav witji Kteriliseil saline, I hroujrh a drain in a >u])ralMihtc opci,in: I'lio iippei optMiiiiu' was closed; a draina;:e tuhc was left in |)ou,'la-s pouch. Uninterrupted reeoTcry. The operation for poiforalioii of a gii>trie nher may be divided into thin- parts : — (1) The abdominal incisions : (2) the liiidiiiii and tfcatincnt of the ulcer ; (.'{) the cleansing of the peritoneum. I il ■«n^^ §n n \M THK \< ITK AIMMiMKN 5 L In |)rc|t;iiatinii for tlic ()|MTiitiim it niiiy hv \u »iirv to iial prfpanitioii of tlir -km «itli ioiIum' i- ii.l\ i-;i)»li'. aiul tin- Mit^ifoii mil-) niiiiiiilMT to hiivf tlif hair of the aliiloiiiin and >ii|>ni|iiihic KL'i.iii -Iia\<«| Thi- piirt of tin- intparation i, upi to he ovci looked. I'lic ii|)|»ir iiici-ioii i- mad)- tir-t. -Ixnild he ahoiit < in. lie- or iin.rc in Icnjitli. and i- made in the cpijjii-. liiiiin. from the left co-to xiphoid an^lr (h.wnwanl^ to the left of the middle line. Uefnre the peritoneum i- opened it may liiiiue irreniilarl> into the wimiihI from the ;;a- which has eolleeted behind it. whieh hllliliie- up when tin- la\er is inei-ed. There may lie none if the ea-e i- an earlv one and the perforation -mall. Thi- amount of lluid i- very variable, u.siially of a mawkish mihII from ^a-trie jiiiee. and a< id in reuition ; there are freipieiitly particle- uf halfdiue-lcd f(.,)d ill it. according to the -i/.e of the perforation, the character of the last meal, and the time which ha> elap-cd -inee it was taken. In ca-e- where there is much lluid it is a j: I plan to pas- the hand 1 .roiijih the upper wound to the under siu-face of thi' hypo;;a-tri. re;;ion. cut down on it. and |)lac<' a tiilte in the pelvis : the tliiid can then run away under an aseptic pad whilst the neces-ary manipulation i.f the -lomach i- hcin^r carried on. .\s the pertoration is mo>t commonly on tli<' anterior -iiiface near the les>er curvature, this i- the part wiiich -hould he c.vamined in the first i)lace. The stomach slnaild ite (irmlv but gently pulled downwards, wliil-t tlx' lluid is moppeil away as it comes from the opeiiin;:. that already in the peri- toneum being kept )»ack and partly ab-orbed with wide -trips of gauze. Sometimes the openiny i- temporarily idocked bv a particle of food. l»ut a- a rule there is an increasing How (if lluid with bub1)les of ga- as a result of the increased tension when it is pulled upon. If the opening is small or concealod ))y lymph, a mor(> eareful search may l)e necessary, but the injection of air into the .stomach by means of an (esophageal tube as an aid to localisation is not either advisable or necessary. .Abnormal redness of the surface, the presc-nee of a patch of lymph, or the di.scnvery of a hard plaque of tissue wb.on the j)crforation PERFOHATFox op ihcKKs, i>r(;f:sTrvi: ti; \ t i.v.. is sniftll, iniiy in.liiiit.- it. Any rii. nt,,ii> bifw.'ou tlie stoiUiKl. iitul livn -iM.uld li |.ivnif..l ami fi.l.U ..|,,ri..l niu If the viomacli i- iitiirh (iilat.d, liliinu up tlir v\ >irir i. yioii. it slionl.l l.r «'iii|>tiiM| ritliiT IhitMi'^'h th. iMifuriii or ihn.iiL'li ail iik iritciiiipt'il. ^riii muxiiliir. aiKJ pa--((| iiftiT the ini'lliiKi III" Lcmbcrt. If t«c.i|p,ii:.; coiitciits caUM- ( nifi.ii - ras>iiinit a >tit(li m t vv. . may bi- iiix-rtcd n r. i- tb«' opciiiiij^. A^ .1 rule N(i. I >ilk i^ >ali>fa(tMi \ for the >iitiiii'^. Imt if tlic .xloiiiiuli wail i> softened No. 2 >lioul(l be U-ed. I have f<»und a siiijile low of tlicse siillieieiit. but thi-y .should iKiietiate a- deeply as the -ulinuicoii-^ layer and extend well beyond the perforation. As a rule they >hoiild be passeide. cspeciallv in the re<'ioM of the iiyloru-. to avoid narrowing' of the outlet. All should be inserted before they are tied, and if tlier*- is any doubt of their hold on the stomach wall reinforcinj^ >utures .-hould be put over them. In small perforation^ a continuous J.embcrt suture mav be u>ed : whenever this is fea-ible the suturing should be "performed with the viscus outside the wound, resting on sterilised gauze moistened with warm saline. When the perforation is in a fixed part, .suturing must bo done with the stomach in situ ; here tlio Wound nmst be well oi)ened out witi> reiractors, and Fi. '. -•/ I'l'il' iii'dti'ii ••{ -iitiiii inurli tliickc'iiiiiL;' .■^utiiM'- l.rini;ii._' lnil>rul;ii' fi--n, nut t''ii-ii>n. if liii-trii' l'j,'( ■ ulull' til' !.■ 1- ..f tin' l.;i-.. n\ ■■< ridj:.. ,.| -,.,,,'- ■"— till' nil i'i- with- KiO THF<: \(VTE ABD<)>rKX J ' P f ? i it may he found necessary to cut the left rectus, althougli this should not lie lif,'htly (h.iie. Where tlii-re is an opening in an in(hirated area wliieh will not hold stitches you must hrin<:; a fold of stomach over it from the cardiac side anil suture that securely to the parts beyond the induration. When the condition of the |)atient. the position of fho ulcer, or tlu^ larj^e area of induration makes it impossible to close the perforation as advised, there are various courses open to the o|)eralor. A drii.ina:,re tube may l)e pa-ed down to the opening and gauze packing placeMrne thirly-si.x liours. It may be po>-,iI>le to cover the opening by suturing M)me omentum over if. or the liver may be utilised in this matnier. A gastrojejunostomy may ])e performed to dimiui.-h the leakage from the wound, but it mu>t be rcmernbereil that idthough the amount in the upper ahdomen rnav seem Mnall. there may be a. considrrahie (piantity of lluid in the pel\i>. So far I havopokenof the p<>rforat ion of ulcers on tiie anterior sui-face of the stomach, for perforation is most eonnnonlv met with as a complication of the-e anterior ones. 'j'hV |)o.-teri<.r rarely ix-rforitte into ■ ■(- portion of the peritoneum, owing to the teiKk^ncy of aunc-ions to form between the surface of the stomach and the painreas. If the historv of the ca-e points to ;i, perforation. aiiinface or along the lesser eiu'vatin'e, ym uui>t cMuniiie the posterior surface. Here there Mill probably be little lluid present in front (.f the stniii.i.'ii uh,.,! the ahd.Huen is opened, but search may s,nali bubbles of gas under Ih.' p.-ritoiicum as it leaves t|i,. u,vater ciirxalure of the stomach. This perforation can be attacked 1 liioiigli ~{ I ) the gasifo hepatic omentum, wiiich readily yields and gives direct access to the area Usually afVected. or (i>) In tearing lln(ai1... us had an.,0 attarks ot pain sin.ilar to tho ,„vs..nt. and has 1,;.,. ill iu '"■.■ day 1... lore ad.uis.sion the pain was so bad that it doubh.d her np and she had to ,.. to bed. There was n.ueh shoek. She did not vo.u.l until the niornui- oi admission ; and the syniptoius when sh were probably inllueueed by .uoiplune, which hud been given before lie journey to In.spital. *' eanie in r She wa'i drowsy lud Jier j;eii ^inal' ,, . ,, '""'I '•X|>i<'s>ion placid; the pui.ils were 1 ulse. IiH; temperature, lol-.i . The loujrue was very drv and , : , • , ' '"' "'"1"""''\ was movinj: , ly. was -.nerally distended and .r. . T'' ^"^"•''""■'>' "'"'l'''- "" "V'-. On per.-ussion there was an a.ea ol .lulness m the h-l, flank below the sp n, whi.h shifted on m..venient. Iriction .-ould be heard over the left chest in • liver c an orilinaiy Higginson syiiiigc worked by an a>sistant, wliil.-t tlic surgeon pertorms tlie needful numipulation of the ])arts. If. liowever, the ease is ([uite early and the extravasation limited, iiriga- tion may be unneeessary and a limited eieansing by means of moist swabs snlliee, but as a rule, in my opinion, a eond)ina- tion t)f the two is retiuired if there are many food particles in ihe peritoneum. Try to eleanse the peritoneum from above downwards, and make tertain that the hepatic and splenic regions are ck'ared early ; the amount of fluid in tliose parts is often very large, and trouble may arise there from se])tic infection after the operation. Somi- jiints of saline will be n-cjuired and irrigation should be continued until the iiuid eonus aAvay clear. 'J'here is no need to dry the peritoneum ; it does good to leave clear fluid of this nature to l)e absorbed. The necessity for drainage depends upon the ])articular ease : if operation has been early, and the amount of extravasation is small and limited, the abdominal wound may be closed ; in the majtjrity of cases it will be advisable to drain. The 'Fowler positiori" should be adopted as soon as the j)atient has recovered from the ana'sthetic. Before the patient k'ave. the operation table a rectal injec- tion of sterilised saline with an ounce of brandy should l)e given, and the use of continuous saline ptr reclinn should be commenced a short time afterwards. There is no objection to the administration of >i])s of tepid watiT by the nu)Uth. but nothing else should bi' given for the fn>t forty-eigiit hours. ]f there is much complaint of j)ain, and the t)atient is mtv rt'stless or unable to sleep, a sid)- eutaneous injection of morphine may be given, but it is to be avoided if |)os-ible. The treatment above advised is best calculated to prevei: : the more common cau-es of death after tlii> arrident — peritonitis, shock, subdiaphragmatic ab-v Kinney to be present in Ji> per cent, of the ca-es. Tlie occurrence of it seiond perforation in the same ulcer when it is large. mm^ufwm PKHFOHATIOX OF rU'ERs, DICKSTIVK TI5A(T ,,;, (^)^,. „uy occur fro.u tl.c >a,nc ul-cr, or unotluT .lu > M„al iHTtoratiMU so only a little llui.l ,..,.u,k.s wln..h may In- M-allcl ufV by adhesion.:. This Tn.v In,,,' I" •..alio,,. ||„. al)M.,.ss may jinulually rstvnd if,. the appen.hx A.nh peritonitis, especially if ,he apnen.liv ," • Situate,! to tlu. outer side of the cecum. oHu.s ue;^'' ,. ^ 't^ proper positio.i in the iliac regicm '^ When the pc-rforation is that of an ulcer of the stonuu-h tlu- syn,pt.m.s are those of a general peritoneal invasion ; wh 'u : I fin: J ! I » ! < ' i ii 164 •rilK ACITK ABDOMHX till' pciforiUioii is in (lie duodrmiin, tlit' I'Miipiiii,' fluid, which rarely cuiituiiis soliil jKirticles, Ihnvs chnvii the right side, external to the eolon, into the j)el\ is. In these cases, there- fore, the resend)lanee of the attack to one of aeiile perforative appendicitis is very close, and a mistake in diagnosis has been made by the most experienced. .Mr. Struthers,' in relating his series of 27 ea.sos. says that in three of them the i)ain was referred ehielly to the right iliac fossa, and the ma.xinium teiuh'rness and resistance was below the umbihcus on the right side, but the tempi'iature and pulse-rate wert- not markedly raised. Moynihan states that in ~)l eases collected by him a correct diagnosis was only made in two, whereas the primary incision was made over the appendix in 19. At the time of operation the apj)endix nuiy be found surrounded b\ an area of uitlamed peritoneum, and may be itself .so intlamed that the surgeon is misled. It would be well, therefore, always to examine the duodenum in its first part, when disease of the ap|)endix is not manifested by gross naked-i've change, such as gangrene or perforation. Do not forget to examine the pelvis for extravasuted fluid ; failure to do so in any case of perforation may prove fatal, whether the ulcer be of the stomach (anterior or posterior .surface) or other part of the digestive tract. The following ease is typical : — A c'iibniun. Ufrcd ;i!l, \v;is iuliuitttMl -X- ii;iistiiuiii lor ten ycnis. coiniiiir on aboill aa lioui' after food : also from a fceliiij: of distcusiou ami tlatiilciicc. full liad never had any voiiiilinj;. 'fiie atlacks liad come " off and on." Six weeks l)efore asion he liad nolieed tlial liis motions were lilaek. At midniirht on .lune 12 he had taken a ii\n^s of hi'er, the diiiikiny of which was foUowed immediately hy vioh'iit ])ain in tlie ahdoinen. 'This was esju'cially severe over the jmhes. He vomited one and a lialf horns afterwards, was in jireat pain all night, and liad const ant acliing jiaiii in llie riglit shoulder. On admission he was in a condition of collapse, with a jinlse of 14i) and temiieratnre of it^:;:;;i;;:;;v:::::!r^ 'I'lu-ir was flM> su.I.I,-,, onset of al..lo,ninal pai„ (,vl,i..h is u>ually Miost s,.v..,v al.ov.. a.ul ,o ,1,,- riuh, of I,,- „, . . with ,uark...l sl.o,-k, f. llow..,l I.v vonmin. M. 1 '" Ifnt interval, ,,n, .,... syn.pton.s wln..,rpn' .,'.:; oa,„.nton„.sM...n.,l..fini.o. BiL-stain.-.l Mui.l n.av V ,^ 111 tlicso (•as(-s. and tic sutmvs (of v,, i .in ^ i 'i, , i"WL.n..HVn,.th,.dinti.o!;'':i,; ,:^''' :,f; HiMs. an.l sa|..u. <.,,,..,| at I.y tl,.- usnal n„>tl.o,l of -i"nn,stra.;on ,,>■ rn„n„. Afr. Strutlu-rs .lo,. no, ZlCr n.,nn..l. bu.^ a.lvo.u-s draina,. for tl,. ti.t ^ - nitn tiK p,-! .s no l.ann ,s .lone l,y niakin^r ,|„. pn.|inn-n-,rv .."•ision ni tho lo.-c.P al>,ion,..n to oxannno tl... ap ■„ ' d.a....s>s of n.t.stinal has ],...n n.a •. ' „;' «<.ty. (■xat..n.uultn,.K^^^^^^^ "t . "gl.t M.I..), an.l tl... nu.ompl,.t,.n(.ss of tlu- ....nstipation n v si>rv.> t.. pn-vnt tins ,-m,r in most instan...s ' • ilH- a.lvi>al,lli,y of porfonning a gastro-n,>ton,v ,n„., ■ <',jl..n..l .-h..n..v..,. operation for p.., gain > ""•'"";^' "I*-- - p,..fonno,l. hut tho num.,..,- of .1 h i.« IS hn,t..,|. lo ,lo ,t n, some m-o„|,1 h.- to ens,,,... the 'J- . ..f the paf.nt. an.l th,.,-e are few in whieh it sa,.lt.,he,v.,,nn..l-the,,e„-to.avelif... A ...... - «;i>-'^t,on ean he pe,fo,.n„..l .ith safety la,,.,-, .honl.l .vn. , 's ■''■""•'xl 't. It is ,he of ,„. ,,.1,. ,h, ..vl ' ''''"."^; i-K>st,i,e..nt,-aet,..,:tte'- ;;•;.:;•• ,- o.a ,on sho. .. nev..,. diminish th.. passage t., ::^h . . xt It as to ,...n.Ie,- a gast,.o.ent..rosto,ny a ,na„e,. of ,„ „..,- • t .. pres..nt .by th<.,.e ,;s p,.H.aps a t..n.l..,.,.v to ,Io^^^ -^^ "H. 1. f.... the surg..on natn.-ally wishes to pla,.e pati..nt n lehestpo.t,.mf..,.e.m,pl..te,v,...v..r^^a,d,hat^i , ;;; :;V7;;"'7 ^'•"•'' -n .,ep..n,i .:,. th.. ..onlhHo ; "'"""'*•♦'"; •'•"•"t'-m ..f the and the wav in uh.VI tlie anatnil»- aiuT of ])iirts. 'I'hc ilnil^t(»nlosis .-hould he nuuh' toward-; the pyloric end, and near the jrrcattT curvature of llie -tomacli. Let the coniniunication between llieni he fully two inchc- in ieiiflth. and al)out IS inches from the eoinniencenieiit of the il H -i \-p\l nj I'lii. ->'i.~ To lllu^tiiiti' till' itcl.itiiuis iK'twccii .Icjmmiii iiiiil Stniiuirli in tlic < iiHTatiiiu el' Aiitciinr ( iii-tin- l!ntiTn>tiiiny. jejunum. The clam|)s should ))e a]>|)lied ol)liquely so tliat the o])eiun<; slo|)es from the left doAMnxards to the ri^ht, and it is advisable to a})|)iy the outer suture for some distance al)ove the inner row to |)revent kinkiny of the !oo]). although the application of one or two extra sutures to hold the left extremitv of the curve of the loop in position will answer the same purj)ose. 1'his anastomosis is peifoinied in a manner similar to that described under entero-anastomnsis (p. liSO). ]t is not necessary to impress upon the rcatler tlic value of I'KHF-OHATfoX (»F ([,( KIJS, I)[(;KSTrVK Ti; \( r lti7 MMiMulai- liui.lity Ml ilw ,i.nfr al),lnm.-n a. a. pinnt llmt a grave lcsi,,ii has .Mriinvd within. Thi. n^^i.litv is a v.i v impurtai.t >iui, nf |H.rforati.,.i. th.. alKlnnu-n hcii.- nftrn hi. Tally as hard a^ a l..,arsend)Ies i.eif.)iation of a, "a^iie or duo the same onMt, with severe pain, voniitintr. ami eollap.e. If this i- .oon followed l,y e.xmlation into the peritoneal eavitv of a lar-'e fiuantity of the resend.lanee is verv L'r.a't. I'Miallv howover. the pain renniins very intense in t"he"npper al.dom.."n' diiluess on percussion is patehy, and t lu^iv i. a -eneral superdeial ten.lerness without very marke.l rijiiditv. .\ Hm- of tempera- ture IS frcjuent. The patient i- UMially a male Mouf and ovr middle ajie. As showinr; the .linieully oeeasionallv .ucounteied the followint,' ease may he (pioti^d : A nn.lor.Ml. .liiv.-r. a-f-.l XJ.wms silti,m,„i l,js .,,1, .,„ui.|.. ,„ t ,|„. larKv .rirkri WMJiinK for a t.-nv. wh..,, )„• w,,^ MMld-niv Willi a MVPiv paiM ill ll„. „i.|.,r aI..h„M..M ,„„l v.mmii.,! i|.. um ■-"''I"''' ' ll«<'slioM all.l liu.l takrn t.H„l s|„.,tiv U,-U,yr II,. „„' , sloii. man. < )„„i>si„n I|.,Mr hours ImI,,- I,., was v,rv 111 siill.'nn- Iron, sovrn- ,,ain and triMlnncv. in il,.. .pi.-aMnr ivKion; lia.l a iMiLs.-rate tiM. h ni.-l respiration, ;,„.l i.nin..,,,,,,;. ..7 111.- al..loni..n was ,„ovin« l.a.lly. aiol ll,..,v ua. al>iH.ri„;,l n-i^laMr,'. to pivsMiiv : in a.l.litioii liieiv wms slijiiii .liilii,.>s j,, 1 1„. ||iuk< ioM, l,iil 'ili,. Ih,„l ol wlii.'li tli.'iv was a lai-.. .|iianlit,v. was 1 .1-s, .,i,„..l, ,„„1 ;,ll,r , -.■ m li lat n.'.'iosis ol 1 1„. oni.'nl 11.11 was loumk Tlie ali.loin.'ii wa~ « .i^Ih-I 0111 an.l a .Iramase inl..'|<,.,l olV will, ^a,,,,, „■;,. ,,,.„„„, ,i„«„ ,„ , |,.; I.annvas an o,Mni,iM. j„ ,)„. oa.M lo-roli.- oniiiil ,i,„. ||.. „,,. i.'li.-vnl ol Ins pain. Ion ,li,,l su.l,l..nly iho lifil, .lav .,1 illn, .. will, t.'inp.-ralniv Id.'! , rapiil car.lia.' failiir.- aii.I .liiiriuni \o tumour eouM !„■ folt before operation. . aniiiiohros nalcsth„il Oh.trucliov.-Ahn'i- there i. vomit in- wiueh eontmuos. eomplete constipation, and parovyMiial pam. with a peristalsis which can l)e seen or felt. Distuisiua i(;.s THK ACITK ABDOMKN ! i ■■ i \\ soon comos on. Imt lictwccn flu- paroxysms of pain flicic i< no rijjidity. In tin- sudtlcn onscf of j,Mll-sf(ino obstruction due to a hir^c stone in the duodcrnnn. there may he ditliculty for a time, for the pain is hii,'h ti[) and not aeeonipanied with intestinal pj-ristalsis. Tliere is no free (luid. (:{) Jtiiiitinrd K.rfrii-iil('iiiir f,'( sfn f ion. -TUi- following ea>u will illustrate clearly tlie diJlieulty s(mietimcs caused hy this mischance. v.. S.,iiiiianitMl woiiialiaKiil.'il. was nilmil Icil -)f on Dfccmlicr I, l!t|;i, an. I It'll St. 'Iliomas's llospilal .laimaiy ■>. l!tl4. .sji,. l,,!.! si,nVir.l tiora iiKliKi'.siioii tor niaiiy years, wiih pains cKinini: "ii alxMit liti.M'u niiniihs allfi ; ikini; lo.xl. Slir liail ri.v.T hiMnv'liI n\> any l.lootl. |i was liff^Nceii seven and ci^lil weeks pasl lie lasi [(eriod. .\l 7 am. nn the, d,\y of adniissioii slie was seized wii!, violent pains in and aeioss the al.domen. .liielly in ll i)ii:asl i iii!>i. These i)ains weie ol a shoot in>j ehaiaetei and le.ielied litthl up to tiie shoulder re>;ion heliind. She was Mck twice diniii); the day. and llio pains heeaine worse every hour. The woman looked ill, Imt not distresseil ; the el ks were pale, l.ut the lips not lilanrhed. Her pulse was small, Ki.S ; ions, :!(i ■ temperature. Hanks. l,ni' this was more marked on the lelt side, and extended into the splenic region, and also across al.ove the The lonyiie w as fiirieil ; hri'ath otteilsjve ; l.owels not open. She compl.'iined ol ;;ieal thiistl l.ut was not particularly restless. There was no vairinal discharge ; l.ut the uterus was lar;.'er normal. J»r. Wilson Stoker was present al the opeialioii. which took al.out niidniy:ht. .\n inci>i<.ii was made in the lower al.domen to the left of the midline and the rectus muscle displaced to the I, ft. Th»; ].elvis and lower alidomen were full of Mood, and larce lots were removed from the jiclvis. The lul.e-. on l.oth sides Wi'ie'iuickly lifted and exaiuined. showed no evidence (.f disease or chaiiiie of an v kind. The iitiMUs was s(.iiiewliat cnlaiKed. and just I.eyond I he at I aclimeni of the left Fallopian tul.e was a depression which would admit the lip of a foiclin^'er, from which .nlerial Mood was trickliiif; into the ].elvis ; this was removed with the tiiln' ,ind ovary after lifraliiic of the all acliinenls close to the ulerus. The blood continued lo come fnuii .ihose after the pelvis liad lie.'ii emi>lied. and there was a laijre «|Uaiililv al.out 1 he si.leeii which had not clotted and looked (juite fresh. With this lart;c amount in the upper al.domen where, according,' to the p.itieiit. she had first lelt was considered ad visaMe to make certain tlial there was ■J I'KHroHATlON (H- TLC KRS. DKJKSTTVK T|{.\(T lti< 11 ""7,""" '"' ""• '•' '"'!: '" '!"• M-.u.arh vrcum. A., in.o,,,,, «;,. •lui.kly MiM.I.' in Ihr lui.lill.- hill' iilM.vr thr iiml.ili.ii.. ,,imI alil, Ii ""■"■ "•'' """■'' '•' ' itiiil 1.1 1 rlol, ^lill „l„„il t|„. >,,|,.,.||. iMMlimu was t. ,11)1.1 II, a.lililioii i„ i|„. Mii.ill ..-Mi.inij j,, 1 1„. r,,||„,,i;,„ ,„|„. i„ ■"•'•"I"" l-'i II. Kmint; iiij, ,.,,ij;aMiir .v.iiMiiiat i..n llir imU.- t,,i|,.,l aiiil II \Vii>i,.,r.,ai.vlo ia|.i.lly.l.,M- l,..tli inrision, wit h nit.i i ii|,i,..Uiil iiirs "I >ll..iii.'(i-li«ilt, rii,.,.. was DO tiiur levari, awavall I ),.• 1,1 1 which ha.l a,r,i,i,„lal..,l. I,<,i «„„„. ^aliiir «a> l.ll in ihr pn ilonnin,. whirh was .liaiiir.l Ihn.iiyh iH.lh woiiimIs. T|„. I | s..,.,im-.1 I„ havr |Miirlialr,l .•v->.vwh..iv. Si,.,ih...,| sali.i.. ;v:,> ,,a.,.-.l ml.. ,h.' in.'.liaii l.a>iH.- .liiriiiUlh.'.>|„.iali..ii, aii.l. allh.,i>uh v.m y liMl.' 1,1 1 ..s.ap.M li.,i„ t h.. nil.ruml ml.,., aflcr ih,. al,.l..iii..|i w ,s „|„.i„.,l sji,. >..,.in..l i., ia|.i.llv fail as l.l.,...l whi.h ha.l |, i;.,i ,ni„ ih.^ p.i il.,i„.,iin wa- i.. v.mJ II"- t...,l i,t III.. I...,l was ,ais..,l. ih.. Imil,. l,ai„laL;..l with llami..! an.l waiiii wal.T l,.,,li..l. Salili.. ,,. , ,,./»/» will, s,„„v wa, Kiv.ii. •{ h.. pills,, yia.hially iii,pi.,v..l an, I .|i.. „ia.l.. «-....!, y va«iiial .li>..hai-v .-.piMai..! in a .lav .,i iw.. an.l n.,,,ii....l li' Kit I I.Tain., away In. in lli.. .Iiaina>r.. I nl,..s. w|,j,.h w.t.. s.,.,n i,.ni.,v..l '.111 Ih.. l.inp..,aliii.. was ji i..;:iilai ly iais...l f.,|- n.-aily I hi.... w....ks. (4) .Iriifp Ai>pnifllrlli..\~T\n' iiMiid symptoms ,,f nn ,-,.'iil.' itttiick ..f iipiH-M.licitis Jiavo alrciid^ l")|.,.i, iriv..ii snm.wliai fnrly. so it is iiiiiiccs^aiy to refer fully to lliis pari of il,,. subject a;,'aiM. .\ history of previous attael<> Willi pain in tli.' iisiial situat i.xi, and aecompaiiie.l l.y fever. \\.,ui.l that tlier.' lia^ l„.,ii a diseased ap|), iMit the variety which i- most lik.-iy i,, emulate the perforaliori (.f a fzastrie ulcer is that .,f a tiist attack with ^aiijzrciie secondary to a concretion in an .i.lult, in which there has heeii an unsuccessful attempt to locahs.. the pus. Kven here the amount of fever would pr.,l,al,lv contra in i> impossil)l(.. K. W.. a n,arii...l wnniaii, ai:...l .-i;!. wa. a. Imil I. .1 .,ii |',.|,i n.,, \ l'i, an,! Nil li.r a ,(,nval.',t li<,m.. mi .\pij|;i, liin. • Ill r.l.iiiaiy IS r-h.. was sii.l.l.-nly ^.■l/.■,l will, >..v..i.. p.-.j,, ,„ ,|„. ••pi;;asnic i..<:i„n wli.-ii lyiiij: in l,...l in iln-.-ailv in„inin-. M,,. v. .mil,, I ;in.l il... v„initin^r was r..p,.at...l thiv.- times, whil...| ih.- pan, ili.l n..t' 170 THK AcrTE AimoMKN Hill ! ■ 'ill! irifully iin|ii<.vf .iiiil wiis uIm. Im.I in 1 1„. mjlii |„w,.| ;il.,|.,in- ii. '||„. liiivM-l» liauiT.mi il lioin pan. in 1 1,,- ii|i|i,m |.ail ol i In- "'"' II. <>,iniiin nil aliniii hill an liMtir alli-r hhmU anil l.illow. .1 \>v si.k- II.--S. irlirvcilil. Th..!.' lia.lal>o (..■.■n lia'iii^r.-iii.M-. on ...ra.ioiis. Wlifii liiHi sn-ii Mlir wa> ill a r<>nnn ..I .ollaior anil ic.|iiiir.l III irstoir Imt. SIh- v.iv ill. ■j'iir al.ili.iii..|i ivaH " "iil<'>- on ii'*|iiiali..ii, nmrli ili,l.n jiain I'oinnioiiiT.l in »lii> Kasfrii- ri'L'ioii. wliilsj with K<'iH'ial liniilily ntiil liii.liTiii.s, tli.Ti' was iiiiifli lliiiil. it, was ili''d to I'viiloiT th.. slomarli tor |ii>s.sili|,. p.-if., ra- tion. (In opfiiiinr till? piTitimi'iiin vrry llttir llniil was snn ; ihi> ant.iior siirla I Ilir stoinarli was iioinial, hut as :, hanl i.atrh '.omIcI hi' lilt oil till- posifiior snit'arc l.ilow thr Ifss.i . Mivatiiiv. tin- was I'xniiiiiii'il hy liiinin); (lir stoma. Ii up. 'riimni;li an op.-ninu ImIow tin- jiriNil.T niivatuio thr iM>iij;osti..l has., of an iilriT tin- sizf of ~i si\p,.|iiiy hit was fxposnl. hut tlii'ii> was no pi'i f.iralion. It was ••ovrri'd in with soini' l.iinhoit siitur.-s, hut tho i.ostnior sac was finpty. i:\]ilorati..ii ill thi' nall-hlaiiiliT ri'v'ion tl-i\r f\it to a lai>;.' iiiiantitv ,,f wat.ry- lookinjr I'lis with somi' llak.s of lymph, hut without oCnsiw Till' lianil pass.'il into tli«. aj.p.iiilis rrsiion ii-;iion of tl iri-iim. it was jiossihle to f.'i'l s.uiiK invmilaiity of sinh , an. I i-xi. I. nation mail.. throiiKh a suprapul.i.' ilraina;;.. inrision (.\..'ml..l tor this showc.l a Kiii'KifiHiiis app.n.lix whirli hail jjivni way. This was ahoiit :)i iiii'ht's lonjraii.l {raiiKr.nous in tin- ilistal two-thirds. \ li^atiir.^ «as ajiplii'd, Init tho p.iitonnim was not siitiiifil ovi'r it. In" (Janln.r ri-jiortiMl that tlir hmilliis iii/ticiiinieiis was thi, pviiiripal oij;anisni l>r("s«.|it ill th.. i.iis irmovnl. (»p.iati..u ii-lirvnl her jiain ami slin h.ok.'d iniirli hottrr n.'\t .lay. (In Maivli 10 a not.; w., ma.l.' to the rll'iTt that tilt! ti'inp.iatiir.' had rontiniicd Iiinh (ahoin |02 in th, I'Vi'iiiiiiT) with il puKsf of ahout Iimi to I2(>. .^u].]iur ition had o.tuii.mI ill li.itli iiici.sjons, and an invcstiiiati.m of tlie pus sIiowimI th.- h,„,lh,,t li;i<»iini, ami a-ain on Maivh 2, with a slioht ftVi-ct on h..tli .i>i.,iis. i'»n .Manh stlic lowiM- wound hcjran to .lisoliaiy.; moi.. fn-i'ly. 'Ilnro was I'vi.l.n. f pl.'iiiitic I'lliision at th.' Ii'ft has.'. A fortnight lati'i- then' was still son,.' f.'Vrr. alth..uj;li tli.' «,Mimls liad I'los.'.l f.M- soiii.' tiini' ami notliinj; ahiiormal roiihl hi- found any- whoro, I'xiM'pt at tho lift has,.. \o signs of iiiis.'hi.f i.iiiain.'.l at tlii- I'lid of 'inothiT wi'rk. (5) //^.s/rnV/.— All alliick of Insfrriii may .siimilalc | lion Miftic'icntly near to'iul. At p. 23:5 is the account of I •'• :^i:<' I'KIU'OHATION OF I'LCKHS, DMiKSTfVK T|{ \(T 171 th«> casr of a yonn- mirs,- wli., w,t> ..|H-nit.-.l ..n fur rpiuM-tiir l.aiii hikI vi.mif iii^;. .ii|.| I 1,, he due to'onition. In a latiiiiul.ilioii wr foiiiid no rim.lity of miiMlis, n rn..,|,.ral.- |miI>... rate, and ii sinilinu «'ii'c. ;.ltl.ou;.'li she ha.l " yrcat a-.-ny • un.l voniiliiij;. |)r. |{...|,lai.l lia« tr...r,|. .1 "^nulhiy uttiu-ksiii.hloiotic wuiucn, ill t«oof wl,omo|„iatioii ha.l Imvii prrforiind fwicc. (•i) I'lrfnivliun uf Ih, ,j.,ll l,l„>l,lir ,l..„.|v Miiuilat.'s [...rf-ni. fioii of ^'astiic aixl (liioilrnal Hm- fli.iv ^u\\ pi.-Lalily ).!• ii history of Kail-stori.. cohr, M.iiiciiiii.-, with Th.- tni.hTiios woiiM )„. in the n l-ioii of il,,. irall hia.l.l. r. and incision would he iv.|iii,vd ovn- that pait. F hav known' mi acui. hihary ,oli,- ,hi.. f. "all ^toiK-s in a y. <^ .hloroii,- female re>einl)lr perforation very e|o,ei\- at ils'oiiM'7. (7) In 1,,,,1-rolir there w.Mild he ol'hrr >\iiiploiii, of lead poisoiiin-r. and may !).■ a. history of piVMuii, attarks. I.iil the lifst attack, as al.o the IJist of tli.' j;a^trie o/sv.. nf (ahe. dorsalis, miuhi present some dilliciilty. (X) Harer eoiiditions whieh re«|iiire nieniioii hiii med ii.>t ],,• partieidarly di . us>en<'iniioiiia Of Ihcs,. the only one \vlii